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DragonByte Tech 05-14-2017 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by X-or (Post 2586499)
It is unclear whether this mod has #hashtag or only @user mention
Could you please clarify?

Hash tags is a Pro-only feature :)


X-or 05-14-2017 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2586501)
Hash tags is a Pro-only feature :)


May I ask if same hash tags as twitter? I just type #word in a thread and people can search or subscribe to this key word?

DragonByte Tech 05-14-2017 01:29 PM

More or less, yeah. There's a dedicated page you land on when you click on a hash tag that shows all posts that used this hash tag.


Steve English 05-17-2017 09:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)

I have been using the @mentions for some time now and it is going down well on my board. UI am however having issues with the @quote element. Notifications are working well and there is no issue viewing notifications via My Profile>Quotes directly.

The issue I appear to have and want to get cleard up before I release it on to the main board is that accessing profile directly from the notification dropdown link, the users sideblock (Postbit) has an erroneous script;

Attachment 156392

Refresh the page and it clears;

Attachment 156393

It only appears to be happening with Admin Users. On a test forum with regular user permissions all sees fine.

Any ideas?



caciquegm 06-21-2017 05:50 PM

Hi Guys, we buy the product, it's possible tu translate to spanish? do ypu have a xml file? on the other hand it's possible to config (por test purpose) to only view by admins?

gontxo_nos 07-20-2017 10:20 PM

Works good in vB 4.2.5?.

Banana 08-11-2017 08:11 PM

HI, just installed this and the link on the mention page is showing as text instead of a link e.g "[post=3108519]Test Thread[/post". Thoughts?

Banana 08-12-2017 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Banana (Post 2589288)
HI, just installed this and the link on the mention page is showing as text instead of a link e.g "[post=3108519]Test Thread[/post". Thoughts?


BGObsession 08-12-2017 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by gontxo_nos (Post 2588750)
Works good in vB 4.2.5?.

I installed the Pro version on my 4.2.5/php 7 site last evening and everything appears to be working perfectly. I don't know how much my members will use this (we have a smaller board) but just to be able to flag another member with a mention and direct them to a post or thread alone is a valuable feature. Great work DB.:up:

IggyP 08-20-2017 02:35 PM

found an issue where editing a post with an @ or # tag.....then clicking advanced editor, gives this scary looking warning that will be good to fix


This page isn’t working

Chrome detected unusual code on this page and blocked it to protect your personal information (for example, passwords, phone numbers, and credit cards).

edit: oh yes...latest pro version...vb4.2.5, and php 5.6

krustyx 08-23-2017 08:29 PM

Can we hide the "User Tag List" From the top? And only use the @user in threads?


MarkFL 08-23-2017 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by krustyx (Post 2589557)
Can we hide the "User Tag List" From the top?

Locate the product's plugin hooked at "showthread_complete" and disable it. :)

X-or 09-19-2017 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2586503)
More or less, yeah. There's a dedicated page you land on when you click on a hash tag that shows all posts that used this hash tag.


I checked your test forum and it doesn't work as I expected.

Normally you would just include "#word" in your post, and users who subscribed to that hashtag would receive a notification. This is what I consider a proper #hashtag system.

IggyP 09-20-2017 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by X-or (Post 2589978)
I checked your test forum and it doesn't work as I expected.

Normally you would just include "#word" in your post, and users who subscribed to that hashtag would receive a notification. This is what I consider a proper #hashtag system.

+1 to that....still having the editing post issue too btw

Alan_SP 09-20-2017 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by X-or (Post 2589978)
Normally you would just include "#word" in your post, and users who subscribed to that hashtag would receive a notification. This is what I consider a proper #hashtag system.

I have pro version of mod and it theoretically work that way, but I also have vBNotifications, given link doesn't work (bug with link forming). I reported bug, but it is still unresolved. I also suggested some very useful features for hashtags, but they still aren't implemented (you can check them on DBTech's site).

So, maybe for someone without vBNotifications (I have pro version, that is even sadder fact that pro version doesn't work, I mean, when you pay, you expect it has more chance to work) it will work as expected. I don't know...

IggyP 09-21-2017 07:25 PM

besides the lack of notification, i thought it was also odd there is no list of site wide hashtags anywhere...latest hashtags, popular hashtags.....nothing....

so basically it feels hollow and if you do not subscribe to a hashtag when u first read it then think of it later, it can be difficult to find again....its alot of room to improve, i wouldnt know where to even start tho

MarkFL 09-22-2017 03:12 AM

Maybe I'm missing something here, but why would a product for user tagging be criticized for not performing the unrelated task of hashtags?

I recently tested this product so that I could add support for it to one of my products, and I found it does exactly what it's supposed to do. Hashtags ARE NOT part of the advertised features.

IggyP 09-22-2017 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2590041)
Maybe I'm missing something here, but why would a product for user tagging be criticized for not performing the unrelated task of hashtags?

I recently tested this product so that I could add support for it to one of my products, and I found it does exactly what it's supposed to do. Hashtags ARE NOT part of the advertised features.

it is pretty easy to see that this is in fact not true......if you look...
in fact it is perhaps the main draw for the paid version at all....and its a critic because we all paid 80$ for it but once implementing you see what the issues are....

MarkFL 09-22-2017 11:27 AM

Yeah, I didn't see that was part of the Pro version...carry on! :)

Alan_SP 09-22-2017 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by IggyP (Post 2590032)
besides the lack of notification, i thought it was also odd there is no list of site wide hashtags anywhere...latest hashtags, popular hashtags.....nothing....

so basically it feels hollow and if you do not subscribe to a hashtag when u first read it then think of it later, it can be difficult to find again....its alot of room to improve, i wouldnt know where to even start tho

I agree, I added FR for these functions.

I think that they could make it in very useful additional level of data integration via hashtags, but at the moment, it is only one feature that doesn't work as it should.

I see it only as a way to support them, by buying their pro version, without really getting real value. But I hoped I would also get some real value.

Muniesa 10-14-2017 07:00 AM

Anyone has a security problem with this plugin? My site got flagged as "hacked" in google and when I removed the plugin it was fine.

DragonByte Tech 10-14-2017 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Muniesa (Post 2590455)
Anyone has a security problem with this plugin? My site got flagged as "hacked" in google and when I removed the plugin it was fine.

There are no known security vulnerabilities in this plugin :)

If you have any actual evidence to back up your claim, please feel free to provide it.


Teejay24 04-15-2018 02:32 PM

Curious i just downloaded the plugin and i managed to install it correctly.

I can @Username no problem, and all of the requirements to tag etc work fine.

Only thing i cant do is get a notification from the top of the forum. I goto my profile and i can see all the mentions there but i have to ACTUALLY know that i have been tagged to actually go there.

So a little notification stating i have been tagged in a post is not working?

Can someone clarify :)?




I was trying to mention myself testing it - it dosnt work - so i made a demouser and mentioned my main username and it worked ;D

mc0676 05-10-2018 06:39 AM

After install on 4.2.4 and php 5.6 i received this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '*' in /web/htdocs/www.vwgolfcommunity.com/home/vbulletin/dbtech/usertag/hooks/showthread_complete.php on line 28

What it could be ?

Thank u for help.

jnmann 06-19-2018 12:21 PM

Is it possible to 'turn off' selected members so they don't get the email telling them they were mentioned/tagged?

Cable_Player 10-06-2018 05:13 PM

Hi, I have this mod installed on 4.2.5 and it's working great, thanks!
I also have MarkFL: Welcome Threads installed which creates a welcome thread automatically when someone registers. I've edited the template and it successfully @ tags the member, but a notification isn't displayed for them. How would I get the notification to display please?

MarkFL 10-06-2018 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Cable_Player (Post 2596649)
Hi, I have this mod installed on 4.2.5 and it's working great, thanks!
I also have MarkFL: Welcome Threads installed which creates a welcome thread automatically when someone registers. I've edited the template and it successfully @ tags the member, but a notification isn't displayed for them. How would I get the notification to display please?

When you say you edited the template, what exactly did you do? Are you talking about the setting in my product, specifically "New User Post Format?"

I suspect the tagging notification is hooked at a standard vB post creation location. Now, this may or may not work...I haven't tested it, but try adding this to my plugin that creates the thread, at the very beginning:

PHP Code:

require(DIR '/dbtech/usertag/hooks/postdata_presave.php'); 

Cable_Player 10-06-2018 05:39 PM

Hi Mark, yes it's the "New User Post Format", I've set it to:

Hello, and welcome to {site}, @{username};!
How exactly would I add that to the plugin? Sorry I'm still new to vBulletin!


MarkFL 10-06-2018 05:57 PM

In the "Plugin Manager" locate the plugin titled "Post Welcoming Thread To Newly Registered User" and click edit.

Add that line to the very top of the plugin and click save. Then see if it works. :)

Cable_Player 10-06-2018 06:00 PM

Thanks, I've done that and when hitting Submit on registration:

Using $this when not in object context on line 4 in /{ROOT}/dbtech/usertag/hooks/postdata_presave.php
#0 /{ROOT}/register.php(492) : eval()'d code(14): require()
#1 /{ROOT}/register.php(492): eval()
#2 {main}

Fatal User Error: Using $this when not in object context on line 4 in ..../dbtech/usertag/hooks/postdata_presave.php in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286

A little more information:
The registration is successful (you can verify via e-mail and login) but no welcome thread is created.

MarkFL 10-06-2018 06:06 PM

Okay, so that's not going to work. Sorry. :(

Cable_Player 10-06-2018 06:07 PM

No problem, I appreciate you trying, hopefully someone else can help me tweak this :)

Raptor 05-24-2019 01:29 PM

This plugin breaks the forums if server is PHP 7.1 or 7.2


Fatal error: Cannot use $this as parameter in /home/*****/public_html/forums/dbtech/usertag/includes/functions_bbcode.php on line 9
This is a well-known error message with PHP 7.1 and PHP 7.2 as you can see in the StackOverflow threads below:


According to the above threads, the $this value is breaking the PHP function. In this case, the following PHP function breaks the functionality:


function handle_bbcode_mention(&$this, &$value, &$option)
In order to test it, I temporarily commented out the &$this value and set the PHP version to 7.1.

After removing the value the forums function correctly.

I actually went to pay for the pro version but it seems DBTech don't support Vbulletin any more. Lost business for them I guess.

If someone can fix this so it works in PHP 7.1 that would be great.

SilverBoy 07-22-2019 01:19 PM

I want to ask pro version holders, is hashtag features work as the mod owner wrote or not?

Alan_SP 07-22-2019 05:57 PM

No, I have pro version and wanted to use hashtags, but they lack too many features to be made useful. I posted feature requests to make them usable (and, there aren't that many of them), but they never get coded.

So, as situation is now, at least for vB, hashtags aren't that useful as they can be, but they can be used.

On the other hand, from your question, actually, what DBTech said is true. There is hashtag option and you can use it, but it is not that useful because some crucial features are missing (and I asked for them).

A bit strange situation I may say, pro version FR aren't considered as much as those from free version.

SilverBoy 07-22-2019 09:20 PM

Bad news Alan!!

Could you please tell us what this product provide for hashtag and what missed?

Best regards.

Alan_SP 07-23-2019 07:28 PM

As I said, you get what they said (check first post).

The most missing feature is how to check hashtags that exist and that you want to track.

salvador21 09-15-2019 08:17 AM

I am admin on a forum that uses this, the version is sadly not up to date it is 3.2.2 on vb 4.2.3 so maybe my issues are to do with that. NB: because I don't have access to plugin management (and the forum owner/main admin seems to be AWOL) Im am unable at this time to update to the latest version 3.3. If that is the only solution I will need to wait until I can do that, but if not I'd be grateful for any help I can get here, thank you.

But hopefully somebody may shed some light:

1Thread user tagging seems to work for alerts but no emails are sent (with Disabled Emails unticked)

2. Although most forums are fine, a few forums do not have the the User tag list available. Should this be in the actual forum settings or a forum permission somewhere? I cannot find it if so.

3. User mentions seem to not work at all. Users get no alerts when mentioned. Globally disable for mentions is NOT ticked, no limit per post (ie set at 0)

esskmk 08-04-2020 04:19 AM


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