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vbboarder 09-21-2008 03:25 AM

Thanks for the bug fix, but unfortunately it didn't work correctly. The entries that are showing are newer than before the fix, but it's not correct. The VBA module for new entries stats (ldm_new.module) correctly retrieves the newest entries. I have a test forum so I'm fully aware of all the new entries, and the VBA entries list is correct.

Can I just cut the php code from ldm_new.module and paste it in the ldm_get_hitparades function (and removing the current code)?

vbboarder 09-21-2008 03:49 AM

Ok, I got the nominations display problem figured out. The problem was the nominated entries page do not show any entries until the contest is over (time period is set in the starred_entries_gather variable.). Sorry for the confusion Andrew, the page correctly shows winning nominations now.... I mistakenly thought that the page was supposed to show nominations that were winning the current contest.

Question: I can only nominate 1 entry until the contest is over. If I nominate another entry, then that entry will replace my current nomination. Is there a way to allow multiple nominations during 1 contest period?

Feature Request: Can you provide a page that displays the current nominations (sorted by # of votes) so that users can easily vote instead of having to surf through different categories and see what's nominated?

vbboarder 09-21-2008 04:08 AM

Can you help me to get the featured entries page to work?

I enabled featured sites, I set featured_all_categories to yes, I selected entries as favorites, and I set my userid in featured_user_favs. The my favorites page shows the entries that I selected as favorites, but the featured sites page do not show any entries.


It's $nhits that's the problem. I imagine you've got featured sites enabled and there are none to show in the current category. The code which sets up the featured sites is over-writing the correct value of $nhits.
The featured sites problem is also causing the filter links bar to not appear since you stated the featured sites is overwriting the $nhits value.

AndrewD 09-21-2008 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1626671)
Thanks for the bug fix, but unfortunately it didn't work correctly. The entries that are showing are newer than before the fix, but it's not correct. The VBA module for new entries stats (ldm_new.module) correctly retrieves the newest entries. I have a test forum so I'm fully aware of all the new entries, and the VBA entries list is correct.

Can I just cut the php code from ldm_new.module and paste it in the ldm_get_hitparades function (and removing the current code)?

I thought there was probably a reason why I'd coded it the way I did :). The change I proposed gives you 'N entries created since X' instead of 'the N most recent entries', whereasthe original code was just giving you 'N entries'

Actually, there seem to be a range of problems in that part of the code, including in the vba module, so I must work through this again.

**Edited: Can you give this code a try?

AndrewD 09-21-2008 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1626677)
Ok, I got the nominations display problem figured out. The problem was the nominated entries page do not show any entries until the contest is over (time period is set in the starred_entries_gather variable.). Sorry for the confusion Andrew, the page correctly shows winning nominations now.... I mistakenly thought that the page was supposed to show nominations that were winning the current contest.

OK, that's how it is intended to work.


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1626677)
Question: I can only nominate 1 entry until the contest is over. If I nominate another entry, then that entry will replace my current nomination. Is there a way to allow multiple nominations during 1 contest period?

Perhaps we can have a setting 'Allow each user N nominations'. What do you think?


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1626677)
Feature Request: Can you provide a page that displays the current nominations (sorted by # of votes) so that users can easily vote instead of having to surf through different categories and see what's nominated?

Actually, this is on my list of things to do...

AndrewD 09-21-2008 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1626683)
Can you help me to get the featured entries page to work?

I enabled featured sites, I set featured_all_categories to yes, I selected entries as favorites, and I set my userid in featured_user_favs. The my favorites page shows the entries that I selected as favorites, but the featured sites page do not show any entries.

I can't reproduce this - it works ok for me. Any more information you can give me?


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1626683)
The featured sites problem is also causing the filter links bar to not appear since you stated the featured sites is overwriting the $nhits value.

Just change $nhits for (e.g.) $nfhits at around line 733 in local_links.php (in the code which is building the featured sites bit)

vbboarder 09-21-2008 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1626699)
Perhaps we can have a setting 'Allow each user N nominations'. What do you think?

Good idea!

Actually, this is on my list of things to do...
Sounds great!

I can't reproduce this - it works ok for me. Any more information you can give me?
Will test the featured sites some more and see what other info I can come up with. cache_LDMfavourites() is called at about line 505 in local_links_search.php, which sets the linkids that are marked as favourites in array $links_fav - can you tell me where the $links_fav variable is put to use (what file, function, or template)?

AndrewD 09-21-2008 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1626745)
Can you tell me where the $links_myfav variable is put to use (what file, function, or template)?

In includes/local_links_includes ldm_get_entrybits() in order to check whether each entry bit corresponds to a favourite or not.

vbboarder 09-21-2008 09:58 AM

Found problem to getting featured sites to display entries:

I've been reviewing & modifying lots of codes & templates lately, so when the featured_user_favs setting asked for users, I instinctly put in userids. Unfortunately, that field doesn't accept userids, but require usernames. And because my test forum doesn't have usernames starting with numbers, the ajax name helper never appeared. LOL - I feel so silly :o Sorry for any confusion Andrew; you might want to put a note next to that field that userid's are not accepted so people don't waste your time like me :rolleyes:

The filter links bar will only show in categories that have featured sites - I will try the change from $nhits to $nfhits as you suggested. Also, I'll test the new local_links_vbafunc.php and report back later.

Feature Request: Can you provide an option so that featured sites are not displayed again in the regular listing when viewing a category's entries?

dranet 09-21-2008 12:00 PM

I have a question about setting the submission date. Does the time zone of the uploader affect when the file will become available? Or is it based on the server time?


AndrewD 09-21-2008 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by dranet (Post 1626904)
I have a question about setting the submission date. Does the time zone of the uploader affect when the file will become available? Or is it based on the server time?


The user's timezone is taken into account. If the entry is marked as becoming visible at 12:00 EST, then that will happen, regardless of where the server is, provided all the time settings are correct.

abdelghani68 09-21-2008 04:16 PM

What is this error please ?


abdelghani68 09-21-2008 04:25 PM

when i upload an image, i have in the dossier image (where are stocked the images) in my serveur, the image uploaded, with 20 images empty that i haven't uploaded.


readjono 09-21-2008 07:40 PM

Some members have commented they can't open MP3s in this on their iPhone. Is there anyway around it?


I tried the floppy disk idea in Firefox and it works how you said and loads up in a quicktime only page.

But when i tried it on my ipod touch it just said "This movie can not be played" again.

AndrewD 09-22-2008 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by readjono (Post 1627219)
Some members have commented they can't open MP3s in this on their iPhone. Is there anyway around it?

Sorry, I've no idea. mp3s play correctly on macs via quicktime. I have no way of testing an iphone.

AndrewD 09-22-2008 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by abdelghani68 (Post 1627064)
What is this error please ?


It looks like you've got blank thumbnails. Can you work out what the entries correspond to (e.g. by also installing the 'new' module).

Saint_I_Am 09-22-2008 05:48 AM

In a users profile it has two boxes with the titles

My Recent LDM Hits
My Recent LDM Entries

I would like to remove the LDM and replace it with something else. How please?

AndrewD 09-22-2008 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by Saint_I_Am (Post 1627498)
In a users profile it has two boxes with the titles

My Recent LDM Hits
My Recent LDM Entries

I would like to remove the LDM and replace it with something else. How please?

These are set up as vbulletin phrases - look for the phrases called ldm_recent_entries and ldm_recent_hits on your vb/admincp/languages and phrases

vbboarder 09-22-2008 06:33 AM

The new local_links_vbafunc.php works perfect - the newest entries are now correctly listed. Thanks for the fix!

vbboarder 09-22-2008 07:10 AM

There doesn't seem to be a way to manage one's profile saved searches. For regular saved searches, there is a link called 'Saved Searches' that enables the user to edit/ manage the saves. Can you provide a similar link/ option for Profile Searches so that the user can choose to show/ not show/ which menu(s) to show the search links on? Thanks for considering.

Edit: never mind the request.... it's kinda frivolous since I found the setting that allows the admin to control the profile search links. It's located at: Links & Downloads > Settings > Searches > profile_searchfield - just check the fields that you want to have search links.

abdelghani68 09-22-2008 02:28 PM

How to do for translate definitively in idtag 'PlayingTime' 'Artist' and the other information please ?

vbboarder 09-22-2008 06:26 PM

In LDM Settings > Jukebox, when setting the musicbox_default_sort_order to hits 30 days, hits 7 days, or hits 24 hours, LDM reports an SQL error:

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'linkrecenthits' in 'order clause'
Note: setting it to "hits overall" works fine though.

vbboarder 09-22-2008 06:39 PM

Currently, the display of my categories is randomly sorted if their order values are all equal (default value is 1). The work around is to set the display order values to the order that you want the categories to display.... makes sense, but it's a hassle to change the display order every time I add a new category. For instance, if I have:
Category - Order
Apple - 1
Book - 2
Cat - 3
Then when I add a category called 'Bike', I'll also have to reset the order #'s of 'Book' and 'Cat' in order to keep my alphabetical order.

Feature Request: Can you make it so that if the categories' display orders are the same, then they are alphabetically sorted?

vbboarder 09-23-2008 12:52 AM

Here's a tricky bug to track: The prune_downloads setting is not saved. As you mentioned in your wiki, this setting is important because the download table can grow very large and needs to be pruned. Here's how to reproduce this bug (testing in 2.2.9-post1):
Set the setting for prune_downloads in Links & Downloads > Hits and click 'Go' to save the setting. Click on any other LDM admin page (just to navigate away), and then click on the Hits page again. You'll see that the prune_downloads setting is reset to 0.

Partial work-around: You can set the prune_downloadtable in Links & Downloads > Settings > Hits Recording, and it will save your value. However, as soon as you navigate to the Hits page, the prune_downloads will reset to 0.

AndrewD 09-23-2008 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1627924)
Feature Request: Can you make it so that if the categories' display orders are the same, then they are alphabetically sorted?

This was always the default behaviour, and still is for me, so I'm not sure what's gone wrong. Two suggestions - 1) I did add a new setting in 2.3.0 to separate the default sort order for categories (ldm/admin/cat_default_sort_order ) from the setting for enties (default_sort_order); 2) I provided a faulty fix for sparklywater a couple of weeks ago, which was intended to achieve a natural sort order (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 rather than 1,10,11,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). If you implemented that fix, it would have the effect of randomising non-numeric titles.

AndrewD 09-23-2008 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by abdelghani68 (Post 1627763)
How to do for translate definitively in idtag 'PlayingTime' 'Artist' and the other information please ?

These are set up inside the 'add on' and you will have to edit the code. I'm afraid that changing them is currently not straightforward if you already have any entries in your database which have been tagged.

AndrewD 09-23-2008 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1628116)
Here's a tricky bug to track: The prune_downloads setting is not saved. As you mentioned in your wiki, this setting is important because the download table can grow very large and needs to be pruned. Here's how to reproduce this bug (testing in 2.2.9-post1):
Set the setting for prune_downloads in Links & Downloads > Hits and click 'Go' to save the setting. Click on any other LDM admin page (just to navigate away), and then click on the Hits page again. You'll see that the prune_downloads setting is reset to 0.

Partial work-around: You can set the prune_downloadtable in Links & Downloads > Settings > Hits Recording, and it will save your value. However, as soon as you navigate to the Hits page, the prune_downloads will reset to 0.

That was a remarkably silly bug on my part. The fix is very straightforward - line 57 of includes/local_links_admin_logjumps.php should read:

        if ($vbulletin->GPC_exists['prune_downloadtable'] and $vbulletin->GPC['prune_downloadtable']>=0) {

vbboarder 09-23-2008 06:54 AM


This was always the default behaviour, and still is for me, so I'm not sure what's gone wrong. Two suggestions - 1) I did add a new setting in 2.3.0 to separate the default sort order for categories (ldm/admin/cat_default_sort_order ) from the setting for enties (default_sort_order);
Thanks for this info. I did not realize that default_sort_order also ordered categories in 2.2.9, eventhough the description said it was for entries. I had it set on "date created" so setting it to "title" solved the problem. That's great that you provided categories with its own cat_default_sort_order setting in 2.3.0 ;)

vbboarder 09-23-2008 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1628208)
These are set up inside the 'add on' and you will have to edit the code. I'm afraid that changing them is currently not straightforward if you already have any entries in your database which have been tagged.

I was able to edit the plugin code to change the id3 tag names, but it wasn't straightforward as you said. Is it possible to phrase those tag names so users can easily change/ translate them?

abdelghani68 09-23-2008 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1628208)
These are set up inside the 'add on' and you will have to edit the code. I'm afraid that changing them is currently not straightforward if you already have any entries in your database which have been tagged.

Yes, I woul'd like to modified that in the code. How to do that please. Where are the expressions. Thanks.

I haven't entries tagged in my data base.

AndrewD 09-23-2008 04:22 PM

A modified version of clientscript/swfupload/handlers.js for 2.2.9/2.3.0 to help debugging problems

vbboarder 09-23-2008 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1628687)
A modified version of clientscript/swfupload/handlers.js for 2.2.9/2.3.0 to help debugging problems

How specifically will it help debugging (what does it do)?

AndrewD 09-23-2008 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1628741)
How specifically will it help debugging (what does it do)?

It's intended for someone else - can't send attachments by PMs...

The original version of this file manages to overwrite its own error messages, so you get unhelpful warnings when the configuration is wrong.

7lanet 09-24-2008 02:17 AM

I can not upload any thang

You must give a comment/rating before you can visit/download an entry
You must give a comment/rating before you can play an entry

AndrewD 09-24-2008 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by 7lanet (Post 1628987)
I can not upload any thng

Can any user on your site? What is the problem? Have you set the upload settings correctly? LDM/admin/settings


Originally Posted by 7lanet (Post 1628987)
You must give a comment/rating before you can visit/download an entry
You must give a comment/rating before you can play an entry

Check the LDM/admin/permissions, i.e. *must_rate_play* and *must_rate_download*

MissKalunji 09-24-2008 04:04 AM

*on good notes*

What are the new features plan for 2.3 :)

abdelghani68 09-24-2008 02:34 PM

If i have got for exemple 100 audio in LDM. Has I necessarily edite and validate every entry one to one for that the attibuts of idtag are displays ?

How to do for the idtag are display in every audio without having to edit and validate all of entries please ?


LeatherNeck 09-24-2008 04:15 PM

Excellent mod, thank you :)

josiespencer 09-24-2008 04:48 PM

I got this PM from a user today:


Hi SSUlibrarian,

Recently My quota got changed from 2 to 10. Thanks a lot for that.

But looks like there is a flaw in the system which will allow for any number of downloads to take place.

Here is a example URL which links to the download system..

I did not want to click each and every file so I though that I will change the value after the ID and download 10 training simulators and when you change the number after the id=anynumber it does download the next file but it allows for unlimited no of downloads.
OK, how do we fix it?

ShawnV 09-24-2008 05:13 PM


First let me say that LDM is very complex, well written, documented and infinitely useful, thank you for all your time developing this MOD.

I am using vBulletin 3.7.3 Patch Level 1)and LDM 2.3.0 alpha, and seem to have a few minor errors.

On the home category page I am getting an error in (EI 7 32bit (Vista 64)

line 12
Char 1604
Error: unexpected call to method or property access
Code: 0
ULR: http://www.koww.net/forum/local_links.php

This error does not reproduce once you navigate into a category or sub category, any suggestions?

Also, I noticed a lightbox plugin in the extras folder, is it possible and why not just use vBulletin lightbox function that is built into VB for quick display of attached image thumbnails so they look and funtion the same as the ones in the forum and the rest of the site?



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