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-   vBulletin 3.6 Add-ons (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=194)
-   -   Major Additions - Zoints LOCAL. Social networking, enhanced profiles, blogs and MUCH more (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130946)

Strike3ForumsMH 11-05-2007 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by entreplanet (Post 1376016)

What is the VB product? Is that the second zip file on this page? Or is there something I am missing?

It's the first download entitled zointsprofile 2.1.4.zip.


Originally Posted by entreplanet (Post 1376052)
In the screenshot above, there is a section in the zadmin for Left Column, Center Colum, Right Column. I am not seeing that in my zadmin page. I see the More Blocks window, but not the My Homepage window.

Did I miss a file or not install something?


The My Homepage is referring to the block layout for that particular page, that label will change depending on the page you are editing the block layout for. Go to here (replacing the parts of the URL to reflect your forum):


Then go to the dropdown for whichever page you want to edit and click Edit Block Layout, then you'll see the left, center and right column layout.


Originally Posted by CraiovaOnLine (Post 1376081)
I have instaled this great hack but it is a small problem, there is no meta for google to crawl.

Could be implemented some sort of meta descriptions and keywords for the sistem?

To be honest CraiovaOnLine, I don't know. I am sure it could be worked in for a future release though, or at least looked at, please suggest it here if interested:


Originally Posted by unitedpunjab (Post 1376111)
Which feature ?? because i am thinking of installing this mod now.

I wasn't speaking specifically of anything as I don't know if anything causes a conflict as I haven't seen or supported an issue that dealt with a conflict nor experienced it with my Zoints Local and vB SEO.


Originally Posted by unitedpunjab (Post 1376154)
I installed the mod and it's working fine except one problem. When ever my user or i click on photo album it take me to home page.
I have vba CMPS and vB SEO installed.

Is there any setting or option that i am missing ??

The Photo Album page is more of a placeholder for the future, although I do believe you can link to your photo album if you have something like PhotoPost installed. Does the profile have a link to a photo album and it still takes them to the homepage?

- Reid

unitedpunjab 11-06-2007 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1376486)

The Photo Album page is more of a placeholder for the future, although I do believe you can link to your photo album if you have something like PhotoPost installed. Does the profile have a link to a photo album and it still takes them to the homepage?

- Reid

Now i don't have photopost installed on my forum. I have vBi Gallery which use attached images to show up in gallery. Don't know how to put vBi gallery with specific function in zoint :(

And one thing more. I have vb CMPS 3 RC. The blocks such as latest blog entry and random profiles halt cmps to work. After i install these block cmps stop working. As soon as i disable it's back online.

Strike3ForumsMH 11-07-2007 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by unitedpunjab (Post 1376906)
Now i don't have photopost installed on my forum. I have vBi Gallery which use attached images to show up in gallery. Don't know how to put vBi gallery with specific function in zoint :(

And one thing more. I have vb CMPS 3 RC. The blocks such as latest blog entry and random profiles halt cmps to work. After i install these block cmps stop working. As soon as i disable it's back online.

I am not really for sure if that's possible in regards to vB Gallery. Perhaps you could see if there any blocks developed or if someone would want to develop a block for the photo solution you use on dev.zoints.com

As for the vB Advanced modules, I would honestly asked Tigga about those as he developed them and would likely give you a more result producing answer than I would (especially given his connection to vB Advanced, ha.) I do know that for some blocks developed for vB Advanced 2x, there was a really simple fix to make it work on vB Advanced 3x, but I do not want to lead you down the incorrect path.

- Reid

Strike3ForumsMH 11-07-2007 03:52 PM

Ah, I see you already did that unitedpunjab (post at dev.zoints.com), my apologies.

- Reid

carleboy 11-08-2007 10:00 PM

ok dont know if you can help me started to install this,

uploaded the files and chmod 777 the includes file then when i do the filepath thing to start the install it gets as far as

Please enter the path to your forum on the file system. (No trailing slash)

blar blar blar

Having trouble? Please see this support thread for help.

so i click next and then it tells me

You must be an administrator in order to access this page.

the problem is i am admin lol so any suggestions?

basil2005 11-09-2007 01:31 AM

i installed the files and everything but.. after i am done verything when i click on my profile.. it take me 2 my home page.
please help

basil2005 11-09-2007 01:32 AM

also for all my.. members when i click on my profile.. it take me 2 my homepage.. help

Strike3ForumsMH 11-09-2007 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by carleboy (Post 1378691)
ok dont know if you can help me started to install this,

uploaded the files and chmod 777 the includes file then when i do the filepath thing to start the install it gets as far as

Please enter the path to your forum on the file system. (No trailing slash)

blar blar blar

Having trouble? Please see this support thread for help.

so i click next and then it tells me

You must be an administrator in order to access this page.

the problem is i am admin lol so any suggestions?

Can you access anyother admin accounts for the forum to try it, perhaps the admin account that created the forum?



Originally Posted by basil2005 (Post 1378802)
i installed the files and everything but.. after i am done verything when i click on my profile.. it take me 2 my home page.
please help


Originally Posted by basil2005 (Post 1378803)
also for all my.. members when i click on my profile.. it take me 2 my homepage.. help

That is indeed an odd problem. Do you have mod_rewrite enabled for Zoints Local? And if so, where did you upload the .htaccess file to?

- Reid

carleboy 11-09-2007 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1378973)
Can you access anyother admin accounts for the forum to try it, perhaps the admin account that created the forum?

i am the only admin account at the moment and it is the one i installed the forum with so i dont understand it?

basil2005 11-09-2007 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1378973)

That is indeed an odd problem. Do you have mod_rewrite enabled for Zoints Local? And if so, where did you upload the .htaccess file to?

- Reid

i uploaded in.. the main root.. like www.mallubasil.com
not at the mallubasil.com/forum

Strike3ForumsMH 11-09-2007 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by carleboy (Post 1378978)
i am the only admin account at the moment and it is the one i installed the forum with so i dont understand it?

Yeah, do you think you can open up a ticket with us? I have never dealt with an issue like that so being able to communicate more in-depthly about it will allow us to hopefully find a solution for you.

To open up a ticket, go here and provide the link to your forum and describe the problem again (in case another staff member takes it on):


Originally Posted by basil2005 (Post 1379082)
i uploaded in.. the main root.. like www.mallubasil.com
not at the mallubasil.com/forum

Ah ok, that's what I figured. Please remove that file (the .htaccess provided by Zoints) from your main root and place it inside the /z/ folder on your server and you should be good to go.

- Reid

basil2005 11-09-2007 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1379164)

Ah ok, that's what I figured. Please remove that file (the .htaccess provided by Zoints) from your main root and place it inside the /z/ folder on your server and you should be good to go.

- Reid

ya.. now it is working but a new problem..


there is 2 // /forum//z/MalluBasil/

powerful_rogue 11-09-2007 11:46 PM

In regards to the blocks - Is there anywhere else these are available? Activity at dev.zoints.com is very very low.

huntrKillr 11-10-2007 03:06 AM

Hello, I followed all installation directions etc. etc. yet when a profile is click on my forums it goes straight to a directory showing all my folders. What am I doing wrong and also, is there a way to show how many vbcredits a person has on their profle? As of right now I have it disabled so I can't show you an example but I was wondering what I was doing wrong. Thank you.:)

Shanj 11-10-2007 03:20 AM

I have a vb set to private membership. It is invisible to outsiders and all members accounts are created by me.
Can I run zoints on my vb and keep it all completely private? I mean only our members can see each others zoints pages?
No public URLs? No access by any outsiders?

Strike3ForumsMH 11-10-2007 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by basil2005 (Post 1379194)
ya.. now it is working but a new problem..


there is 2 // /forum//z/MalluBasil/

Alright basil, first go here and ensure that your forum path doesn't accidentally have a double slash inputted:



Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1379379)
In regards to the blocks - Is there anywhere else these are available? Activity at dev.zoints.com is very very low.

Block development at dev.zoints.com is the only place I know of. We are really dependent on third party developers developing blocks as it would be a never ending process for us to create blocks that would satisfy all, let alone support them. If you or anyone else is interested in block development, I would suggest starting a thread there and maybe those with the talent will come to help out and develop what the community is looking for.


Originally Posted by huntrKillr (Post 1379456)
Hello, I followed all installation directions etc. etc. yet when a profile is click on my forums it goes straight to a directory showing all my folders. What am I doing wrong and also, is there a way to show how many vbcredits a person has on their profle? As of right now I have it disabled so I can't show you an example but I was wondering what I was doing wrong. Thank you.:)

Like I mentioned a few posts above, if you are using mod rewrite (with the .htaccess file), is the .htaccess file placed in the correct location? If so, could you please turn off mod rewrite and see if that corrects the problem? Typically, if mod rewrite is not enabled (on the server, not the feature in Zadmin) a 404 error will be given so I don't suspect that is it alone but the .htaccess file could certainly be placed in the wrong location.

If that fails, open up a ticket with us so we can pursue it further.

As for vB Credits, it would be possible if you or someone else developed a block for it, but I don't believe one currently exists (to my knowledge.)

- Reid

Shanj 11-10-2007 01:57 PM

I would love to use zoints to provide a high quality profile service for a particular site I run using VB - so my members can see each others' interests, pictures etc. But this particular site I need all services to be private, so the members do not have access to other zoints users/ nor vice versa, should external zoints users have access to them.

I have another site where the full zoints service would be great but not for the members only site.

I have set up a test account on zoints to see what it's like.
Please can you tell me if I can set certain privacy options from admin level -
I can put comment code around bits of code to hide/disable certain functions if I'm told where to look or it's findable in page templates.

1. Set any join/ register options to hidden (my members are created by me ONLY on our VB forums)
2. Set all zoints pages on my site only viewable by my members.
My members are not searchable by other zoints users on other communities.
3. Profile page: Under My Network, Find Friends only searches my memberlist
4. Profile page: Under My Network, My Communities is disabled (hidden)
5. On the toolbar Search only searches my memberlist
6. On the toolbar Communities is hidden.
7. On the toolbar People displays only my members and I can disable all the most popular/ most viewed/ highest rated tabs.
8. In Settings - Notifications only trigger by my members.
9. In Settings - My Referrals is disabled/ hidden
10. In Settings - Home Community is set to mine and cannot be changed.
11. Community Filter is disabled/ hidden
12. Blocked Members is disabled/ hidden.

Strike3ForumsMH 11-10-2007 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Shanj (Post 1379724)
I would love to use zoints to provide a high quality profile service for a particular site I run using VB - so my members can see each others' interests, pictures etc. But this particular site I need all services to be private, so the members do not have access to other zoints users/ nor vice versa, should external zoints users have access to them.

I have another site where the full zoints service would be great but not for the members only site.

I have set up a test account on zoints to see what it's like.
Please can you tell me if I can set certain privacy options from admin level -
I can put comment code around bits of code to hide/disable certain functions if I'm told where to look or it's findable in page templates.

1. Set any join/ register options to hidden (my members are created by me ONLY on our VB forums)
2. Set all zoints pages on my site only viewable by my members.
My members are not searchable by other zoints users on other communities.
3. Profile page: Under My Network, Find Friends only searches my memberlist
4. Profile page: Under My Network, My Communities is disabled (hidden)
5. On the toolbar Search only searches my memberlist
6. On the toolbar Communities is hidden.
7. On the toolbar People displays only my members and I can disable all the most popular/ most viewed/ highest rated tabs.
8. In Settings - Notifications only trigger by my members.
9. In Settings - My Referrals is disabled/ hidden
10. In Settings - Home Community is set to mine and cannot be changed.
11. Community Filter is disabled/ hidden
12. Blocked Members is disabled/ hidden.

1. Join/Register features are done through vBulletin, so if your setup is currently enabled as you mentioned, it will remain like that and Zoints will not affect how prospective members can or can't sign up.
2. You can elect not to join the Zoints Community Directory, meaning no Zoints member will find your site through us. As for pages, those are not viewable if the profile is clicked from vB, however, if a person knew the URL to directly go to a profile, that will circumvent that functionality. BUT, users can define their privacy settings to not allow guests to view, which will counteract that.
3. By default, there will be a checkmark to make it so that users will only search your forum, although that checkmark can be unselected by which members would search Zoints as a whole.
4. The My Communities block can be turned off.
5. Same answer as #3.
6. Communities cannot be hidden as that is a violation of use of Zoints Local.
7. The People page is not included with Zoints Local, that is a feature of our social network.
8. The notifications are only triggered by actions on your site, nothing to do with Zoints.com or the profiles there. Notifications will result in PM's on your site (or emails).
9. Referrals are just a feature of Zoints.com, not Zoints Local.
10. Another feature of just Zoints.com. On the Zoints navigation bar however, the button "Forum" will of course link to your site.
11. Community Filter is a feature relevant to Zoints.com only, thus it's not included with Zoints Local.
12. Blocked Members is a feature that comes with Zoints Local and cannot be turned off to my knowledge, but I don't believe we would have any problem with that being disabled should you know how to. Users in effect can block as it is if they made their profile only accessible via friends list.

Sorry for the blunt nature of the responses, I just answer long question lists like that naturally I suppose. Also, I was planning to answer your original question, but you happened to have asked it as I was working on the other responses (just so you don't think I was ignoring it.) Hopefully this helps you understand a bit better.

- Reid

jdelasko 11-10-2007 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1364716)
I don't know what the solution could be other than the engineers coding a version with that included. I am assuming there was some difficulties which made it impossible to include at the time of the past releases. You've opened up a ticket and posted over there (at the support forums) as well, so if an answer is to be found regarding this, it'll be there.

- Reid

I'm beginning to believe that No one is concerned about a wysiwyg editor. It would be nice to hear someone from Zoints give ocassional updates on this issue to let us know what the plan is... or even if there is a plan. This is not a trivial issue for a lot of Zoints users.

The fact that I opened up a support ticket is irrelivent. I did that when I thought I had some sort of installation or settings problem and I did not realize at the time that it's a coding issue. I've also noticed that some of the customizations I added to my vbulletin editor are not ported over to the Zoints pages nor does some of my custom BB code work in Zoints. Bummer.

Shanj 11-10-2007 03:18 PM

Thank you that was a marvellous response - lightning fast and yet thorough and informative - and not condescending. Have no idea why you're apologising - I couldn't have asked for a better reply.

Please could you just add a little to these 2 replies. Sorry to ask more and I don't expect response in minutes again! Just would like to know fairly soon without pressure.

3. [Search on the top toolbar] You said:
By default, there will be a checkmark to make it so that users will only search your forum, although that checkmark can be unselected by which members would search Zoints as a whole.

Is this checkmark in the member's settings?
I'm not sure if I understand. It sounds like you are saying that I can as admin default this to checked but it can be unchecked at member level?

If this is so a workaround is that I set it as default checked to my community only. Then I go in the code and comment out the lines of code that display the option with its checkbox to the member.
I can do this kind of commenting out for myself if someone could help me locate the page template. Have done it quite a bit on my VB.

6. Communities cannot be hidden as that is a violation of use of Zoints Local.

So if I have elected not to join the Zoints Community Directory, what happens when the Communities button is clicked on the top toolbar?
A message saying access is not permitted?

Thank you again for outstandingly good help.

Shanj 11-10-2007 03:26 PM

So if I have elected not to join the Zoints Community Directory, what happens when the Communities button is clicked on the top toolbar?
A message saying access is not permitted?

Or maybe we create our own internal communities?

Strike3ForumsMH 11-10-2007 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by jdelasko (Post 1379772)
I'm beginning to believe that No one is concerned about a wysiwyg editor. It would be nice to hear someone from Zoints give ocassional updates on this issue to let us know what the plan is... or even if there is a plan. This is not a trivial issue for a lot of Zoints users.

The fact that I opened up a support ticket is irrelivent. I did that when I thought I had some sort of installation or settings problem and I did not realize at the time that it's a coding issue. I've also noticed that some of the customizations I added to my vbulletin editor are not ported over to the Zoints pages nor does some of my custom BB code work in Zoints. Bummer.

You do have to keep in mind that we do a lot of support, have a social network of quite a few people and we do not charge anything for our products. I am someone from Zoints and I would update you if I had something to update, I am sorry that our priorities do not match your's, but obviously its something will ideally be fixed in the future. And to be completely honest, there really has not been a terrible outcry for this from the hundreds of forums that have used Zoints, not to say it is a trivial issue but an issue that many (including their members) have adapted to. Again, we want to fix it, we knew of it being a problem as obviously it wasn't an oversight we didn't catch when developing Zoints Local... we had legitimate problems with trying to bring it over.

As for the ticket, I only mentioned that because if there was a quick fix (I am not an engineer), at the time you might of received correspondence via there about the issue. I am not trying to be rude, but we realize that not everything is perfect with the system and you just have to have patience and good faith in that we'll try to fix it.

- Reid

Strike3ForumsMH 11-10-2007 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Shanj (Post 1379776)
Thank you that was a marvellous response - lightning fast and yet thorough and informative - and not condescending. Have no idea why you're apologising - I couldn't have asked for a better reply.

Please could you just add a little to these 2 replies. Sorry to ask more and I don't expect response in minutes again! Just would like to know fairly soon without pressure.

3. [Search on the top toolbar] You said:
By default, there will be a checkmark to make it so that users will only search your forum, although that checkmark can be unselected by which members would search Zoints as a whole.

Is this checkmark in the member's settings?
I'm not sure if I understand. It sounds like you are saying that I can as admin default this to checked but it can be unchecked at member level?

If this is so a workaround is that I set it as default checked to my community only. Then I go in the code and comment out the lines of code that display the option with its checkbox to the member.
I can do this kind of commenting out for myself if someone could help me locate the page template. Have done it quite a bit on my VB.

6. Communities cannot be hidden as that is a violation of use of Zoints Local.

So if I have elected not to join the Zoints Community Directory, what happens when the Communities button is clicked on the top toolbar?
A message saying access is not permitted?

Thank you again for outstandingly good help.

Adding on to question #2, I meant that the system by default comes with that checkmark box selected, it's not something you can turn on or off. But yes, members can uncheck it to search Zoints as a whole. Disabling that functionality is again against the allowed usage of Zoints Local. At the moment we are not currently offering it, but should it become available in the future, an Autonomous license would be what you are searching for as I do not believe that Zoints Local as it is would satisfy your needs for a private community.

The reason I say this is because using Zoints Local from the download here entails the Community button, allows for outside searching and those are removed from the Autonomous License. I do not know if that will become available again in the future, that's not my call to make, but if you are still looking for a social networking solution if that license is made available again, I believe that will satisfy what you are looking for. I only say this because I do not want to suggest a solution that will make you as a forum owner or your members in any way unhappy, and Zoints Local as it comes here is based around a forum community aspect that your forum as a private community would not really fit with.

For your other community however, Zoints Local would be a fit if you were looking for the same features provided, but were ok with Zoints being connected to it.

Originally Posted by Shanj (Post 1379783)
So if I have elected not to join the Zoints Community Directory, what happens when the Communities button is clicked on the top toolbar?
A message saying access is not permitted?

Or maybe we create our own internal communities?

I actually mis-stated that earlier. By joining Zoints and using Zoints Local your members will be included in the searches by Zoints.com. I thought they wouldn't if you didn't join directory, for some reason, but they are. This is the primary reason as to why I made the above suggestion not to use Zoints Local with such a private community.

And internal communities or a special message is not possible, with this version of Zoints, the communities button is to link to the Zoints.com Community Directory.

Sorry about the confusion and I hope this was helpful.

- Reid

jdelasko 11-10-2007 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1379788)
You do have to keep in mind that we do a lot of support, have a social network of quite a few people and we do not charge anything for our products. I am someone from Zoints and I would update you if I had something to update, I am sorry that our priorities do not match your's, but obviously its something will ideally be fixed in the future. And to be completely honest, there really has not been a terrible outcry for this from the hundreds of forums that have used Zoints, not to say it is a trivial issue but an issue that many (including their members) have adapted to. Again, we want to fix it, we knew of it being a problem as obviously it wasn't an oversight we didn't catch when developing Zoints Local... we had legitimate problems with trying to bring it over.

As for the ticket, I only mentioned that because if there was a quick fix (I am not an engineer), at the time you might of received correspondence via there about the issue. I am not trying to be rude, but we realize that not everything is perfect with the system and you just have to have patience and good faith in that we'll try to fix it.

- Reid

No need to get to defensive. I'm only saying that I would feel better if I knew this issue was being addressed and so far no one has said that it would be. As far as Zoints not charging anything for their products, that is not my fault. I would gladly pay for a product that had all the features working.

Strike3ForumsMH 11-10-2007 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by jdelasko (Post 1379820)
No need to get to defensive. I'm only saying that I would feel better if I knew this issue was being addressed and so far no one has said that it would be. As far as Zoints not charging anything for their products, that is not my fault. I would gladly pay for a product that had all the features working.

I don't believe it was being defensive, but rather explaining the situation. We have made no promises when it will happen or even if it's possible, but I wanted to explain it more to you as you and any community owner deserve that much.

And I never blamed you for us not charging for our products, :), I was simply explaining that we are on limited resources to do everything we want to accomplish and instead of money or payments, we will gladly accept your understanding and patience as we TRY to fix this in the future. :)

One of our engineers, Danny, also did respond to your ticket in late October and stated this:

The enhanced WYSIWYG was disabled, as it caused a myriad of problems. (The editor is pulled, quite complexly, from the vBulletin system and into Zoints. I'll research the issue again, and see if the Enhanced can be reintroduced.
So I thought you were aware of the situation and that we had someone looking into it (thus making it an addressed issue.) We understand your desire to make this feature work, and ideally it should, it's just a matter of someone figuring out how to do it as it stumped us in the past.

- Reid

wickedstangs 11-13-2007 03:19 AM

I get this error when going to user cp and try to edit option?

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/gmntmare/public_html/community/profile.php(2891) : eval()'d code on line 66

Strike3ForumsMH 11-13-2007 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by wickedstangs (Post 1381490)
I get this error when going to user cp and try to edit option?

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/gmntmare/public_html/community/profile.php(2891) : eval()'d code on line 66

Could you please open up a support ticket at:

It may very well be a conflict with another hack, but considering I've never seen it before (the error), it would be best to let an engineer see this wickedstangs as they would have a better chance of solving it should be it an error with Zoints.

- Reid

wickedstangs 11-13-2007 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1381955)
Could you please open up a support ticket at:

It may very well be a conflict with another hack, but considering I've never seen it before (the error), it would be best to let an engineer see this wickedstangs as they would have a better chance of solving it should be it an error with Zoints.

- Reid

Thanks I just submitted a ticket.
Again thank you.

andy1074 11-15-2007 09:11 AM

tanks for it
i installed it but this is not work curect
please help me
if i want go to my profile page
the browser can not find page's

sample: http://www.biyaban.com/z/ANDY

Strike3ForumsMH 11-15-2007 02:01 PM

Hi Andy,

It appears that you do not have mod_rewrite enabled on your server. Could you please uncheck the 'Enable mod_rewrite URL's' in Zadmin and let me know if the profiles work then?


- Reid

jononline 11-15-2007 11:33 PM

anyone think this is good? any cons to it?

andy1074 11-16-2007 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1383026)
Hi Andy,

It appears that you do not have mod_rewrite enabled on your server. Could you please uncheck the 'Enable mod_rewrite URL's' in Zadmin and let me know if the profiles work then?


- Reid

i can not found this option in zadmin page

Strike3ForumsMH 11-16-2007 07:52 AM

Alright Andy,

Go to your Zadmin, click "Change Installation Settings", if it's checked - uncheck the 'Enable mod_rewrite URL's' and then click Next.

- Reid

Strike3ForumsMH 11-16-2007 10:07 PM

Zoints Local 2.0 Enters Testing Phase

We are happy to announce that after months of waiting, Zoints Local 2.0 is nearing completion and has finally moved into testing. During this phase we are looking for bugs, compatibility issues, and suggestions to help make this product as robust and trouble free as possible.

Want to Take It for a Spin?
We invite you to join our Quality Assurance Team to help evaluate and test it. As part of the QA Team, you will be asked to install Zoints Local 2.0 on your forum and begin using it. Your feedback and suggestions will help perfect this long awaited product prior to its general release to the public. The more forums and Community Owners we can get to help test this product the better. Your help will be appreciated, and as part of the QA Team you will be invited to participate in testing other products before they are released.

If you are interested in joining the Zoints QA Team, please submit a private message to Zoints with your:

Forum URL:
Member Count:
vBulletin Version:
PHP Version:

This will allow us to select a broad spectrum of forums to test on.

vitrag24 11-16-2007 10:36 PM

Some questions:

1. I've vb 3.6.4. which file do i need to download so it can work on my forum.

2. How much itme approximately it'll take to install? :)

3. updated version coming soon? if yes, then let me wait. Reply these 3 questions please.

Preety feature.

Strike3ForumsMH 11-17-2007 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by vitrag24 (Post 1384063)
Some questions:

1. I've vb 3.6.4. which file do i need to download so it can work on my forum.

2. How much itme approximately it'll take to install? :)

3. updated version coming soon? if yes, then let me wait. Reply these 3 questions please.

Preety feature.

Hi vitrag,

The two current downloads we have will work for all versions of 3.6.x, one is the product for vB and the other is the install files for Zoints Local.

Approximately? I've installed it so much it's a bit hard for me to give a fair response (as it is somewhat automatic) but after you upload the files (which take awhile depending on your upload speed), if you follow the instructions and it goes smooth.... 20 minutes should be plenty of time to do it.

An updated version is indeed coming soon.

- Reid

plebebo 11-20-2007 03:21 PM

Hi I would like to install this on our forum, but I need to be able to limit access to a certain member group. Is there an option to assign access by member groups?

thanks much!

Strike3ForumsMH 11-21-2007 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by plebebo (Post 1386303)
Hi I would like to install this on our forum, but I need to be able to limit access to a certain member group. Is there an option to assign access by member groups?

thanks much!

Since Zoints relies on the vBulletin usergroup settings, thus making profile access all or nothing, all I can suggest is to do is to remove profile access to that usergroup as Zoints currently does not have anything to limit access only to it for a particular usergroup, sorry.

- Reid

plebebo 11-21-2007 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1386732)
Since Zoints relies on the vBulletin usergroup settings, thus making profile access all or nothing, all I can suggest is to do is to remove profile access to that usergroup as Zoints currently does not have anything to limit access only to it for a particular usergroup, sorry.

- Reid

Great Thanks for the Reply and Suggestion! So basically if I have say 15 usergroups and I only want 2 user groups to have Access to Zoints, I simply remove access for other 13 usergroups. I would remove profile access to these 13 groups, using VB Permissions in the VB admincp.

Now this question comes to mind. Is it that the 13 usergroups would not have access to any profile (not even the original VB profile)?

Thanks again, this possible workaround, we really do love this add-on.

Strike3ForumsMH 11-21-2007 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by plebebo (Post 1386748)
Great Thanks for the Reply and Suggestion! So basically if I have say 15 usergroups and I only want 2 user groups to have Access to Zoints, I simply remove access for other 13 usergroups. I would remove profile access to these 13 groups, using VB Permissions in the VB admincp.

Now this question comes to mind. Is it that the 13 usergroups would not have access to any profile (not even the original VB profile)?

Thanks again, this possible workaround, we really do love this add-on.

That is correct, if the access was removed, they would not be able to access any profile (Zoints or vBulletin.)

Glad to hear you guys are enjoying the product. To my knowledge, this wasn't an addressed issue in the upcoming release but it has been desired in the past, so I could see the engineers looking into it one day.

- Reid

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