CyberRanger |
07-11-2006 09:44 AM |
Originally Posted by hypnoticpimp
Im having problems, with it automatically getting new feeds from the rsss evry 1 hour, like updating itself. I set my rss to 60 minutes. but it never changes. stays the same. I always have to do it manually? what could be wrong. please help. I mean. Its like a whole day, and still wont change, refesh, update the feed. I have to do it manually
The important question here is how busy is the board?
The feeds are automatically updated whenever the scheduled task "Hourly Cleanup 1" is run. On a busy board that will run once an hour. However, if you are trying the product on a test board, the updates may be much less frequent, depending on how much activity you are generating on the test board. That's because even though the scheduled task is suppose to run once an hour, it will first wait for any scheduled tasks before it to run before it runs (items like birthday emails, daily summaries, etc). Each hit to your site will run one tasks that is ready to be run.
So on a test board where you are the only person accessing the site, if you go to bed, get up in the morning, and pull up your forum, the feeds will not be updated. In fact, you'll probably need to hit the board 5 or 6 times until "Hourly Cleanup 1" gets it's turn to run.
Now, if you are on a very busy board ... that's a different story! Let me know which one it is and we'll proceed from there.