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lovevn 07-25-2005 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
It is an easy edit to the links_linkbit template - you just need to remove the hyperlinks to local_links.php?action=jump - let me know if you need help. I'm not going to make any further releases to the vb 3.0x version of this hack - efforts concentrate on the 3.5x version and I'll include this as an option.

Thanks for your help!

I changed ocal_links.php?action=jump to ocal_links.php?action=play and and I can hide the url wich let people to download the file now. Beside I also moved the link which let people to download the files in the links_play template to links_linkbit template.

And there one more thing. When people use the send to friend function the url to let people download appear. To solve this problem I chande "jump " to"play" in the $massage.

It works perfect now.

By the ways, is it easy to add the alphabetical search function?

LeeWicKeD 07-25-2005 12:11 PM

Aight, here's my complete-German translation.

AndrewD 07-26-2005 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by LeeWicKeD
Aight, here's my complete-German translation.

Thanks - am updating the 1.60c release file and will also include in v2.0, etc.

bhxtyrant 07-27-2005 01:19 AM

Hey guys,I was wondering if someone who has used this mod can answer a few questions of mine.I would like to try this mod out but i do not want to waste my time installing it if it doesnt offer what i need.I already went through this hell with the very buggy vBdownloads2.0 lol.

1.)Can i have Sub-sub-catagories?For example "Music>MP3's>artist name>audio track.mp3"?
2.)I notice it says "can only access the link if she has access to the associated forum".Does this mean all download catagories must be associated with a forum?Or can i use this file/link manager as a standalone download manager?

I.E. you click the downloads link in the forum,it takes you to a page listing all the download catagories.you click one to enter the sub catagories and to download files.

3.)last but not least i wanted to ask can permissions be set for catagories?for example say i want to allow anyone in forums guests and all access to download files from "Audio".But i only want members to be able to download from the "video" catagory.can this be done?

Thats about all i need to know :) thanks alot for your time.

AndrewD 07-27-2005 09:16 AM

Thanks for your interest.


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
1.)Can i have Sub-sub-categories?For example "Music>MP3's>artist name>audio track.mp3"?

Yes, indefinitely deep.


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
2.)I notice it says "can only access the link if she has access to the associated forum".Does this mean all download catagories must be associated with a forum?Or can i use this file/link manager as a standalone download manager?

3.)last but not least i wanted to ask can permissions be set for catagories?for example say i want to allow anyone in forums guests and all access to download files from "Audio".But i only want members to be able to download from the "video" catagory.can this be done?

These two questions are related. The 'associate with forums' process is used to control who can access which categories/downloads. By default, it is turned off, which means that everyone who accesses the hack can see and access everything that is available. The hack is fully stand alone and it is not necessary to associate categories/entries with forums unless you want to control access to individual categories/entries.

To control access, you need to (create/have created) forums with the required access permissions, e.g. member only. When you create a link or a category, you 'point' the link/category at that forum to tell the hack to pick up the appropriate permissions. The links/categories do not form part of the forum, they just pick up the forum's access permissions.


bhxtyrant 07-27-2005 02:35 PM

Ah ok i think i understand,Thanks alot for answering my questions i will be installing this later today :D oh on4e more question if i understand the original post about the mod then it has a "batch" feature as well?

AndrewD 07-27-2005 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Ah ok i think i understand,Thanks alot for answering my questions i will be installing this later today :D oh on4e more question if i understand the original post about the mod then it has a "batch" feature as well?

Yes, on the admin page/import and export - you can scan a directory (tree) and bulk select files to make available.

bhxtyrant 07-28-2005 12:27 AM

Awsome man,Thanks alot you dont know what a help you have been to me for creating this mod :) just out of curiosity is there or will there be a version of it for 3.5 as well?

:EDIT:Hey man i successfully installed the mod but have one little problem i can't find how to fix.It's not a bug or anything just a template edit i wish to make.Was hoping you could tell me where to find it :)


Just want to know how i can make the table circled in red a bid wider so names dont get crunched up such as where you see "Resident Evil Code:Veronica" Thanks alot.

AndrewD 07-28-2005 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Awsome man,Thanks alot you dont know what a help you have been to me for creating this mod :) just out of curiosity is there or will there be a version of it for 3.5 as well?

:EDIT:Hey man i successfully installed the mod but have one little problem i can't find how to fix.It's not a bug or anything just a template edit i wish to make.Was hoping you could tell me where to find it :)


Just want to know how i can make the table circled in red a bid wider so names dont get crunched up such as where you see "Resident Evil Code:Veronica" Thanks alot.

a) The alpha release for VB35 is already available here. It seems to work fine - I uploaded it a month ago, and there's only been one minor bug report. I changed the name to Links and Downloads Manager. When VB35goes gold, the official release will include some more functions which are not in the VB30 or alphas VB35 versions - the rating system has been extended to provide user comments (as per an earlier suggestion on this thread); categories can have different styles; etc.

b) To fix your column width, edit the links_catbit template. The second line of this template gives a column width of 20% - change that as you wish.

bhxtyrant 07-29-2005 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
a) The alpha release for VB35 is already available here. It seems to work fine - I uploaded it a month ago, and there's only been one minor bug report. I changed the name to Links and Downloads Manager. When VB35goes gold, the official release will include some more functions which are not in the VB30 or alphas VB35 versions - the rating system has been extended to provide user comments (as per an earlier suggestion on this thread); categories can have different styles; etc.

b) To fix your column width, edit the links_catbit template. The second line of this template gives a column width of 20% - change that as you wish.

Hello once again,thanks alot for all your help.I now have everything up and running but i have one final question.I notice that when i import files from one of my site directories Links Database automatically adds a decription of the file showing the file path where the file is located.This requires manual editing of hundreds of files for me as i do not want the file path to be shown.Is there a way i can disable the option so it doesnt automatically add descriptions?

I also cant seem to get the thumbnail images working.I uploaded the "local_resize" file to my forum directory and am using the "links_linkbit" template.But when i add the link to the image i wish to use all i can get is the red X.my settings in the admin pnale are as follows "allow_images" 1,"link_imagesize" -100.Am i doing something wrong?

AndrewD 07-30-2005 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
I notice that when i import files from one of my site directories Links Database automatically adds a decription of the file showing the file path where the file is located.This requires manual editing of hundreds of files for me as i do not want the file path to be shown.Is there a way i can disable the option so it doesnt automatically add descriptions?

You can disable this 'automatic title' quite easily by editing local_links_admin.php. Find (about line 1316):


list ($insert_status, $linkid) = insert_link ($bbuserinfo['username'], $bbuserinfo['userid'], $title, $key, '', $vbphrase['ll_trawled'].' '.$dir, $pcatid, $pforum, $statuscheck, $moderate, 0);
Replace the string

$vbphrase['ll_trawled'].' '.$dir
with whatever you like, e.g.

to have a blank description.


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
I also cant seem to get the thumbnail images working.I uploaded the "local_resize" file to my forum directory and am using the "links_linkbit" template.But when i add the link to the image i wish to use all i can get is the red X.my settings in the admin pnale are as follows "allow_images" 1,"link_imagesize" -100.Am i doing something wrong?

It works ok for me with these settings. If the image is on your site in, e.g. http://yoursite/dir1/dir2/file.jpg, then you can point to the image either with the full url or as /dir1/dir2/file.jpg. Maybe you're missing the first slash or something?

bhxtyrant 07-30-2005 04:17 PM

hmm i cleared out the info you said to remove automatic file names but it didnt work :( it only removes the words "trawled by" but the directory /mysite/folder/file.type still gets automatically entered.i tryed removing both the 'll_cat' and 'll_trawled' but it still remains.

But the thumbnails i just can't figure out.i tryed using http://www.neowu.com/bhxtyrant/sigs/deconav.jpg that image as a test to see how ther thumbnails worked but all i get is the red X everytime.I thought that it may be because the image is outside my forum directory so i tryed using an avatar image from the forum and still the same thing.I have tryed both the full URL and the shortened one starting with / is there something i may be missing that i have to do to the "local_resize" file?

AndrewD 07-31-2005 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
hmm i cleared out the info you said to remove automatic file names but it didnt work :( it only removes the words "trawled by" but the directory /mysite/folder/file.type still gets automatically entered.i tryed removing both the 'll_cat' and 'll_trawled' but it still remains.

But the thumbnails i just can't figure out.i tryed using http://www.neowu.com/bhxtyrant/sigs/deconav.jpg that image as a test to see how ther thumbnails worked but all i get is the red X everytime.I thought that it may be because the image is outside my forum directory so i tryed using an avatar image from the forum and still the same thing.I have tryed both the full URL and the shortened one starting with / is there something i may be missing that i have to do to the "local_resize" file?

If you PM me details of an account and pwd with admin privs, I'll take a look.

bhxtyrant 08-01-2005 05:50 AM

Unfortunatly it's not my forums/server so i can not give you access.It's a freind of mines site.Im just helping him set some things up to make it easier to manage the site.

I have a question once again though.Next to "link_imagesize" am i allowed to put the demensions of an image?for example 130x100?if so how do i do it exactly as it seems to only let me imput a single numer sch as 100.Is this correct?

AndrewD 08-01-2005 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Unfortunatly it's not my forums/server so i can not give you access.It's a freind of mines site.Im just helping him set some things up to make it easier to manage the site.

I have a question once again though.Next to "link_imagesize" am i allowed to put the demensions of an image?for example 130x100?if so how do i do it exactly as it seems to only let me imput a single numer sch as 100.Is this correct?

Currently, you cannot give both image dimensions. local_resize.php scales the image so that the maximum dimension is the number given and the aspect ratio stays correct. In other words, if you supply a 150x100 image and specify a size of 50, you will get an image that is 50x33. Ditto, a 100x150 image will be displayed 33x50. Is this an problem?

I'm surprised by the problem you describe in the earlier post - did you remove the complete string from local_links_admin.php, i.e. $vbphrase['ll_trawled'].' '.$dir? The effect you described would happen if you only removed $vbphrase['ll_trawled'].

bhxtyrant 08-01-2005 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Currently, you cannot give both image dimensions. local_resize.php scales the image so that the maximum dimension is the number given and the aspect ratio stays correct. In other words, if you supply a 150x100 image and specify a size of 50, you will get an image that is 50x33. Ditto, a 100x150 image will be displayed 33x50. Is this an problem?

I'm surprised by the problem you describe in the earlier post - did you remove the complete string from local_links_admin.php, i.e. $vbphrase['ll_trawled'].' '.$dir? The effect you described would happen if you only removed $vbphrase['ll_trawled'].

Ah i see no it's not a problem at all i just wanted to make sure i understood it's size function correct as i wanted to make the thums 130px in width :)

as for the probale yes i did remove the entire string "$vbphrase['ll_trawled'].' '.$dir" after i did it gave me a serious error when i tried to import files.It said it couldnt import but then it gave an error where it said the files were there but they didnt show up in any catagory.I then had to manaualy delete them from the CSV file to get them out :ermm: ive decided this isnt really a big deal i uploaded the original file again and its working right.

just to make sure i undestand you correct you mean edit this code
PHP Code:

list ($insert_status$linkid) = insert_link ($bbuserinfo['username'], $bbuserinfo['userid'], $title$key''$vbphrase['ll_trawled'].' '.$dir$pcatid$pforum$statuscheck$moderate0); 

to this
PHP Code:

list ($insert_status$linkid) = insert_link ($bbuserinfo['username'], $bbuserinfo['userid'], $title$key'',, $pcatid$pforum$statuscheck$moderate0); 

Im really more concerned with getting thumbnails working as i plan to add hundreds of video clips to the links database and would like to display a thumb taken from each vid :) im gonna play around with it today so i will post any updates and results in this same message using the edit feature.Thanks a ton for all the help you have given me.

AndrewD 08-02-2005 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
you mean edit this code
PHP Code:

list ($insert_status$linkid) = insert_link ($bbuserinfo['username'], $bbuserinfo['userid'], $title$key''$vbphrase['ll_trawled'].' '.$dir$pcatid$pforum$statuscheck$moderate0); 

to this
PHP Code:

list ($insert_status$linkid) = insert_link ($bbuserinfo['username'], $bbuserinfo['userid'], $title$key'',, $pcatid$pforum$statuscheck$moderate0); 

NO!! -
to this
PHP Code:

list ($insert_status$linkid) = insert_link ($bbuserinfo['username'], $bbuserinfo['userid'], $title$key''''$pcatid$pforum$statuscheck$moderate0); 

An extra null string.


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
Im really more concerned with getting thumbnails working as i plan to add hundreds of video clips to the links database and would like to display a thumb taken from each vid :) im gonna play around with it today so i will post any updates and results in this same message using the edit feature.Thanks a ton for all the help you have given me.

This bothers me - it should work ok. Pls do the following:
- create a few links with what you think are correct image files (even if they don't display correctly)
- on the main links display (where you are seeing the red cross), use your browser to do a 'view page source' (Mozilla) or 'view source' (IE). Save the html to file and email it to ad_rodin at noos.fr.

bhxtyrant 08-02-2005 07:18 AM

Hey man thanks again for all the help.I edited that string of code and its now working perfectly :)

and i dont know about the image but today i decided to reupload the local_resize file (i uninstalled the entire mod and reinstalled) and it started working.I know the server admin just installed something called GD2 for use with VBA gallery for VB as well could that have something to do with why it didnt work?but in any case its working now.

I've said thanks many times now :) but i really aprreciated all you help the last mod i tried to use the dude provided no help what so ever with major serious problems heh.

AndrewD 08-02-2005 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
I know the server admin just installed something called GD2 for use with VBA gallery for VB as well could that have something to do with why it didnt work?.

Yep, that would kill it. I have a trap in the installation code to check that the required code is available - seems this didn't work properly - will check.

Glad you're up and running.

aggiefan 08-03-2005 12:26 AM

Can downloads be restricted based on usergroups? IE, only super moderators and subscription people can download?

AndrewD 08-03-2005 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by aggiefan
Can downloads be restricted based on usergroups? IE, only super moderators and subscription people can download?

Yes. When you create/edit the link/download and/or the categories of link/download, you can 'associate' them with a forum on your board. When this is done, then the downloads are only visible to/available to users who have permission to view that forum.

By default, this feature is turned off, so that all users can see and access all entries.

yahoooh 08-03-2005 09:53 PM

i installed it without any error


bhxtyrant 08-03-2005 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Yes. When you create/edit the link/download and/or the categories of link/download, you can 'associate' them with a forum on your board. When this is done, then the downloads are only visible to/available to users who have permission to view that forum.

By default, this feature is turned off, so that all users can see and access all entries.

I have a request for an idea i think would be nice for a future release.I think it would be awsome if you had the option to set user permisions without asociating a catagory with the forums.Reason i say this is because for example i have 4 catagories in the links databse i installed movies,music,games,and scans not i wasnt ed have it where video,music and games are accessable by everyone but i wanted to have scans set to where only a certain user group can access it.But since i dont have a catagory in my forum set up like that its impossible unless i create one if im not mistaken.Would like to here any imput reguarding this :)

ThomasR 08-04-2005 10:09 AM

I just install this mod, configure it (user permissions, the hack ones, not based on a forum one, etc..) but impossible to create a new category, I have no option at all.
By the way, I have the admin bar, and when I go on the categories, it display an empty list, with any new option to create something new.

I only have theses options in the bar : Categories, Show, Search, Moderate and Administer

Any clue ?

AndrewD 08-04-2005 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by ThomasR
I just install this mod, configure it (user permissions, the hack ones, not based on a forum one, etc..) but impossible to create a new category, I have no option at all.
By the way, I have the admin bar, and when I go on the categories, it display an empty list, with any new option to create something new.

I only have theses options in the bar : Categories, Show, Search, Moderate and Administer

Any clue ?

I took a look at your site and the installation looks normal to me. There is a drop down arrow to the right of 'Categories'. If you visit http://yoursite/forums/local_links.php and are logged in with a user id in a group that has 'can_add_category' permission (by default, this is only the administrator group), the drop down menu will include an item 'Add Category'. Slight trick - that item is not visible when you are looking at the Admin page - the drop down menus change depending on where you are and what you are allowed to do.

Let me know if you still have problems - if necessary PM me an account/pwd with admin privs and I'll check.

yahoooh 08-04-2005 03:23 PM

is there away to use this script 3 times in one forum by change some names of prefex and files in this script because i wanna use it for 3 different service and i do not wanna make them in different categories , ineed to use it 3 times with change also of template names
any help?

Tradjick 08-05-2005 03:45 AM

Hello Andrew, it´s me again. :squareeyed:

I use your hack as a directory of forum threads. (articles)

So all of the links are links to showthread.php?p=...

It´s having the breadcrump navbar at the top.
When beeing in the thread, it displays "myforums->forumname->threadname"

But i would prefer it beeing:"myforums->links->title"

Do you know any way of doing this?

AndrewD 08-08-2005 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Tradjick
Hello Andrew, it?s me again. :squareeyed:

I use your hack as a directory of forum threads. (articles)

So all of the links are links to showthread.php?p=...

It?s having the breadcrump navbar at the top.
When beeing in the thread, it displays "myforums->forumname->threadname"

But i would prefer it beeing:"myforums->links->title"

Do you know any way of doing this?

Do you mean the navbar that appears when you click the link to jump to the thread/post? That navbar is built inside the showthread.php code, so U can't see how to change it the way you want without rewriting showthread. Maybe I am not understanding you?

AndrewD 08-08-2005 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by yahoooh
is there away to use this script 3 times in one forum by change some names of prefex and files in this script because i wanna use it for 3 different service and i do not wanna make them in different categories , ineed to use it 3 times with change also of template names
any help?

I think - without trying this - that you could create three copies of each of the files, with different names, e.g. local1_*, local2* and local3_*. You would have to go through the files to change the values of the parameters THIS_TABLE, THIS_SCRIPT, ADMIN_SCRIPT and LINKS_SCRIPT. I'm afraid I don't have time to try this out.

Tradjick 08-08-2005 07:14 PM

I think you got me wrong. What i meant is the breadcrump template.

In showthread, i would prefer it show the "local_links" path (which in my case has been renamed to "Archiv".

(see at attachments)

sketch42 08-18-2005 07:39 AM

Great hack... easy to use ... works as advertised
/me clickity clicks install

animehawk 08-24-2005 01:40 PM

is it possible to make downloads cost points useing the uCash uShop hack?

AndrewD 08-24-2005 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by animehawk
is it possible to make downloads cost points using the uCash uShop hack?

I imagine that this is straightforward - I asked the uCash people to tell me about the interface, but got no reply. If someone can explain, I'm quite willing to take a look.

Harry72 08-30-2005 08:37 AM

Thx Andrew.
The best Linklist i've ever seen.
Top programming.
Very fast install. :nervous:

*Klicked install !*

animehawk 08-31-2005 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I imagine that this is straightforward - I asked the uCash people to tell me about the interface, but got no reply. If someone can explain, I'm quite willing to take a look.

If i knew what you needed I would help. But I'm not much of a coder.

but... if you gave me some info on what you needed then I might be able to help,or if you would like I can grant you access to my forum? Perhaps that would help.

AndrewD 08-31-2005 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by animehawk
If i knew what you needed I would help. But I'm not much of a coder.

but... if you gave me some info on what you needed then I might be able to help,or if you would like I can grant you access to my forum? Perhaps that would help.

Thanks - I appreciate your offer. It's coding insight I need. I don't have a lot of time and to implement this I would need to know how the UCash code handles credits/debits - it's not something I've used. Sometime, maybe.

animehawk 09-02-2005 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Thanks - I appreciate your offer. It's coding insight I need. I don't have a lot of time and to implement this I would need to know how the UCash code handles credits/debits - it's not something I've used. Sometime, maybe.

Ok. I'm going to try the Ucash support too. Maybe they can offer some insight about what code it would require. Even if it had to be hard coded. :? I'f they give any help I'll post .

bhxtyrant 09-02-2005 04:16 AM

hey AndrewD,I'm having a small issue i was hoping you could help me with that i just noticed.A while back i installed your mod in our forums.Everything works perfectly fine except one thing i noticed.

I set my forum permissions to only allow admins and mods to view the files database so guests cant access it and it seems to work fine.however guest can still go into the dropdown menu and click "whats hot" and are able to see files from the catagories that only admins and mods should be able to view.How can i fix this problem?

Our site is currently still under heavy construction and we want to keep our downloads hidden until we officially launch the site so this issue has just been reported by our site admin to me.Thanks as always and i look foward to your reply :D


Originally Posted by Tradjick
I think you got me wrong. What i meant is the breadcrump template.

In showthread, i would prefer it show the "local_links" path (which in my case has been renamed to "Archiv".

Hey just was wondering exactly how you changed the name in breadcrumbs to "Archiv"?I wanted to do the same except i wanted mine to be "Downloads".Hope to hear from ya.

AndrewD 09-02-2005 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
hey AndrewD,I'm having a small issue i was hoping you could help me with that i just noticed.A while back i installed your mod in our forums.Everything works perfectly fine except one thing i noticed.

I set my forum permissions to only allow admins and mods to view the files database so guests cant access it and it seems to work fine.however guest can still go into the dropdown menu and click "whats hot" and are able to see files from the catagories that only admins and mods should be able to view.How can i fix this problem?

Our site is currently still under heavy construction and we want to keep our downloads hidden until we officially launch the site so this issue has just been reported by our site admin to me.Thanks as always and i look foward to your reply :D

I'll have to take a look this weekend - the hack locks out all links/cats based on the forums permissions, and the 'whats hot' code does the same check, which seems to work ok on my board.

If you felt like pming me an admin username/password and your forum url, it will be easier for me to check what's going on.

bhxtyrant 09-03-2005 01:07 AM

HEy again i seem to have gotten it working.It's kinda weird though.I went into the admi panel for Links databae and set the default permissions mask to a forum that is only accessable by admins but it didn't work.So i decided to manually edit my 5 main catagories which contains all the files one by one and set there permission mask to the same forum and it works fine.Perhaps some sort of unseen bug with the admin panel?

Also since the other dude hasnt replied as of yet think you could answer my question in my previous post about changing "links database" in the breadcrumb to "Downloads"?

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  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete