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Sculli 11-06-2005 08:14 PM

I actually found where I need to edit stuff. Is there a way to apply this modification to all style templates installed at once?

Zachariah 11-06-2005 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Sculli
I actually found where I need to edit stuff. Is there a way to apply this modification to all style templates installed at once?

Edit the same postbit_ip in each skin.

Hit install to keep track of updates.

royouth 11-07-2005 05:44 PM

It works fine for the forum but I'm also using vbAdvanced Gallery and it doesn't work in there. So is there a way of having the url in postbit_ip point to ipinfo.php only if it's in the forums and work as before everywhere else?

Zachariah 11-07-2005 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by royouth
It works fine for the forum but I'm also using vbAdvanced Gallery and it doesn't work in there. So is there a way of having the url in postbit_ip point to ipinfo.php only if it's in the forums and work as before everywhere else?

I could work on a add-on to add the gallery posts to the mix. I too have vbAdvanced gallery, I forgot it also uses the same type of format. :nervous:

Or, limit the option to only the forums.

royouth 11-07-2005 06:30 PM

The add-on sounds like a great idea. I think that when doing an IP/username search using the vbulletin ACP it doesn't search the gallery posts so if you can somehow get add the gallery posts to IpInfo that would be great, since some users post only in the gallery and don't even visit the forums.

Boss-Hog 11-09-2005 11:29 AM


I installed this hack but cannot access the additional information that should be provided when clicking on the IP button in a particular post. When I do that, it pulls up the standard vB IP information screen instead of the hacked version. I have doublechecked that I did everything correctly - the ipinfo.php is in my root forums directory, I successfully imported product-ipinfo.xml as a product and I made the template modifications to all styles in postbit_ip and I set the necessary variable in the admin CP to 60 days. However, the problem is that the link that the IP button in a postbit is not linking to the ipinfo.php file - it's merely linking to the generic IP information, despite my postbit_ip template having the proper code. Am I accessing the hack the proper way? (by clicking on the IP image directly to the right of the "Report Bad Post" image in a postbit) If I am, could the problem be related to the fact that I have Paul M's "Use real ip when proxy server is detected" hack installed, as well? Thanks!

Zachariah 11-09-2005 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Boss-Hog

I installed this hack but cannot access the additional information that should be provided when clicking on the IP button in a particular post. When I do that, it pulls up the standard vB IP information screen instead of the hacked version. I have doublechecked that I did everything correctly - the ipinfo.php is in my root forums directory, I successfully imported product-ipinfo.xml as a product and I made the template modifications to all styles in postbit_ip and I set the necessary variable in the admin CP to 60 days. However, the problem is that the link that the IP button in a postbit is not linking to the ipinfo.php file - it's merely linking to the generic IP information, despite my postbit_ip template having the proper code. Am I accessing the hack the proper way? (by clicking on the IP image directly to the right of the "Report Bad Post" image in a postbit) If I am, could the problem be related to the fact that I have Paul M's "Use real ip when proxy server is detected" hack installed, as well? Thanks!

Well every things sounds good. I have not played w/ Paul's hack yet been busy. :tired:

Please: Disable Paul's hack to see if this one works. If so give me a yell. I'll take a look @ his hack and see if I can see whats going on. :)

Boss-Hog 11-09-2005 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
Well every things sounds good. I have not played w/ Paul's hack yet been busy. :tired:

Please: Disable Paul's hack to see if this one works. If so give me a yell. I'll take a look @ his hack and see if I can see whats going on. :)

I disabled the product for Paul's hack and that allowed your hack to work properly. However, others have said in this thread that they have both hacks installed. I tried installing yours before his and his before yours and neither seems to solve the problem of yours not working without disabling his.

royouth 11-09-2005 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Boss-Hog
I disabled the product for Paul's hack and that allowed your hack to work properly. However, others have said in this thread that they have both hacks installed. I tried installing yours before his and his before yours and neither seems to solve the problem of yours not working without disabling his.

how about when editing postbit_ip don't replace any code but just add it underneath. What that should do is add two ip.gif buttons. Well at least that's what I did to get around ipInfo not working in gallery, One of the ip.gif leads to the regular postings.php or moderate.php page and the other leads to ipInfo.php . It's not the best solution but that's all I could come up with.

joeychgo 11-09-2005 06:44 PM

I like this hack - thank you.

biggjoe 11-13-2005 11:06 PM

Zachariah, awesome hack! Works perfectly!


- It's not *really* compatible with Pau'ls mod Use real ip when proxy server is detected, meaning...they both work fine but not at the same time.

You do have to 'disable' paul's mod to get this one to work, which I don't really mind.

As far as this suggestion by royouth;


how about when editing postbit_ip don't replace any code but just add it underneath. What that should do is add two ip.gif buttons. Well at least that's what I did to get around ipInfo not working in gallery, One of the ip.gif leads to the regular postings.php or moderate.php page and the other leads to ipInfo.php . It's not the best solution but that's all I could come up with.
This only works if Paul's mod is disabled. If Paul's mod is disabled, then you do get two 'ip.gifs' one with the standard info and the other with the 'extra ip info', but the 'red.gif' from Paul's mod doesn't show up either way.

Just thought this might help you guys in making your mods work together.

QUESTION: Other than clicking on the 'view users ip' in the post, does this mod add any extra functionality in the AdminCP? Just curious.

Thanks again for the nice hack!


Zachariah 11-13-2005 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by biggjoe
Zachariah, awesome hack! Works perfectly!


- It's not *really* compatible with Pau'ls mod Use real ip when proxy server is detected, meaning...they both work fine but not at the same time.

You do have to 'disable' paul's mod to get this one to work, which I don't really mind.

As far as this suggestion by royouth;

This only works if Paul's mod is disabled. If Paul's mod is disabled, then you do get two 'ip.gifs' one with the standard info and the other with the 'extra ip info', but the 'red.gif' from Paul's mod doesn't show up either way.

Just thought this might help you guys in making your mods work together.

QUESTION: Other than clicking on the 'view users ip' in the post, does this mod add any extra functionality in the AdminCP? Just curious.

Thanks again for the nice hack!


@ the moment nothing in AdminCP.

There is only 1 template edit, I'll make another template on the installer vs. edit and see if we can do a templateless install.

I'll poke around.

Another note - For this to work on the VBA gallery will take a little more time.

biggjoe 11-13-2005 11:51 PM

Zach, thanks again for the great hack!


Paul M 11-14-2005 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by biggjoe
Zachariah, awesome hack! Works perfectly!


- It's not *really* compatible with Pau'ls mod Use real ip when proxy server is detected, meaning...they both work fine but not at the same time.


This only works if Paul's mod is disabled. If Paul's mod is disabled, then you do get two 'ip.gifs' one with the standard info and the other with the 'extra ip info', but the 'red.gif' from Paul's mod doesn't show up either way.

Actually they can work together quite well, I tested it before this was released - I privately converted ipinfo for someone before Zac released this, the only real problem is the postbit. If you have any 3.5 version of Proxy to Real installed and then disable the product/plugins, it will still do the actual proxy > real ip conversion, and use/record the real ip address - what it won't do is store/use the proxy address.

I *think* that if you have the latest version of the proxy hack installed (2.11) - fully enabled - and then just manually disable the Proxy to Real IP (2) plugin, and leave the others active, they should co-exist nicely.

Zachariah 11-14-2005 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
Actually they can work together quite well, I tested it before this was released - I privately converted ipinfo for someone before Zac released this, the only real problem is the postbit. If you have any 3.5 version of Proxy to Real installed and then disable the product/plugins, it will still do the actual proxy > real ip conversion, and use/record the real ip address - what it won't do is store/use the proxy address.

I *think* that if you have the latest version of the proxy hack installed (2.11) - fully enabled - and then just manually disable the Proxy to Real IP (2) plugin, and leave the others active, they should co-exist nicely.

Great info Sir. :bunny:
- good for a quick fix.

I'll still work on a fix so that you do not need to disable anything. I hate to install new toys and then have to jump through hoops just to make it work. :cry:

biggjoe 11-14-2005 02:00 AM

Thanks for this effort Zach!


mark99 11-14-2005 11:27 AM

Is it possible to add a second row under the "Duplicate IPs" bit where 'Registered IP Addresses' (dates too) and not just 'Post' IPs can also be factored in?

davidw 11-14-2005 01:41 PM

<font color="SeaGreen">* christianb clicks install</font>

Snake 11-15-2005 01:56 PM

Thank you, all installed!

Chadi 11-24-2005 11:42 PM

When I click on the IP icon below postbit (thread view) it shows this:

$postinfo[username]'s information stored for post: $postinfo[postid]
IP Address : $postinfo[ipaddress].
Host Address : $postinfo[hostaddress].
Alt IP Address : $postinfo[altip].
Alt Host Address : $postinfo[althostaddress].
User Agent : $postinfo[useragent].

How do I correct this?

Rickie3 11-25-2005 01:27 AM

this is just what i was looking for thankyou *installed*

Zachariah 11-25-2005 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by mark99
Is it possible to add a second row under the "Duplicate IPs" bit where 'Registered IP Addresses' (dates too) and not just 'Post' IPs can also be factored in?

Dates - good idea.

- I'll take a look on other IP's

Snake 11-25-2005 04:36 PM

Oh yes that's definitely a good idea! :)

twincamfxd 11-25-2005 04:46 PM

Very nice hack, Thanks!!

Code Monkey 11-28-2005 12:25 AM


Moparx 11-28-2005 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
Where My:Hacks Went.

why are you moving all your stuff off of vb.org?

i personally am not joining another forum just for one person's hacks.. and i think most will agree with me.

Code Monkey 11-28-2005 01:28 AM

Plenty of other hacks in the sea.

Zachariah 11-28-2005 01:28 AM

I can host here I can not do tons of support here the hacks are turning into a mess.

I'll set up a support system tickets or something.

- I got a few other toys in the mix w/ this hack soon :D

did anyone get this to work w/ Real IP hack - Paul put out ?

Chadi 11-28-2005 02:45 AM

I installed some IP mods for 3.51 and now anytime I click on the pc icon for IP info in postbit I get something like this:

$postinfo[username]'s information stored for post: $postinfo[postid]
IP Address : $postinfo[ipaddress].
Host Address : $postinfo[hostaddress].
Alt IP Address : $postinfo[altip].
Alt Host Address : $postinfo[althostaddress].
User Agent : $postinfo[useragent].

The IP related hacks installed:


Track all Duplicate IP Addresses via Admin CP

Use real ip when proxy server is detected.

Which could cause this and how do I go about correcting the problem?

Thank you.

Zachariah 11-28-2005 02:50 AM

have you tryed to disable Products untill something worked ?
- I know both Paul and this hack uses the IP image and there awas a mess I did not get to yet.
- https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....1&postcount=94

Hey Paul I am behind bad man - what is in the plugin you said to disable? (so I can look @ the ip info for a fix.) whats in the plugin ? - pm me is cool - or post if cool

Thanks Sir.

Paul M 11-28-2005 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
did anyone get this to work w/ Real IP hack - Paul put out ?

It's quite easy to do, but you have to put up with two IP icons instead of one.

First of all you need the latest version of Proxy to Real IP installed (v2.11), once you have installed this you then edit the 'postbit_proxyip' template - replacing this ;



with this ;


<a href="ipinfo.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$post[postid]"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/ipx.gif" alt="$vbphrase[ip]" title="$post[ip]" border="0" /></a>

and upload this 'ipx.gif' to your images/buttons/ folder (or an image of your choice with the same name).

Zachariah 11-28-2005 03:48 AM

Paul M - Master Coder

/me bows to Paul M. :bunny:

Congrats on da Master Sir.

Yorixz 11-28-2005 12:48 PM


I must moved all of my hacks here to my personal site and off - vBulletin.org

To do's:
- Upload all the current hacks.
- Install Bug system

All updates will be @
Could you explain that mail? It's not really clear to me (and most likely to otherS) what's the reason of that move, myself I'd prefer to have all hacks collected at one site, in this case vB.org.

Zachariah 11-28-2005 01:06 PM

It was an error.

There are 2 hacks for a gallery that was here at vb.org that must be moved off the site, not all of them.

[vB 3.5.x] Module CMPS vBA Gallery
[vB 3.5.x] vBa Gallery - Forum Home

They will be moved to photopost.com

Acido 12-03-2005 03:58 PM

Hi Zachariah

I have this hack downloaded and installed today. But i can't gent the IP info option in AdminCP => vBulletin Options => vBulletin Options => Message Posting and Editing Options => IP Info

That option simply doesn't appear in any place after the install (and uninstall and reinstall)
Can you help ?

Zachariah 12-03-2005 04:38 PM


I uploaded 1.1 :nervous: and not 1.2.

Sory for the mess.


Originally Posted by Acido
Hi Zachariah

I have this hack downloaded and installed today. But i can't gent the IP info option in AdminCP => vBulletin Options => vBulletin Options => Message Posting and Editing Options => IP Info

That option simply doesn't appear in any place after the install (and uninstall and reinstall)
Can you help ?

Acido 12-03-2005 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Zachariah

I uploaded 1.1 :nervous: and not 1.2.

Sory for the mess.

All fine Now. Thank you ! :)

Snake 12-04-2005 11:51 AM

Thanks lol.

havefun 12-06-2005 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Zachariah

I uploaded 1.1 :nervous: and not 1.2.

Sory for the mess.

no problem :)

WNxWakko 12-17-2005 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
It's quite easy to do, but you have to put up with two IP icons instead of one.

First of all you need the latest version of Proxy to Real IP installed (v2.11), once you have installed this you then edit the 'postbit_proxyip' template - replacing this ;



with this ;


<a href="ipinfo.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$post[postid]"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/ipx.gif" alt="$vbphrase[ip]" title="$post[ip]" border="0" /></a>

and upload this 'ipx.gif' to your images/buttons/ folder (or an image of your choice with the same name).

Why does there have to be 2 IP images now?

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