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-   -   Yet Another Awards System 3.5 v2.1.2 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=94836)

cclaerhout 09-15-2005 08:38 PM

Here's the French translation for Yet Another Awards System 3.5 v2.0.0.
Just import the xml file as a product, and it will replace english phrases by french ones.

Edit : FR01 translation deleted.

cclaerhout 09-16-2005 07:08 AM

Here's the French FR02 translation for Yet Another Awards System 3.5 v2.0.0.

Just import the xml file as a product, and it will replace english phrases by french ones.

P.S : FR02 means second version

cclaerhout 09-16-2005 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by cclaerhout
Here's the French FR02 translation for Yet Another Awards System 3.5 v2.0.0.

Just import the xml file as a product, and it will replace english phrases by french ones.

P.S : FR02 means second version

Just to say that just one phrase remains hardcoded in the award.php line 453 :

print_table_header("Give award to user", 2, 0);

cclaerhout 09-16-2005 07:59 AM

Is there a way (ie : in postbit) to align awards from a same category in a line, then with a <br /> to align icons from another category in another line ?

Exemple sheme of the postbit :

Username (line 1)
Avatar ("line" 2)
awards from cat.1 (line 3)
awards from cat.2 (line 4 )

Stunner Inc. 09-16-2005 08:52 AM

Ok I'm either dumb or can't read....I put the medals where the instructions said ({ROOT}/images/medals/*)I get red X's on my site....I try putting them elsewhere and still get X's....HELP would be appreciated....

Do I have to move the Folder in the zip called Medals to the images folder or not?

cclaerhout 09-16-2005 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Stunner Inc.
Ok I'm either dumb or can't read....I put the medals where the instructions said ({ROOT}/images/medals/*)I get red X's on my site....I try putting them elsewhere and still get X's....HELP would be appreciated....

Do I have to move the Folder in the zip called Medals to the images folder or not?

Are you sure about the path you have precised for each picture in admincp ?

Cyricx 09-16-2005 04:29 PM

Bug with table prefixes when viewing "awards.php?award_cat_id=x"

Got an sql error.

Fixed it by changing this


        // check to see if we have already got the results from the database
                $fcache = array();
                $award_cats = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "award_cat
                " . iif($display_award_cat_id, "WHERE award_cat.award_cat_id = $display_award_cat_id", '') . "
                        ORDER BY award_cat_displayorder

To this

        // check to see if we have already got the results from the database
                $fcache = array();
                $award_cats = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "award_cat
                " . iif($display_award_cat_id, "WHERE " . TABLE_PREFIX ."award_cat.award_cat_id = $display_award_cat_id", '') . "
                        ORDER BY award_cat_displayorder

You were missing a table_prefix after the where statement :)

Also, noticed that the "awards_bit" template isn't getting cached when viewing threads?

Causing alot of extra queries.

Mastermaik 09-20-2005 06:40 AM

Hi there,
is there any translation of this hack into german !?
would be very great !

mtha 09-20-2005 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Mastermaik
Hi there,
is there any translation of this hack into german !?
would be very great !

There's one for vB 3.0.x


Mastermaik 09-22-2005 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by mtha

But thats not working in 3.5 i guess, or ?
A original version for 3.5. isn?t available !?

MarsNIIT 10-02-2005 08:47 AM

please help me, error: http://forums.niitvn.info/awards.php?award_cat_id=1

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM abc_award_cat
WHERE award_cat.award_cat_id = 1
ORDER BY award_cat_displayorder;

MySQL Error : Unknown table 'award_cat' in where clause
Error Number : 1109
Date : Sunday, October 2nd 2005 @ 04:46:19 AM
Script : http://forums.niitvn.info/awards.php?award_cat_id=1
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : MarsNIIT
Classname : vb_database

TosaInu 10-02-2005 08:58 AM


Does it still work with 3.5.0 gold?

WNxWakko 10-03-2005 01:02 AM

When a medal is given out, on the users profile it shows it twice. Seems like its two different places because the first one is alt1 colors, then second row repeat with alt2 colors. How do I get rid of the dupe?

mtha 10-03-2005 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by MarsNIIT
please help me, error: http://forums.niitvn.info/awards.php?award_cat_id=1

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM abc_award_cat
WHERE award_cat.award_cat_id = 1
ORDER BY award_cat_displayorder;

MySQL Error : Unknown table 'award_cat' in where clause
Error Number : 1109
Date : Sunday, October 2nd 2005 @ 04:46:19 AM
Script : http://forums.niitvn.info/awards.php?award_cat_id=1
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : MarsNIIT
Classname : vb_database

you did not use the latest version of YAAS. Please download the newest version and upload the awards.php to your server


Does it still work with 3.5.0 gold?


When a medal is given out, on the users profile it shows it twice. Seems like its two different places because the first one is alt1 colors, then second row repeat with alt2 colors. How do I get rid of the dupe?
You got the old file too. check your plugin list, and find a duplicated plugin in there.

gator777 10-03-2005 07:29 PM

It installed like a charm, and works great. I really want to thank you for all your hard work by making such a great addon for VB. :up:

I have a couple of questions/requests.

Once a user is given a medal, for example, how do you go back at a later date and edit the "Issue Reason" for a user after that already been added?

Also, I'm confused about the permissions when using the Request for Award page. It says I am not authoized, so how does a user access this page, or where is the user permisison located?

Although still under construction, you can view my Awards page Here

And here is a post with some of the awards in action Here

Thanks again :)

WNxWakko 10-07-2005 07:30 PM

Is there a way you can make it so I can edit the reason without deleting and recreating the award?

mtha 10-07-2005 11:26 PM

I think I did add the function to edit it.

when you go to award manager/manage award, you will be able to edit/delete any given award.

let me check on the online version.

:) forgot to update the online version

replace this file in admincp

WNxWakko 10-08-2005 12:11 AM

oh thank you thank you! :) me is happy completly with this mod, it rocks.

WNxWakko 10-08-2005 03:52 AM

Um, me again :) Is there a way to maybe add a toggle switch in options so noone can be added for a medal more than once? I have a ton of members and it can be hard to organize sometimes.

jluerken 10-08-2005 08:08 AM

Hi mtha,

could you bring things like this
PHP Code:

$formtitle "Award Request Form"

in the phrase system?

Currently you can only use this hack on single language boards and I really want to use it :D

WNxWakko 10-08-2005 11:01 PM

Also I found a problem. For some reason the medals showing in postbit do not show up viewing PM's or when you use quick reply the medals dont show up until you refresh the page. Keep in mind the quick reply is using the ajax so the page doesnt reload from your reply.

rb290 10-09-2005 01:02 AM

ok I installed it and seems to be going good
thank you

rb290 10-09-2005 01:32 AM

if someone request an award where do I see the request ?

rb290 10-09-2005 01:37 AM

hmm, i just noticed that someone who requested an award it ended up in the intro forum where people introduce themselves, any idea on how to fix this and where its supposed to go ?

mtha 10-09-2005 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by rb290
hmm, i just noticed that someone who requested an award it ended up in the intro forum where people introduce themselves, any idea on how to fix this and where its supposed to go ?

read the instruction on how to setup award request. it's in settings.request_award.php

WhiteWolf 10-09-2005 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko
Also I found a problem. For some reason the medals showing in postbit do not show up viewing PM's or when you use quick reply the medals dont show up until you refresh the page. Keep in mind the quick reply is using the ajax so the page doesnt reload from your reply.

Yeah, same here. We have noticed the same two things with our Forum, Awards not showing in PM's and just after quick reply (dealing with the AJAX update I'm sure... it's not pulling the awards when it refreshes to see the post)

evenmonkeys 10-09-2005 05:54 PM

Fixed it myself.

WNxWakko 10-09-2005 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by xYarub
Fixed it myself.

Fixed what exactly? and how did you fix what you fixed :)

pfvc 10-10-2005 10:07 AM

I had setup my own code where I had the awards I wanted to display side by side 5 across, then move to the next line and add another 5, etc, etc. using ghe custom fields and adding some code in the appropriate spots. However the YAAS system would be much better for my use.

Is there anyway of displaying awards side by side 5 across, then move to the next line and add another 5, etc, etc. or wrapping to the next line with the YAAS system and if so how?


Originally Posted by cclaerhout
Is there a way (ie : in postbit) to align awards from a same category in a line, then with a <br /> to align icons from another category in another line ?

Exemple sheme of the postbit :

Username (line 1)
Avatar ("line" 2)
awards from cat.1 (line 3)
awards from cat.2 (line 4 )

rb290 10-10-2005 08:59 PM

I wanna know how you put this awards system in the navbar so people will notice it and see what it is cause not many people know

Flow Fusion 10-10-2005 10:20 PM

How can I get the award to show in the postbit? Right now all I get is the links?

mtha 10-10-2005 11:26 PM


Um, me again https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ Is there a way to maybe add a toggle switch in options so noone can be added for a medal more than once? I have a ton of members and it can be hard to organize sometimes.
you have ton of members to give awards? wow ...
i'd give a member the same awards as many time as it needs. if you dont want to give member award many time, just dont give him again.
it's posible to check award+userid when adding one, but I cant do it now.


For some reason the medals showing in postbit do not show up viewing PM's or when you use quick reply the medals dont show up until you refresh the page. Keep in mind the quick reply is using the ajax so the page doesnt reload from your reply.
well, there's some problem in private and announcement, will look into it.


Is there anyway of displaying awards side by side 5 across, then move to the next line and add another 5, etc, etc. or wrapping to the next line with the YAAS system and if so how?
I didnt test, but you can try. edit YAAS - Showthread_postbit_create plugin


PHP Code:

               foreach($userawardscache[$post['userid']] AS $award_id => $award
                    if (
$aw_i <= $vbulletin->options['aw_display_limit']) 
'$post[userawards] .= "' fetch_template('awards_bit') . '";'); 

PHP Code:

               foreach($userawardscache[$post['userid']] AS $award_id => $award
                    if (
$aw_i <= $vbulletin->options['aw_display_limit']) 
'$post[userawards] .= "' fetch_template('awards_bit') . '";'); 
if ((
$aw_i%5) == '0') eval('$post[userawards] .= "<br>";'); 


How can I get the award to show in the postbit? Right now all I get is the links?
How can I understand what your error is? if you dont have award, no link is available at all.
read the manual on how to add/give award.

rb290 10-11-2005 01:34 AM

I wanna know how you put this awards in the navbar thatll link it to www.mysite.com/awards.php so people will notice it and see what it is cause not many people know without being informed

mtha 10-11-2005 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by rb290
I wanna know how you put this awards in the navbar thatll link it to www.mysite.com/awards.php so people will notice it and see what it is cause not many people know without being informed

edit navbar,

add <a href="awards.php">Awards</a> to the place that you want people to see it.

you can customize the template to look the same with other links that you have in there

mtha 10-11-2005 06:13 PM

Version 2.0.3 is released with the fix to display awards in PM and announcement.

please reimport the XML product!

StarGame 10-12-2005 09:50 AM

Hi, i do not know if this has already been ask but when i installed your script on my forums I could not see or access the awards in my admin area, it did not appear under 'Users'
Can anyone help me?

mtha 10-12-2005 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by StarGame
Hi, i do not know if this has already been ask but when i installed your script on my forums I could not see or access the awards in my admin area, it did not appear under 'Users'
Can anyone help me?

did you upload the files, especially the /includes/xml/cpnav_awards.xml ?

did you refresh the admincp browsers?

if you have dual_admin nav. installed, it will be on the second panel.

Flow Fusion 10-13-2005 02:11 PM

OK I'm sorry but I don't see any way to request an award? Please explain....

WNxWakko 10-13-2005 08:12 PM

Installed 2.03. I still see the problem when a user uses quickreply their medal does not showup until they refresh the page.

mtha 10-13-2005 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Flow Fusion
OK I'm sorry but I don't see any way to request an award? Please explain....

- Read the manual
- Check the Award settings. Request is Off by default, you need to turn is ON and configure "award_request_settings" if you want to use.


Installed 2.03. I still see the problem when a user uses quickreply their medal does not showup until they refresh the page.
Didnt think of this ajax before. anyway, it's just you who dont see your medal, after you do quickreply, right? others still can see it fine, so it shouldnt be a big deal.

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