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Gellpak 09-22-2005 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by bfoot045
Hmm, I guess the post wasn't seen, anyways, same question.

I just want to use the wordpress comments system, but have that user integration so users can use their forum account to make comments on the wordpress.

As I understand it, this already does that. You have to have a user account set up with wordpress to POST an item, but replies are just sent to the forum anyway, which uses the forum accounts.

What I'd like to see is full user integration... i.e. no such thing as wordpress accounts, just permissions in vbb that allow posting in wordpress. No separate user system.

gigaenvy 09-25-2005 01:43 PM

Do you know if this can be used to pull from a remote vbulletin server? Was thinking of testing this on another domain with WP installed and pulling posts remotely.


rsuplido 09-25-2005 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by gigaenvy
Do you know if this can be used to pull from a remote vbulletin server? Was thinking of testing this on another domain with WP installed and pulling posts remotely.


Check out my reply on post #70. Not guaranteed but it might work.

gigaenvy 09-25-2005 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by rsuplido
Check out my reply on post #70. Not guaranteed but it might work.

Thanks...I did a search initially for the word "remote", hence my post. Makes perfect sense since that is how I am publishing posts from my vbulletin forums onto an html page on another web host - domain.

Again...much appreciated for your help.

iliton 09-27-2005 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Gellpak
What I'd like to see is full user integration...

This all what i need

rsuplido 09-27-2005 07:15 PM

I understand that some of you would like to see user integration but why? Users with Wordpress accounts (authors and contributors) are very minimal. Majority of the blog sites probably just has one author. Why integrate the user database to vB then?

With this hack, you should:

1. Create accounts for blog authors in WordPress so they can create blog entries
2. Members register in vBulletin so they can reply

What's so difficult about that?

David_R 09-28-2005 10:39 AM

Is this not a full version ? I am confused by some posts in this thread.

The Bad Astrono 10-02-2005 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by rsuplido
A workaround is probably to add the database name in the dbprefix variable like:

$vb_dbprefix = 'databasename.vb3_';

Also, in phpmyadmin, give full access to the wordpress user to the vb database. It might work.

I was thinking about this again. Since the vBulletin database is on another server altogether, I have no clue what to put in this variable to make it work (or even if it can work).

Does anyone out there with more experience have an idea? Is there some way to tie together two databases sitting on different computers? I'll add that they are both on the same web host, just on two different machines.


pcoskat 10-15-2005 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by The Bad Astrono
This is a nice hack! It's just what I need, with one minor (haha) problem: my bulletin board is a different database, and on a different server than my blog. My php and DB skills are pretty minimal, so does anyone know how to do this? I would dearly love to have the comments from my blog on my bulletin board!

Uhh oh!

I was all excited about this mod until I read your post.

My blogs are going to be on the same server as my vB, but they will not share the same domain.

Is this going to be a problem... :surprised:

Lord Brar 10-15-2005 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by pcoskat
Uhh oh!

I was all excited about this mod until I read your post.

My blogs are going to be on the same server as my vB, but they will not share the same domain.

Is this going to be a problem... :surprised:

If they are going to share the database then the domain should not be an issue.

Gellpak 10-26-2005 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by rsuplido
I understand that some of you would like to see user integration but why? Users with Wordpress accounts (authors and contributors) are very minimal. Majority of the blog sites probably just has one author. Why integrate the user database to vB then?

With this hack, you should:

1. Create accounts for blog authors in WordPress so they can create blog entries
2. Members register in vBulletin so they can reply

What's so difficult about that?

Oh, it's not, and it's what I'm doing now, but it makes building an admin control panel with everything at your fingertips a bit tougher. It would just be a much more elegant solution... I'm honestly suprised that given the popularity of both these programs that noone has done it already.

chanzero 11-18-2005 03:18 PM

loving this hack!

anybody have any hints or ideas on how to modify comments in lightpress or K2? i'd really like to try it with them...

99SIVTEC 11-18-2005 05:44 PM

I love this hack. It's the single best addition to my sites. The ONLY thing I would like to improve is the ability to post html to the forums. I always format my wordpress posts in html, but it posts to the forums in plain text. I have to go in and insert the html by hand into the forum post which isn't a huge deal, but it would be nice if it did it for me.

RyanC 11-18-2005 08:54 PM

Stupid question, but can you chose which blog entries have threads automatically started in your VB forum? It would be great if only the entries I designate are given a comment area and a thread in by forum...


chanzero 11-19-2005 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by chanzero
loving this hack!

anybody have any hints or ideas on how to modify comments in lightpress or K2? i'd really like to try it with them...

i mean, modify it to show vb comments if that wasn't clear

and also, anyone have any idea how to possibly modify post pages (not necessarily in lightpress or K2) to show the comment form like a vb quick reply?

muf 12-07-2005 07:36 PM

In case anyone's interested, I've successfully gotten the bridge to associate WordPress nicknames with vB usernames. The condition for this to work is that your WP nicks *must* correspond with their vB nicks.
Just add this to the bridge block in admin/post.php:
PHP Code:

$vb_posterid $wpdb->get_var("SELECT userid FROM " $vb_dbprefix "user WHERE username = '" $user_nickname "'"); 

Then proceed to replace all occurrances (in post.php) of $vb_username with $user_nickname and all occurrances of $vb_userid with $vb_posterid. If no userid can be found for the nickname (WP-vB mismatch), the entry in the database will be set at 0 and the postbit will display the user as "Guest" and with "Posts: n/a". Of course, you add this modification at your own risk, the only guarantee you have is that it *works for me*. It is a little hackish (since I use $vb_posterid while i should abolish the $vb_username and $vb_userid in vb3-settings.php and do it all correctly, blah blah), so if anyone feels it should be done prettier, by all means go ahead.

rsuplido 12-07-2005 07:38 PM

LOL muf,

I was just doing the same change just now. Really!

Will post ist soon. :D

rsuplido 12-07-2005 07:53 PM

Posted the new version:

v1.2 (12/7/2005):
Uses correct vB user id and user name of the blog author. This will work only if the username of the Wordpress user is exactly the same as the vB username. If not, it uses $vb_userid and $vb_username defined in the settings.

Here's the updated code in post.php:

        // VB Bridge Start
                if ($vb_bridge) {
                        if ($post_title == "") {

                        $saveid = $vb_userid;
                        $savename = $vb_username;

                        $author_name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `user_login` FROM $wpdb->users WHERE `id` = '$post_author'");
                        if ($author_name != ""){
                                $vb_authorid = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `userid` FROM " . $vb_dbprefix . "user WHERE `username` = '$author_name'");
                                if ($vb_authorid != ""){
                                        $saveid = $vb_authorid;
                                        $savename = $author_name;
                        $curtime = time();
                        $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$vb_dbprefix}thread`
                                        SET `title`='{$post_title}',`lastpost`='{$curtime}', `forumid`='{$vb_forumid}', `open`='1', `postusername`='{$savename}', `postuserid`='{$saveid}', `lastposter`='{$savename}', `dateline`='{$curtime}', `visible`='1'";
                        $vbresult = $wpdb->query($sql);
                        $vb_threadid = $wpdb->insert_id;
                        if ($excerpt == ""){
                                $moreflag = strpos($content,'<!--more-->');
                                if ($moreflag === false) {
                                        $introtext = $content;
                                } else {
                                        $introtext = substr($content, 0, $moreflag);
                                $bbcontent = '[quote'.']'.strip_tags($introtext).'['.'/quote]';
                        } else {
                                $bbcontent = '[quote'.']'.strip_tags($excerpt).'['.'/quote]';
                        $bbcontent .= '[URL='.get_permalink($post_ID).']['.'b]'.$vb_readmessage.'['.'/b]['.'/URL]';                               
                        $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$vb_dbprefix}post`
                                        SET `threadid`='{$vb_threadid}', `username`='{$savename}', `userid`='{$saveid}', `title`='{$post_title}', `pagetext`='{$bbcontent}', `ipaddress`='{$REMOTE_ADDR}', `allowsmilie`='1', `iconid`='1',`visible`='1', `dateline`='{$curtime}'";
                        $vbresult = $wpdb->query($sql);
                        $sql = "UPDATE `{$vb_dbprefix}forum` SET `threadcount`=`threadcount`+1, `lastpost`='{$curtime}', `lastposter`='{$savename}', `lastthread`='{$post_title}', `lastthreadid`='{$vb_threadid}', `lasticonid`='1' WHERE `forumid`='{$vb_forumid}' LIMIT 1";
                        $vbresult = $wpdb->query($sql);
                  $sql = "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET `vb_threadid`={$vb_threadid} WHERE `ID`='{$post_ID}'";
                        $vbresult = $wpdb->query($sql);
        // VB Bridge End

muf 12-08-2005 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by rsuplido
Posted the new version:

v1.2 (12/7/2005):
Uses correct vB user id and user name of the blog author. This will work only if the username of the Wordpress user is exactly the same as the vB username. If not, it uses $vb_userid and $vb_username defined in the settings.

Here's the updated code in post.php:

Nice. But why do you get the username from the database when it is already fetched and ready for use as $user_nickname ? The code looks good but a little complicated :ninja:.

rsuplido 12-08-2005 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by muf
Nice. But why do you get the username from the database when it is already fetched and ready for use as $user_nickname ? The code looks good but a little complicated :ninja:.

Actually, while they look the same, I wasn't sure if the 'user_nickname' is the same as 'user_login'. Isn't the nickname an alias and can be user defined? I just wanted to make sure.

The code got a bit complicated since I had to check if the wp username corresponds to a vB username. If not, I still use the default username and id defined in the settings.


memobug 12-08-2005 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by rsuplido
This hack will only work if your WordPress and vBulletin tables are in a single database.

What would it take to make this hack work with a Wordpress installation located in another database (on the same server?)



rsuplido 12-09-2005 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by memobug
What would it take to make this hack work with a Wordpress installation located in another database (on the same server?)

Matt, check out reply #70 of this thread.


macshrine 12-11-2005 09:50 PM

Would this work with vB 3.5.2?

chanzero 12-12-2005 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by rsuplido
Posted the new version:

v1.2 (12/7/2005):
Uses correct vB user id and user name of the blog author. This will work only if the username of the Wordpress user is exactly the same as the vB username. If not, it uses $vb_userid and $vb_username defined in the settings.

i thought when upon installing this, if a user logged into wordpress they would also be logged into vb and vice versa assuming the nickname = vb username, however this doesn't seem to be the case. so i'm a little confused about what the association of the nick & vbname does?

don't get me wrong, still loving the work on the vb-wp bridge, just got lost on the latest development :)


mikaelweb 12-16-2005 06:53 AM

Will this one work whit vBulletin 3.5.2

Viks 12-23-2005 12:45 AM

Thank you.

The hack is really excellent addon for vbulletin and increases its funtionality many folds with this bridge and wordpress.

Simply fantastic... I have tried it on my develop forums using vb3.5.1 and it works great!

I have a question.. in case I decide to use other themes instead of the default one then will the edit/changes be the same that I applied to the default theme.. or will it be different??


rsuplido 12-23-2005 01:56 AM


You shouldn't have to change anything if you change themes.

Viks 12-30-2005 04:46 PM

Thanks for your reply..
Here.. you are invited to check out my site.. with wordpress integeration.

Thalforum.ca - It is a patient support forum for Thalassemia (a genetic blood disroder) and I have used wordpress as the article section on the site.

I read today about wordpress 2.0 being released, and I was wondering if anyone here has tried to use wordpress 2.x with vbulletin 3.5.x integreration?



The Bad Astrono 12-31-2005 05:55 PM

Well, I'm finally getting around to working on this, and I'm having a problem (probably due to my lack of Db skills).

I moved my website and blog to the same server as the vB board. They use two different databases, which is unavoidable. This means the admin for the two databases have different names. When I try to post, I get an error which says:


WordPress database error: [Access denied for user 'XXX @'localhost' to database 'xx vBdbname xx']
SELECT count(*)-1 FROM vb_forum.post WHERE threadid = '3'
where XXX is my admin name on WordPress, and "xxvBdbnamexx" is the database name for the vB board. It looks to me that the admin for WP cannot talk to the database for vB. I tried adding the WP username to the forum database in DirectAdmin (the panel I use for administration) but it won't allow me to (it forces me to use a prefix for the name specific to the database, so I literally cannot get the same admin name for both databases).

If this makes any sense :-) does anyone have a suggestion?


Lord Brar 01-03-2006 06:11 AM


Any plans to upgrade it for 2.0? This code doesn't work in 2.0 :(

Thanks :)

Viks 01-04-2006 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Lord Brar

Any plans to upgrade it for 2.0? This code doesn't work in 2.0 :(

Thanks :)

It does'nt eh!! :ermm:

rsuplido, what do you think? Actually I am pretty happy with 1.5 for now but I know sooner or later the new Ajax features and PLugin Manager feature of wordpress 2.0 is gonna be too hard to resist.

Kindly consider porting the hack to 2.0 with compatibility to vb3.5.x... we'll be very obliged!


Macindy 01-04-2006 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Viks
It does'nt eh!! :ermm:

rsuplido, what do you think? Actually I am pretty happy with 1.5 for now but I know sooner or later the new Ajax features and PLugin Manager feature of wordpress 2.0 is gonna be too hard to resist.

Kindly consider porting the hack to 2.0 with compatibility to vb3.5.x... we'll be very obliged!


Please do so - I waiting on it ;)

fedoraforum 01-09-2006 06:12 PM

any update for wordpress 2.x? :p

Viks 01-30-2006 11:21 PM

Hi rsuplido,

any plans to porting this for Wordpress 2.0?


MSC 02-01-2006 11:31 PM

Hi folks, also waiting for a 2.0 release.

BryceW 02-03-2006 07:55 AM

Does this work on VB 3.5.3?

Lord Brar 02-03-2006 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by BryceW
Does this work on VB 3.5.3?

vBulletin version is no problem... it is the wordpress version which is a problem. This mod works with 1.5 and not version 2 of WP. :(

BryceW 02-03-2006 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Lord Brar
vBulletin version is no problem... it is the wordpress version which is a problem. This mod works with 1.5 and not version 2 of WP. :(

Thanks for that Lord Brar, I have been looking around for a copy of WP (or whatever the latest version is) from a secure source, it seems there is no longer a download link to the older versions of WP.

Edit: Ended up finding it from a secure source, here is a link for future searchers: http://static.wordpress.org/archive/

EINS 02-12-2006 06:49 PM


will there be a release for WP 2.0?

EINS 02-14-2006 08:28 AM


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