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plateau 08-15-2005 07:52 PM

in the vBookie Installation it says:

Of course, you can do whatever you see fit, here. You might prefer to only allow vBookie events to be created in a specific forum, rather than in every forum. To do this, just set the permissions for specific forums as normal.

however i couldnt find where to set the permission, there is no options related to vBookie in each of the forum management pages.


Andreas 08-15-2005 08:06 PM

ACP / Forums & Moderators / Forum Permissions
Select the Forum and Usergroup, uncheck "Can post vBookie Events"

plateau 08-15-2005 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
ACP / Forums & Moderators / Forum Permissions
Select the Forum and Usergroup, uncheck "Can post vBookie Events"

thanks mate, the problem solved :rolleyes:

another problem found:

i am using the chinese version of the uCash hack, which was modified by the chinese-vbulletin development group to suit for the chinese vb. and i found that when i enabled the uCash in the vBookie settings, it doesnt work.

so, any ways to solve it, or to modify the code so it can be related to my chinese uCash system? thanks!!!

Andreas 08-15-2005 08:20 PM

I can't read chinese ... so obviously I can't tell what's going wrong.
If you can tell me, i'll try to fix it.

plateau 08-15-2005 08:56 PM

right, what i found is: if i enable the uCash and off the vCash in the ACP, then nobody can place the stake and bet on the event. as the first attached image shows.

now i can only use vCash.......... :rolleyes:

as the second image idicates, it works fine with vCash.

thank u Kirby.

Andreas 08-15-2005 09:03 PM

Does it work with the standard, english uCash?
If so, where can I get access to the chinese uCash?

plateau 08-15-2005 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Does it work with the standard, english uCash?
If so, where can I get access to the chinese uCash?

mmm, i think i need to install a fresh chinese vb first, then the eng. uCash, and vBookie, and then do some tests to see the results...

anyone has already successfully tested the uCash on vBookie?

anyway, i ll get some more information about my problem, and get back to u. cheers.

Andreas 08-15-2005 09:47 PM

Yes, see Posts above - there are Users that successfully got uCash and vBookie working.

Btw @ all that had Time Problems:
Do they still appear with Build 3?

Editing Events should work now.

TTG 08-15-2005 11:20 PM

I'm not using ucash .. how do the members receive extra cash for posting. ?
Everyone starts with 500, but that hasn't increased since installation.

Boots 08-16-2005 01:06 AM

time issue appears to be resolved in the latest release!

rinkrat 08-16-2005 12:57 PM

yep. Thanks :)

plateau 08-16-2005 02:03 PM

Hello Kirby,

I ve checked with vb chinese team, they said the chinese vb cash system is diff. from the english one.

what i think is, is there anyway to modify the code so the vBookie can be applied on the chn. cash system?

i had a look on the database, in the user table, the column for vbookie cash is called vbookie_cash, and the one for chn. cash system is called money.

so can we just modify the coding, to repalce the 'vbookie_cash' with 'money'? thus the users can use the chn. cash system to play the vbookie.

maybe not that simple, but i believe it is possible. maybe in the vbookie, you can provide a 'port' to let people configure it to suit for any vbulletin cash systems.


mcyates 08-16-2005 03:48 PM

Get this error when i run the vbookie.php file, also i have no permisions in my usergroupd for vbookie and their is no vbookie link in the navbar. I have settings in the options of vbulletin but thats it, anyway here is the error i get:

Warning: main(/home/myfootba/public_html/VB350/includes/functions_vbookie.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /vbookie.php on line 77

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '/home/myfootba/public_html/VB350/includes/functions_vbookie.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/myfootba/public_html/VB350/vbookie.php on line 77

mcyates 08-16-2005 03:52 PM

I can now see vbookie.php fine now, but i still have no optinos in the usergroup options.

mcyates 08-16-2005 04:18 PM

its ok i've fixed it. My own fault.

Dream 08-17-2005 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Editing Events should work now.

poster still cant edit his events here

fpouk 08-17-2005 02:30 PM

I only have 1 problem... whenever i post a vbookie event and i enter dates for last day to bet and payout day and click update event... no matter what date i put it gets put to August 1st 2005 and August 2nd 2005 for payout after i submit event?

any help will be appreciated

Andreas 08-17-2005 07:47 PM

Which vBookie Version and vBulletin Version do you run?

Also on my Board?

TTG 08-17-2005 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by TTG
I'm not using ucash .. how do the members receive extra cash for posting. ?
Everyone starts with 500, but that hasn't increased since installation.

no update for this problem .. ?

Andreas 08-17-2005 10:06 PM

They receive Cash if they win.
Or, if it is enabled, 25 when a new Event is placed.

(Reminder: Make the amount a Setting)

Dream 08-17-2005 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Also on my Board?

is that a retoric question or would you want me to try? where shoult I register to try?...

.Tim 08-17-2005 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Btw @ all that had Time Problems:
Do they still appear with Build 3?

Seems to be working just fine for me now, thanks.:D

wcbryant 08-19-2005 12:10 PM

This is mostly to Kirby, but really to anyone who might have the relevant knowledge.

My users have been begging for agest for a way to tweak vBookie so that it also supports private (or public) bets between users. My site is related to college athletics. There will always be one user who feels X is absolutely true, and one or two other posters will feel he couldn't possibly be more wrong. They're hoping to be able to put their vCash where their mouths are by spawning their own little personal events in the system between themselves.

I know I could have my mods create new events every time it gets up, but over a few thousand users and the course of a college football season, that could get seriously out of hand.

Just wanted to toss it out there and see if anyone had any ideas or suggestions.

concreteweb 08-19-2005 10:53 PM

Hi Kirby,

I have a strange(?) one. Your instructions say:

"When you have installed vBookie and made all the file and template modifications, you are ready so set it up. Go to your AdminCP and expand the vBookie item. Then click on General Settings."

I don't have a vBookie item! I've uninstalled and re-installed. No change. vBookie is running on the forum, but I have not been able to set it up yet.

Any clues?

v: 3.5 RC2
latest vbookie files d/l'd.

Andreas 08-19-2005 11:00 PM

Well, I just took the old Readme and updated it to suit the new Format ... obviously some things slipped through ;)

ACP / vBulletin Options / vBulletin Options / vBookie Settings

I don't understand your Request exactly ... private Bets are already possible.
Can you explain exactly what you want?

TTG 08-19-2005 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Or, if it is enabled, 25 when a new Event is placed.

(Reminder: Make the amount a Setting)

Don't seem to have that option .. you updated it recently !?

Andreas 08-19-2005 11:10 PM

No, it's there since the first 3.5 Release.
vBulletin / vBulletin Options / vBookie Settings / Give to the Poor= Yes

plateau 08-19-2005 11:12 PM

in the vbookie settings, there is no option related to charity, only three are listed there.

Andreas 08-19-2005 11:13 PM

Hmm ... for me it is. Lemme check the XML ...

concreteweb 08-19-2005 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Well, I just took the old Readme and updated it to suit the new Format ... obviously some things slipped through ;)

ACP / vBulletin Options / vBulletin Options / vBookie Settings

I don't understand your Request exactly ... private Bets are already possible.
Can you explain exactly what you want?

Excellent! Looks I found it just when you were posting this. Thanks.

Andreas 08-19-2005 11:24 PM

Was missing in the XML. I've updated the ZIP and also changed install.html.
Version Number has not been changed as there are no changes.

plateau 08-19-2005 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Was missing in the XML. I've updated the ZIP and also changed install.html.
Version Number has not been changed as there are no changes.

thanks mate! :rolleyes:

TTG 08-20-2005 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Was missing in the XML. I've updated the ZIP and also changed install.html.

thanks for checking and updating KirbyDE

plateau 08-20-2005 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by TTG
thanks for checking and updating KirbyDE

wa...............u r so kind, mate. :rolleyes:

plateau 08-20-2005 10:05 PM


Your <i>vBookie</i> event has been deleted. If there were any stakes placed on an unsettled bet, they have been returne. You will now be taken back to the main <i>vBookie</i> page.


.Tim 08-20-2005 10:46 PM

I deleted a thread and forgot to delete the test event first, is there a way to delete the test event now that the thread is gone?

wcbryant 08-20-2005 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
I don't understand your Request exactly ... private Bets are already possible.
Can you explain exactly what you want?

Sorry Kirby, end of a long day when I wrote that, and it didn't read well.

To start off, I should have called it "person-to-person" betting, and not "private."

I'd like to figure out a way to add another class of events. I have moderators who create site-wide events, always sports related on my site. No one else is able to create vBookie events, for the sake of not polluting the system. What I'd like, what my users are asking for, is a way (perhaps through PM) for users to create and have a record of private 2-person bets. These wouldn't be bets anyone else could participate it.

I imagine it would work something like this. User1 and User2 disagree about something. User1 thinks the sky is blue, User2 thinks it's red. User1 spawns a bet which is sent privately to User2, and selects 'terms' for the bet. Public/private result, odds, close date, perhaps even select another user (User3, here) as an impartial judge. User2 receives a PM detailing the terms, and has to accept or decline the bet. When the close date arrives, either User1, or (ideally, if an impartial judge was selected) User3, enters the results and processes the bet. In this case, User1 or 3 record that the sky is indeed blue, as it was even odds for 100 vCash each, the cash held by the event is released to User1. You could even go as far as to allow a % to go to User3 as a service tip. Maybe a seperate 'news' section within vBookie could annouce the results of these, with the level of detail provided to the public dependant upon User1 having selected a public or private person-to-person bet.

I know that's a convoluted way to ask for a pretty simple thing. I do know this *could* be done through the system now. But it would cause a few unhappy problems. First and foremost, it would flood the vBookie system on my site with events, the ones we're doing on a site-wide level would be lost in the deluge. Secondly, it would mean one of my mods having to create an event for the people in question every single time they want an event. I guess my hope is that a "person-to-person" side of vBookie could be opened up that would allow the users to deal with their little side bets without mod intervention, and without flooding vBookie's bet listings with literally hundreds of new events. Doing this through PMs would also mean I wouldn't have to have thousands of new threads created for every little side bet people want to run.

Hope this makes some sense. It's the end of yet another long day. :) If I'm the only one who would get some use out of such a system, obviously I can toss a request out there for a bit of custom coding in another area of vb.org. I just know it's come up before, so I thought I'd toss it in here to see if there's a 'market' at all for such a feature.

(edit: Re-reading this, I wonder if it's too big a hassle to reasonably suggest here. As a non-coder, I just have no idea whatsoever.)

All that aside, thanks SO much for converting this. It was one of my last few "must-have's" for 3.5.0. Now I just need someone to help svc out with AWS and I'm good to go. :)

fpouk 08-21-2005 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Which vBookie Version and vBulletin Version do you run?

Also on my Board?

sorry i meant to reply back... everything is working fine now.

Dream 08-22-2005 07:52 PM

found a bug with uCash

when the value has more than 3 digits, vbookie tries to insert the value using 99,999.99 format

Andreas 08-22-2005 07:58 PM

Uh? That's a strange bug.
Can you explain a bit more as to when this happens exactly, which errors you get?

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