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slim cutty 08-26-2005 03:09 PM

Thanks a bunch man... you've been a huge help with this hack

greatly appreciate it!

micheal332001 08-26-2005 04:18 PM

your very welcome m8

I will be making some more for this too.


ronoxQ 09-02-2005 12:43 PM


Installing was easy, probably one of the easiest I've done so far, but...

1) WHY do you make us edit all the usergroups manually to decide what kinds of games they can play?

2) WHY don't you put a casino link in the navbar?

3) WHY is the grammar so horrible?

yoyoyoyo 09-02-2005 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by slim cutty
Thanks a bunch man... you've been a huge help with this hack

greatly appreciate it!

agreed- they should add micheal332001 to the list of "supporters" considering the other authors seem to have dropped the ball somewhat in the support area.

micheal332001 09-03-2005 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
agreed- they should add micheal332001 to the list of "supporters" considering the other authors seem to have dropped the ball somewhat in the support area.

Hi there

Thanks for this its very nice you think this but it does not bother me as i like to help anyone out if i can. Im hoping the autor is going to send me the new version so i can add some things in for the new things he is puttin in.
I think a bit of flash is a good idea thats why i stated doing it.
Im also making a flash casino index page instead of having that gif image there.
With having it made in flash it can be made for each web site and have your own ads on it. If anyone whats this then i will sort it out, but if anyone whats the main casino flash page made for them i can do this for a small fee.
The fee to make a flash page for your site would only be ?5 it will be made to what you want, and have your sites name in it.
Im trying to work out a way to have all the stats pages in flash but this is not easy but i will get there.

Any ways thanks for the nice words and that i just like to help and make things better for everyone.


micheal332001 09-03-2005 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by ronoxQ

Installing was easy, probably one of the easiest I've done so far, but...

1) WHY do you make us edit all the usergroups manually to decide what kinds of games they can play?

2) WHY don't you put a casino link in the navbar?

3) WHY is the grammar so horrible?

1) WHY do you make us edit all the usergroups manually to decide what kinds of games they can play?

The reason you have to do this is you may not want all you members to play all the casino games. Also you will have to stop unregisterd users from playing the casino and using your bandwidth.

2) WHY don't you put a casino link in the navbar?

The reason he has not done this is not all sites want to put a link in the navbar. Also if you have payed for a theme for your VB site you cannot use the navbar to put the link in as these themes use the header template for the navbar links.

3) WHY is the grammar so horrible?


If you have looked at his profile you would see he is from Belgium so English is not going to be his best lang is it.
Also if you think its so bad why not change it yourself its easy to do.


tuanluu 09-05-2005 04:15 PM

nice I am install it right now

micheal332001 09-07-2005 06:55 PM

Hi all

Like i said before i have been working on sorting out the pages to be in flash.
Well i have now done the lottery page and here is a preview of it.

yoyoyoyo 09-07-2005 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by micheal332001
Hi all

Like i said before i have been working on sorting out the pages to be in flash.
Well i have now done the lottery page and here is a preview of it.

very nice! :D

Detomah 09-07-2005 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by micheal332001
Hi all

Like i said before i have been working on sorting out the pages to be in flash.
Well i have now done the lottery page and here is a preview of it.

That looks very sweet. :)

In Preview.... I really really hope you are gonna let us have it when it's complete, right? :D :D :D

micheal332001 09-08-2005 06:13 AM

i will be releasing it when i have got all of them done.
at the moment there is one file to add and change the templates.
there is no database changes and no file edits as far as i can tell yet.

tuanluu 09-08-2005 02:48 PM

:) can not wait to try

adamgessel 09-09-2005 09:37 PM

Sorry guys, kind of neglected this hack since I upgraded to vBulletin 3.5 RC2, but I'll work on getting it working for RC2 & RC3 now... also will add micheal332001 to the supporters list because he has done a ton.

lonely 09-10-2005 06:04 AM

The roulette numbers are DEFINITELY wrong.



1-18 19-36

ALL of these are paying out 3-1 when they should be paying out 2-1.
If you start out with 50 points, and you bet 50 on black and win, you will WIN 100 points to bring your total to 150. But your initial bet of 50 is not taken away.

What SHOULD happen is that you bet 50 on black, black hits, and the casino TAKES YOUR 50 but gives you double your bet, so that your new total becomes 100. NOT 150.

This seems like it's a simple miscalculation in the php.

So yeah, the payout for those 3 things needs to be programmed to 2-1 instead of 3-1.

Okay, I've fixed the code.

Open up lottery.php
find the 2 LINES lines that say:
PHP Code:


Replace with:
PHP Code:


Now find the 2 LINES lines that say:

PHP Code:


Replace with:
PHP Code:


Finally, find the 2 LINES that say:
PHP Code:


Replace with:
PHP Code:


Save lottery.php and upload it to your server.
3-1 Payout is now 2-1 payout like it should be!

I also highly suggest you change the 3 instances of:




to make it so that the payout for twelves is correct too.

After making these changes I've tested all the numbers and my roullette game is now functioning 100% properly.
When it says what you win and lose its a little deceiving, because what you actually net at the end of the game is not the amount you "win". When you put bets on multiple outcomes this is when it starts to look goofy, but it's definitely adjusting your ucash properly.

micheal332001 09-10-2005 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by adamgessel
Sorry guys, kind of neglected this hack since I upgraded to vBulletin 3.5 RC2, but I'll work on getting it working for RC2 & RC3 now... also will add micheal332001 to the supporters list because he has done a ton.

Thanks for adding me thats very nice and im honnerd to be apart of this.
If you want me to test any think m8 i will do so also if you are adding any thing new i could make the new flash pages for it.

adamgessel 09-10-2005 08:11 PM

micheal332001, please PM me, we will get this going for vbulletin RC2 & 3, I'll start working on the code right now to get it working for the new vbulletins and we'll go from there.

waza 09-14-2005 01:19 PM

srry of my absence (on this hack).
Some time ago i made some nice updates, but then school started again, I had some troubles with my own websites and so on and so on.

Soon I'll restart working on this.
All idea's for new things can be posted here.
I'll also take a look @ the flash thing to see if there can be done more in flash.

micheal332001 09-14-2005 10:06 PM

Hi there wasa

I now have the lottery stats working in flash it loads another php file for the info.
Im working on all the others at the moment but have not got far yet lol.
I have been busy making my own hack for my site.
The hack im working on is a vbleague hack i have made a league before for postnuke.
Also if there is any thing i can help with let me know and ill see what i can do.


waza 09-17-2005 09:09 AM

Hey, maybe you this tut can help you:

And choose: php+mysql+flash

micheal332001 09-17-2005 12:58 PM

Thanks for that m8 That will help some to what im doing.

xtreme-mobile 09-17-2005 05:43 PM

ive got this installed and looks good BUT

when im trying to test it on high/low it says i dont have any money how do i get cash for it lol

do i have to have the shop hack installed or is there a hack i can install that works with this

many thanks

waza 09-18-2005 03:40 PM

You need a kind of a money system....
Ucash/Ushop has a money system
Vbookie en vbpetz also.
If you only want the casino, you can always just make a row in you user database and give every user a certein amount of money/credits/points/....


micheal332001 09-19-2005 05:40 PM

To make the vbcasino work with out a money system run this in your phpmyadmin

Remember to change the vb3_ to your prefix

PHP Code:

ALTER TABLE `vb3_userADD `uttpointsVARCHAR20 ) DEFAULT '500' NOT NULL 

Then to give everyone 500 money/credits/points/....
Run this in your phpmyadmin

Again change the vb3_ to your prefix

PHP Code:

 UPDATE `vb3_userSET `uttpoints` = '500' 

Hope this helps

HHU 09-21-2005 07:15 PM

This looks nice, going to install it when I get home in a few hours... question - anywhere I can download some games for it? Poker, Blackjack etc...

Nice job

HHU 09-21-2005 10:57 PM

Using version 3.07 and I'm getting this error on step 3 of the installation (never had this installed before):

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO `lottery_settings` VALUES (1, 0, 'uttpoints', 3, '50,30,10', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '1,2,5,10', 1);

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ';
' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

Do you have any idea of what could be causing this problem?


micheal332001 09-22-2005 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by HHU

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO `lottery_settings` VALUES (1, 0, 'uttpoints', 3, '50,30,10', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '1,2,5,10', 1);

What version of the vbcasino are you using.

From the looks of what you are trying to insert is wrong its to long.
This is trying to insert 12 fields and there is only 6 for the lottery_setting table.

In the casino_install.php file look for this on link 430 i think.

PHP Code:

 INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "lottery_settings 

It should look like this

PHP Code:

TABLE_PREFIX "lottery_settings (active,lotteryactive,slotsactive,cashrow,winners,winamount) VALUES ('1','1','1','".$cashrow."','1','60')

If it dont look like this try putting that in and run the install again.
Let me know if this fixs your problem.


HHU 09-22-2005 09:32 PM

Ok, Not Sure If Im Actually Going To Try To Reinstall This.. Seems Like Theres Too Many Errors For The Time Being And Not Enough Games, So Im Hesitant At This Time... Really Want A Casino Feature Though, Would Be Great

micheal332001 09-24-2005 01:12 PM


I have just tested the install script on my test site and it all installs fine.
There is no errors as i can see.

Download this version and all should be fine


Here is the install file i used put this file in your admincp folder and run it from the admin screen

lewisbee 09-24-2005 02:26 PM

this hack has overwritten my shoutbox :(
is there a way of having both working at the same time?

micheal332001 09-24-2005 08:10 PM

Hi there

There is no way this should overright your shoutbox hack in any way as the casino uses diffarent sql tables and the code edits have nothing to do with the shoutbox.
I will test this out can you tell me what shoutbox hack you are using.
Post the link here to the hack forum and i will try it out.


xtreme-mobile 09-25-2005 03:29 PM

is there anyway of making it so it would do the following

show a message saying "forums richest member" and then when they lose their title it goes on the next persons profile

is this possible

many thanks


micheal332001 09-25-2005 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by xtreme-mobile
is there anyway of making it so it would do the following

show a message saying "forums richest member" and then when they lose their title it goes on the next persons profile

is this possible

many thanks


Whats the point in this as the ucash/ushop has this.
If the casino had its own cash system then yes it would be a good idea.
This could be done yourself all you need to do is insert a new table into the users then cakk the top 10 so you could show the to 10 richest.


xtreme-mobile 09-26-2005 05:04 PM

ucash tells you how many points you have but i was thinking more like the arcade hack there was that displayed the arcade champ with a little trophy

micheal332001 09-26-2005 06:12 PM

Hi again m8

Like i said it could not be done with the ucash/ushop addon as you can earn points in just about any where.
You would have to make your own cash tabel up to be able to do this.
I do like the idea.


HHU 09-27-2005 04:29 PM

Ok, going to install this with the file you put up here...

Also add a cron job to includes/cron/lottery_cron.php choose a date, whenever you want the lottery to be reset.

^^ How do I go about doing this?


HHU 09-27-2005 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by micheal332001
What version of the vbcasino are you using.

From the looks of what you are trying to insert is wrong its to long.
This is trying to insert 12 fields and there is only 6 for the lottery_setting table.

In the casino_install.php file look for this on link 430 i think.

PHP Code:

 INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "lottery_settings 

It should look like this

PHP Code:

TABLE_PREFIX "lottery_settings (active,lotteryactive,slotsactive,cashrow,winners,winamount) VALUES ('1','1','1','".$cashrow."','1','60')

If it dont look like this try putting that in and run the install again.
Let me know if this fixs your problem.


Ok I took the new install file you provided and rar for casino and did all the changes etc... Same thing when I install, step three gives me the same error.

So then I did what this post here instructed.. although what you wanted me to change didn't quite look like what you said, and it was line 758.

It looked like this:


                INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."lottery_settings` VALUES (1, 0, '".$cashrow."', 3, '50,30,10', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '1,2,5,10', 1);

(Thats in the install you provided)

But when I did change that, I got this error on step 3 of install...

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO `lottery_slots_stats` VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ';
' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

I really would like to install this... but what could be the problem?

Thanks for the help

Its the "Apply Default Settings" Step

So now, its "installed" but not sure how much its working...

The phrases are not showing up anywhere... I'll screenshot it:




And same for Roulette etc...

Would really like to have this installed...

waza 09-28-2005 11:44 AM

Hmm, Try the following:
Go to your admincp -> languages & phrases -> click ' rebuild all languages '

This will probably fix it.

HHU 09-28-2005 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by waza
Hmm, Try the following:
Go to your admincp -> languages & phrases -> click ' rebuild all languages '

This will probably fix it.

Ok, well I don't have that option in my Languages and Phrases section.

Using VB 3.0.7

Also... is that all Step 3 does? The Phrases?

Is there nothing else done in that step?

T_Montana 09-29-2005 02:23 PM

this work for 3.0.7?

no template edits?

waza 09-29-2005 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by HHU
Ok, well I don't have that option in my Languages and Phrases section.

Using VB 3.0.7

Also... is that all Step 3 does? The Phrases?

Is there nothing else done in that step?

I attached a screen from vb 3.0.7, If you did't remove the option, you must have it:

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