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Zero Tolerance 07-29-2005 10:48 PM

I'll make it put a * next to the B/U/I then to show it's turned on :p

- Zero Tolerance

Boofo 07-29-2005 11:04 PM

If it's working right for you, then leave it as is. Maybe it was the font I used (System). But I tried different fonts and it still didn't show it right when it was turned off.

The Underline and Italics work just fine.

Zero Tolerance 07-29-2005 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
If it's working right for you, then leave it as is. Maybe it was the font I used (System). But I tried different fonts and it still didn't show it right when it was turned off.

The Underline and Italics work just fine.

It works fine for me, i just tested the system font, turning bold on/off made no difference, might be just that font.

- Zero Tolerance

ThePimp 07-29-2005 11:18 PM

Installed and works well on my board. Over 20k+ users, running on RC1.

Boofo 07-29-2005 11:19 PM

Try the system font first and then change fonts and try it.

Let me know when you have the prune a certain shout thing going. I'm looking forward to that. ;)

Zero Tolerance 07-29-2005 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Try the system font first and then change fonts and try it.

Let me know when you have the prune a certain shout thing going. I'm looking forward to that. ;)

Working for me, probably because there is no indication wetherit is on/off you can't tell? Or perhaps it's your font size, at a certain size if bold, you won't see changes. In anycase i made it add a * when bold is active.

And yeah, i've got the command /pruneshout [shout] completed for v1.4, just adding in the ability to ban users/usergroups, let me know if you have any other feature requests :p

- Zero Tolerance

cuphongle 07-29-2005 11:32 PM

zero tolerance...u know how i can add a quick reply to a different style?

Boofo 07-29-2005 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Zero Tolerance
Working for me, probably because there is no indication wetherit is on/off you can't tell? Or perhaps it's your font size, at a certain size if bold, you won't see changes. In anycase i made it add a * when bold is active.

And yeah, i've got the command /pruneshout [shout] completed for v1.4, just adding in the ability to ban users/usergroups, let me know if you have any other feature requests :p

- Zero Tolerance

Maybe the clear and smilies thing from the pic in this post. That is IB's shout box by the way. ;)


Zero Tolerance 07-29-2005 11:42 PM

Sure i can that Boofo, and cuphongle, if it's turned on in the acp/profile then it should appear on all skins? If not i'd suggest you report it to the author, pretty big error =P

- Zero Tolerance

Boofo 07-30-2005 12:07 AM

Great! Then this will blow IB's version all to you-know-where! ;)

Neal-UK 07-30-2005 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Great! Then this will blow IB's version all to you-know-where! ;)

Got this error when trying to upgrade, but itworked when unistalled and installed fresh:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0 Release Candidate 1:

Invalid SQL:
`sid` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`s_by` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_time` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_shout` text NOT NULL,

MySQL Error : Table 'FORUMshout' already exists
Error Number : 1050
Date : Saturday, July 30th 2005 @ 01:15:05 AM
Script : http://www.burnleyweb.com/community/admincp/plugin.php
Referrer : http://www.burnleyweb.com/community/...?do=productadd
IP Address : 212.***.***.***
Username : ******
Classname : vb_database

Sovereign 07-30-2005 02:53 AM

How 'bout using this with the CMPS? Is this doable?

cclaerhout 07-30-2005 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by nealparry
Got this error when trying to upgrade, but itworked when unistalled and installed fresh:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0 Release Candidate 1:

Invalid SQL:
`sid` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`s_by` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_time` int(15) NOT NULL default '0',
`s_shout` text NOT NULL,

MySQL Error : Table 'FORUMshout' already exists
Error Number : 1050
Date : Saturday, July 30th 2005 @ 01:15:05 AM
Script : http://www.burnleyweb.com/community/admincp/plugin.php
Referrer : http://www.burnleyweb.com/community/...?do=productadd
IP Address : 212.***.***.***
Username : ******
Classname : vb_database

You certainly used Shoutbox before. I had the same problem. I solve it with a drop of table shout in phpmyadmin. To avoid this (i don't know if it's possible) the script should check if the table exists or not and then behaves differently.

cclaerhout 07-30-2005 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by cuphongle
zero tolerance...u know how i can add a quick reply to a different style?

Go to your Admincp -> Styles & Templates -> Select the style you want to modify -> and edit templates : forumhome_vbshout and forumhome_vbshout_shout. Just save them.

But don't forget, if there's an update of vBShout, you will have to update manually the templates you have changed. Why ? Because the product manager installs templates in the master style and your different styles use its settings except if you customize them.

Loki12 07-30-2005 08:16 AM

Are guests able to use the shoutbox? Is there a way to restrict its usage to certain usergroups?

cuphongle 07-30-2005 05:13 PM

zero tolerance - i keep gettin database error every now and then

monstergamer 07-30-2005 05:39 PM

this is a fresh install for me
and i keep getting, i use to have a shout box when i had 3.0.7 but i deleted the shout table in PHPmyadmin

PHP Code:

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE `shout` (
sidint(15NOT NULL auto_increment,
s_byint(15NOT NULL default '0',
s_timeint(15NOT NULL default '0',
s_shouttext NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY  (`sid`)

MySQL Error  You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ENGINE=MyISAM' at line 7
Error Number 

Boofo 07-30-2005 07:48 PM

Take the extra semi-colon out of the end of this line. ;)



monstergamer 07-30-2005 08:02 PM

now i get

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0 Release Candidate 1:

Invalid SQL:
alter table shout add `s_datatext not null default '';;

MySQL Error  Table 'mg_forum.shout' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date         : Saturday, July 30th 2005 @ 05:16:35 PM
Script       : http://www.monstergamer.net/vb/admincp/plugin.php 

Boofo 07-30-2005 08:04 PM

Ok, do like he told me to do. Make the table manually, then un-install the product and re-install it.

Zero Tolerance 07-30-2005 08:30 PM

The problem has been identified, it's due to older mySQL vesions not recocnizing "ENGINE = MyISAM", the download has been changed so the query will execute "TYPE = MyISAM".

Follow the steps here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....0&postcount=65 to uninstall the product, then download the new zip file which i have uploaded, and proceed with the install using those files :)

- Zero Tolerance

Boofo 07-30-2005 08:32 PM

Scot, can we alos get the name or the shout poster to follow html marking and maybe even be clickable? ;)

Zero Tolerance 07-30-2005 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Scot, can we alos get the name or the shout poster to follow html marking and maybe even be clickable? ;)

Call me dumb, maybe i'm just slow at the moment, just woke up =P but html marking? And i assume by clicking it opens up there profile?

- Zero Tolerance

monstergamer 07-30-2005 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Zero Tolerance
The problem has been identified, it's due to older mySQL vesions not recocnizing "ENGINE = MyISAM", the download has been changed so the query will execute "TYPE = MyISAM".

Follow the steps here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....0&postcount=65 to uninstall the product, then download the new zip file which i have uploaded, and proceed with the install using those files :)

- Zero Tolerance

thank you... https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ works fine

BTW: are you going to make a warning hack again?

Boofo 07-30-2005 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Zero Tolerance
Call me dumb, maybe i'm just slow at the moment, just woke up =P but html marking? And i assume by clicking it opens up there profile?

- Zero Tolerance

The html marking set for the username in each usergroup. ;)

And yes, their profile. ;)

Zero Tolerance 07-30-2005 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by monstergamer
thank you... http://www.monstergamer.net/vb/image...on_worship.gif works fine

BTW: are you going to make a warning hack again?

Glad it's working, and uhh, no comment at this moment in time =P

Ah i see, the html prefix/suffix, sure i can do that :)

- Zero Tolerance

ThePimp 07-30-2005 08:51 PM

Is there a way to get this on the ForumDisplay?

monstergamer 07-30-2005 08:53 PM

just got one more question, how can i get rid of the bottom scroll bar...i did it with the last shoutbox i had. but i dont remember the code to do so

the bottom of the forum

Zero Tolerance 07-30-2005 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by monstergamer
just got one more question, how can i get rid of the bottom scroll bar...i did it with the last shoutbox i had. but i dont remember the code to do so

the bottom of the forum

That's due to your fixed width, if you look in the template: forumhome_vbshout_shout, change the 100% width value to 90%, it should go away then :)

- Zero Tolerance

Boofo 07-30-2005 09:17 PM

Just take ther nowrap out of the forumhome_shout_shout template. ;)

Zero Tolerance 07-30-2005 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Just take ther nowrap out of the forumhome_shout_shout template. ;)

That would cause wrapping on usernames, uglyness :p

- Zero Tolerance

ThePimp 07-30-2005 10:02 PM

The ability to display this on the forumdisplay would rule. I installed this on the ForumHome, and it drops user activity in the actual forum and becomes counter productive, however I think if it were shown on the ForumDisplay, they would have a thread list staring at them with different topics, that they would periodically refresh to get new topics, that might inspire them to continue posting while the shoutbox is going. Just a though. I've turned it off currently until I can figure out a way to do this.

With over 20k+ users, a drop in usage is fairly significant.

Boofo 07-30-2005 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Zero Tolerance
That would cause wrapping on usernames, uglyness :p

- Zero Tolerance

Wouldn't this work?

HTML Code:

        <td width="100%" align="left" valign="top"><nowrap>[{$Shout['time']}] <b>{$Shout['username']}</b> --</nowrap> {$Shout['s_shout']}

I adapted it a little bit to have the shout show up right after the username.

Zero Tolerance 07-30-2005 11:00 PM

The nowrap tag is depreciated to my knowledge, atleast i couldn't find it on a HTML tag reference list and XHTML tag reference list on w3schools, wouldn't surprise me really, they're trying to slowly knock out most tags/attributes and make it all css based.

I also split it into 2 TD's so that the shouts were all aligned in a list :)

Almost finished with v1.4, just got to do Boo's request for the usergroup prefix/suffix html and finilize ban users/usergroups :)

- Zero Tolerance

monstergamer 07-30-2005 11:27 PM

fixed it never mind :)

i got it now

Zero Tolerance 07-30-2005 11:34 PM

Keep decreasing the 90%, should work eventually.

- Zero Tolerance

Boofo 07-31-2005 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by monstergamer
fixed it never mind :)

i got it now

What did you do to fix it? ;)

Boofo 07-31-2005 12:29 AM

Don't forget the clear and smilies buttons in your update, Scot. ;)

Zero Tolerance 07-31-2005 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Don't forget the clear and smilies buttons in your update, Scot. ;)

Already done, i was slacking a bit and wrote a tutorial on how to intergrate AJAX technology into modifications, i'll get this released sooooon. :p

- Zero Tolerance

Boofo 07-31-2005 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Zero Tolerance
Already done, i was slacking a bit and wrote a tutorial on how to intergrate AJAX technology into modifications, i'll get this released sooooon. :p

- Zero Tolerance

Scot, when you have a minute, pm me. I came up with an idea for a new site and I would like your take on it. ;)

And I'm looking forward to the new release. If you figure out a better way for me to do that template I posted here, please let me know. I like it with the shouts right after the name. ;)

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