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twitch 04-13-2007 06:48 AM

I think this might be dead. Everyone talks about it but nothing ever happens.

akanevsky 04-13-2007 06:13 PM

Nothing is dead, but a project like this takes a white to complete.
It's a complex piece of software, and I am not responding in this
thread because if I did, it would not speed anything up.

pappy1961 04-15-2007 05:19 PM

I own a php ladder and tournament script that I purchsed that is pretty nice. I also have VB 3.6.4 and flashchat. If you would like to do some work. I want them all integrated and working together better than they do now. I am limited by my knowledge of scripts and php as I am new to this scene. I want my gaming site integrated with my vb site with comlimentary links to both. Not just "posted" links on the forum site. Take a look and give me a price. I also want a considerable amount of code changed on the gaming system because it has modifications needed to make it perform like I want it too. Take a look at swatgo.net. Get in touch with me a pappy1961 at gmail.com

akanevsky 04-15-2007 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by pappy1961 (Post 1228465)
I own a php ladder and tournament script that I purchsed that is pretty nice. I also have VB 3.6.4 and flashchat. If you would like to do some work. I want them all integrated and working together better than they do now. I am limited by my knowledge of scripts and php as I am new to this scene. I want my gaming site integrated with my vb site with comlimentary links to both. Not just "posted" links on the forum site. Take a look and give me a price. I also want a considerable amount of code changed on the gaming system because it has modifications needed to make it perform like I want it too. Take a look at swatgo.net. Get in touch with me a pappy1961 at gmail.com

No, thanks. The project I am working on is quite nice and I don't need to switch to anything else.

Chief Corn 04-16-2007 01:33 AM

word from dark_wizard on his whereabouts and the status of vbwar...


GrendelKhan{TSU 04-16-2007 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1226929)
Nothing is dead.

good know. and I guess that is all we need in terms of posting. just knowing whether its actually still on the table or not. :) I figured it was dead.


Originally Posted by Chief Corn (Post 1228692)
word from dark_wizard on his whereabouts and the status of vbwar...


man, bummer. hope he recovers. guess vbwar will not go anywhere for a long time though.

iogames 04-16-2007 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1228604)
No, thanks. The project I am working on is quite nice and I don't need to switch to anything else.

I offer my board for experimentation, since it's 100% Games :up:

dooch 04-17-2007 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1229002)
I offer my board for experimentation, since it's 100% Games :up:

Dude, dont worry about it, if you read his posts theyre all pretty much rude. Just work without it and hope that another coder works on this because I'm not interested in attitudes, especially not on forums...


Amiga Harrison 04-17-2007 08:50 AM

I agree with you there dooch. It does seem that he is acting with an air of arrogance over this project and seems to have completely missed the point of what a community is meant to be for, especially one such as this. Also open source projects benefit the most from being completely open and receiving as much input as possible from those interested. That way it will make the project much better than developing it in an insular environment.

When a coder is being very secretive and not revealing anything it always makes me thing it is vaporware!

akanevsky 04-17-2007 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1229002)
I offer my board for experimentation, since it's 100% Games :up:

Thanks for the offer, I'll contact you once I am close to completion. :)


if you read his posts theyre all pretty much rude.
Whose? Mine? Where?...


I agree with you there dooch. It does seem that he is acting with an air of arrogance over this project and seems to have completely missed the point of what a community is meant to be for, especially one such as this. Also open source projects benefit the most from being completely open and receiving as much input as possible from those interested. That way it will make the project much better than developing it in an insular environment.
It will be visible source, just like other products of mine will become quite soon, however it will never be open source (maybe nulled source, but hey... I'm not talking about that) because, just like vBulletin, it a project like this needs to be supported in order for its developers to have an incentive to work and to improve the upon the software. One "thanks" per one hundreds of demeaning posts, which is what most coders get on this board, is not a good incentive, as I am sure you understand... :rolleyes:

dooch 04-19-2007 10:03 AM



Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1230012)
..... it a project like this needs to be supported in order for its developers to have an incentive to work and to improve the upon the software.

How can we support you? Apart from suggesting what features would be nice to see... This is "support" and not demands. I run a vb bf2 gaming community. If myself or my board or my suggestions can support you then I'm happy to help. If my slightly dodgy coding skills can help then so be it. We're here to assist where we can. Unfortunately most of us dont have the time to learn or understanding to be able to code a whole CMS. :( Thats why we need your help.


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1230012)
One "thanks" per one hundreds of demeaning posts, which is what most coders get on this board, is not a good incentive, as I am sure you understand... :rolleyes:

THANKS for your progress so far. xx


akanevsky 04-19-2007 06:49 PM

By "a project like this needs to be supported" I mean that it will be a paid one, not a free one. Nothing less, nothing more. I hope you did not expect it to be free... If you did, sorry for disappointing you. When it is done, it will be available for purchase just like vBulletin, vBlogetin, PhotoPost, and other commercial software.

dooch 04-21-2007 11:25 AM

Dude, paypal account at the ready. If its well coded and supports the functions mentioned in previous posts then ppl will pay for it including myself. D

akanevsky 04-21-2007 03:23 PM

I understand. But don't prepare the account yet - it's way too early. :)

twitch 04-22-2007 04:16 AM

I have vbulletin integrated with webspell clan management cms. Includes complete user integration, etc.

A vbulletin clan management addon would be cool

akanevsky 04-22-2007 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by twitch (Post 1233138)
I have vbulletin integrated with webspell clan management cms. Includes complete user integration, etc.

A vbulletin clan management addon would be cool

That one doesn't have a lot of features, or at least I can't find anything clan-related other than memberlist on that one...

twitch 04-22-2007 01:14 PM

must be the wrong link; sorry.

dooch 04-22-2007 04:19 PM

Twitch thanks for the heads up. Its not really what im hoping for. I'm looking for a vbwar, ladder type of hack. Clan news and members etc are simple additions via pre-posted hacks. Its the whole challenge, results, leaderboards etc system which is what I'd pay for. I see you have a results page which is pretty good though. Nice site, lots of work put into it. D

Slyfox1 04-23-2007 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by dooch (Post 1232571)
Dude, paypal account at the ready. If its well coded and supports the functions mentioned in previous posts then ppl will pay for it including myself. D

Make that 2 !!

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-24-2007 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1229002)
I offer my board for experimentation, since it's 100% Games :up:

ditto!! I'm happy to beta test (have an active gaming clan community) and pay for it when its fully released.

also, I think asked a while back, so just wondering... were you able to add double-elimination to the tournament/ladder system? (or is it on the list).

akanevsky 04-24-2007 07:04 PM

What is double-elimination? Sorry, I am not familiar with all of the gaming terms out there, so you guys are going to have to help me out a little with definitions.

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-25-2007 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1234881)
What is double-elimination? Sorry, I am not familiar with all of the gaming terms out there, so you guys are going to have to help me out a little with definitions.

its a tourny where you have to lose twice to be eliminated from a tournament. so there is a winners bracket and a losers bracket. if you lose once, you have to play through the losers bracket to win.... wiki definition for double elimination tournies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-...ion_tournament

but this the best, simple, resource for set-up. you can download examples for different numbers of players. its pretty self-apparent if you look at it.

I've used theres a lot for templates for tournaments.

ton of tournament bracket generating software out there...but nothing adequate or integrated with Vbull. :(

soo with that... whatcha think? :) ( fingers crossed.) lol

akanevsky 04-29-2007 05:53 PM

Ok, thanks. It should not be a problem to implement... However, as I said, the development of the system is far from the finish line.

pappy1961 05-01-2007 09:16 PM

Just let me know when your product is ready for some feedback. I'm not a coder but I am an old gamer!!!

SLP LS1 05-04-2007 01:02 AM

I'm looking to use this on my forum too, I hope you guys create it soon!

redtailboa 05-06-2007 12:44 PM

Since most new games incorporate XML rosters from in game membership. It would be nice to link the ingame character to the forum ID and add each member to manage his multiple in game identies as an example
Main's and Alts.

Then allow for a Raid sign up where they can choose which of their Identies they are bringing to the Event some type of drop down menu.

akanevsky 05-06-2007 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by redtailboa (Post 1242433)
Since most new games incorporate XML rosters from in game membership. It would be nice to link the ingame character to the forum ID and add each member to manage his multiple in game identies as an example
Main's and Alts.

Then allow for a Raid sign up where they can choose which of their Identies they are bringing to the Event some type of drop down menu.

Good idea.

redtailboa 05-06-2007 04:26 PM

Also in Raid Sign up List the mod can configure number of groups, number of people per group and then could move attendees from one group to another so when raid starts groups are predefined.

akanevsky 05-06-2007 06:54 PM

That was a planned feature since the beginning. :)

SLP LS1 05-07-2007 01:38 AM

I really do hope you guys come out with this hack in the next year, I'm running a xbox clan site and it would be much easier using a mod like you guys are talking about. Check it out xboxliveclans.com

SLP LS1 05-14-2007 10:03 PM

Man, I'm pulling my hair own waiting for something like this, is there any alternative. I have a site that's growing big daily. I'm willing to pay coders...

Smiry Kin's 05-15-2007 07:33 PM

people need to stop saying we'll pay for it, or it will be deleted from vb.org.

vb.org don't support or believe in paid addons for vb.. well... they dont allow it on there site..

akanevsky 05-15-2007 11:55 PM

They do not support advertising, however requests are permitted, as far as I know. So, please keep posting suggestions.

GrendelKhan{TSU 05-17-2007 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Smiry Kin's (Post 1248338)
people need to stop saying we'll pay for it, or it will be deleted from vb.org.

vb.org don't support or believe in paid addons for vb.. well... they dont allow it on there site..

um.... vbulletin is releasing their own paid addon soon, so that clearly isn't the case.

like psy said, advertising is a no-no, but nothing wrong with requests by the future potential users.

plus, there is always the lite and pro version way of releasing.

SLP LS1 05-18-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Smiry Kin's (Post 1248338)
people need to stop saying we'll pay for it, or it will be deleted from vb.org.

vb.org don't support or believe in paid addons for vb.. well... they dont allow it on there site..

Sorry, then I will donate :):up: When it becomes available


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1249225)
um.... vbulletin is releasing their own paid addon soon, so that clearly isn't the case.

like psy said, advertising is a no-no, but nothing wrong with requests by the future potential users.

plus, there is always the lite and pro version way of releasing.

Really, where'd you hear that? I'm very interested in a clan mod like this, my site is really naked without it

akanevsky 05-19-2007 01:15 PM


Really, where'd you hear that? I'm very interested in a clan mod like this, my site is really naked without it
He meant that vBulletin released their own official commercial mods (project issue tracker and a blog that they have not yet released)... This, however, is irrelevant, because them releasing commercial mods is one thing, and people from outside of their company releasing commercial mods that are potentially competition for theirs is another thing. :)

SLP LS1 05-19-2007 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1250806)
He meant that vBulletin released their own official commercial mods (project issue tracker and a blog that they have not yet released)... This, however, is irrelevant, because them releasing commercial mods is one thing, and people from outside of their company releasing commercial mods that are potentially competition for theirs is another thing. :)

Thanks for the clarification. Definitely looking forward to a clan management system though, hope you guys do a good job. My site is in serious need of one. :up:

SLP LS1 05-31-2007 12:26 AM

Any news on this? Is it still being made?

Can you please keep us updated.

SLP LS1 06-09-2007 04:05 AM

Anything at all?

Attilitus 07-14-2007 08:11 AM

I have begun development on a clan management system. However, league functionality is not currently a priority, but it is something that is on my to-add list in the future.

ETA August 2007

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