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PamelaE 02-16-2005 11:05 PM

I am using VB 3.06 and I cant see anything in FORUMHOME which says <!-- end logged-in users -->

So I put it below this code:
<if condition="$show['loggedinusers']"> <!-- who's online -->

I get whos in chat and the names but its not in a table, the names are clickable, but thats it.

Now sure whats going on there


Paul M 02-17-2005 11:35 AM

You have obviously either changed your forumhome template or are using a custom one - as your currently active users is at the top - which is not standard. Where do you want the chat list to appear, top or bottom of the page ?

PamelaE 02-17-2005 03:14 PM

I would like to show it at the top. :)

Yes you are quite right, we did change it to show at the top of the page.


Paul M 02-17-2005 03:51 PM

Well, if you PM me a copy of your forumhome template I'll look at how it needs changing for this hack.

djjeffa 02-19-2005 03:22 PM

I have flash chat working perfect now the only problem is some time its empty but yet it will still say there is a user in ther. any ideal how to fix?

djjeffa 02-19-2005 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
I have made a cpms module, based on Eric's version for my "Members who have visited today" hack.

Upload the inthechat.php file to your modules directory - and then create a new template called adv_portal_chatters. Copy the contents of adv_portal_chatters.txt into this new template.

Now Create a new module

Module Title: Users in Flashchat

Module Identifier: (leave blank)

File to Include: inthechat.php

OR Template to Include: (leave blank)

Templates Used: adv_portal_chatters

As previously mentioned - I have no way of testing this - but others have confirmed it as working.

I gave it a shoot but its not showing up I tried goin to it derrect and got Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/djjeffa/public_html/vb/modules/inthechat.php on line 4
I would like to get this to work thoug

EDIT: opps sorry for the double post, I ment to edit my last post lol

Paul M 02-19-2005 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by djjeffa
I have flash chat working perfect now the only problem is some time its empty but yet it will still say there is a user in ther. any ideal how to fix?

See post 19.


Originally Posted by djjeffa
I gave it a shoot but its not showing up I tried goin to it derrect and got Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/djjeffa/public_html/vb/modules/inthechat.php on line 4
I would like to get this to work thoug

Sorry, but as I said, I have no facility to test it. FYI - As far as I can see, Line 4 is the SQL query, if this fails then something in your set-up is very broken.

djjeffa 02-19-2005 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
See post 19.

Sorry, but as I said, I have no facility to test it. FYI - As far as I can see, Line 4 is the SQL query, if this fails then something in your set-up is very broken.

thank you i gusss my sites a mess lol

frage 02-27-2005 09:34 AM

it workes fine

best regards

m0nde 03-10-2005 02:31 AM

This is a very simple and elegant solution.

Thanks for your work, Paul!


cartheym 03-14-2005 10:51 AM

hi Paul

this is one gr8 hack - thank you

it installed very easily and got it working immediately with your instructions

also is works flawlessly with vBadvanced module

See it working here - www.gpcricket.com.au

Treasure Quest 03-17-2005 09:52 PM

Hi Paul,
I have banned a member and find that he can still log in to the chat room..Is there a post or fix for this?

Thank you,


Paul M 03-18-2005 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Treasure Quest
Hi Paul,
I have banned a member and find that he can still log in to the chat room..Is there a post or fix for this?

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...threadid=74613 :)

ncangler 03-24-2005 01:45 AM

I have the same problem with a user. What is the proper way for members to log out? When I leave the chat I am automatically logged out (Mac platform).



Originally Posted by Paul M
Sorry, that isn't a bug - that's user error due to the way flashchat works. You must logout of flashchat before closing your browser, otherwise flashchat may not remove you from it's active connections database.

xtreme-mobile 03-24-2005 07:32 PM

works great on vb 3.0.6

clicks install

Paul M 03-26-2005 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by ncangler
I have the same problem with a user. What is the proper way for members to log out?

Using the red Circle (or X) in the top right of the flashchat screen.

acorndomains.co 03-27-2005 12:04 AM

works really well


I added a message when the chat rooms are empty with a link to flash chat login to encourage people to use it.

"The Chat Rooms are currently empty. Click here to enter now. Use your Acorn Domains forum username and password to gain access"

Great mod


ncangler 03-27-2005 12:22 AM

I figured that was the proceedure. :> It would be nice if we could create a reminder of some kind to click that before leaving chat.


Originally Posted by Paul M
Using the red Circle (or X) in the top right of the flashchat screen.

Paul M 03-27-2005 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by acorndomains.co
"The Chat Rooms are currently empty. Click here to enter now. Use your Acorn Domains forum username and password to gain access"

If your integration is set-up correctly then they should log in automatically (as long as they are logged into the forum).

xtreme-mobile 03-27-2005 01:31 PM

one quick queestion (i do apoligise if this has been mentioned already)

when i go into chat it shows me in chat

but when i log out of chat im still shown to be chatting for up to about 2 hours later

any one know why?

ncangler 03-27-2005 06:13 PM

You need to make sure that your users click on the Red exit button in the upper right corner of the FlashChat screen before leaving. That logs them out of the chat but they stay logged in to the MysQL database of the site (assuming your forum, chat, etc. are integrated in the same MySQL database. At least this is the way it works on my system.

I'd like to figure out a way to label that red button as "Exit" or "log out Chat" or something like that.

xtreme-mobile 03-27-2005 06:14 PM

yeh sounds as if that would be a handy feature to have :)

Mosh 03-28-2005 12:04 AM

[high]* Mosh clicks install
Thanks again, like the hoverover feature so that you can see what room a member is in.

jd :)

m0nde 03-29-2005 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
I have made a cpms module, based on Eric's version for my "Members who have visited today" hack.

As previously mentioned - I have no way of testing this - but others have confirmed it as working.

It works flawlessly on my board: http://www.bostonlove.org

Nice work, Paul

Mr_Bob 03-29-2005 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by ncangler
You need to make sure that your users click on the Red exit button in the upper right corner of the FlashChat screen before leaving. That logs them out of the chat but they stay logged in to the MysQL database of the site (assuming your forum, chat, etc. are integrated in the same MySQL database. At least this is the way it works on my system.

I'd like to figure out a way to label that red button as "Exit" or "log out Chat" or something like that.

I'm currently beta testing FlashChat 4.0, it becomes more apparent as a logout button (it now includes a mouseover X :cool: ). Also in my tests at least the staying logged in problem can be corrected if you edit your chat config file and select close window on exit as true. This will have a small pop-up come up which logs them out of chat on either logging out or closing the window. It saved me countless headaches :).

Paul M 03-29-2005 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Mr_Bob
IAlso in my tests at least the staying logged in problem can be corrected if you edit your chat config file and select close window on exit as true. This will have a small pop-up come up which logs them out of chat on either logging out or closing the window. It saved me countless headaches :).

Flashchat 3.9 has this, and it works fine in IE - the problem is that the pop-up is blocked by firefox unless you allow it.

wirewolf 04-11-2005 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by ncangler
You need to make sure that your users click on the Red exit button in the upper right corner of the FlashChat screen before leaving. That logs them out of the chat but they stay logged in to the MysQL database of the site (assuming your forum, chat, etc. are integrated in the same MySQL database. At least this is the way it works on my system.
I'd like to figure out a way to label that red button as "Exit" or "log out Chat" or something like that.

ncangler and all,
Go to the chat/inc/langs/en.php file , near the end of the file, around line 222, look for:
PHP Code:

'room' => 'Room',
'welcome' => 'Welcome USER_LABEL',
'ringTheBell' => 'No Answer? Ring The Bell:',
'logOffBtn' => 'X'

Edit to:
PHP Code:

'room' => 'Room',
'welcome' => 'Welcome USER_LABEL , Note: Please use "Exit the Chat Room" Button when you want to log out of Chat',
'ringTheBell' => 'No Answer? Ring The Bell:',
'logOffBtn' => 'Exit the Chat Room'

, Or what ever wording you care to use, but you get the idea. This is only the english langauge file. Of course you would have to edit all the langauge files if you are using them.

See the screen shot:

Seems to help, but I wish ther was a way to have users log out when ever they leave the Chat Room automatically.

You can try this too: in the chat/inc/config.php around line 246,
PHP Code:

//Logout behavior
'logout' => array(
'close'    => false// if true, then FlashChat window is closed upon logout 

Change to:
PHP Code:

//Logout behavior
'logout' => array(
'close'    => true// if true, then FlashChat window is closed upon logout 

, The users is logged out of Chat by either hitting the "X" button, or if they close the window. If set to true, you won't get the Log In screen after logging out. The window will close and you won't still be shown in the chat room.


ncangler 04-11-2005 05:38 PM

Great news! Thanks for letting us know. Any idea on release date? The CMPS hack that indicates who is in the Chat rooms is not that helpful as right now you see folks logged in that left some time ago. When it is accurate it will be very nice.


Originally Posted by Mr_Bob
I'm currently beta testing FlashChat 4.0, it becomes more apparent as a logout button (it now includes a mouseover X :cool: ). Also in my tests at least the staying logged in problem can be corrected if you edit your chat config file and select close window on exit as true. This will have a small pop-up come up which logs them out of chat on either logging out or closing the window. It saved me countless headaches :).

ncangler 04-11-2005 05:41 PM

I can't view your attachment for some reason (I get a "not logged in" message with a log in screen...wierd). Thanks for the code. I'll give it a try. A visible message will certainly help folks 'do the right thing'. :)


Originally Posted by wirewolf
ncangler and all,
Go to the chat/inc/langs/en.php file , near the end of the file, around line 222, look for:
PHP Code:

'room' => 'Room',
'welcome' => 'Welcome USER_LABEL',
'ringTheBell' => 'No Answer? Ring The Bell:',
'logOffBtn' => 'X'

Edit to:
PHP Code:

'room' => 'Room',
'welcome' => 'Welcome USER_LABEL , Note: Please use "Exit the Chat Room" Button when you want to log out of Chat',
'ringTheBell' => 'No Answer? Ring The Bell:',
'logOffBtn' => 'Exit the Chat Room'

, Or what ever wording you care to use, but you get the idea. This is only the english langauge file. Of course you would have to edit all the langauge files if you are using them.

See the screen shot:

Seems to help, but I wish ther was a way to have users log out when ever they leave the Chat Room automatically.


wirewolf 04-11-2005 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by ncangler
I can't view your attachment for some reason (I get a "not logged in" message with a log in screen...wierd). Thanks for the code. I'll give it a try. A visible message will certainly help folks 'do the right thing'. :)

We cross posted. I just added on to my post (two up) the same fix as Mr_Bob had about the config.php file . It seems to help.

One other thing. As you know in vbulletin we use session control for members in it's urls. Ex:
PHP Code:


and in form inputs,
PHP Code:


If a member fails to "Log Out" of the forum and just closes his browser, the session control will time out his session after a time as set by the admin, IE -

Time-Out for Cookie - This is the time in seconds that a user must remain inactive before any unread posts are marked read. This setting also controls how long a user will remain on Who's Online after their last activity. set to - 900 seconds (15 minutes)
and the users name is then removed from the forum online list automatically. I'm just wondering if this Time out could be incorporated in to flashchat, or could a session url be added to to /site@url.com for flashchat.
PHP Code:


. I'm going to give the session url a shot and see what happens.


ncangler 04-11-2005 09:36 PM

Thanks so much for this John. I made the changes below but still get "Weclome ncangler" and none of the changes show up. I'm using the Chat within a CMPS page. Would that make a difference? Thanks!


Originally Posted by wirewolf
ncangler and all,
Go to the chat/inc/langs/en.php file , near the end of the file, around line 222, look for:
PHP Code:

'room' => 'Room',
'welcome' => 'Welcome USER_LABEL',
'ringTheBell' => 'No Answer? Ring The Bell:',
'logOffBtn' => 'X'

Edit to:
PHP Code:

'room' => 'Room',
'welcome' => 'Welcome USER_LABEL , Note: Please use "Exit the Chat Room" Button when you want to log out of Chat',
'ringTheBell' => 'No Answer? Ring The Bell:',
'logOffBtn' => 'Exit the Chat Room'

, Or what ever wording you care to use, but you get the idea. This is only the english langauge file. Of course you would have to edit all the langauge files if you are using them.

wirewolf 04-11-2005 10:05 PM

Yeh, I get the same. I made the changes, and they show when you first load the flashchat page, but on the second load they don't. ???
Making this change in the config file does help though:
PHP Code:

//Logout behavior 
'logout' => array( 
'close'    => true// if true, then FlashChat window is closed upon logout 


Harry72 04-16-2005 04:19 PM

Thx Paul. Excellent work. *klicked install* :nervous:

Paul M 04-16-2005 09:13 PM

This hack has been updated to version 2.00 - the main change is to display the user based on the their selected display usergroup (rather than always use the primary usergroup, as previous versions did). I have also added a simple message when the chat is empty. :)

MortysTW 04-17-2005 08:00 AM

I just got my forum to go public tonight so I'm scared to go experimenting on things I know very little about. But I got an idea.

If I wanted the "Who's Chatting" line to be displayed which I believe is this tag $chatters, at the top of all my pages on the site. Couldn't I put your code that you say to install in the index.php in my global.php page? And then no matter what page I put the $chatters, it will work?

Like I said, I just went public and scared to experiment at the moment until I do a good site back up.

But I installed your hack the way its meant to be installed in under 60 seconds and I thank you very much for your work. Great mod!

Paul M 04-17-2005 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by MortysTW
If I wanted the "Who's Chatting" line to be displayed which I believe is this tag $chatters, at the top of all my pages on the site. Couldn't I put your code that you say to install in the index.php in my global.php page? And then no matter what page I put the $chatters, it will work?

Yes, this would work - just bear in mind that the code would be called on every page that every person views.

MortysTW 04-17-2005 04:45 PM

That's basically what I want. WIth my old forum, I had up by my logo a "WHo's Online: " and a "Who's Chatting: " on each and every page. I found the moment I did that, more people became members and the chat room really started to get used alot more.

Thanks again for the hack and your help. I'll make sure to annoy you if I have problems with my global.php idea. :D

MortysTW 04-18-2005 02:28 AM

Okay, I said I'd be back to annoy you. I can't seem to get my idea to work. I slipped the info in the global.php instead of the index.php and that part works like a champ. Info still shows up properly at the bottom of the index.php page like your hack is suppose to.

But how do I get the $chatters to work under my logo at the top of all pages.
I tried slipping it in my header and its not working. Is it not working there because global.php isn't called immedietely maybe?

Or am I suppose to do something other than just type $chatters in the html of the page? I even copied the part that is suppose to be put into the template per your instructions but dumped that info in my header instead, and none of it worked there.

I'm at a loss. Any tips?

Paul M 04-18-2005 11:03 AM

Where in global.php have you put the code ?

MortysTW 04-18-2005 06:48 PM

You mean it matters? hahaa Told you I'm new. I got the ideas, just none of the know-how.

I put it at the very bottom of the page, just above the


/*================================================= =====================*\
|| ################################################## ##################
|| # Downloaded: 02:42, Wed Mar 30th 2005
|| # CVS: $RCSfile: global.php,v $ - $Revision: $
|| ################################################## ##################
\*================================================ ======================*/

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