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scotty 07-20-2004 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Kru
Can anybody help me, please

have you executed the sql statements in step 5?

Chris-FH 07-20-2004 10:30 PM

Big sorry...

I'm a stupid idiot... :(

I forgot the "board"-path in the line...

THX for your answer... :)


scotty 07-20-2004 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Chris-FH
Big sorry...

kein problem! :)

Chris-FH 07-21-2004 12:03 AM

Next question... :D

For the first time, the bot gets the news, but for the next time nothing happens...


(News: 10m) (last: 02:30) (next: 02:49)
02.49 is 13 minutes ago... :(


Sanjiyan 07-21-2004 12:39 AM

Silly question, but is this hack going to be updated at some point to support RDF new feeds?

Velocd 07-21-2004 01:44 AM


Silly question, but is this hack going to be updated at some point to support RDF new feeds?
Not sure. It depends if the MagPieRSS parser supports it, and currently it does not.


Next question...

For the first time, the bot gets the news, but for the next time nothing happens...

(News: 10m) (last: 02:30) (next: 02:49)

02.49 is 13 minutes ago...

Perhaps there is no new articles to grab from the RSS feed?

I've been testing this hack for over a month now with the original version, and it works fine. Make sure you have set things up correctly.


Invalid SQL:
SELECT articlebot.userid,
articlebot.articlebotid, user.username
FROM articlebot
USING (userid)
WHERE articlebot.userid = 0

mysql error: Table 'help.articlebot' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146
What is this "help.articlebot" ?

That would generate an error.

Natch 07-21-2004 06:45 AM

That error would be generated refering to dbname.tablename - it seems they haven't installed the Tables to the database

scottct1 07-21-2004 06:16 PM

Can someone tell me why I can't pull this feed?


Everything looks ok to me, and my other feeds are working.

Deimos 07-21-2004 07:45 PM

Velocd, does this work when capturing info from an RDF file?
I used the other RSS feed on my site and wanted to capture data from the website - www.uo.com, but they don't have RSS, so I setup a script to capture news from the site and save it as an RSS feed file, a rdf file, but it didn't work with the other RSS mod....

Martyjp 07-21-2004 07:52 PM

Anyone got a demo of this in action?

Velocd 07-22-2004 12:43 AM


Anyone got a demo of this in action?

Bots include:
Kanno, Aspen, Zen, Crowbar

Currently my bots are dominating the forum and will soon have a higher postcount then some of the regulars. Har har. :ermm:


Velocd, does this work when capturing info from an RDF file?
I used the other RSS feed on my site and wanted to capture data from the website - www.uo.com, but they don't have RSS, so I setup a script to capture news from the site and save it as an RSS feed file, a rdf file, but it didn't work with the other RSS mod....
Deimos (and others), be sure to read what you haven't of the entire thread before asking a question. ;)

I answered your question 3 posts above, here.


Can someone tell me why I can't pull this feed?


Everything looks ok to me, and my other feeds are working.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"

This is an RDF document. ;)

The MagPieRSS parser this script uses doesn't support RDF. Given the request for RDF, when I have the time I'll see if I can find a version that does, even if it is another RSS/RDF parser.

Admiral Spock 07-22-2004 03:16 PM

Velocd, Thanks for this wonderful hack. However, I can't get it to fetch the RSS feed, and when the cron job ran it gave this error:


Warning: MagpieRSS: Failed to parse RSS file. (mismatched tag at line 1341, column 2) in /home2/beta/public_html/forum/articlebot/rss_fetch.inc on line 230

Warning: array_reverse(): The argument should be an array in /home2/beta/public_html/forum/articlebot/articlebot.php on line 141

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home2/beta/public_html/forum/articlebot/articlebot.php on line 145
Do you have any idea what I may have done wrong? I'm sure it's a problem on my part as I am not good with PHP code. I have the article bot set up, and set to fetch the RSS feed each hour...

Thank you! :)

Deimos 07-22-2004 03:30 PM

Gah, my apologies Vilo, next time I won't be so lazy as to skip the thread, hehe

Velocd 07-23-2004 03:53 AM

@Admiral Spock: Does it do this error for every RSS feed? If not, link to the RSS feed that gives the error. Maybe you are trying to parse a RSS feed not supported by MagPieRSS parser.. that would give that error. MagpieRSS functions return an array, so those array errors would be result of it not returning anything.

lanoix 07-23-2004 08:41 AM

Thanks for this mod, I will try it... :squareeyed:

Admiral Spock 07-23-2004 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Velocd
@Admiral Spock: Does it do this error for every RSS feed? If not, link to the RSS feed that gives the error. Maybe you are trying to parse a RSS feed not supported by MagPieRSS parser.. that would give that error. MagpieRSS functions return an array, so those array errors would be result of it not returning anything.

http://www.14wfie.com/global/Categor...clienttype=rss is the feed I used.

But I also used http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/topstories and that didn't work either. But with the Yahoo one, going to /articlebot/articlebot.php brings up just a blank page - no errors.

Matrixgl 07-25-2004 05:10 AM

every newsfeed url given in the install.html file is giving me this error:

PHP Code:

WarningMagpieRSSFailed to parse RSS file. (mismatched tag at line 121column 2in /path/forums/articlebot/rss_fetch.inc on line 230

array_reverse(): The argument should be an array in /pathl/forums/articlebot/articlebot.php on line 141

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/forums/articlebot/articlebot.php on line 1 

same as admiral...

using vB 3.0.1

Rob Eh 07-25-2004 05:28 PM

[high]* Rob Eh clicked install.

I do have a question. How do I delete to comments at the top and bottom of each article posted? They show up on the preview mouseover in the forumdisplay.

PHP Code:

<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATEarticlebot_post -->
Sudan could face international sanctions if it fails to disarm Arab militias responsible for killings

[url="http://www.newsisfree.com/click/i,45270008,838,rss/"]View Full Story[/url]

END TEMPLATEarticlebot_post --> 

Matrixgl 07-25-2004 05:36 PM

looks like the urls in the install.html file dont really work...

However, I did get many of the urls to work from this site:

Velocd 07-26-2004 03:26 AM

Version 1.1 has been released.

Refer to the first post for upgrade/installation instructions, and release notes.

If bugs are found, please report them in this post.

Velocd 07-26-2004 03:28 AM


I do have a question. How do I delete to comments at the top and bottom of each article posted? They show up on the preview mouseover in the forumdisplay.
Not sure what you mean Rob Eh, could you give a live example, or elaborate more?

Deimos 07-26-2004 08:56 AM

Think you could possibly add the ability to read RDF files?

Rob Eh 07-26-2004 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Velocd
Not sure what you mean Rob Eh, could you give a live example, or elaborate more?

It is actually posting the template comments as part of the message itself. These comments:
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: articlebot_post -->
<!-- END TEMPLATE: articlebot_post -->
If I disable html in the post, which is deffenity the secure way, It will display these comments in the message preview when you mouseover the message hyperlink in the forumview page. If html is enabled in the post, it does not show up in the preview.

But it doesn't matter if html is enabled of disabled, it till shows up on my portal page that is created with vBadvanced CMPS v1.0.0.

This only way I can get it to dissappear is to disable the "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" in the General settings onm VB Options. to get it to stop.

Screen shots below.

#1 is a shot of the message when I view the edit post screen. I can't get a screen shot when attempting to preview.

#2 is a shot of the troubled area of the portal page.

My site is here:

Rob Eh 07-26-2004 12:19 PM

I will perform the upgrade to see if that helps.

Rob Eh 07-26-2004 12:40 PM

I am having problems with the upgrade. Every thing ran fine with the script and all, but I can't get articlebot.php to run.

After commenting out the lines:
// chdir('/path/to/forums/');
// require_once './global.php';
PHP Code:

Warningmain(.articlebot/rss_fetch.inc): failed to open streamNo such file or directory in /home/virtual/site170/fst/var/www/html/forums/articlebot/articlebot.php on line 46

main(): Failed opening '.articlebot/rss_fetch.inc' for inclusion (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php'in /home/virtual/site170/fst/var/www/html/forums/articlebot/articlebot.php on line 46

Fatal error
Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/virtual/site170/fst/var/www/html/forums/articlebot/articlebot.php on line 92 

Now I change:
PHP Code:

include_once '.articlebot/rss_fetch.inc'

PHP Code:

include_once 'rss_fetch.inc'

Which just gives me this error:
PHP Code:

Fatal errorCall to a member function on a non-object in /home/virtual/site170/fst/var/www/html/forums/articlebot/articlebot.php on line 92 

Line 92 is this:
PHP Code:

    $result_articlebots $DB_site->query(

Any thoughts, suggestions?


MindTrix 07-26-2004 01:06 PM

Simple you changed

PHP Code:

After commenting out the lines:
// chdir('/path/to/forums/'); 

to the wrong url hence all the errors with the long url. In your admin cp scroll down to the bottom left under the maintanance section and click on PHP INFO.

In there it will show you the url you need. For instance mine is


Its under the Enviroment section of the PHP info.

Hope it helps.

Velocd 07-26-2004 01:27 PM

Rob Eh, as MindTrix said, you have to provide an absolute path to your forums directory for chdir(), don't comment it out (that is, if you're using crontab).

As for your problem with the comments, my question is why are there comments? I never added them to the template, nor did the instructions say for you to put them there.

I would just remove the comments. ;)

Rob Eh 07-26-2004 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Velocd
Rob Eh, as MindTrix said, you have to provide an absolute path to your forums directory for chdir(), don't comment it out (that is, if you're using crontab).

I do have the corect path in it, but since it is commented out, it makes not difference. I'm not presently using crontab. I had the following line in my forum index.php page to run article bot.
include_once './articlebot/articlebot.php';

I plan to setup crontab in the coming days, but since it's been several years and different server setups ago since I used it, I wanted to get everything up and funning properly first. This worked fine for in in your first version before upgrading this morning.

If all else fails, I think I'm going to blow away the installation and start over again. I will drop all of the articlebot tables via phpMyAdmin. Then do a fresh install of the new version and see if that will cure it.

There has to be something wrong with one of the database tables, because the process stops when attempting to fetch article bots.


Originally Posted by Velocd
As for your problem with the comments, my question is why are there comments? I never added them to the template, nor did the instructions say for you to put them there.

I would just remove the comments. ;)

The comments are part of vB's setup. They do not show up incorrectly in any other of vB's templates.

When modifying templates, it is often helpful to have this setting enabled so you can view the source of a page to determine what template(s) control it.

It's not a big problem to have this disabled, but it is very strange as to why the comments for the templates are incorrectly showing up as part of the article post itself. I'm confused by it. :confused:

Rob Eh 07-26-2004 02:26 PM

I have taken screneshots of the structure of the 3 article bot tables, please the thread table that it altered. I do see something that maybe the problem. According to the upgrade script, it calls for the is_iss field to be deleted, but it is not deleted.

All of the articles that have currently been created with article bot have the is_rss field contain "1", the rss_date field is empty, and the rss_feed all contain "0".

Is the talbe scructure correct for these tables? Should the thread table have this structure and data?


Rob Eh 07-26-2004 02:27 PM

Here is the table_articlebot_rss.gif from the above post. Only 3 attachments per post.

Rob Eh 07-26-2004 03:49 PM

OK, I'm even more confused now. Still getting the same error when I run articlebot/php manually. But I have it setup to run as a scheduled task from with in vB itself, and it appears to be working.

So if everything seems to be working, so everything is fine with me! ;)

Thanks for your help.

Velocd 07-26-2004 05:05 PM


The comments are part of vB's setup. They do not show up incorrectly in any other of vB's templates.

When modifying templates, it is often helpful to have this setting enabled so you can view the source of a page to determine what template(s) control it.

It's not a big problem to have this disabled, but it is very strange as to why the comments for the templates are incorrectly showing up as part of the article post itself. I'm confused by it.
Heh, I never noticied vBulletin 3 did this. This hack hasn't been filtering them out, because the code was never there!

Luckily preventing the comments from showing is as easy as providing an optional argument to the fetch_template() function.

So, in articlebot.php, replace:

PHP Code:

eval('$articlebot_post = "' fetch_template('articlebot_post') . '";'); 


PHP Code:

eval('$articlebot_post = "' fetch_template('articlebot_post'00) . '";'); 

Zip has been updated.

nexialys 07-26-2004 06:53 PM

error, debug, whatever: missing TABLE_PREFIX everywhere...

DrkFusion 07-26-2004 06:55 PM

Awesome hack once again. I installed this and modified it to my needs, and let me tell you it is amazing in my case. Even user activity has increased alot!

Maikeru 07-26-2004 07:54 PM

Great hack, Velocd. I think I might install it.

Velocd 07-26-2004 11:05 PM


error, debug, whatever: missing TABLE_PREFIX everywhere...
nexialys, where exactly? I've gone through the whole code, the vB tables all have TABLE_PREFIX to them. articlebot tables do not have them, because they are created without prefixes.

Matrixgl 07-27-2004 08:28 PM

Just finished integrating it to the v3Articles hack.....I think I will release it tonight.

Good job on the bot Velocd :)

infiniterb 07-28-2004 07:01 AM

I'm trying to set my scheduled tasks up for this cron job and I have it pointing to:


Most of the other tasks will display the name of the job, then below it a Done message. I named this job Articles and all I get back is the Articles name, but I am not seeing a done message. This leads me to believe the job isn't running. Has anyone else gotten this to work via this method? I have a shared server and would really like to use this method over the others.

Thanks in advance.

Rob Eh 07-28-2004 11:39 AM

Mine was doing the same thing until I upgraded to the new release. It does work now.

Rob Eh 07-28-2004 11:41 AM

Is there a way to specify the time zone used in the control panel for this?

It uses the server time and not the time set by vB in the control panel.


All times are GMT. The time now is 04:20 AM.

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