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-   -   Spell Checker: PungoSpell for vBulletin3 Standard and WYSIWYG modes (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=65737)

joanne862 06-17-2004 04:43 PM

Great hack!

Amazed myself by getting it installed without any major hitches.

Just one problem- it doesn't work in writing a new PM. Clicking the spell check box has no effect, nothing happens.
I've changed the USERCP_SHELL template as instructed. In the pm_newpm template, there was no $navbar to put the code in (B) under. I've tried putting it in a couple of different places, but it still doesn't work. Any ideas what I've done wrong?


Gary King 06-17-2004 04:58 PM

Everything working fine for me, great hack, but one thing though - spell checking a quick reply in Internet Explorer does not work. When clicking on that, it immediately goes to 'Spell checking complete' but it works fine in Opera and other browsers.

Ideas? Also the correct template changes were made, etc.

Kihon Kata 06-17-2004 05:00 PM

Clicks to install here Thanks PEOPLE!

Gary (the post above me) installed it for me!

Chris Blount 06-17-2004 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by joanne862
Great hack!

Amazed myself by getting it installed without any major hitches.

Just one problem- it doesn't work in writing a new PM. Clicking the spell check box has no effect, nothing happens.
I've changed the USERCP_SHELL template as instructed. In the pm_newpm template, there was no $navbar to put the code in (B) under. I've tried putting it in a couple of different places, but it still doesn't work. Any ideas what I've done wrong?


I didn't even bother with the USERCP_SHELL. In the PM_NEWPM template, I did the following:


        return validatePost(formname, formname.title.value, 0, $vboptions[pmmaxchars]);

Below it add:


<script src="spellcheck.js"></script>

<form name="spell_form" id="spell_form" method="POST" target="spellWindow"
            <input type="hidden" name="spell_formname" value="">
            <input type="hidden" name="spell_fieldname" value="">
            <input type="hidden" name="spellstring" value="">



[preview_message]" accesskey="p" name="preview" tabindex="1" onclick="this.form.dopreview = true; return true;" />
Below it add:



<if condition="DOTOOLBAR!=2">
        <input type="hidden" name="toolbar" value="1" />
        <input type="button" class="button" value="Spell Check" onClick="spellCheck( 'vbform',  'message', '1');">
        <else />
        <input type="hidden" name="toolbar" value="2" />
        <input type="button" class="button" value="Spell Check" onClick="spellCheck( 'vbform',  'WYSIWYG_HTML', '2');">


joanne862 06-17-2004 05:52 PM

Thanks so much Chris, that works perfectly now :D

vprp 06-17-2004 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by tamarian
You probably don't have pspell compiled into your PHP, and missing the aspell package.

Try PHPSpell instead.

I get the same message.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pspell_new() in /hsphere/local/home/vrhee/golfrewind.com/checkspelling.php on line 26

I just talked to my Web host and they installed aspell. Now how do I compile pspell in my php?

vprp 06-19-2004 09:03 AM


tamarian 06-23-2004 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by vprp
Now how do I compile pspell in my php?

PSPELL can be compiled into PHP by adding the "--with-pspell" option in the ./configure command used to compile PHP.

Boofo 06-23-2004 03:33 AM

It works great for me in pms but when I use it for a new reply, it opens up, finds the wrongly spelled words, says ok and when it closes, the words are not changed to the correct spelling. Any ideas? ;)

EDIT: Got it working. It seems you can't have the button in both places on the newreply. Only the top one. ;)

How do we make sure apache can write to the pws file? I have it chmodded to 777 and it still doesn't write to the file.

vprp 06-23-2004 05:42 AM

I compiled pspell and have the spell check working on my site now. Thanks! The problem is I noticed that on long posts, it will show "this is a test." If it's a relatively short message, the spell check works fine. Does anyone know what may be causing this problem?

rsuplido 06-23-2004 07:05 AM

It seems like it happens when there is a carriage return on your message.

Any fix to this?

Boofo 06-23-2004 08:36 AM

I ran into an interesting problem with the config file for this hack. the following doesn't work for me unless I chnage it to 0.

[QUOTE]$ignore_quotes = 1; // 0 means ignore the

code, 1 means spell check within quotes
If I leave it as is, it doesn't check between the quote tags. If I change it to 0, it checks between the tags just fine. ;)

scottct1 06-23-2004 02:47 PM

I am having a problem with this with multi line posts.

If I type a short message (ie this is a test) it works fine.

However if I type in a longer message I get an error.

A box pops up
Error Line 59 - Unterminated String Constant

If I clear that error another box pops up ERROR Line 298 - 'MISPS' is undefined.

This happens to ALL my editors

Any ideas?

scottct1 06-23-2004 05:29 PM

Ok I figured out something but I have not fixed it yet.

It appears my problem is with iframedoc.html

If I check spelling on a 1 line message it works fine.

However if the message is long or is formatted at all I get the above (last message) error message.

What leads me to believe it is something with iframedoc.html is that when I get the error the text "this is a test" appears in the spell check box.

"this is a test" is also in iframedoc.html

Also if I just open iframedoc.html in my browser I get the same two error messages.

So what am I doing wrong?

tamarian 06-25-2004 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by scottct1
Ok I figured out something but I have not fixed it yet.

It appears my problem is with iframedoc.html

If I check spelling on a 1 line message it works fine.

However if the message is long or is formatted at all I get the above (last message) error message.

What leads me to believe it is something with iframedoc.html is that when I get the error the text "this is a test" appears in the spell check box.

"this is a test" is also in iframedoc.html

Also if I just open iframedoc.html in my browser I get the same two error messages.

So what am I doing wrong?

This sounds like an end of line error. Try re-uploading the files again with ftp in binary mode, and see if this still keeps happening.

Boofo 06-25-2004 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by tamarian
This sounds like an end of line error. Try re-uploading the files again with ftp in binary mode, and see if this still keeps happening.

tamarian, any fix for the learn feature yet?

tamarian 06-25-2004 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
tamarian, any fix for the learn feature yet?

I'm not sure yet that it can be fixed through the script, and it's more likely a server setup issue with aspell config.

tamarian 06-25-2004 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by vprp
I compiled pspell and have the spell check working on my site now. Thanks! The problem is I noticed that on long posts, it will show "this is a test." If it's a relatively short message, the spell check works fine. Does anyone know what may be causing this problem?

I'd suggest re-uploading the original files, with FTP in binary mode. Test first as admin, without editing the config files. Most of the problems I had turned out to be due to the editor useds.

Boofo 06-25-2004 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by tamarian
I'm not sure yet that it can be fixed through the script, and it's more likely a server setup issue with aspell config.

What do I need to do with the aspell config? How do I make sure apache can write to the pws file? I chmodded it. Is that all we do for that part of it?

has anyone gotten this to work with the quick reply yet? I get the button and the window pops up, but there is no text in it.

Boofo 06-25-2004 06:51 PM

I got the learn function working finally. I looked through the thread here and when I changed this:


personal_ws-1.1 eng 0
to this:


personal_ws-1.1 english 0
It started working. Thank you! ;)

Now if I can just get the quick reply box working with this I will be all set. ;)

Any one have that working yet?

tamarian 06-26-2004 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Now if I can just get the quick reply box working with this I will be all set. ;)

Any one have that working yet?

Have you tried to put the code in the showthread template?

Snippet A goes into the header of showthread template

Snippet B goes somewhere in showthread_quickreply template (for example, just below the java script.

Snippet C goes below the preview button code in showthread_quickreply.

I just tested it, and it it worked on my test forum

Boofo 06-26-2004 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by tamarian
Have you tried to put the code in the showthread template?

Snippet A goes into the header of showthread template

Snippet B goes somewhere in showthread_quickreply template (for example, just below the java script.

Snippet C goes below the preview button code in showthread_quickreply.

I just tested it, and it it worked on my test forum

I just double checked it and I have it the way to say here and nothing shows up in the spell check box. It works everywhere else flawlessly, just not the quick reply box. Any ideas what to do to make it work there, too? ;)

I do have it set to where you must click the icon in a message to be able to use the QR box. Would that have anything to do with it?

Boofo 06-26-2004 03:19 AM

Ok, FINALLY! I got it working with the quick reply box. It works with the code the way it is if you don't use WYSIWYG in it. To make it work with the WYSIWYG part of it, I had to change:


<if condition="DOTOOLBAR!=2">


<if condition="$WYSIWYG!=2">
Now it works as it should. ;)

Thank you, sir, for an excellent hack. ;)

Chris Blount 06-26-2004 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Blount
I just found something weird that's happening. When using the spell check in standard mode (not WYSIWYG). All paragraph breaks are getting taken out so when the spell check is done, the post ends up being one long paragraph.

Any word on how to fix this yet?

Boofo 06-26-2004 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Blount
Any word on how to fix this yet?

I just tested this on my site and it works like it should in the Enhanced Standard editor. It left the message exactly as it found it except for correcting the spelling mistakes. Could another hack be messing with it, maybe? ;)

tamarian 06-26-2004 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Ok, FINALLY! I got it working with the quick reply box. It works with the code the way it is if you don't use WYSIWYG in it. To make it work with the WYSIWYG part of it, I had to change:

Nice catch. I'll add it to the fist post for quick reply, so others can find it easily.

Boofo 06-27-2004 12:50 AM

Now all we have to do it get it working so it scrolls to each word it finds and you will have the perfect and ultimate vB3 spell checker. ;)

tamarian 06-27-2004 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Now all we have to do it get it working so it scrolls to each word it finds and you will have the perfect and ultimate vB3 spell checker. ;)

I have the scrolling working, but for some reason it only works with IE.....

Boofo 06-27-2004 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by tamarian
I have the scrolling working, but for some reason it only works with IE.....

I use IE and it doesn't work for me. ;)

tamarian 06-27-2004 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
I use IE and it doesn't work for me. ;)

I meant the upcoming release :)

Boofo 06-27-2004 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by tamarian
I meant the upcoming release :)

hehe When will that be? I could use the scrolling feature now, buddy!!!! ;)

tamarian 06-27-2004 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
hehe When will that be? I could use the scrolling feature now, buddy!!!! ;)

Well, I was planning to fix the scrolling for Mozilla/Firefox, but since it's going no where, I'll release it as is, maybe tomorrow.

Boofo 06-27-2004 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by tamarian
Well, I was planning to fix the scrolling for Mozilla/Firefox, but since it's going no where, I'll release it as is, maybe tomorrow.

Send me what you have with whatever comments you have on it and let me take a lokl at it before you release it. We should be able to get that working for Mozilla/Firefox fairly easily.

tamarian 06-27-2004 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Send me what you have with whatever comments you have on it and let me take a lokl at it before you release it. We should be able to get that working for Mozilla/Firefox fairly easily.

Check it out. I posted the code change from spellcheck.js at vbulletin.com's html forum:


Edit: This code is added it just after the call to highlight() in the current version.

Boofo 06-27-2004 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by tamarian
Check it out. I posted the code change from spellcheck.js at vbulletin.com's html forum:


Edit: This code is added it just after the call to highlight() in the current version.

Did you try:

PHP Code:


Boofo 06-27-2004 02:40 AM

I just tried your code for scrolling in IE and it doesn't scroll for me.

tamarian 06-27-2004 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Did you try:

PHP Code:


I could have sworn I tried that without success, but now it works! Thanks for the help. :)

I'll clean up the rest of the code and release it asap.

tamarian 06-27-2004 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
I just tried your code for scrolling in IE and it doesn't scroll for me.

Hmm, let's see how it goes with the full release, it might have been missing other parts, like the "hl" element or something.

Boofo 06-27-2004 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by tamarian
I could have sworn I tried that without success, but now it works! Thanks for the help. :)

I'll clean up the rest of the code and release it asap.

According to the lines you posted that you tried on the com, you had false in all of them. ;)

All I did was try what Scott suggested you try. ;)

tamarian 06-27-2004 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
According to the lines you posted that you tried on the com, you had false in all of them. ;)

All I did was try what Scott suggested you try. ;)

I actually changed them all to true and still had no luck. But I probably did it in haste, and didn't bother refreshing the browser when testing it.

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