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egyptsons 06-13-2004 08:43 AM

good work
I need chat but for free :D

Pseudomizer 06-13-2004 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by egyptsons
good work
I need chat but for free :D

Then this is not the right hack for you. Sorry.


pgowder 06-13-2004 07:34 PM

I have myself and my mods setup in DigiChat, but we all are getting an error about usernames and passwords when we try to login??

Pseudomizer 06-13-2004 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by pgowder
I have myself and my mods setup in DigiChat, but we all are getting an error about usernames and passwords when we try to login??

Hi pgowder,

please read this posting from this thread:


Read my information after the PHP Code. If you have any further questions after reading this, i am more then willing to help.


pgowder 06-14-2004 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
Hi pgowder,

please read this posting from this thread:


Read my information after the PHP Code. If you have any further questions after reading this, i am more then willing to help.


That works, thanks!

Pseudomizer 06-14-2004 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by pgowder
That works, thanks!

Glad it works. Enjoy it.


Merjawy 06-23-2004 11:12 AM

Thank for the hack, I had one running for vB2 long ago with dc35 and then 4.0

but this one just won't do it for me, I double checked it
installed on many test forums still no luck.. I get a blank page just totaly white page when I click to go Chat.. I can run chat directly just fine.. but not through vb3.0.1 :(

dc4 installed on local server, vB3.0.1 on another server and I have commander btw when I try who online I get errors looking for digia?????.txt in /stat directory, I don't have a stat directory nor that file.. but the who online is not a concern to me

Pseudomizer 06-23-2004 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Merjawy
Thank for the hack, I had one running for vB2 long ago with dc35 and then 4.0

but this one just won't do it for me, I double checked it
installed on many test forums still no luck.. I get a blank page just totaly white page when I click to go Chat.. I can run chat directly just fine.. but not through vb3.0.1 :(

dc4 installed on local server, vB3.0.1 on another server and I have commander btw when I try who online I get errors looking for digia?????.txt in /stat directory, I don't have a stat directory nor that file.. but the who online is not a concern to me

Hi Merjawy,

don't give up. If you get a white page then you have the templates in the wrong style. Please check to install the template in the correct style.

And for the commander issue: You have to run the commander and paste this into file. If you want to have each minute an update you have to setup a cron job or at job in windows which starts the java -c bla bla bla > statfile.txt for each minute.

Please tell me if you need any further help.


Merjawy 06-23-2004 08:00 PM

Thanks mate for you quick response.. I edited the style that I am using actualy but maybe its not the style in my usercp.. I will make sure

or I will just install the hack on all 3 styles :)

I will let you know soon

thnx again

Pseudomizer 06-23-2004 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Merjawy
Thanks mate for you quick response.. I edited the style that I am using actualy but maybe its not the style in my usercp.. I will make sure

or I will just install the hack on all 3 styles :)

I will let you know soon

thnx again

Good luck. Waiting for your feedback.


Merjawy 06-23-2004 08:07 PM

what you know :)

you are totaly correct.. I installed the hack on style 2 and I am using style 2 but in my usercp I have style 1 :) thats the problem with quick style chooser

anyway I got to login now and password not working.. I know you had answered this many times.. so I will just scroll back and read your answers about that as I didn't read before :)

thanks again mate

Pseudomizer 06-23-2004 08:18 PM

Good man. You will find all the answers you need. Enjoy this hack.


Merjawy 06-23-2004 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
Good man. You will find all the answers you need. Enjoy this hack.



I got it man.. now I managed to change the admin's names to add (CM) and all is great.. thanks mate

still haven't a clue about commander

I am not too worried about it but if its no trouble I like to know how to make the output of stats I did read the dc manual but that alone needs a manual to read it :)

once again.. I thank you.. will install on another board today

Pseudomizer 06-24-2004 01:38 AM

Here is my file which produces the output for the stats file:


/usr/java/jre1.2.2/bin/java -classpath /usr/local/DigiChat/Commander.zip com.diginet.digichat.commander.Commander users siteID XXXX host password ***** &> /webroot/htdocs/DigiChat/DigiClasses/Resources/Default/stats/digiaktXXXX.txt

You have to replace:

XXXX = your SiteID = Your Chat Server IP
****** = your commander password ( not the admin password )
digiaktXXXX.txt = digiaktSITEID.txt e.g. digiakt1000.txt

Then you have to create the /stats directory because this doesn't exist per default.

A cron job runs every minute and executes this shell script. This is how you get every minute who is in chat.

Now you don't have to read the manual any more. ;-)

P.S.: You don't have to use this java version but this version is the only version which supports german umlaute. You can choose any version you want. You use the right path for the java executeables.

Attention: This is for DigiChat Version 4 and not 5. So be careful.


Merjawy 06-25-2004 12:33 AM

Thanks budd.. I don't have 5 only 4 :) so thats fine , I will play with it and see what happens.. like I said I really don't have the need for whos on chat no time :)

but last night and today I went through customizing your hack to use my lang and skins and all extra links, and installed it on all styles .. it rocks man.. it just rocks

I thank you for a great hack

one note on the navbar link.. you might wanna use variables or full url as for some who use fron end portal won't find chat.php .. I used full URL here

Pseudomizer 06-25-2004 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Merjawy
Thanks budd.. I don't have 5 only 4 :) so thats fine , I will play with it and see what happens.. like I said I really don't have the need for whos on chat no time :)

but last night and today I went through customizing your hack to use my lang and skins and all extra links, and installed it on all styles .. it rocks man.. it just rocks

I thank you for a great hack

one note on the navbar link.. you might wanna use variables or full url as for some who use fron end portal won't find chat.php .. I used full URL here

Great you love this hack.

And thanks for the hint. I will integrate this into the next version.


Merjawy 06-25-2004 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
Great you love this hack.

And thanks for the hint. I will integrate this into the next version.


I sure do love this hack...

few more notes if you don't mind :)

in chatcofig file


no need for both !! as I created test group ID9 and its not listed on either lines and it was not allowed to chat .. simply cuz that ID is not listed under ACCESS group.. you see theres no need for NOACCESS line I think

also in those lines, you seperated the groupd IDs with something, looks like a comma but it ain't like my English keyboard comma when I type a comma it looks bigger than what you used... could it be my eyes? :)

Question about the ChatIcons, you had them listed in user profile in no order, is there a techincal reason for that? could I put them in order?
reason for saying that when I check an icon from the lower group like icon58.gif, the active icon on top would show icon33.gif for example

also cuz I have grouped my icons and with your order they listed mixed in user profile change

also in your settings there you listed icons up to 70 I think.. where in DC 4 there are only 45 icons (01 - 45) as default. is that cuz you have more icons?

I added more icons up to 110 now.. can I/do I have to add them to user filetext?

lastly.. any of the login motheds including admin's a "signed" login? in other words does any of them allow file transfer? I have not had any luck with that yet, I plan to check it out with another admin tonight

thats it for now :)

thanks again

Pseudomizer 06-25-2004 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Merjawy
I sure do love this hack...

few more notes if you don't mind :)

Wow. Feedback. Fineeeee. Sure. Proceed.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
in chatcofig file


no need for both !! as I created test group ID9 and its not listed on either lines and it was not allowed to chat .. simply cuz that ID is not listed under ACCESS group.. you see theres no need for NOACCESS line I think

Yes, there is a reason for that. I also use this in the chatwho definition. Who is allowed to see the who is in chat or not. And also i differenciate between different groups what they are allowed to see on the chatwho page. Admins and chatmaster may see on my site username, IP, host and roomname. They also have a trace button to trace the IP and on top of that they can send each individual userinformation to their emailadress by just clicking on button. Very useful to have something written via email rather then writing IP, host, etc on a peace of paper.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
also in those lines, you seperated the groupd IDs with something, looks like a comma but it ain't like my English keyboard comma when I type a comma it looks bigger than what you used... could it be my eyes? :)

I never heard that a comma is not a comma. Yes, i use a comma between the differnt groups. It should work for you as well.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
Question about the ChatIcons, you had them listed in user profile in no order, is there a techincal reason for that? could I put them in order?
reason for saying that when I check an icon from the lower group like icon58.gif, the active icon on top would show icon33.gif for example

also cuz I have grouped my icons and with your order they listed mixed in user profile change

also in your settings there you listed icons up to 70 I think.. where in DC 4 there are only 45 icons (01 - 45) as default. is that cuz you have more icons?

I added more icons up to 110 now.. can I/do I have to add them to user filetext?

The problem here is, if you delete an icon the number will be gone and you will not be able to reuse this number again. For me this is a bug in digichat. So on my site i had to create a icon matrix to define the individual numbers of the icons. Yes, you have to edit the file ( the matrix ) in order to make all icons visible. I did not find any better solution if your numbers are not in order like 1,2,3,4. If they are 1,3,4,5,9,10 then you have a problem. Due to this i have this matrix.

Do not put too many icons into the chatapplet. This will increase the load time of the applet massively. 100 should be the limit. Just a hint.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
lastly.. any of the login motheds including admin's a "signed" login? in other words does any of them allow file transfer? I have not had any luck with that yet, I plan to check it out with another admin tonight

thats it for now :)

thanks again

Yes, only the signed applets allow file transfer and only if your port 9000 is opened. Otherwise you will receive the message and you will click on the receive file button but you will never get the file. And yes, it does work for me.

Hope this helps.


Merjawy 06-26-2004 05:14 AM

Thanks alot

a quick reply before I go back and play with the chat again :)

I have ran DC for years but only yesterday I noticed the issue with deleted icons :)

so I am thinking to delete the one of the sites lets say site1000 the Default and recreate it again.. then replace all files in it with the old files/icons

this should replace the icons numbering to the origin order. wouldn't it?

if that does it then thats a way around the bug :) just delete the site (preserving the contents) and recreating it, then put the old files back :)

I am gonna try that tonight


Pseudomizer 06-26-2004 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Merjawy
Thanks alot

a quick reply before I go back and play with the chat again :)

I have ran DC for years but only yesterday I noticed the issue with deleted icons :)

so I am thinking to delete the one of the sites lets say site1000 the Default and recreate it again.. then replace all files in it with the old files/icons

this should replace the icons numbering to the origin order. wouldn't it?

if that does it then thats a way around the bug :) just delete the site (preserving the contents) and recreating it, then put the old files back :)

I am gonna try that tonight


Yes. You are right about that BUT you have to do all the settings agains manually. You can not copy the settings file to the new siteID directory. But this would be a workaround ... not a good one.


Robert9 06-27-2004 09:40 AM

Hi all, hi Psydomizer and Norman (greetings from anja btw.)

I have just finished my work on vb and DC (www.intimparty.de/board/ it is in german and done without this hack, but on a very equal way).

But there are still some problems:

1. After installed SUN 1.4.2 i got error-messages in the java-console when using the chat, it seems DC uses routines for an old netscape security model, while SUN wants the new java2-routines.
I dont know if this is responsable for my other problems.

To recognize a cam was possible on 4 of 5 workstations, but i still hang while trying a connect to another user with a cam. We both have set the router to the needed UDP Ports, but there is still a message cant connect while firewall ...

On my server all ports are binded, but not 25, i dont know why.

If i try the test the applet does nothing (waited about 15 minutes), i read the text about tunneling above, but dont understand why i need this for myself, because the router has set the port-forwarding on both sides of a connect, the same happens to an audio-session. Only the file-transfer seems to be ok.

Yes, i see the need of tunneling for people behind a firewall, but why i have the problems with a normal router ?

Just another thing is to change grafix for my chat, when i start a new theme, it is not saved at the place the documentation for v4 says. (There is no new documentation shipped with v5)

Do someone know where the themes are saved in v5? There are still some not so pretty grafix i want to improve. ;-(

Robert9 06-27-2004 09:45 AM

Here is the only text i found still now for AV-Things, on digichat or dig-net i found nothing about.


Robert9 06-27-2004 09:50 AM

Just another question about usericons. It should be possible for users to upload a grafix for theirselves with 24*24, say to /temp/, then it is the question if we could add an icon to chatlist with the commander? If so the uploadscript could start a commander-command to add the icon to the list. The next problem would be then to use it only for this user and not for users, should be possible if users cant change the icon in the chat. Has someone done this before? I will have a lokk to the commander-docu now.

Another thing i want to improve are the bots, the docu from DC helps not very on this theme, i miss just one example how to program a bot on myself, has someone done this or know where to find some more information about?

Pseudomizer 06-27-2004 09:44 PM

Hello Robert,

i am very sorry but i did not receive my Digi5 yet. I am still working for my release because the current DC5 AV does not work on SuSe Linux 8.2. The support team confirmed this and the developers are working on the fix. Until then i will not be able to answer any questions about DC5.

And if DC5 is sooooo different to DC4 i will create a new hack for DC5 in a new thread. So i am very sorry, but i can not help you yet.


Pseudomizer 06-27-2004 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Robert9
Just another question about usericons. It should be possible for users to upload a grafix for theirselves with 24*24, say to /temp/, then it is the question if we could add an icon to chatlist with the commander? If so the uploadscript could start a commander-command to add the icon to the list. The next problem would be then to use it only for this user and not for users, should be possible if users cant change the icon in the chat. Has someone done this before? I will have a lokk to the commander-docu now.

Ok. This is easy. You can add icons to the chat via commander. This is in the docu but you not be able to set a specific icon for a specific user. All users are guests and due to this they have all access to all icons except the reserved icons. The reserved icons are only for people who use the CM software.


Originally Posted by Robert9
Another thing i want to improve are the bots, the docu from DC helps not very on this theme, i miss just one example how to program a bot on myself, has someone done this or know where to find some more information about?

Bots.... a very good question. The doku is very poor and after opening a case at digichat support, i received the message, that they do not give support for bots. There was a site for digichat bots from digi-net which is done for over 1 year now. I wrote an email to digi-net and they said, that they have technical problems and they do not know when this site will be up and running again.

And yes, i have created a bot already but it took me over 1 week to understand how it works, to correct the bugs in the docu from digichat and to compile my own bot. It is not so easy and you have to know java very well to be able to create your own bot.

Let me do a suggestion. Rather then discussing digichat problems here, let's discuss them on http://www.chatvermietung.de. I do not want to do advertising BUT i do not want to discuss things which have nothing to do with VBulletin or this hack in this thread. These are offtopic discussions and against this board rules. The site is hosted by myself and it is dedicated to digichat and is in german and english. There is no manual registration so please contact me to give you an account. This is just a suggestion and all hack problems and vbproblems will be continued here. What do you think ?


Robert9 06-28-2004 02:45 AM

It seems very hard to have a bot ;-( cause i cant find something about with google & co.

UserIcons are possible! but only with manual work. => Just kill the possiblity to change icon in chat => Give way to choose a special icon only to the owner in board. Maybe with a new group ... all we need is to save the info, that this user has his own icon with ID xyz.

The differences between4 and 5 are small, i think, the same problems, the same errors ;-( So your mod should run, i do it on my own cause i enjoy the way of doing it on my own (and shurly i look inside your mod to see how it works, too.) Great job!

PS: Ein Account auf besagter Seite wäre prima.

Merjawy 06-28-2004 09:38 PM

Hey Pseudomizer,

I have been away now I done alot of work

I deleted the site and recreated it and put back all the files

ofcourse some settings had to be remade like banners .etc etc.

all seems ok now and all my icons are back to original numbering starting at 1000

and all the icons in vB are in order I only have 80 icons now

I got commander to maunaly work now :)

heres few problems I am facing

if I log in as a chat user while I am forum admin, I get all my info but the icon won't stay.. so I have to change icon each time

if I log in as CM while forum admin I don't get any of my info other than my homepage
I have to edit my profile each time I am in chat

in vB profile theres the last option "toplising" whats that and where does it apear in chat or anywhere? I choose YES and NO but I see nothing

also, in commander, DC has problem with different languages.. so some user names and room names if they are not in Enlish they show up as ????? ?????

this has to do with java/DC .. but my question is.. DC will show all that you show in who online with one more option , and thats roomID

can you make your who_online show roomID instead of room name? this way I can understand what room they are in

as for running a stat automaticly,, this is not working for me..
you see my chat is on a local windows based server

so I am thinking to find a way to run it as a windows task if I can't get a cron job to do it

one last thing.. one of the buttons/link in who online list shows single_log.php or something like that .. whats in that file since I don't have it?

I have used different Java to come up with same results as far as language issue.. J2SDK 1.4 and from windows Java folder and also from DC java

I dont' wanna go through decoding the file each time its run :) that'd be a pain using ascii2nativ :)

thnx again

Pseudomizer 06-28-2004 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Merjawy
Hey Pseudomizer,

I have been away now I done alot of work

I deleted the site and recreated it and put back all the files

ofcourse some settings had to be remade like banners .etc etc.

all seems ok now and all my icons are back to original numbering starting at 1000

and all the icons in vB are in order I only have 80 icons now

Fine. You have a loooot of question. I will do my best to answer them all.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
I got commander to maunaly work now :)

I know what you mean. You should automate this. Please see below how to automate this.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
heres few problems I am facing

if I log in as a chat user while I am forum admin, I get all my info but the icon won't stay.. so I have to change icon each time

if I log in as CM while forum admin I don't get any of my info other than my homepage
I have to edit my profile each time I am in chat

Do you talk about my hack ? If you have edited the chat profile in the profile settings of VBulletin then you should have always the same icon. Or do you talk about the CM Software from DigiChat for Admin and Chatmaster connection ? They save the current images in a local file. Or do you talk about the admin login ( webapplet ) next to the standard chat login ? This admin/cm weblogin takes the settings of your black username. So if your name is "hugo" and your admin name is "hugo(CM)" then your admin account will use the same settings in chat like "hugo". If you have choosen a totally different name, then the script will never know which user you are in black and will not be able to give you your settings.

I need more details on this to help you here.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
in vB profile theres the last option "toplising" whats that and where does it apear in chat or anywhere? I choose YES and NO but I see nothing

Correct. I didn't want to comment on this but after you mentioned it now, i have to answer now. This is something for the future. This will create a TOP200 listing of the chatters who are in chat. So you will have statistics who was most online with the option to be listed or not. It is not implemented yet and this will need additional database entries AND this will be very CPU intensive. Please be patient. This is something for the future.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
also, in commander, DC has problem with different languages.. so some user names and room names if they are not in Enlish they show up as ????? ?????

You are totally right. I opened a case with DigiChat support for this but we couldn't find the problem. It took as HOURS to find the cause for this. This is due to SUN Java having renamed all the multilingual functions. If you want to have your country code characters right there is only one version which i found is working correct. You have to use the command with the SUN Java version 1.2.2. Here is the output of my java version:

linux:/usr/java/jre1.2.2/bin # ./java -version
java version "1.2.2"
Classic VM (build JDK-1.2.2_012, green threads, nojit)


Originally Posted by Merjawy
this has to do with java/DC .. but my question is.. DC will show all that you show in who online with one more option , and thats roomID

can you make your who_online show roomID instead of room name? this way I can understand what room they are in

I did not implement the roomID because it is not relevant for people who are looking at the who_is_in_chat page to get the roomID. I suggest that you use the java version above and if it does not work, then i can have a look into bringing in your roomID. Agreed ?


Originally Posted by Merjawy
as for running a stat automaticly,, this is not working for me..
you see my chat is on a local windows based server

so I am thinking to find a way to run it as a windows task if I can't get a cron job to do it

Smile. Ok, this is easy. You have multiple options here. You can either use the AT command in your console and schedule tasks, or you can use the graphical tool WINAT from the windows resource kit or you use external tools like AutoTask2000 to schedule your tasks. One these options should fit for you.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
one last thing.. one of the buttons/link in who online list shows single_log.php or something like that .. whats in that file since I don't have it?

Oh. This is missing in the file ? This is a function which does the following: You click on this button and the current details of the current user you have selected will be send to you via email to your forum emailadress. I have to check then if this file has been translated already or not.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
I have used different Java to come up with same results as far as language issue.. J2SDK 1.4 and from windows Java folder and also from DC java

I dont' wanna go through decoding the file each time its run :) that'd be a pain using ascii2nativ :)

You are right. Due to this only use whatever version you want for the chat but for the commander please take the version above. I have 2 java versions installed in 2 different folders. One for the commander and one for the digichat. This works perfect.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
thnx again

You're welcome. I wish you good luck with the integration.


Merjawy 06-29-2004 04:42 PM

Thank you Pseudomizer

you've been great help and support for a great hack

lets say my user name is Admin on my forum.. in DC its Admin(CM)

when I go to chat.. if I choose one of the 3 regular options ( user name in chat will be Admin) all my prorfile info will show in chat expect the icon and email (no email and icon00.gif will be used)

if I log in via admin login in (the left side "enter password" (user name in chat will be Admin(CM))
then only my home page URL will show in my profile

so in other words it will save most not all my info if I go in as a user but not when I am admin..

as for the java , I beleive the oldest I have might be 1.3 but I will see if I can dig out 1.2 :) glad you are aware of the issue with it :)


Oh. This is missing in the file ? This is a function which does the following: You click on this button and the current details of the current user you have selected will be send to you via email to your forum emailadress. I have to check then if this file has been translated already or not.
yes I don't see that file anywhere :)

once again, you give a great support for your hacks and I thank you

Pseudomizer 06-29-2004 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Merjawy
Thank you Pseudomizer

you've been great help and support for a great hack

You're welcome.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
lets say my user name is Admin on my forum.. in DC its Admin(CM)

when I go to chat.. if I choose one of the 3 regular options ( user name in chat will be Admin) all my prorfile info will show in chat expect the icon and email (no email and icon00.gif will be used)

This is correct. The email has changed from vb2 to vb3. The email is now hidden per default. Due to this i hide the email in the chat info page as well. Many users complained that the emails should not be visible in the chat info page, because in vb3 they are. So this is not due to my changes, but due to vbulletin. Sorry.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
if I log in via admin login in (the left side "enter password" (user name in chat will be Admin(CM))
then only my home page URL will show in my profile

so in other words it will save most not all my info if I go in as a user but not when I am admin..

What are you missing ? Email should not show up but all the rest like exit message, etc should be in there.


Originally Posted by Merjawy
yes I don't see that file anywhere :)

once again, you give a great support for your hacks and I thank you

I have attached the file to this thread BUT i have to mention, that i just translated the german into english and replaced the hardcoded part with variables. No guarantee that it will work from day 1. It should but if not i can help you to fix it. No danger if it does not work. It will not destroy anything. The only that can happen will be, that no email will be sent out. Please copy the file into your forum root folder. That's all you have to do.

So please try it and provide some feedback please.


Merjawy 06-29-2004 09:50 PM

Thanks again


What are you missing ? Email should not show up but all the rest like exit message, etc should be in there
I understand about the email part and I do agree with that too

what I am missin is the icon.. the user chosen icon will not stay on either way I log in as a member (the 3 option) or as Admin(CM) (first icon used instead)

also for Admin(CM) only home page is there nothing else.. no comment, no exit message, no gender, no choosen icon (first icon used instead)

Thanks for the file I will check it out sometime this week and let you know

I went and downloaded sun java all 3 of them :)

none want to install but thats no biggie I will figure out why later..

I have the latest SDK installed I beleive 1.4.3 international cuz I also have a voice chat that needs JDK not plain JRE

I will get back to you on that file and how it goes


Pseudomizer 06-29-2004 11:05 PM

Hmm. If DigiChat does not find your icon number which you specified, it will take the default icon. You should check the icon matrix in my php file.

For the other entries i would suggest that you check the additional profile fields. If they do not match exactly in name ( case sensitive ) you will not be able to store anything in the database.

Are you familiar with phpmyadmin or MySQL ? We could check that with some queries if you wish.


Merjawy 06-29-2004 11:42 PM

yeah it won't save my selected icon..

everything seems right for profile fields however I will double check
and yes we I am familiar with phpmyadmin/Mysql I used to host many forums on my local server

btw. I installed that file single_log.php and I get blank page when I go there with no email entered at the end of the URL

if I manualy enter my email it sends me email with the chatter info

I did change the file by inserting the admin's email in the file replacing the variable. and it worked.. but lets see if we can correct it without going that route :)

Merjawy 06-29-2004 11:52 PM

I am not sure if this is a typo or not

found it in your template mods part of the hack


document.write(" <PARAM NAME=url VALUE='$profil'>");
is that meant to be profil or is it supposed to be profile?

Pseudomizer 06-30-2004 05:58 AM

Hmm. Open the install.html file from my hack and look for this line:

User Profile Field Templates - userfield_textbox

In the text which you have to place in this template from me you can see what the names of your custom profile fields should have e.g.

PHP Code:

<if condition="$profilefield[title] =='chaticon'"

Question: Do you see all chaticons etc in the usercp profile from your forum ?


Merjawy 07-01-2004 04:27 AM

I didn't change that.. what I put there is what is in your hack.. and that line is there
all custom field I added are the same as in your install file..

but in my reply before you.. that line is in your install.html for the DC applates, it says profil and I didn't know if that was a mistake or not.. ofcourse I used whatever in your install.html as it is. I just noticed that vairiable and wanted to ask you about it


document.write(" <PARAM NAME=url VALUE='$profil'>");
as for the icons, yes I see all chaticons in usercp


Pseudomizer 07-01-2004 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Merjawy
I didn't change that.. what I put there is what is in your hack.. and that line is there
all custom field I added are the same as in your install file..

but in my reply before you.. that line is in your install.html for the DC applates, it says profil and I didn't know if that was a mistake or not.. ofcourse I used whatever in your install.html as it is. I just noticed that vairiable and wanted to ask you about it

as for the icons, yes I see all chaticons in usercp


Hello Merjawy,

this is correct. It has to be $profil. I used german variable names. This is the definition of this variable:

PHP Code:

        if ( !$homepage || $homepage == "http://") {

What it does ? It checks if your homepage entry field is empty or if the field has "http://" in there. If yes, then it will link all users to your forum profile. If it is not empty it will link all users to your defined homepage from your forum profile homepage. This should be correct and should work.

Question: What version of DigiChat are you using ? What is the URL of your board so i can have a look please ?


Merjawy 07-02-2004 09:52 PM

aha ok I wasn't sure about that.. cool

as I told you I am still running DC 4, not plannin to go to 5 as I have spent alot of money on another voice chat ...

the board using the chat still under going some changes and is not in english I hate to see you go there and not know where to step :) but I will be glad once I am done with my project to post the URL :)

Romeos Tune 07-09-2004 02:58 AM


I am thinking about doing the DigiChat integration. I am about to buy a digichat license and somewhere I remember seeing something about contacting someone for maybe a good deal on prices? Can anyone help with this?

Pseudomizer 07-09-2004 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Romeos Tune

I am thinking about doing the DigiChat integration. I am about to buy a digichat license and somewhere I remember seeing something about contacting someone for maybe a good deal on prices? Can anyone help with this?

Hi Romeos,

please contact Flatliner. He should be able to help you. If not please tell me.


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