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-   -   New Posting Features - [HTL] & [TXT] Request/Bugs Tracker (formally vB-Bugs) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=63964)

Shane 04-27-2004 11:53 AM

hey all. I just finshed surgery. It will be a few days till I can go through and look through these errors and fix them. :)

paratek 04-27-2004 12:33 PM

Shane, my Admin CP part works ok, but the bugs.php justs presents me with a blank page?

Any Ideas?

Shane 04-27-2004 05:22 PM

Try uploading the file again. :)

HellRazor 04-27-2004 06:20 PM

Shane, can you explain what the difference is between "modify" and "moderate"? And what exactly is the "Private" and "Online Status" for?

paratek 04-27-2004 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Shane
Try uploading the file again. :)

Yup, that did the trick....nice hack!

Shane 05-02-2004 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by paratek
Yup, that did the trick....nice hack!

hey all. I finsh with schoo/finals may 16th. I must past so... I will try to get to any fixes/requets asap. I have started working on some of the features... not many. (not of the SF CVS though.

jluerken 05-03-2004 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by jluerken
Nice script but how can I create the tables that they're using my board table prefixes.
For sure I can make the changes manually but it would be nice if you could modify your script in that way that it uses the same table prefixes like vb3.

Can you change this?

What about the table prefixes?
Is this working now?

msimplay 05-03-2004 10:28 PM

i'm interested in installing this is it worthy of installing yet ?

Shane 05-04-2004 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by jluerken
What about the table prefixes?
Is this working now?

I will let you know. I didn't know that was not working. I thought it was all set for universail sites. I must have deleted something by acident.

@msimplay: I think it is and same with 14 other people. :)

msimplay 05-04-2004 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Shane
@msimplay: I think it is and same with 14 other people. :)

you mean it works properly and is worth installing and i shouldn't have any uncontrollable problems ?

Zach 05-14-2004 12:52 AM

Ok, honestly - this is the most disorganized release I have ever seen - I would submit a bug report, but the bug report thing seems to have a bug.

As shown earlier - I get nothing for the phrases - I think everything else works after three hours of what should have bee a five minute install - I will just go in and hard code the phrases --

my suggestion - I have no idea what the hcl garbage is, I am sure its cool, the best thing since Larry Flynt started a magazine - but these are not not even close to instuctions

1) Copy the file bugs.php to your forum root, bugsadmin.php to /admincp.
2) Import the phrases from HTL/vbbugs_phrases.xml
This invloves altering table language to have a new column
phrasegroup_vbbugs and to insert a new record in into table phrasetypes.
3) Import the templates from HTL/vbbugs_templates.xml
4) Run the following queries to create the necessary tables

{ new tables for bugs sql, only new tables in this sql }

5) Import the settings from HTL/vbbugs_settings.xml
6) This file-edit is optional. It will create links in the ACP to manage bugs, types, states and severities

Again, I did search around and found this HTL thingy - I dont want to install it - my forums are on a route right now not to be very upgradeable - in fact some files do not even pretend to resemble the original code - Now I only deal with english, so I never mess around with all this phrase stuff and junk - actually as soon as i get time am going to destroy that entire system and eradicate it from my life - but it works no problem, except now - now I either got to figure out the system or as I said just manually do it -

This though is the winner of non instructions in an instructions file

and to insert a new record in into table phrasetypes.

thats great.

Oh yea, who won that game today?

I am willing to bet that your answer to my question, is the same answer I have to that particular part of the instructions.

I am being critical, but thats only because it looks to be worthwhile - there are many hacks I take one look at, laugh, and move on and dont post anything about - cause they are not worth it - this one looks like it could be.

But I will give you credit. I have installed hacks like polls and private messages and who's online and many others - this is the first time I have ever got frustrated :)

Zach 05-14-2004 12:55 AM

<a href="http://sportsforum.ws/bugs.php" target="_blank">http://sportsforum.ws/bugs.php</a>

Zach 05-14-2004 01:12 AM

hey, the 427th time I imported the phrases xml - it worked

chrisvonc 05-14-2004 01:23 AM

I just started to install this to test out and am stuck on step 5. Where/how do I import the vbbugs_settings.xml?

JTMON 05-17-2004 05:20 AM

Well everything was working great until I upgraded to the newest stable php last night. Now bugs.php just gives me a blank white page. I checked for extra spaces but found none and that's the only change I've made. All the rest of my forums work fine. Any ideas?

Oldfart 05-18-2004 07:02 AM

Ok I tried install this through the htl installer and I got as far as the php template modifications then I got a MySql db error. Now what do I do? I can't run the installer again according to htl it says I might screw up the forum if I do

JTMON 05-24-2004 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by JTMON
Well everything was working great until I upgraded to the newest stable php last night. Now bugs.php just gives me a blank white page. I checked for extra spaces but found none and that's the only change I've made. All the rest of my forums work fine. Any ideas?

Well I didn't change or mess with anything and they started working again. Love it when that happens! :)

TheRayden 05-25-2004 08:27 AM

According to the readme, it says:

2) Upload the HTL & XML-Files to your HTL-Files directory,
run the installer and follow the instructions.
I'm pretty new when it comes to applying hacks, but I don't see an installer. Or am I missing something here? :o

TheRayden 05-25-2004 10:22 AM

I did it the manual way, went well, but I seem to find no changes on the forum to go to the bug tracker.

When I go directly to bugs.php I get a db error.

forum is at

If anyone wants to have a look.

the admin section seems to work. Though I can't add bugs to test it.

Zachery 05-25-2004 10:26 AM

mysql error: Unknown column 'phrasegroup_vbbugs' in 'field list' Doesnt look like you installed the language bit correctly me think

TheRayden 05-25-2004 10:30 AM

I went to 'Languages & Phrases' -> 'Download / Upload Languages' -> 'Import Language XML File ' then I selected the vbbugs_phrases.xml file.

That should take care of that, no?
That's what I understood of the readme. Or do I need to adjust something manually?

chrisvonc 05-25-2004 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by chrisvonc
I just started to install this to test out and am stuck on step 5. Where/how do I import the vBugs_settings.xml?

I too am was doing it the manual install. Where or how, do I import the vBug_settings.xml? I got the other 2 up fine but this one stumped me.

TheRayden 05-26-2004 10:13 PM

Getting this error when I try to add a bug.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: construct_errors() in /homepages/0/d69729764/htdocs/forum/VBTest/bugs.php on line 419

And for some reasons none of the bugs show when I go to the bugs.php, they only show from the admin panel.

Zachariah 06-03-2004 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by chrisvonc
I too am was doing it the manual install. Where or how, do I import the vBug_settings.xml? I got the other 2 up fine but this one stumped me.

You need to add:

$debug ='1';

to your config.php to install this part. (puts your forums into a diag/debug/dev mode, not ment to run this way, so take it out after install)

admincp -> vBulletin Options -> Import Settings XML File

hope it helps.

nexialys 06-03-2004 01:54 PM

strange, guys are all complaining about bugs, but i've had none when installing it...

anyway.. when the next update is to be released ?!".. i'd like to see new features:
1- add form fields in the acp so we have more then the defaults
2- attachements like previously suggested
3- forum related instead of tracker based... so each new bug suggested is sent to a new topic.

--see ya

chrisvonc 06-03-2004 02:20 PM

harry, thank you. I will try it tonight. Any place special to add that debug line or anywhere will do the trick?


Originally Posted by HarryButt
You need to add:

$debug ='1';

to your config.php to install this part. (puts your forums into a diag/debug/dev mode, not ment to run this way, so take it out after install)

admincp -> vBulletin Options -> Import Settings XML File

hope it helps.

Zachariah 06-03-2004 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by chrisvonc
harry, thank you. I will try it tonight. Any place special to add that debug line or anywhere will do the trick?

anywere after



u2page 06-04-2004 01:09 PM

This has been asked at least 5 times, but never answered so I'll give it another whirl.
I don't have HTL installed, and am trying to install manually.
I get to this step in the instructions:

"This involves altering table language to have a new column phrasegroup_vbbugs and to insert a new record in into table phrasetypes."

OK, I deducted that I needed a new mediumtext field in the language table named phrasegroup_vbbugs, so I added that manually. But the new record into table phrasetypes? I don't have the info I need for that. Could someone, anyone, give me the query? Or at least look at your table and give me the settings so I can set it up myself?

Great hack, the concept is great I mean, but there are quite a few of us who haven't or choose not to install HTL. More detailed manual instructions are essential.


Olate 06-28-2004 09:04 PM

What is the development status of this?

psalzmann 07-01-2004 07:39 AM

If someone has the knowledge to install this bug tracker for me, I'm willing to pay for the installation on my vb.

I've got the latest VB, 3.0.1 and really need to integrate this script so we can track bugs like vb.

Someone PM me. Thanks!


Olate 07-03-2004 04:42 PM

I have now installed this hack onto 2 forums sucessfully. However, there are a couple of issues you should be aware of:
  1. If you have specified a table prefix in includes/config.php of your vB installation, this hack will not install correctly because the table prefixes are not used when creating the tables in the installer. Even if you manage to get it to install, it won't work correctly because the table prefixes are not in every SQL query. But if you are not using table prefixes, you will be fine. This hack will install without any problems through the HTL.
  2. I have tried several times to get the manual installation to work. But when it comes to importing the settings, I can't get them to import correctly. The safest way is to use the HTL to install it. If anyone has used the manual installation sucessfully, I'd like to know how they imported the settings from the XML file.

A useful feature I needed was e-mail notification upon the addition of a new bug and a bug not. So I have added this. It is a very simple addition which I intend to improve later this evening (along with some other stuff). It uses a hard coded e-mail address to send the messages to and from. If you wish to add this to your copy, then do the following:

1. Open bugs.php. Locate (around line 463)

PHP Code:

        // Redirect to the bug
$url "bugs.php?$session[sessionurl]do=showdetails&amp;id=$bug[id]";
    } else {
print_standard_error('bugnote_text_missing'));    // i think this is causing an error

Before, add:

PHP Code:

        $message "A new note has been added to bug ID# " $bug[id] . ":\n\n" $text ."\n\nYou can view this bug at http://www.yourdomain.com/directory/bugs.php?do=showdetails&id=".$bug[id];
// E-Mail
mail('to@email.com''[Tracker] New Note'$message,
"From: [email]from@email.com[/email]\r\n" .
"Reply-To: [email]replyto@email.com[/email]\r\n" .
"X-Mailer: PHP/" phpversion()); 

This will send out a simple message when a new bug is added to include the name, description and URL.

2. Open bugs.php. Locate (around line 428)

PHP Code:

        $url "bugs.php?$session[sessionurl]&amp;do=showdetails&amp;id=$id";
    } else {    
$bugpreview construct_errors($errors);
$_REQUEST['do'] = "add";    // go back to the "Submit" bug report screen

Before, add:
PHP Code:

        $bug_result $DB_site->query('SELECT id, name, description FROM ' TABLE_PREFIX 'bugs WHERE (id = ' $id ')');
$bug $DB_site->fetch_array($bug_result);
$message "A new bug (ID# " $id ") has been submitted: \n\nName: " $bug['name'] . "\nDescription: " $bug['description'] . "\n\nYou can view this bug at http://www.yourdomain.com/directory/bugs.php?do=showdetails&id=" $id;
// E-Mail
mail('to@email.com''[Tracker] New Entry'$message,
"From: [email]from@email.com[/email]\r\n" .
"Reply-To: [email]replyto@email.com[/email]\r\n" .
"X-Mailer: PHP/" phpversion()); 

This will send an e-mail when a new note is added to a bug along with the note itself and a link to the bug.

Finally, for those of you who a) use table prefixes and/or b) don't want to add the mail hacks above themselves, I've attached the bugs.php and admincp/bugsadmin.php files with both those changes/fixes in. Just overwrite your copies.

I will not support these changes officially, although I may help out if I get time in this thread. If you want me to help with the installation or bug fixes, I'll happily do this as commercial paid work if you want to PM me.

ixian 07-04-2004 11:22 PM

Excellent Olate. If you could just modify it so that it grabbed the email of the bug poster/updater to be the one emailed instead of hard coding it this would be almost perfect.

Olate 07-05-2004 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by ixian
Excellent Olate. If you could just modify it so that it grabbed the email of the bug poster/updater to be the one emailed instead of hard coding it this would be almost perfect.

Done. Update your bugs.php with the attached file. You will need to open it and edit lines 48 and 49 to set your default e-mail address and the URL to bugs.php.

A demo can be found at http://www.olate.com/forums/bugs.php

Change Log

20/04/04 v1.0.0
Original from https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=63964

03/07/04 v1.1.0
  • Added TABLE_PREFIX to all SQL queries
  • Added simple e-mail notifications after adding bug and bug note.
03/07/04 v1.2.0
  • Code tidying and standardisation
  • Fixed bug with Call to undefined function: construct_errors() with doaddbug
05/07/04 v1.3.0
  • Fixed bug with selected status being reset to default even if different one select when admin adds a bug
  • E-mail will now be sent to a default admin and the user the bug is assigned to when a new bug is added
  • On addition of a bug note, an e-mail will be sent to a default admin, the user assigned to and the original submitter (if the submittor is not the assigned to admin)
  • Default admin e-mail address and URL to bugs.php can now be specified at the top of the file (lines 48, 49)

Boofo 07-05-2004 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Olate
Done. Update your bugs.php with the attached file. You will need to open it and edit lines 48 and 49 to set your default e-mail address and the URL to bugs.php.

A demo can be found at http://www.olate.com/forums/bugs.php

Change Log

20/04/04 v1.0.0
Original from https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=63964

03/07/04 v1.1.0
  • Added TABLE_PREFIX to all SQL queries
  • Added simple e-mail notifications after adding bug and bug note.
03/07/04 v1.2.0
  • Code tidying and standardisation
  • Fixed bug with Call to undefined function: construct_errors() with doaddbug
05/07/04 v1.3.0
  • Fixed bug with selected status being reset to default even if different one select when admin adds a bug
  • E-mail will now be sent to a default admin and the user the bug is assigned to when a new bug is added
  • On addition of a bug note, an e-mail will be sent to a default admin, the user assigned to and the original submitter (if the submittor is not the assigned to admin)
  • Default admin e-mail address and URL to bugs.php can now be specified at the top of the file (lines 48, 49)

Ok, is there a viable working hack here that doiesn't have all the ptoblems I had when I first started messing with it? I would like to install it if it is. ;)

Olate 07-05-2004 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Ok, is there a viable working hack here that doiesn't have all the ptoblems I had when I first started messing with it? I would like to install it if it is. ;)

Well you can install it if you have the HTL and aren't using table prefixes. :ninja: I installed it onto a test board using the HTL then moved it across to my live board manually without the HTL. That was difficult though and meant a restore of some of my database tables until I got it right (on the 2nd go).

Some more changes:

05/07/04 v1.3.1
  • Fixed bug with notification e-mails
  • Added $vboptions['notification_from_address']
  • Changed to $vboptions['notification_to_address']
  • Set up checks so multiple copies of the same message are not mailed to the same person if they are the admin, submitter and/or bug note poster
  • Removed references to Olate in the message texts and subject
  • Added separator between bug details/note in e-mail
  • Added default 'Unassigned' text if bug is not assigned when submitted rather than being blank

Boofo 07-05-2004 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Olate
Well you can install it if you have the HTL and aren't using table prefixes. :ninja: I installed it onto a test board using the HTL then moved it across to my live board manually without the HTL. That was difficult though and meant a restore of some of my database tables until I got it right (on the 2nd go).

Some more changes:

05/07/04 v1.3.1
  • Fixed bug with notification e-mails
  • Added $vboptions['notification_from_address']
  • Changed to $vboptions['notification_to_address']
  • Set up checks so multiple copies of the same message are not mailed to the same person if they are the admin, submitter and/or bug note poster
  • Removed references to Olate in the message texts and subject
  • Added separator between bug details/note in e-mail
  • Added default 'Unassigned' text if bug is not assigned when submitted rather than being blank

I don't use table prefixes but I also don't use HTL. Never saw a need for it because it restricts too many programs from being installed as that is the only way to install some of them. It's just a money machine that I don't want to get caught up in. ;)

If that is the only way to install this, then there will also have to be a text install for it to be able to be posted here.

Olate 07-05-2004 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
I don't use table prefixes but I also don't use HTL. Never saw a need for it because it restricts too many programs from being installed as that is the only way to install some of them. It's just a money machine that I don't want to get caught up in. ;)

If that is the only way to install this, then there will also have to be a text install for it to be able to be posted here.

There is a text installer, but it is all messed up. I'll see about making a text installation guide myself, but this isn't really my hack, I'm just distributing modifications I've made to it.

Boofo 07-05-2004 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Olate
There is a text installer, but it is all messed up. I'll see about making a text installation guide myself, but this isn't really my hack, I'm just distributing modifications I've made to it.

I'd really appreciate it. I'd like to install it when it isn't such a nightmare to do. ;)

ixian 07-05-2004 08:30 AM

Good stuff Olate. Email notification appears to be working well. Just to clarify from looking at the code - it will email the original author of the bug if someone adds a bugnote, and email anyone who has added a bugnote with further updates - correct?

Is there an easy way to add one more email feature - an address to send to whenever any bug is added to the system at all (kind of like your original hack did unintentionally)? I'd like to be notified of all bugs added, and to have the folks adding/updating bugs updated as well.

HellRazor 07-05-2004 04:53 PM

A while back, there were some issues with Moderate and Modify (I believe related to the Online/Offline status).

Can anyone verify that Moderate and Modify are working properly?

Also, what exactly is the difference between Moderate and Modify? And what exactly is the "Private" and "Online Status" for?

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