Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
I worked this out with Thug, and got it working for him. If anyone else wants to get this working simply follow the attached instructions instead.
thank you, your fix worked for me with the exception of limiting the # of threads being shown. :squareeyed: on 3.0.7
So i just changed the phrase to sale "classified ads" and gave it the classified sections to pick from.
$limit = '5'; // Enter the number of maximum threads you want to be displayed
$getthreads = $DB_site->query("
SELECT threadid,title,dateline
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX ."thread
WHERE postuserid = '$userinfo[userid]' AND forumid IN ('23','24','25','26')
ORDER BY dateline DESC
"); // enter the forums you wish to exclude in the above array ('1','2','3') where the numbers represent the forum ID's
the one area was confusing. as you see i entered in the 2x's, my classifieds. Your setup says to exclude howver for me it was the only way i could get them to be shown in the profile