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-   -   Admin CP File Manager (FTP) - Download, Upload, Edit, Rename, Delete PHP Files/Images (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=59820)

Erwin 02-05-2005 10:03 PM

If you upgrade, you can also change the version number in config.inc.php from "1.0" to "1.1" just to keep it updated. ;)

iSpanish 02-06-2005 06:38 AM




hockyfan 02-07-2005 12:48 PM

How do I uninstall the old version?


iSpanish 02-07-2005 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by hockyfan
How do I uninstall the old version?


just delete the old file

that's all...

T3MEDIA 02-18-2005 09:57 PM

I would love this for my normal users.
I am tying to find a way users I specify (could be usergroup) can upload files larger than 2meg.

This would be perfect but has too much power for them...

Can you make a scaled down version for members?

kevinnguyen 02-19-2005 04:00 AM

i did everything but when i click the link, it gives me a blank page

T3MEDIA 03-01-2005 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
I would love this for my normal users.
I am tying to find a way users I specify (could be usergroup) can upload files larger than 2meg.

This would be perfect but has too much power for them...

Can you make a scaled down version for members?


Moncal 03-09-2005 01:07 AM

I have it installed, but I get this error. Similar errors were posted earlier, but they were all before the update. Does anyone know what it could be? Great hack btw.


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/moncal/public_html/forum/admincp/vbfm/config.inc.php:188) in /admincp/vbfm/header.inc.php on line 8

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/moncal/public_html/forum/admincp/vbfm/config.inc.php:188) in /admincp/vbfm/header.inc.php on line 9

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/moncal/public_html/forum/admincp/vbfm/config.inc.php:188) in /admincp/vbfm/header.inc.php on line 10

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/moncal/public_html/forum/admincp/vbfm/config.inc.php:188) in /admincp/vbfm/header.inc.php on line 11

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/moncal/public_html/forum/admincp/vbfm/config.inc.php:188) in /admincp/vbfm/header.inc.php on line 12

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/moncal/public_html/forum/admincp/vbfm/config.inc.php:188) in /admincp/vbfm/header.inc.php on line 13

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home2/moncal/public_html/forum/admincp/vbfm/config.inc.php:188) in /admincp/vbfm/header.inc.php on line 20
Also, does every directory have to be CHMODed 777 or just the forum directory?

Erwin 03-10-2005 08:11 PM

You chmod 777 only the directories you want to upload to, or chmod files you want to edit.

As for your errors - to be honest, no idea... very odd.

Moncal 03-11-2005 12:26 AM

Okay thanks.

I figured out the erros. I just deleted the blank lines at the end of the file config.inc.php. I don't know why that didn't occur to me earlier. That's the only reason I've seen a header error.

Rambo 04-06-2005 05:45 PM

Editing PHP File's through your mod give's error's when saved, have to do it through wordpad or dreamweaver instead of through the site which is a let down, but ah well.

Erwin 04-07-2005 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Rambo
Editing PHP File's through your mod give's error's when saved, have to do it through wordpad or dreamweaver instead of through the site which is a let down, but ah well.

Not when I do it.

Adrian Schneider 04-07-2005 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by TheSpecialist
I installed this ages ago, but have a problem in it.

Whenever I download a file from it, it inserts some of the vbftp HTML into the bottom/top of the file. Also, do I have to CHMOD every file I want to edit?

Erwin, would updating or do you think it was a problem with my installation. If so, I'm probably going to update, I love it. :)

Would you discourage chmod777 on forums dir on a shared server? I hate having to upload in web client (damn router, but thats another story), this is so much more convenient.

Mr. Brian 04-07-2005 07:51 AM

AweSOME! I'm just loving it!

Rambo 04-07-2005 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Erwin
Not when I do it.

Must just be me then...hrm, >_<.

Mr. Brian 04-07-2005 02:58 PM

No matter how I tried, these are the two message I got.
Creation of folder failed.

This might be caused by insufficient permissions.

Erwin 04-07-2005 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by TheSpecialist
Erwin, would updating or do you think it was a problem with my installation. If so, I'm probably going to update, I love it. :)

Would you discourage chmod777 on forums dir on a shared server? I hate having to upload in web client (damn router, but thats another story), this is so much more convenient.

I wouldn't chmod 0777 on a shared server. Other users could run scripts on your site.

Erwin 04-07-2005 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Brian
No matter how I tried, these are the two message I got.
Creation of folder failed.

This might be caused by insufficient permissions.

Chmod 0777 the directory you want to create new directories in.

Jagged Tooth 04-27-2005 07:25 AM

Great Hack, Good work

/me clicks install

--Jagged Tooth--

Dennis Olson 05-03-2005 04:26 PM

Erwin, I have my webserver split onto two servers. Thus, any changes made need to be ported to both of them. Does your hack support this? Or how can I change it to support this?


predatorkill 05-05-2005 10:34 AM

i cant get it working,i ve done all the steps correctly except the part of
$home_directory = "/home/yourforums/public_html/";

can someone explain me the exact syntax of the line above?i ve tried 10 different combinations and none seems to work!

For example:
/home/xbox/public_html/forum/index.php dont work for me!
i get Invalid home folder in the vb file manager menu in ACP

Thanks a lot in advance!

Problem solved,i ve should removed index.php and replaced public_html to web-root from the syntax...
What a n000b....

Erwin 05-10-2005 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Dennis Olson
Erwin, I have my webserver split onto two servers. Thus, any changes made need to be ported to both of them. Does your hack support this? Or how can I change it to support this?


Use the subdomain for each webserver you want this to run in.

Dennis Olson 05-10-2005 12:50 PM


FD929 05-11-2005 03:07 AM

Thank you kindly Doctor. Outstanding.

dsboyce8624 05-11-2005 02:35 PM

Okay, I usually just click install and move on, but I freakin love this thing.

I spend most of my time poking around on my own PC, then when I see something I want to do I have to connect remotely to do it. Not anymore!

Thanks a heap, you just saved me a bunch of hassle.


Dragon_Z 05-15-2005 10:55 PM

ok, I have just gotten into mods so give me some time to figure this out, I want to be able to edit all of the files on my forum, I know that I need to CHMOD 0777 the folder (or folders, havent figured that out yet), but what I cant understand is

1. what is chmod 0777
2. What does it do
3. How do I do it

Thank You in advance.

Marco van Herwaarden 05-16-2005 08:36 AM

1. 'chmod' is a *nix commando.
2. It changes permissions on files
3. You can do this from SSH/Telnet prompt and most FTP clients will also support it.

A small explanation on these numbers:
There are 3 permissions you can set on each file/directory:
- Read permission
- Write permission
- Execute permission (or list contents if it is a directory)
These 3 permission are put together as a binary number:
- 1xx - For the read
- x1x - For the write
- xx1 - for execute
This binary number can be written as a decimal number again:
binary 111 = decimal 7 = Can read, Can Write, Can execute
Binary 100 = decimal 4 = Can read, Can not write, Can not execute

Now we have 3 levels of users we can control. First of all each file is owned by a user and a group. Now we can control the following levels:
- Owner - The user that owns the file
- Group - Any user that is member of the group that owns the file
- Others - Anybody not one of the above.

Now we can write the decimal numbers we calculated above behind each other for each level of access:
750 - Means permission "7" for the owner, permission "5" for the group, permission "0" for others
Resulting in:
owner - Can read, can write, can execute
group - Can read, can NOT write, can execute
others - Can NOT read, can NOT write, can NOT execute

This is just a simplifie explanation, hope it helps understanding a bit more.

cyberxp9 05-30-2005 07:22 PM

When i install it how do i edit files?

Mr. Brian 05-31-2005 03:39 PM

Just login to your admincp and hover over your mouse to "vB File Manager" click on it. What's next? (Need I tell you? :) ) Simple as that. :)

SCRIPT3R 06-02-2005 11:06 PM

does this hack give the ability to bypass the default php file-size limitations? my php uploads are limited to 8Megs, but i would like to give my users the ability to download much larger files from within posts... or is there another way of using my regular FTP client to upload the file directly into the attachments folder and link to that within a post?

Erwin 06-02-2005 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by GearTripper
does this hack give the ability to bypass the default php file-size limitations? my php uploads are limited to 8Megs, but i would like to give my users the ability to download much larger files from within posts... or is there another way of using my regular FTP client to upload the file directly into the attachments folder and link to that within a post?

AFAIK, this hack will not bypass your php config settings in php.ini.

yoyoyoyo 06-18-2005 12:28 AM

I sure hope that this is ported over to 3.5 since I use this hack so much that I almost take it for granted.

Sovereign 08-22-2005 01:51 PM

Ya, *waits for 3.5 port*

biggjoe 09-14-2005 11:39 AM

Hello Erwin!

I was referred to this site by some of the folks at 'TheAdminZone' and I just joined 2 days ago!

Rather than re-typing my question, let me copy/paste in here the question I originally had posted to the forums at 'TheAdminZone'.

So far, this vB hack looks awesome! My question however, is if you have any future plans on maybe making a version of this hack that's more like 'Invision Power File Manager' which has been discontinued by IPS recently.

IPFM is more geared towards creating multiple users/groups, with different 'root directories' per user, permissions and etc.

I WOULD LOVE to officially make a request for a version of 'vB Admin CP File Manager' that is geared towards the type of setup I've explained. This hack is a perfect 'Admin' tool, as the name suggests, but if theres anyway that a version can be created that's more like IPFM, THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!

It's too bad that there isn't one already created for vBulletin.

Thanks so much for your time Erwin! Following is the original message that I had posted to 'TheAdminZone':


Hello All!

Here's a side-question, something that I'm working on as well;

As I SLOWLY move forward with the building of our new online community
(via vBulletin) I had a question regarding File Managers.

I've searched google for DAYS looking for something that can come somewhat close to a PHP or PERL based/Web-based FTP replacement. I know that none of these would be 100% better than FTP, but I need something none-the-less.

I've checked out HotScripts.Com, DMOZ and tons of websites...and it's gotten out of hand...lol.

There some 'payware' out there that I don't mind...but its still not what I really want.

Plus, alot of these have been designed for you to manage your own web-based content...not really designed to be used like an FTP with extensive user-mgmt and etc.

The only choices I've settled on are the following non-payware choices...but they either lack in a nice UI, support, documentation and etc.

Here they are for your reference:

Top Choice:


I know that it's discontinued and the UI is a bit plain...but I got it up and running with no problems. A big 'pet peeve' is that on the directories, you can either click on the actual folder icon for it to open or click on the 'Open Directory' link.

If you click on the folder icon, it's perfect. If you click on the 'Open Directory' link...it takes you to the actual URL of the folder...which means anyone can simply 'walk-in' to your files without even logging in. I've by-passed this in several ways, but still I wish I could just take the 'Open Directory' link OFF completely, because I know that people WILL get confused.

2nd Choice:


Love the UI, but way too buggy...of course I was warned. I just found a PDR 3 which has tons of fixes...so I'm going to install that tonight and test it.

3rd Choice:

http://phpfilenavigator.litoweb.net/ and for demo:

This one works perfect without any problems. The only thing is that the UI is pretty cheesy and the docs have been HORRIFICALLY translated into english.

Support is there, but I'm at the mercy of the developer who is in Spain.

4th Choice:


This one is 'ok'. It's kinda plain...but light-weight which I like. Not too many options for user-mgmt. Maybe too light-weight for what I want.



This one looked 'very clean' but they strictly prohibit commercial use...which is what I need. I sure wish the makers of vBulletin made a nice File Manger that I could use with vBulletin, or possibly a separate module/add-on for vBulletin.


This one was pretty clean as well...but payware.

There are so many that I tried during this weekend, but these make the list. Hell...maybe these will be good for someone else needing something like this.

Anyway, your suggestions will be greatly appreciated!


Thanks again Erwin!


Andreas 09-14-2005 11:48 AM

FTP is insecure by design, why bother with it when you can use SCP or SFTP instead?

biggjoe 09-15-2005 01:16 AM

Hey KirbeDE!

Thanks for the input! Basically, what I'm asking for, is if they can some how create something like IPFM but for vBulletin. It doesn't have to necessarily 'plug-in' to vB, it can be a totally 'stand alone' app like IPFM.

If you look at IPFM, it's not FTP by any means. Being that's http/php, you can use https for the session and the dl of files, if I'm not mistaken.

I'm not asking for an FTP client by any means, but for a replacement that functions 'very much like' FTP.

I look forward to what Dr. Erwin might have to say!

Thanks again,


Erwin 09-15-2005 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
I sure hope that this is ported over to 3.5 since I use this hack so much that I almost take it for granted.

This should be an easy port to 3.5. Once 3.5 turns gold I will port it.

As for biggjoe's questions, this hack gives file management powers to the site admin. Giving them to the users brings about a lot more security issues and would be more complicated.

biggjoe 09-26-2005 05:10 PM

Hello Erwin!

Thanks so much for the response! I was just curious as to if there would be some kind of 'hack' developed such as in the 'Invision Power File Manager', where it would work as a pure File Manager.

It seems that this hack is mainly for Admin management...which is why I asked the question.

Anyway, here's another related question. I know that vBulletin supports 'attachments/files' to be attached to posts and etc.

Are there any hacks, for example, that would allow one to specificy some kind of 'download' area', where registered members can download various files/documentation, of course this would be within the forums after they've logged in?

Thanks in advance!


Rhoads 11-05-2005 07:36 AM

Nice hack for 3.5, wait patiently ;)

Stone Cold 3:16 11-05-2005 08:47 PM

This deserves a HOTM award! Cool dude!


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