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-   -   Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signature/ Avatar/ Picture (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=59718)

Erwin 01-13-2004 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by FastAttack
ah k.. didn't they fix that "bug" or is it still around RC2 ?

It's not a bug. You need to complain to Jelsoft at vBulletin.com if your browser has problems with it, not in this thread, which is for the support of this hack.

ranger2kxlt 01-14-2004 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by ranger2kxlt
quick question, if you add a warning point can you have a reason for the warn as well???


i should add more detail to this, having a reason means that any other mod or admin (who ever has access to add warn points) can see these messages before they add there point as they maybe warning the person for the same thing almost at the same time, make sense??

msimplay 01-19-2004 02:30 PM

Its a great hack but it doesn't have any kind of notification as to why the person got a warning
ie with Mikes Warning System on Vb2
u could tell the people a list of preset warnings and add and subtract warning points up2 a maximum set by u and also
it would tell them via email or pm (ur choice) why they have got the warning
and when u click in the post bit on their warnings it had a record of why they were warned

!!!cyr0n_k0r 01-25-2004 03:06 AM

what do I need to change so that when I place a user in the "banned" usergorup.. all their posts are NOT deleted.

this system will be used to suspend users mostly.. so I still want their posts there.
I want the mods to delete the posts manually.

what do I need to change?

Fi_InCogNiTo 01-25-2004 05:05 AM

I get this:

mysql error: Unknown table 'user' in field list

I have a prefix of vb3_

Where in the code would I fix this to work with my prefix?

TheEDIGuy 01-25-2004 02:15 PM

Love it, Erwin (as with most of your mods). One thing I'm running into, though. I can warn just about everyone, but I have a user with a name of "aMaZiN'RaCeGuY>", and the warn pop-up won't pop up for him. I'm sure it's the > that's stopping it, but have no idea how to fix it.

Clicking "install".

Zelda-King 01-25-2004 02:43 PM

The only thing I don't get is... this warning system doesn't actually 'warn' the offender, does it?

john43202 01-25-2004 07:44 PM

Great hack.

One problem... When I try to warn a user I get the error
PHP Code:

Fatal errorCall to undefined function: gettemplate() in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/forums/warn.php on line 38 

Any ideas? :ermm:


Fi_InCogNiTo 01-26-2004 03:48 PM

I uninstalled this hack but after clicking a membername, the drop down still gives the option to warn the member. I went through the uninstall a few times, but can't see how to get rid of that.....

Can someone post how to delete that from the drop down plz?

msimplay 01-28-2004 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by msimplay
Its a great hack but it doesn't have any kind of notification as to why the person got a warning
ie with Mikes Warning System on Vb2
u could tell the people a list of preset warnings and add and subtract warning points up2 a maximum set by u and also
it would tell them via email or pm (ur choice) why they have got the warning
and when u click in the post bit on their warnings it had a record of why they were warned

sorry i quoted my own post but it would be great if you would update this hack to include some kind of real warning to the people coz all they will know is that they have been warned but they wont know why
and on the admin side some kind of record as to why the warning is there
because when a moderator makes a warning and the administrator looks it would be good to know why
and warnings dont have an option to expire

heres a webpage of the old warnings hack i used to have on vb2
and yes i know this is Mikes warning hack based on Gforce2k2's warning hack

however i would much rather have these on you hack as it has better options like signature editing and avatar editing

but the warnings side is a bit lacking :disappointed:


Dan 02-10-2004 10:37 AM

With Erwin's Permision I've made an HTL Version of this hack.

[high]Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signature/ Avatar[/high]
Version: 1.1
vB-version: 3.0.0 Release Candidate 3
Developer: Dr. Erwin Loh
Install-difficulty: Medium
File-edits: 8
Template-edits: 2

[high]Description of the Hack:[/high]
Okay, this is my private forum's custom warning/ suspension/ banning system and postbit moderator system. This is a fairly involved hack, so it is crucial that you follow the instructions closely. It would benefit experienced hackers the most. The following instructions are for an unhacked board. If you have hacked your board, or use different moderator usergroups, just make the appropriate changes.

dano 02-10-2004 10:08 PM

If all I want to do is make it so that I have a Troll banned members group, what sections of this code would I have to use? I dont really need the rest, but I do want to be able to ban people and make their posts invisable etc.

Dan 02-11-2004 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Erwin

*cough* dan *cough*

kernel16 02-11-2004 05:55 PM


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0 Release Candidate 3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT threadid, user.usergroupid AS usergroupid
FROM vb3_thread AS thread
LEFT JOIN vb3_user ON user.userid = postuserid
WHERE forumid = 147
AND sticky = 0
AND visible = 1
AND usergroupid<>14

AND thread.lastpost >= 1073937141

ORDER BY sticky DESC, thread.lastpost DESC
LIMIT 0, 10

mysql error: Unknown table 'user' in field list

mysql error number: 1109
k what could have i done wrong?

dano 02-13-2004 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by dano
If all I want to do is make it so that I have a Troll banned members group, what sections of this code would I have to use? I dont really need the rest, but I do want to be able to ban people and make their posts invisable etc.


Erwin 02-14-2004 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by kernel16
k what could have i done wrong?

You didn't make all the modifications in the instructions.

Sonic625 02-17-2004 02:27 AM

Adding a suggesstion, Is there anyway to get the warning level incorporated in the postbit without viewing the profile like by the "report" and "IP" buttons?
Like someone else said its a great hack but doesn't really warn people unless you manually warn them.

Zelda-King 02-17-2004 07:06 AM

Well he did say he wouldn't customise the hack for us. It doesn't look like he's interested in having it that way for whatever reason. Actually I really don't mind the manual warnings as automated ones don't really get to the point of the individual occasion anyway unless an input field is applied. Replace the word 'warning' with the word 'strike' perhaps...

mOdEtWo 02-18-2004 10:26 AM

Erwin, thanks for a great hack.

I'm having a problem tho. Whenever I try to access a forum, I get a MySQL error message (however, the forum home (index.php) is fine).


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0 Release Candidate 4:

Invalid SQL:
                SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads,
                // [START HACK='Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signature/ Avatar' AUTHOR='Dr. Erwin Loh' VERSION='1.1' CHANGEID= 4 ]
SUM(IF(thread.lastpost>=1077102501 AND open<>10,1,0)) AS newthread
// [END HACK='Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signature/ Avatar' AUTHOR='Dr. Erwin Loh' VERSION='1.1' CHANGEID= 4 ]
                FROM thread AS thread
                WHERE forumid = 4
                        AND sticky = 0
                        AND visible = 1
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '// [START HACK='Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signat' at line 3

mysql error number: 1064

What have I done?

Zelda-King 02-18-2004 12:47 PM

That's because you've used the HTL. It automatically puts in that "START HACK/END HACK" lark and it's INSIDE the query. Remove those lines.

mOdEtWo 02-18-2004 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Zelda-King
That's because you've used the HTL. It automatically puts in that "START HACK/END HACK" lark and it's INSIDE the query. Remove those lines.

Uh huh.

Excactly where do I find these lines? I've got access to phpmyadmin, but I can't seem to find these lines. Any ideas? Never mind, found them in the php code, duh!

Oh, and isn't it pretty stupid that the htl adds such lines? I thought it was developed for making things easier, not the other way around. ;)

Zelda-King 02-18-2004 09:10 PM

Oops! I should have clarified about it being a PHP script matter. :/

ImportPassion 02-19-2004 01:38 AM

I just found that out the hard way too.
But if you want to keep the comments, just put a # in front of the line. THat is a MySQL comment

ImportPassion 02-19-2004 03:37 PM

Ok, I added a "reason" and the "auto PM".
Now, that being said, I coded it for my own use, so I have hardcoded my id in there to send a PM to me when someone is warned and/or banned. It also sends it to the warned user of course.

In postbit and postbit_legacy find the line that resembles this
PHP Code:

<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><span onClick="window.open('warn.php?$session[sessionurl]newuser=$post[userid]&username=$userinfo[username]&warnings=$post[field60]','warn','width=500,height=350')"><b>Warn $post[username] - Current Warnings: ($post[field60])</b></span></td></tr

right after
PHP Code:

$post[field60]  <--- yours will prolly be a different field number than mine 

PHP Code:


replace your warn template with the contents of this warn.txt
Upload this new warn.php to the forums dir.

Please make sure you go through the files first and change field60 to your warning points field.

I will try to provide support, but no guarantees.


ImportPassion 02-19-2004 03:41 PM

one more thing, for those of you that do not want it to say:
Current Warnings: ()

Run this SQL query. Make sure to change field60 to your warning points field

PHP Code:

UPDATE userfield
set field60 
where field60 '' 

PET 02-24-2004 10:03 AM

I have 2 problems :

When i click WARN [username] ... the browser opens a new page (warn.php......) but i get a white page. And i have uploaded warn.php in my forum root.

And the seccond problem. When i click BAN A USER a new window appear. I only see :

Move User to Usergroup and here ONLY Normal Banned. How can i ban the member as a TROLL BANNED ?

thanx. I'm a bit in a hurry now so i cudn't read all the topics.

PET 02-24-2004 06:26 PM

The first problem was solved. I didn't add the new template, bechoze the HTL file didn't tell me do to that. However, the seccond is still a problem. How can i directly ban a user to be a TROLL BANNED ?

Natch 02-25-2004 06:27 AM

From another thread ...

Originally Posted by Erwin
My Warning System hack released here uses a similar system, but it is based on a banned usergroup, so it can be time-based, and all posts automatically disappear. :)

Can you specify how to make the ban apply from a certain date onwards ? cos I have some users that used to be good, then were turned to the dark side ...

Any thoughts ?

Osterling 02-28-2004 07:37 AM

i guess first off is this hack rc4 compatible and second if it is..


try to click a forum to view.. did i mess up? *this forum is a tester so i don't screw up my main forum untill i know what i am doing*

Osterling 02-28-2004 10:48 AM

going to reinstall.. so right now everythin workds

Sonic625 02-28-2004 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
Ok, I added a "reason" and the "auto PM".
Now, that being said, I coded it for my own use, so I have hardcoded my id in there to send a PM to me when someone is warned and/or banned. It also sends it to the warned user of course.

In postbit and postbit_legacy find the line that resembles this
PHP Code:

<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><span onClick="window.open('warn.php?$session[sessionurl]newuser=$post[userid]&username=$userinfo[username]&warnings=$post[field60]','warn','width=500,height=350')"><b>Warn $post[username] - Current Warnings: ($post[field60])</b></span></td></tr

right after
PHP Code:

$post[field60]  <--- yours will prolly be a different field number than mine 

PHP Code:


replace your warn template with the contents of this warn.txt
Upload this new warn.php to the forums dir.

Please make sure you go through the files first and change field60 to your warning points field.

I will try to provide support, but no guarantees.


Just FYI with your warn.php only admins and Smods can warn members I replaced:

if (!($permissions['adminpermissions'] & CANCONTROLPANEL) AND (!can_moderate(0, 'canbanusers')))
with Erwin's

if ($bbuserinfo['userid'] == 0  OR $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 2  OR $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 1 OR $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 3 OR $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 4 OR $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 8 OR $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 17)
and they can now warn again.

Osterling 02-29-2004 03:09 PM


hey guys.. i am new to asking for help like this, but a mod said i go.. so please don't be mean..

i want the hack.. Warning System, Automatic Ban, Make Posts Invisible, Edit Signature/ Avatar/ Picture ..now when installed it, it didn't work.. so i restore everything and tried again and still got errors..

i run with rc4.. and i would give you the files, you make the code additions then i will upload them throught FTP....

since i am 17 with a non-profit teen support site, i cannot offer money.. so please anyone who has some time and wants to help me out please..

reply here if you are intersested and then I PM you.. or you could just PM.. whatever floats your boat....

also i been getting spammed lately by kids who attack my memebers for being depressed and opening up.. and i am not talking on or two spammers.. i am talking 15 at a time... :( so this hack could give me a edge of these spamemrs...

please note: i posted this in the lounge but felt it might be better here.. sorry if this is against the rules.. i just really need help

Holidazed 03-01-2004 07:35 PM

7thgenCivic.Com, thanks for the update. It is nice feature to be able to add a reason for the warning and have it pm the user. However, I added this according to your instructions and it does not send a pm at all.

Erwin, setup to 7 points and then change to Usergroup 8 (the banned group). In testing, I gave an account 7 warnings and it never changed their usergroup to the "Banned" one. It simply left them where it was?


Overall, let me say that I am really looking forward to having this hack installed and working. It looks awesome and Erwin does some really great hacks.

Osterling 03-01-2004 10:04 PM

anyone.. can some one pleeeeeeeeease help me

Zero Tolerance 03-02-2004 09:15 AM

Someone else has had this error, and im getting it too


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0 Release Candidate 4:

Invalid SQL: 
        SELECT  threadid, user.usergroupid AS usergroupid
        FROM vb3_thread AS thread
          LEFT JOIN vb3_user ON user.userid = postuserid
        WHERE forumid = 5
            AND sticky = 0
            AND visible = 1
            AND usergroupid&lt;&gt;17
            AND thread.lastpost &gt;= 1075634033
        ORDER BY sticky DESC, thread.lastpost DESC
        LIMIT 0, 20
mysql error: Unknown table 'user' in field list

Ive redone edits for all files, still didn't work, maybe if you could point out the exact edit that fixes this that might help, but i dont see any ive missed and ive gone through them all


I fixed it, in the code i changed user. (2 times) to
PHP Code:

" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user

Seems those with a prefix may have trouble with this ;)

Holidazed 03-02-2004 02:23 PM

Well, disregard my previous message. It seems that when the instructions are followed properly, the hack will often work.

Awesome hack guys. Thanks

Holidazed 03-03-2004 08:47 PM

I came across the need to publically display the current amount of warning points a user had on the postbit. This was in addition to what was displayed when you clicked on thier username.

I just modified the postbit or postbit_legacy template and searched for:

<if condition="$post['age']"><div>$vbphrase[age]: $post[age]</div></if>

Then after that I added

<if condition="$post['field6']"><div class="smallfont">Current Warnings: $post[field6]</div></if>

How can I modify this statement to be if "field6" does NOT =0, then display the text??


msimplay 03-05-2004 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
Ok, I added a "reason" and the "auto PM".
Now, that being said, I coded it for my own use, so I have hardcoded my id in there to send a PM to me when someone is warned and/or banned. It also sends it to the warned user of course.

In postbit and postbit_legacy find the line that resembles this
PHP Code:

<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><span onClick="window.open('warn.php?$session[sessionurl]newuser=$post[userid]&username=$userinfo[username]&warnings=$post[field60]','warn','width=500,height=350')"><b>Warn $post[username] - Current Warnings: ($post[field60])</b></span></td></tr

right after
PHP Code:

$post[field60] <--- yours will prolly be a different field number than mine 

PHP Code:


replace your warn template with the contents of this warn.txt
Upload this new warn.php to the forums dir.

Please make sure you go through the files first and change field60 to your warning points field.

I will try to provide support, but no guarantees.


just wondering if the warning id could be the person actually making the warning instead of one id
because then one admin would be thought of as the bad guy
i would say everyone that has the ability to warn should get the credit for it

ron176 03-06-2004 03:09 PM

Right I done this hack and it appears to work correctly for the most part. The only problem I am having is that the drop down menu options are only present in some forums and not in others. I am an admin and have the super mod option but it is not appearing in forums where I am assigned as mod and is appearing in forums that have other mods assigned to them.
Any ideas. I redone the hack and it is still happening and there are no other hacks installed.


Edit: Never mind, It was working and I broke it and I was looking at a cached version of the menu. Works now.

Osterling 03-06-2004 04:04 PM

has the PM notifciation of being warned been set up yet?

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