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JamesFrost 01-15-2004 05:31 PM

fleccy - do you have a timescale for the next version? The key feature for me is the ability to /kick people as without this we cannot really moderate properly.

My suggestion would be to store a 'kicked <date>' in the perms database field in the user table (where <date> represents the date they were kicked). You could test this variable when entering chat (as you do when someone is an admin) and stop someone entering chat if <date> = todays date. (If <date> was not equal to todays date then you would reset this field.) This would stop someone who had been kicked from reentering till the start of the next calendar day.

Another nice feature would be an 'invisible mode' (for admins only) so they could watch the chat without being shown as being in it. I've seen this on a few PHPmyChat boards previously.

Sorry to be a pest - it's a great hack so far :)

fleccy 01-15-2004 05:34 PM

it wont be long because well it's half working and this is my main project at the moment :) damn school...

JamesFrost 01-15-2004 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by fleccy
it wont be long because well it's half working and this is my main project at the moment :) damn school...


damn school...
Don't worry about school - never did me any good.

(Well, apart from the nice job, house, car, family etc.) :D

JamesFrost 01-20-2004 11:09 AM


it wont be long because well it's half working and this is my main project at the moment

any update on when this might be available? It's the last thing I need working before I can move over to VB3 (after the new excellent Arcade hack that is available :D)



muse.mu 01-23-2004 09:12 AM

Indeed, i just gave this a shot and have countless SQL errors. im hoping to get this on before we move servers.

JamesFrost 01-23-2004 10:45 AM


what errors are you getting? I'm running on a test board without problem.

Are you using the 2.3 version or the version 3 one in this thread?

pcalloway 01-28-2004 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by JamesFrost

what errors are you getting? I'm running on a test board without problem.

Are you using the 2.3 version or the version 3 one in this thread?

Any chance of this working for RC3?

Thanatos 01-29-2004 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by pcalloway
Any chance of this working for RC3?

Works fine with RC3. Just not the Admin part.

muse.mu 01-29-2004 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by JamesFrost

what errors are you getting? I'm running on a test board without problem.

Are you using the 2.3 version or the version 3 one in this thread?

could be dreamweaver, i edited the files in that. ill give it another shot. the errors were:

Database error: Invalid SQL: UPDATE c_users SET u_time = 1075368298 WHERE room = 'Default' AND name = 'James'
MySQL error: 1054 (Unknown column 'name' in 'where clause')
Session halted.

Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT usr.name, usr.latin1, usr.status, reg.gender FROM c_users usr LEFT JOIN user reg ON usr.name = reg.name WHERE usr.room = 'Default' ORDER BY name
MySQL error: 1054 (Unknown column 'usr.name' in 'field list')
Session halted

thankfully its the test board.

i think i missed a query somewhere

Detomah 01-29-2004 10:31 PM

Any news on this hack yet? I'm really looking forward to it being a stable release as my users are desperate for a nice integrated chat room. :)

Question: Do you need to have your own copy of phpmychat for this or is it all included in the hack?

Okiewan 01-30-2004 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Detomah

Question: Do you need to have your own copy of phpmychat for this or is it all included in the hack?

Yes you do.

fleccy 01-30-2004 07:53 PM

it's all included in the hack it's like a total conversion

JamesFrost 01-31-2004 06:10 AM


any update on when Mod stuff will be possible? Sorry to hassle - I'm hoping to go live with v3 next weekend.


JamesFrost 02-02-2004 10:24 AM

OK Fleccy - managed to get the /kick function to work, but am not sure if this represents a security risk :

in kick.cmd.php change

PHP Code:

if (($password != $PWD_Hash) || (($perms != "moderator")&&($perms != "admin")) || (($perms == "moderator")&&(!room_in(stripslashes($R), $rooms)))) 


PHP Code:

if ( (($perms != "moderator")&&($perms != "admin")) || (($perms == "moderator")&&(!room_in(stripslashes($R), $rooms)))) 

it seems to be the password checking that was causing the kick function to fail - does the password need to be rechecked at this point anyway as the user is already logged in to chat?

fleccy 02-02-2004 02:11 PM

sorry ive been away im very busy with school and others things so i wont be able to work on this as much as id like to but yeah nice job saves me the time teling every one lol :)

JamesFrost 02-02-2004 03:04 PM

This code also needs changed in the promote and ban functions. After this, the whole thing works very well. Do you want me to package it back up so you can re-release the original zip?

fleccy 02-02-2004 03:05 PM

sure i appreciate it :)

BadBoyCologne 02-05-2004 05:02 AM

i have problems with the chat.
i have installed how it standing in the installfile.
Now i become a white site of www.euroawm.com/board/chat.php
Please can u help me?

P.S I have the VB 3 RC3

Eladesor 02-07-2004 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by fleccy
i know a fix for all the browsers i will fix it some :)

ill be able to fix the awaiting users stuff not sure about the others :p ive only been working on phpmychat for about 6 months now

Do you have this yet?

dartmoore 02-12-2004 01:56 AM

This is awesome..install flawlessly..Wish the admin issue was resolved but I'm sure you are working on it, as it blows everything else out of the water..there is one thing..when I try to edit the english welcome message i get this when logging in,

Database error: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO c_messages VALUES (1, 'Default', 'SYS welcome', '', '1076565793', 'dartmoore', 'sprintf("Welcome to Shadow Company's Internal Chat")')
MySQL error: 1064 (You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Internal Chat")')' at line 1)
Session halted.

hit refresh and chat loads w/o(without) the welcome..I can restore the file to original and all is ok..

any ideas..only changed text between the quotes..

JamesFrost 02-12-2004 07:15 AM

Dartmoore - looks like a problem with having quotes in the text you are trying to insert.

You need to use \' for a single quote. Try the following.

PHP Code:

    case 'english':    // For english users
define('WELCOME_MSG'"Welcome to Shadow Company\'s Internal Chat");

fleccy 02-12-2004 01:49 PM

or he wiped out his config.lib.php post it here so we can see :)

dartmoore 02-12-2004 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by JamesFrost
Dartmoore - looks like a problem with having quotes in the text you are trying to insert.

I think (can never remember syntax) you need to use /' for a single quote (although it might be two single quotes!). Try the following.

PHP Code:

    case 'english':    // For english users
define('WELCOME_MSG'"Welcome to Shadow Company/'s Internal Chat");

it was the quote and the above did not work..just took it out and it worked fine..

dartmoore 02-13-2004 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by JamesFrost
Dartmoore - looks like a problem with having quotes in the text you are trying to insert.

I think (can never remember syntax) you need to use /' for a single quote (although it might be two single quotes!). Try the following.

PHP Code:

    case 'english':    // For english users
define('WELCOME_MSG'"Welcome to Shadow Company/'s Internal Chat");

Ok, after further research I got it to work..you had it except it is a backslash instead of a forward slash..thnx for pointing me in the right direction..

second note..is there a time frame to get the admin login issue fixed?

thnx dart

JamesFrost 02-14-2004 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by dartmoore
Ok, after further research I got it to work..you had it except it is a backslash instead of a forward slash..thnx for pointing me in the right direction..

second note..is there a time frame to get the admin login issue fixed?

thnx dart


Ok, after further research I got it to work..you had it except it is a backslash instead of a forward slash..thnx for pointing me in the right direction..
that's what I said! ;)

snakes1100 02-18-2004 09:15 PM

Ok, didn't do none of the mod's for admin, but it's running fine on rc4, just wanted to let you all know.

One note to the coder of this fine chat, think you should fix the template or at least add instructions to the install file, so ppl know to edit the path.

Thanx, nice hack.

fleccy 02-19-2004 05:29 AM

thanks :)

JamesFrost 02-19-2004 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by snakes1100
Ok, didn't do none of the mod's for admin, but it's running fine on rc4, just wanted to let you all know.

One note to the coder of this fine chat, think you should fix the template or at least add instructions to the install file, so ppl know to edit the path.

Thanx, nice hack.

The admin functions don't prevent the chat from running. All they do is allow better management of chat permissions through VB usergroups. (such as banning a certain usergroup from using chat, or assigning a group as chat moderators).

Also, I dont believe some of the mod functions (such as /kick) work properly with usernames with spaces in them at the moment.

I've made a few tweaks to the software which I've sent to fleccy to do some of the above. I've got a few more bits to finish off, after which I'll send him a new build. All working OK on my site at the moment though.

fleccy 02-19-2004 07:32 AM

yeah thanks for helping m8 :D

trilOByte 02-19-2004 10:19 PM

Just installed and get this error...


Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT password,perms,rooms,salt FROM user WHERE username='tril0Byte' LIMIT 1
MySQL error: 1146 (Table 'synobyte_pchat1.user' doesn't exist)
Session halted.
....any ideas?

I dont have a "user" table in my database, which is specified in your first query.

ALTER TABLE `user` ADD `firstname` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL ,
Wouldn't I have to create the table "user" before I can alter it? If have a "c_users", but no "user"

dartmoore 02-27-2004 01:26 AM

ok I got a demo goin on RC4,
user: Chat_Guest pword:guest


still not able to get pass the login for the admin tho..

mylesmg 03-05-2004 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by trilOByte
Just installed and get this error...

....any ideas?

I dont have a "user" table in my database, which is specified in your first query.

Wouldn't I have to create the table "user" before I can alter it? If have a "c_users", but no "user"

I had this issue also. I actually had the table prefix vb3_ so I had to change the SQL statement to vb3_user and then also change it in the config file.

mylesmg 03-06-2004 11:39 PM

To be able to log into the admin with VB3 RC4, change that lines in login.lib.php that looks like this:

"$DbLink4Login->query("SELECT password,perms FROM ".C_REG_TBL." WHERE username='$NAME' LIMIT 1");
if ($DbLink4Login->num_rows() != 0)
list($PWD_Hash, $perms) = $DbLink4Login->next_record();
if ($PWD_Hash == md5($PASSWORD)) || $PWD_Hash == $PASSWORD)"

to this:
"$DbLink4Login->query("SELECT password,perms,salt FROM ".C_REG_TBL." WHERE username='$NAME' LIMIT 1");
if ($DbLink4Login->num_rows() != 0)
list($PWD_Hash, $perms, $salt) = $DbLink4Login->next_record();
if ($PWD_Hash == md5(md5($PASSWORD).$salt) || $PWD_Hash == $PASSWORD)"

Craigr 03-07-2004 04:00 PM

Hack worked great for me. :)


mylesmg 03-09-2004 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Craigr
Hack worked great for me. :)


Good to know! If anyone finds any bugs with what I have done, please post them here asap, and I'll see what I can do about them.

fleccy 03-13-2004 01:52 PM

nice job sry i been away :) i iz back now really

jarekn 03-16-2004 08:47 PM

Is it possible for the chat not to ask for the user name and password? I would like all the users in the chat to be auto logged in with the same user as they have in the forum.

Does anyone have that working?

sross 03-18-2004 09:08 PM

Hi, I've followed the instructions 100%, and it only loads a white page :(

I tried editing the template src as well to /room and still nothing. Can anyone help? thanks

JamesFrost 03-19-2004 07:12 AM

I've seen this before where the chat templates have been loaded into a different style to the one you have currently selected.

sross 03-19-2004 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by JamesFrost
I've seen this before where the chat templates have been loaded into a different style to the one you have currently selected.

ahh i figured it out, i had the template named wrong :)

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