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Eagle Creek 02-03-2005 04:22 PM

Thank you! Then I will upgrade :)

Viks 03-11-2005 06:48 AM

I have a question on the lines of this mod.
I was wondering if there was a way to not just change the forum (phrases) language, but also translate the forums page into another language (the posts, etc)!

any suggestions

JoergZ 03-11-2005 07:16 AM

I think this question has absolutely nothing to do with this hack. This is not a translation hack.

Moreover the results of translation programs for internet-pages are more than bad, so I think it is not useful to let the postings translate automatic by a translation page.


Eagle Creek 03-12-2005 09:56 PM

Btw, is het full 3.0.7 compatible?

eupsilon 04-13-2005 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle Creek
Btw, is het full 3.0.7 compatible?

Yes, I would also like to know, as I have tried it with 3.0.7 and V3 of the hack, and it doesn't seem to work properly. :disappointed:
Since I'm a newbie, it might have done something wrong, but on my installation, only part of the page reverts (buttons) to the language selected. The rest stays in German (browser language).

Any ideas?

JoergZ 04-13-2005 09:04 PM

As far as I know it is 3.07 compatible. I have not tried it yet myselfe.

Is your test-board where you have the problems in the internet ? If you send me a link to your board via PM I can have a look


eupsilon 04-14-2005 05:34 AM

Hi Jörg,

I've sent it to you via PM.
Attached are also the files that I have modified (besides the template). Hope you can find something.


JoergZ 04-14-2005 06:50 PM

I made a test-installation with 3.0.7 and installed the hack exact as it is described, and it is working.

So for all:

This hack is working with 3.0.7 :)

What's wrong in the forum in eupsilon I don't know yet, but fact is, that even the standard laguage-selection for registred users is not working there. So it is no error of the hack.

Best regards


Marco van Herwaarden 04-14-2005 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by eupsilon
Hi J?rg,

I've sent it to you via PM.
Attached are also the files that I have modified (besides the template). Hope you can find something.


Posting full vBulletin files (or distributing them) is against your license agreement and our rules.

Please remove the attachment.

Eagle Creek 04-14-2005 08:51 PM

Thx! (3.0.7 testing)

YLP1 04-23-2005 12:39 AM

My community really needs this mod as we have a large number of Italian, German and Polish here.

I haven't installed this mod yet because I have searched for language and langues and cannot seem to find any of the three languages I need.

Can someone point me in the right direction on where I might find these or is this something that someone must translate (the phrases) themselves? Or??

Also, I understand that this mod doesn't alter the actual posts and only the phrases, so does that mean that I will have to find the buttons, etc. for the different languages as well and if I can find them and get permission to use them, what file do I put them on my server?

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

JoergZ 04-23-2005 08:07 PM

Italien language pack here

Polish language pack I don't know if there exist one

German language pack here (You need to register using your email address with that you bought vBulletin)

In the german language pack, the graphics are included. For the italien I don't know.


Originally Posted by YLP1
Also, I understand that this mod doesn't alter the actual posts and only the phrases

No, not correct. This hack offers visitors of your board, that are not logged in (usually guests, that are not registred yet), to select the board language. Standard in vB3 is, that only logged in users can select the board language in the userCP. Guests have no chance to change the board-language. With this hack you have for not logged in users an additional item in the menue-line, where they can select one of the instlaled board-languages.

Of course we are always talking only about the translation of the phrases and buttons, not about the translation of the postings themselve.

Best regards


Eagle Creek 04-24-2005 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by JoergZ
Italien language pack here

Polish language pack I don't know if there exist one

German language pack here (You need to register using your email address with that you bought vBulletin)

In the german language pack, the graphics are included. For the italien I don't know.

No, not correct. This hack offers visitors of your board, that are not logged in (usually guests, that are not registred yet), to select the board language. Standard in vB3 is, that only logged in users can select the board language in the userCP. Guests have no chance to change the board-language. With this hack you have for not logged in users an additional item in the menue-line, where they can select one of the instlaled board-languages.

Of course we are always talking only about the translation of the phrases and buttons, not about the translation of the postings themselve.

Best regards


It would be great when the buttons also changed language :).

JoergZ 04-24-2005 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle Creek
It would be great when the buttons also changed language :).

:rolleyes: ??? When you install the language-packs correct, the buttons will change...

Eagle Creek 04-24-2005 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by JoergZ
:rolleyes: ??? When you install the language-packs correct, the buttons will change...

Uuhm, no.. They didn't..

JoergZ 04-24-2005 11:20 AM

Then you did something wrong :surprised:

You should have the following file-structure if you have no sub-folders for different styles:

.../forum/images/buttons/EN (Here the English buttons)
.../forum/images/buttons/NL (Here the Dutch buttons)

and so on

In the language manager edit the settings for the language like in the screenshot (The screenshot show the settings for English)


YLP1 05-01-2005 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by JoergZ
Italien language pack here

Polish language pack I don't know if there exist one

German language pack here (You need to register using your email address with that you bought vBulletin)

In the german language pack, the graphics are included. For the italien I don't know.

No, not correct. This hack offers visitors of your board, that are not logged in (usually guests, that are not registred yet), to select the board language. Standard in vB3 is, that only logged in users can select the board language in the userCP. Guests have no chance to change the board-language. With this hack you have for not logged in users an additional item in the menue-line, where they can select one of the instlaled board-languages.

Of course we are always talking only about the translation of the phrases and buttons, not about the translation of the postings themselve.

Best regards


Thanks a bunch....I really appreciate it.

edwardcyh 06-07-2005 07:20 PM

GREAT hack. I have just installed it on my forum. The ability to switch guestlanguageid is incredibly convenient. Thank you!

ThorstenA 07-07-2005 06:33 AM


Polish language pack I don't know if there exist one

Polish language pack is available on http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=141372

Polish button set is available on www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=127808

Eagle Creek 07-07-2005 08:12 PM



Thx for reply in advance..

JoergZ 07-07-2005 08:17 PM


Why ?

In vB 3.5 it is standard :)

Look at the german vB-Site. There you can see in the footer the selection for the language. So no need for migration of this hack to 3.5

Best regards


Eagle Creek 07-07-2005 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by JoergZ

Why ?

In vB 3.5 it is standard :)

Look at the german vB-Site. There you can see in the footer the selection for the language. So no need for migration of this hack to 3.5

Best regards


Standard?! You don't mean that; do you? Where can I enable this option?

Or will it be when I install more languages?

JoergZ 07-07-2005 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle Creek
Standard?! You don't mean that; do you? Where can I enable this option?

Or will it be when I install more languages?

It appears automaticly, when you have installed more than one language. It is similar to the style-selection. See screenshot..


Maplewoods 09-16-2005 01:20 AM

The hack says to remove the etxt from:
// get default language
$phraseinfo = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT languageid" . fetch_language_fields_sql(0) . "
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "language
WHERE languageid = " . intval($vboptions['languageid']) . "

But in 3.0.8 it begins as follows:
// get default language
$DB_site->reporterror = 0;
$phraseinfo = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT languageid" . fetch_language_fields_sql(0) . "
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "language
WHERE languageid = " . intval($vboptions['languageid']) . "

The line:
$DB_site->reporterror = 0;

is not mentioned in the hack and I wonder if it should be removed for the Hack to work

JoergZ 09-16-2005 08:42 AM

Hi Maplewoods,

sorry, I have not tested the hack with 3.0.8. But as far as I see, you should insert the line "$DB_site->reporterror = 0;" above the line "$phraseinfo =....."

Best regards


Fenriz 09-29-2005 10:33 PM

I have this hack on my 3.0.9 and now I need this hack for vBulletin 3.5 - to detect the browser-language automatic and show the board in the language of the user. Also could you help me to change the drop-down language menu in 3.5 to the flags.


JoergZ 09-30-2005 06:45 AM

Hi Fenriz !

Sorry, but until now I had no time to look closer at the version 3.5.0

Concerning the automatic detection of the laguage, maybe you can contact WildChild, if he can make a modification and publish it here. (He has done the modification for this hack too)

Concerning the flags instead of the pull-down menue, I will have a look at this, but I can't prmise you when, because I am quite busy in these days.

Best regards


Fenriz 09-30-2005 04:47 PM

Hi JoergZ! Thank you for the answer. I've written to WildChild, as you suggested.
It would be also great if you make "the flags" instead of the pull-down menu!
I have your hack on the 3.0.9 here

JoergZ 09-30-2005 08:58 PM

Hi Fenriz !

For your flags, you only need to set this link:

for your forum it would be:

where x is the languageid

So it is the same as it is now, just "langid" instead of "guestlanguageid".

Concerning the automatic language-detection: I made it :) You find the hack here ! Please be so kind and test it and give me a feedback or write a new posting in the new hack thread.

Best regards


Fenriz 10-04-2005 12:06 AM

Hei J?rg igjen! When I use http://www.yourforum/forum/index.php?langid=x link to a language, go in to a thread and click to choose another language, it redirects me to the index forum page. How I can stay in the thread and to have an opportunity to choose language without leaving this thread?
Could you help me?

JoergZ 10-04-2005 03:35 AM

Hej Fenriz !

Without looking to the code, I don't know how to do that. I am not at home this week, but I will have a look at this next weekend.

Best regards


Khashyar 10-24-2005 02:44 AM

Hi JoergZ,

Thank you for working to create a great hack.

I tried to install it on my VB 3.0.8 board (which has 14 languages), and even though the URL reads correctly- for example: (http://russianmeetingplace.com/forum...stlanguageid=8) - the langauge does not change, and remains English.

I previously installed a hack ("language_per_forum_langforum_vb3.0.7") which forces each foreign language forum into it's specific language, and I wonder if that is interfering with this hack? It makes a change to the global file, which may overside the language selection in sessions.php?

Thanks for your thoughts,


Khashyar 10-24-2005 05:10 AM

Hi JoergZ,

Do you know whether your hack is compatible with Andreas' "Set language by Forum" hack (which sets a language to a forum by changing the global.php file, which I believe overrides your hack's language settings in sessions.php).

Thank you for any ideas as to how to allow both hacks to co-exist.


JoergZ 10-24-2005 05:26 AM

I will have a look at the other hack. But probably they are not working together.



Khashyar 10-24-2005 05:30 AM

That would be great if you had time to look at them....

The other hack really does not change that much code, but it certainly seems to be negating your hack (which I would love to install and use for my foreign language guests).


Khashyar 10-24-2005 05:42 AM

Hi J?rg,

I tried to reinstall your hack again, and it still is not working for me.

the link http://www.russianmeetingplace.com/f...stlanguageid=2 should change the language to German, but the language is remaining English.

This means that the language Id change is not being recognized or initiated by the seesions.php code.

I wonder why?

I will double-check the changes that I made to the sessions file...


Khashyar 10-24-2005 06:08 AM

The code seems to be o.k. in my sessions.php file.

I installed the browser detect version of your hack (version #3), if that makes any difference.

If you can help me make your hack work in my forum, I would really appreciate it.


Khashyar 10-24-2005 06:23 AM

Hello J?rg,

In the forum language select hack, there are a couple of code blocks that need moved around, but here is essentially what is added within the global.php file (if this helps you understand what might be the conflict) :


// Fetch Language Override if specified
if ($foruminfo['languageid'] AND $foruminfo['languageid'] != $bbuserinfo['languageid'] AND $foruminfo['languageid'] != $vboptions['languageid'])
$language = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT languageid" . fetch_language_fields_sql(0) . " FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "language WHERE languageid = " . intval($foruminfo['languageid']));
$bbuserinfo = array_merge($bbuserinfo, $language);
I am assuming that I can post small blocks of codes from a hack, as long as the entire hack is not posted.

Thanks again for your help with this,


Khashyar 10-24-2005 06:35 AM

I commented out the added code to global.php, and the guest registration hack was still not working, so there must be some other issue involved.

Also, I uninstalled the version 3 hack, and installed the version 1 of the hack, and it was still not displaying the correct languages.

However, when I go into my control panel and change a language used, I am able to do that and the language is visible.

Any ideas would be appreciated.



Khashyar 10-24-2005 08:04 PM

Hi JoergZ,

I found out why the software was not working on my 3.0.8 version of VB...

In the 3.0.8 sessions.php file, there are 2 instances in the file with this same code:


// get default language
$phraseinfo = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT languageid" . fetch_language_fields_sql(0) . "
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "language
WHERE languageid = " . intval($vboptions['languageid']) . "
That code above (which we need to comment out or replace), occurs in the beginning of the 3.0.8 session.php file, as well as in the end.

I replaced that code where it occured in the beginning of the file, rather than at the end of the file, and your hack was not working for me.

However, when I replaced the instance of that code where it occured at the end of the sessions file, and the hack worked for me.

(Perhaps this will help someone else who wants to install the hack in VB 3.0.8).

Your hack is an excellent and useful one, J?rg.

Thanks again for sharing it.


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