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Tony G 01-03-2004 11:09 PM

Nice mod! Will try it out. :)

SnowBot 01-03-2004 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
The menus won't work untill you have edited at minium the headinclude and navbar templates to make sure all links in <script> <a> and <form> tags have a full URL.

can you give me an example? I have poor sight so find it hard to do such things unless i know what to look for

Thanks and sorry for being a pain in the ass....

The Quibbler 01-03-2004 11:48 PM

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/quibbler/public_html/vbindex.php on line 118

Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/quibbler/public_html/vbindex.php on line 119

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/quibbler/public_html/vbindex.php on line 119

That's all that comes up on vbindex.php at the moment - did I enter something wrong in vbiconfig.php? I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to put there. Hmm... at least it didn't mess up my forum at all.

Luciolle 01-04-2004 12:17 AM

Realy good work and if it's very good hack !

Thanks alot !

mtellin 01-04-2004 12:51 AM

I didnt see a specific answer to this but I'm having the same problem as was already mentioned...

I have the portal in my root folder and then /forum but all the links, images etc dont work, do I have to edit everything manually or is there a phrase I can update?


Schorsch 01-04-2004 12:59 AM

vbindex in root / and vb forum in /vB/index.php

I'm getting this:


Warning: ChDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /srv/www/htdocs/index.php on line 117

Warning: ChDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /srv/www/htdocs/index.php on line 118

Fatal error: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /srv/www/htdocs/index.php on line 119
edit: ok I fixed this, didn't know that I had to change vbiconfig.php

Schorsch 01-04-2004 01:15 AM

I'm getting crazy your install script broke ALL my image paths! now all my custom styles have the paths of my default style!:mad:

besides what exactly do I have to do that this navbar and quick style chosser is working??? what to change??


deathemperor 01-04-2004 04:26 AM

yes, I got the same problem, my boards set 4 style and I have to reset all, hmm
and, the main board didn't know where to get the images, how can I make it understand ?
and, in the 1st step on ur installation, the url to edit should not be with /admincp, cuz ...it must be that, right ? but your 1st step shows
and: the main page doesn't no that I was logged user, it still shows the login box

cnczone 01-04-2004 04:36 AM

THis is the error I'm getting-

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /usr/home/cnczone/public_html/vbindex.php on line 118

Warning: main(./globalSCRIPT_EXTENSION): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/home/cnczone/public_html/vbindex.php on line 119

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './globalSCRIPT_EXTENSION' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /usr/home/cnczone/public_html/vbindex.php on line 119

Blackhood 01-04-2004 04:38 AM


Same thing happens to me when vbindex.php and vbiconfig.php are in the
root directory, but when you move them to your forums directory, the images are there.

What needs to be changed to get it to work from the root? Anyone?



Originally Posted by Schorsch
I'm getting crazy your install script broke ALL my image paths! now all my custom styles have the paths of my default style!:mad:

besides what exactly do I have to do that this navbar and quick style chosser is working??? what to change??


deathemperor 01-04-2004 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by cnczone
THis is the error I'm getting-

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /usr/home/cnczone/public_html/vbindex.php on line 118

Warning: main(./globalSCRIPT_EXTENSION): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/home/cnczone/public_html/vbindex.php on line 119

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './globalSCRIPT_EXTENSION' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /usr/home/cnczone/public_html/vbindex.php on line 119

did you run the vbiupgrade.php in your admincp folder ?

uae 01-04-2004 05:20 AM

Great, installs :)

cnczone 01-04-2004 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by deathemperor1st
did you run the vbiupgrade.php in your admincp folder ?


deathemperor 01-04-2004 06:01 AM

did you set correctly the url, remember to remove the "/admincp" ( your ACP link)

stanmo 01-04-2004 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by deathemperor1st
and: the main page doesn't no that I was logged user, it still shows the login box

I don't know the solution to your other questions but I think I know how to fix this one. Go into vBulletin Admin Control Panel. Under vBulletin Options look for path to save cookies. For the path, simply enter a '/' (without the '). Do not leave it blank.

Rein Masamuri 01-04-2004 09:10 AM

This is a great hack as always... not only is it nice aestetically its also coded soundly!

deathemperor 01-04-2004 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by stanmo
I don't know the solution to your other questions but I think I know how to fix this one. Go into vBulletin Admin Control Panel. Under vBulletin Options look for path to save cookies. For the path, simply enter a '/' (without the '). Do not leave it blank.

no need to reset anything, the Path to save cookies set by default is '/'

Dark_Wizard 01-04-2004 12:32 PM

Nice hack...just setting up a new site with this. QUick question though...isn't the vbioptions supposed to be linked in the admincp?

Edit...I made my own link and will post here if anyone wants it....

Schorsch 01-04-2004 03:29 PM

anyone got the navbar working under vB RC1??
what do I have to change??

Dark_Wizard 01-04-2004 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Schorsch
anyone got the navbar working under vB RC1??
what do I have to change??

Read the instructions and it tells you what to do...you must enter the full url ex. http://www.mydomain.com/forums/register.php

poolking 01-04-2004 05:03 PM

Installed on my offline comp. Good work. :cool:

Morgalis 01-04-2004 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
The menus won't work untill you have edited at minium the headinclude and navbar templates to make sure all links in <script> <a> and <form> tags have a full URL.

while i wait to be recognized on your forums, let me ask this here

SPECIFICALLY you say that the url must be included in all tags, and there is some confusion over getting this exactly

from headinclude

<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_global.js"></script>
does this need to be edited and if so, where does $vboptions[bburl]/ be inserted or should i put the actual hard url in there and how should it look?

from navbar

<td><span class="navbar"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]">$vboptions[bbtitle]</a></span> $navbits[breadcrumb]</td>
would that become $vboptions[bburl]/$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]

i'll just leave these two examples at the moment

it's a little frustrating :(

NTLDR 01-04-2004 05:36 PM

Morgalis, the first one would become $vboptions[bburl]/clientscript etc and the second one is correct.

Aceman 01-04-2004 05:45 PM

Problem: While running upgrade I get this after it asks me all about the themes I have installed.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/aceman/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php:222) in /home/aceman/public_html/forums/admincp/vbiupgraded.php on line 146

I'm really not sure what to do next to fix it.


NTLDR 01-04-2004 05:49 PM

Re-download the zip and upload vbiupgraded.php to your admin folder and goto: vbiupgraded.php?step=8 to continue the installation.

Morgalis 01-04-2004 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
Morgalis, the first one would become $vboptions[bburl]/clientscript etc and the second one is correct.

thank you for you response :)

here is a little more detail for others that find themselves at odd as i did



in headinclude search for <script type="text/javascript" src="
in each instance you need to put http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/ after the scr=" and before the text that is already there
eg: clientscript/vbulletin_global.js would be http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/cli...etin_global.js

in navbar search for href=" and following the " in every instance, you want to insert http://www.yourdomain.com/forums
eg: <!--<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]">Home</a></td>--> would be
<!--<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]">Home</a></td>-->

you also need to follow the same steps for each instance of script type="text/javascript" src="

in pm_popup search for window.open"/private.php? and after the " insert the url


hopefully i didn't miss anything and this will make it clearer


cnczone 01-04-2004 07:15 PM

Is their a way to uninstall it so I can start over??

chas_h 01-04-2004 08:26 PM

Trying to install on Vb3 RC-1 and I had it die on step 7 of the install. It just went to a 'page not found' place. Uploaded all files to the correct places etc... anyone see this problem yet?


lolwtfomgoic 01-04-2004 08:28 PM

It died on step 6 and made my admin cp inaccessible and flodded my e-mail with errors I had to re-install my whole VB :(

chas_h 01-04-2004 08:38 PM

Fwiw, I have a non-hacked version of VB3 RC-1 installed in my /forum directory with the root directory as the location for Vbindex. This is what I assume would be the 'standard' directory setup.
Has anyone successfully installed Vbindex with this directory setup yet? If so, did you have to deviate at all from the instructions at the beginning of this thread?


NTLDR 01-04-2004 08:45 PM

Visit vbiupgraded.php?step=7 to carry on from where your browser crashed. I've run the installer on standard RC1 and Gamma installed numerous times with no issues at all. If you have the google/alexa toolbar installed you may wish to disable them as its known to cause problems with vB's install/upgrade process and the same may occur here.

lolwtfomgoic, there is no way this will prevent access to the ACP, it maybe usefull to post the errors you got emailed, otherwise nothing can be done to help.

chas_h 01-04-2004 08:49 PM

Thanks for replying.... I had Google toolbar running and that must have been it. The thing is, should I go and delete all the tables already created by the partial install and start a new install? If not it won't get beyond those steps.


P.s. I just saw the link to the 7th step you provided so that I can pick it up from there, thanks again.


chas_h 01-04-2004 09:07 PM

No luck with that, even tried it on another box without Google installed. Will clean out the new Mysql talbes and start from scratch. Is there anything else I should change/remove to get back to the start again?


NTLDR 01-04-2004 09:24 PM

Starting from the begining isn't going to help in your case, however if you want to you'll need to go through the installer files and reverse all the queries.

Its been reported that the phrases/templates can be imported normally via the ACP Download/Upload part of the respective XML file, however I can't confirm it will work and not have adverse effects.

chas_h 01-04-2004 09:42 PM

Well, I may just start from scratch (forum and all) as it was a test forum anyway. I am still evaluating whether to use Vb3 or the older Vb2.3.3 for a new project.
But is there possibly another reason that this is failing at step #7? And just to confirm what it says in the opening page of this install, those edits to the vbiconfig.php and the template edits don't need to be done til 'after' the install has been run, correct?


NTLDR 01-04-2004 09:52 PM

The edits can be done at any time, however vBindex either won't work at all, or won't work properly untill they are done. I recomend at least doing the vbiconfig.php one straight away as it gives you the exact changes and you'll need it to even view vBindex.

Other reasons for failing to install? No reason for it not too, if it managed to import vB's Style and Phrases there shouldn't be any reason why it can't import much smaller files.

OmaniMan 01-04-2004 10:27 PM

Thanks ... Alot
Suppose If I want to UnInstall It ... How can I do that ??

NTLDR 01-04-2004 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
however if you want to you'll need to go through the installer files and reverse all the queries.

Morgalis 01-04-2004 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dark_Wizard
Nice hack...just setting up a new site with this. QUick question though...isn't the vbioptions supposed to be linked in the admincp?

Edit...I made my own link and will post here if anyone wants it....

yes please :)

deathemperor 01-04-2004 11:24 PM



in headinclude search for <script type="text/javascript" src="
in each instance you need to put http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/ after the scr=" and before the text that is already there
eg: clientscript/vbulletin_global.js would be http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/cl...letin_global.js

in navbar search for href=" and following the " in every instance, you want to insert http://www.yourdomain.com/forums
eg: <!--<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]">Home</a></td>--> would be
<!--<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/$vboptions[forumhome].php?$session[sessionurl]">Home</a></td>-->

you also need to follow the same steps for each instance of script type="text/javascript" src="

in pm_popup search for window.open"/private.php? and after the " insert the url


hopefully i didn't miss anything and this will make it clearer

I did this, but nothing seems to take effects, is there a difference if I put in $vboptions[bburl]/ in stead of http://www.yourdomain.com/forums ?

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