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Beorn 08-20-2003 10:49 PM

The only thing that I can think may be causing it is a few queries running that shouldn't be.

Open global.php. Find:
PHP Code:

if($today $last_warn_update && $WarnOnOff) { 

Add after it, but put in your e-mail address:
PHP Code:

mail("my@emailaddress.com","Updating","Updating warnings at timestamp: ".time()); 

Upload the file, browse your forums for 5 minutes, then reupload the file without that line. If that is where the problem is, you should get a bunch of e-mails. If not, you won't. Let me know what the result is.

Morgalis 08-22-2003 05:40 AM


08-15-03 at 01:20 PM Beorn said this in Post #76
I'm not sure what the problem is. Change the while line to the about 20 lines provided in the hacking instructions...
if i am to understand correctly i would change this code

PHP Code:

while ($post=$DB_site->fetch_array($posts) and $counter++<$perpage) { 

  if (
$postdone[$post[postid]]) { 
  } else { 

$onlinestat ""
$post[miserable] == 1) || ($post[stunned] & 4)){ 
$bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 5) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 7)) { 
$onlinestat "$onlinestat<br><font color=\"red\"><b>Miserable User</b></font>"

to this code?
PHP Code:

// Copyright ? 2003 Michael Benza. All Rights Reserved 
// <a href="http://www.benza.us" target="_blank">[url]http://www.benza.us[/url]</a> 

$WarnUserGroups explode(",",$WarnUserGroups); 
$WarnUserGroupsView explode(",",$WarnUserGroupsView); 
$WarnUserGroupsSum explode(",",$WarnUserGroupsSum); 
$WarnUserGroupsUnwarnable explode(",",$WarnUserGroupsUnwarnable); 

while (
$post=$DB_site->fetch_array($posts) and $counter++<$perpage) { 

$WarnOnOff) { 
in_array($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'],$WarnUserGroupsSum)) { 
"\$post['warninglvlwords'] = \"".gettemplate("warn_postbitsum")."\";"); 
in_array($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'],$WarnUserGroupsView)) { 
"\$post['viewwarnings'] = \"".gettemplate("warn_postbitview")."\";"); 
in_array($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'],$WarnUserGroups) && !in_array($post['usergroupid'],$WarnUserGroupsUnwarnable)) { 
"\$post['addwarning'] = \"".gettemplate("warn_postbitadd")."\";"); 
$post['warninglvlwords'] || $post['viewwarnings'] || $post['addwarning']) { 
"\$post[warnlink] = \"".gettemplate("warn_postbitaddin")."\";"); 
 if (
$postdone[$post[postid]]) { 
  } else { 

$onlinestat ""
$post[miserable] == 1) || ($post[stunned] & 4)){ 
$bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 5) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 7)) { 
$onlinestat "$onlinestat<br><font color=\"red\"><b>Miserable User</b></font>"

one bracket can mess everything up, i want to be certain i am doing this correct

Morgalis 08-22-2003 05:41 AM


08-15-03 at 11:40 AM Morgalis said this in Post #75
youch.. ran into another major problem! o.O

i have commented it all out as i can do without the expiring for the time being

when i add this in following
PHP Code:

// ###################### Start Decrease Warning Points ###################### 

i lose my forum style!!

I have vbportal hacked in so this must tie in somewhere.. imagine my surprise when my forums are reverted to the default and no header

i can live without expiring warnings, but i would rather have them

thanks in advance and cheers!

* Morgalis installs.. well most of it anyway ;)

this is still an issue which does not allow me to fully use this back

can you comment on it?

Beorn 08-22-2003 12:42 PM


Today at 02:40 AM Morgalis said this in Post #82

one bracket can mess everything up, i want to be certain i am doing this correct [/B]

No, that is not correct. Start with the code you have BEFORE installing the hack. REPLACE the line
PHP Code:

while ($post=$DB_site->fetch_array($posts) and $counter++<$perpage) { 

with the code provided in the instructions.


this is still an issue which does not allow me to fully use this back

can you comment on it?
The instructions do not say to add
PHP Code:


anywhere. You want to add code after that.

Morgalis 08-23-2003 03:01 PM

maybe i have not made myself clear, let me try again :)

i NEED to keep this code in, as it is part of another hack

PHP Code:

$onlinestat ""
$post[miserable] == 1) || ($post[stunned] & 4)){ 
$bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 5) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 7)) { 
$onlinestat "$onlinestat<br><font color=\"red\"><b>Miserable User</b></font>"

I cannot just leave that out or the functionality of another hack will not work

are you saying that all of your code should go before that if statement and to only keep that if statement there?

in respect to adding the code in after this
PHP Code:


when i do that, i lose my forum style.. i am not adding that in, i am referring to when i add in the code that is provided

again, i use vbPortal and wonder if that has affected this hack

i'm trying to understand this, it's just a little tricky once you have other hacks involved

Beorn 08-24-2003 10:54 PM

Please PM me your showthread.php. My e-mail address will be in your inbox...

Exo 08-26-2003 11:34 PM

when will the next version released?

ciaranirl 09-06-2003 08:51 PM

How do you change the text size in it?

Beorn 09-06-2003 09:48 PM


Today at 05:51 PM ciaranirl said this in Post #88
How do you change the text size in it?

Use <smallfont></smallfont> and <normalfont></normalfont> in the templates...

lasto 09-06-2003 09:53 PM

can we choose any usergroup to ban em to ?

say i never wanted em to go to total ban but had certain bits of board restricted is this possible

ciaranirl 09-06-2003 10:59 PM


Yesterday at 11:48 PM Beorn said this in Post #89
Use <smallfont></smallfont> and <normalfont></normalfont> in the templates...

Where abouts in the template. Just giving a code and saying in the templates isnt very helpful :speechless:

What I mean is this "Warning Level: 0" I want to change that to small. I have done everything I can think off. But it is still large. Kinda like 12 or 10 point

Beorn 09-06-2003 11:47 PM


can we choose any usergroup to ban em to ?

say i never wanted em to go to total ban but had certain bits of board restricted is this possible
Yes, set Banned Usergroupid in the options to the user group you want banned members to be moved to. If you so please, you could even move them to administrative positions, but somehow I don't think you'd like that. ;)


Where abouts in the template.
Sorry. Go to the warn_postbitaddin template. Add <smallfont> on the front of it, and </smallfont> on the end. If that's not what you're looking for, remove those, and add <normalfont> to the front and </normalfont> to the end. If that still isn't what you're looking for, add this to the front of warn_postbitaddin:
<span style="font-size: 10pt">

And add this to the end:


TutorialForums 09-16-2003 05:12 AM

I noticed a few minor problems that may have caused some issues for some users...

In the MWS-Upgrade.txt, it instructs at the end to upload...
The modified versions of:

... but member.php & showthread.php were left out. To the tired hack-installer who just wants to get finished installing and on with life, and thus follows the exact instructions he reads, it may slip his mind that not all the needed files are listed.
I believe the absence of member.php is what caused drumsy's insane server load problem (the same happened to me, and the problem was gone the moment I uploaded member.php).... before I uploaded it, my load on my finely tuned dedicated server (with dual scsi drives, 1gb ram, dual-xeon 2ghz processors)... was instantly over 25 points.

The absence of showthread.php makes the warnings/options not show up in posts, potentially causing a wild goose chase to figure out what's gone wrong hehe

Anyhow on another note.... would it be possible to have the Warning Level: 0 be automatically masked out on the posts of moderators/admins? It's not an especially big deal, though it would be an improvement, as having it shown implies to members that the forum staff can be warned, which could potentially degrade their awe/respect for them a bit (well, hypothetically).


Jakor Sevel 10-25-2003 12:37 AM

I installed it and it works fine.

But when i modify the member.php i get a blank member profile page and the Warning Options give me "The requested URL /forums/admin/admin_warning.php was not found on this server."

and in the pm when it says The post for which you were warned is located at:
the link shows an empty page.

someone please try to help.

And thanx so much for this hack. It's great

Burley 10-25-2003 10:48 PM

FIrst of a great hack, install went flawless and i'm a incredible noob!

but i can't find the numbers of the usergroups my forum uses. Can someone tell me how & where to find em?

Beorn 10-26-2003 12:14 AM

Jakor Sevel, are you sure you followed the instructions in the install file correctly? Did you try again? I can't quite remember exactly what the modifications were, so I'd just like you to make sure before I start off an official investigation...

Burley: go to http://www.yoursite.com/forums/admin/usergroup.php?action=modify. Maximize your broswer window. Hover over the 'edit' link for each group to find it's id -- the id is on the 'usergroupid=x' part of the URL.

Jakor Sevel 10-26-2003 04:06 AM

Yes, i have checked and everything in the instructions have been done except member.php, since it gives me a blank page. I'm not too worried about that coz if i'm not wrong, that just add a place for the warning amount in member profile.

About the warning options, i'm sorry i think that is from a previous hack that i installed but didnt work.

And the PM still doesnt work.

Burley 10-28-2003 12:07 PM

okay, thanks!

PranK 11-03-2003 05:51 AM

i dig it. nice work Mike.

*clicks install*

exTracT 11-04-2003 01:33 AM

great hack, one of the best additions we've made yet. one small question. when a user gets banned by points and is moved into the "banned by moderaters" group, their user title stays the same. it doesnt show banned.

exTracT 11-04-2003 01:45 AM

I did some testing.

When i goto the banned by warnings user and save settings his account it changes his user title to banned.

when i update the counters for user titles it also changes the users name to banned.

but it does not change the user group automatically after the user has been banned

Spiro 11-06-2003 12:12 AM

hey man, im getting this error in the top of all my threads, and in alot of em i cant get in, any idea


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ffx2com/public_html/global.php:435) in /home/ffx2com/public_html/admin/functions.php on line 1881

C.Birch 11-11-2003 08:54 PM

i get a database error when i try to edit someones usergroup that as been banned by the system, also can it be made so when a warning runs out that puts them back under the banning total there auto unbanned?

the error i get is below btw:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET birthday='1983-03-24',options='15',usergroupid='2',username='~*~Vick y_Bob~*~',email='psychadelicwildchild@hotmail.com' ,styleid='1',parentemail='',coppauser=0,homepage=' http://',icq='',aim='',yahoo='',signature='[movel]:angel: See my halo,bright \'n\' shiney,mess wiv me, \'n\' I\'ll kick you\'re hiney :bum:[/movel]
:bum:\"We are the Cheeky Girls-Touch My Bum\":bum:

Bah! As if you\'d wanna touch their asses! :p
:wave: To Lil Miss No Pea\'s :augh:[sig=954]

[movel]:banana: Nev \'n\' Norma,Fab \'n\' groovy,The only narna\'s that can boogie!:banana:[/movel]',adminemail=1,showemail=0,invisible=0,usertitle=' <img src=\"images/smilies/pinkie.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"> Northern Nutter! <img src=\"images/smilies/pinkie.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">',customtitle=1,joindate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' 2003-05-15 05:32:23'),cookieuser=1,nosessionhash=1,daysprune= '-1',lastvisit=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 21:44:05'),lastactivity=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 22:22:48'),lastpost=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 20:41:05'),posts='4170',timezoneoffset='0',emailno tification=0,receivepm='1',emailonpm='0',ipaddress ='',pmpopup=IF(pmpopup=2 AND =1,pmpopup,'') WHERE userid=1997
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '=1,pmpopup,'') WHERE userid=1997' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Tuesday 11th of November 2003 10:35:36 PM
Script: http://forums.lisascottlee.com/admin/user.php

mcyates 11-15-2003 09:47 PM

everything works EXCEPT the link it the postbit.

drumsy 11-24-2003 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by TutorialForums
I noticed a few minor problems that may have caused some issues for some users...

In the MWS-Upgrade.txt, it instructs at the end to upload...
The modified versions of:

... but member.php & showthread.php were left out. To the tired hack-installer who just wants to get finished installing and on with life, and thus follows the exact instructions he reads, it may slip his mind that not all the needed files are listed.
I believe the absence of member.php is what caused drumsy's insane server load problem (the same happened to me, and the problem was gone the moment I uploaded member.php).... before I uploaded it, my load on my finely tuned dedicated server (with dual scsi drives, 1gb ram, dual-xeon 2ghz processors)... was instantly over 25 points.

The absence of showthread.php makes the warnings/options not show up in posts, potentially causing a wild goose chase to figure out what's gone wrong hehe

Anyhow on another note.... would it be possible to have the Warning Level: 0 be automatically masked out on the posts of moderators/admins? It's not an especially big deal, though it would be an improvement, as having it shown implies to members that the forum staff can be warned, which could potentially degrade their awe/respect for them a bit (well, hypothetically).


Hmmm, good call. I'll see if I can set this back up tonight! :thumbup:

Jakor Sevel 12-13-2003 01:57 AM

Someone has informed me that the Warning Level = 0 remains at 0 even after a person has been warned. I checked all the instructions and its all in order. how can i fix that?

etones 12-18-2003 10:37 PM

really great hack. Im also using geforces but this looks to have alot, if not more potential.

Any chance of an updated for version 3? :)


msimplay 01-17-2004 04:11 PM

I'd like this version made for Vbulletin 3 i currently am using erwins version but none of the new versions are as good as this one

that i used for ages for vb2.x.x

Kaelon 01-20-2004 12:32 PM

This is a great hack. I've enjoyed it immensely. Does anyone know how to enable users to see their own warning system?

msimplay 01-20-2004 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Kaelon
This is a great hack. I've enjoyed it immensely. Does anyone know how to enable users to see their own warning system?

its in ur admin cp settings

Kaelon 01-20-2004 07:05 PM

Thanks, but this option allows users to see all warnings, not just their own. I did fix this manually, however, and people interested in the fix can do the following:

Change line 111 in warn.php to:


                if((!in_array($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'],$canview)) AND ($bbuserinfo['userid'] != $userid)) {
Question -- does anyone know of a modification that will allow "generic" warnings, unrelated to posts? (For example, to assign warning based upon conduct over IMs or IRC?)

msimplay 01-20-2004 08:27 PM

this is one of the hacks that makes me wanna go back to vb2 :(

Kaelon 01-26-2004 07:47 PM

I'm getting the same error that C.Birch described below. Can anyone comment on how this is fixed?

More importantly, I removed the warning that had put someone in banning range, in an attempt to move them away from that usergroup onto a standard usergroup so that I could edit some user details - but I was still getting the error. Any thoughts?



Originally Posted by C.Birch
i get a database error when i try to edit someones usergroup that as been banned by the system, also can it be made so when a warning runs out that puts them back under the banning total there auto unbanned?

the error i get is below btw:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET birthday='1983-03-24',options='15',usergroupid='2',username='~*~Vick y_Bob~*~',email='psychadelicwildchild@hotmail.com' ,styleid='1',parentemail='',coppauser=0,homepage=' http://',icq='',aim='',yahoo='',signature='[movel]:angel: See my halo,bright \'n\' shiney,mess wiv me, \'n\' I\'ll kick you\'re hiney :bum:[/movel]
:bum:\"We are the Cheeky Girls-Touch My Bum\":bum:

Bah! As if you\'d wanna touch their asses! :p
:wave: To Lil Miss No Pea\'s :augh:[sig=954]

[movel]:banana: Nev \'n\' Norma,Fab \'n\' groovy,The only narna\'s that can boogie!:banana:[/movel]',adminemail=1,showemail=0,invisible=0,usertitle=' <img src=\"images/smilies/pinkie.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"> Northern Nutter! <img src=\"images/smilies/pinkie.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">',customtitle=1,joindate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' 2003-05-15 05:32:23'),cookieuser=1,nosessionhash=1,daysprune= '-1',lastvisit=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 21:44:05'),lastactivity=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 22:22:48'),lastpost=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 20:41:05'),posts='4170',timezoneoffset='0',emailno tification=0,receivepm='1',emailonpm='0',ipaddress ='',pmpopup=IF(pmpopup=2 AND =1,pmpopup,'') WHERE userid=1997
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '=1,pmpopup,'') WHERE userid=1997' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Tuesday 11th of November 2003 10:35:36 PM
Script: http://forums.lisascottlee.com/admin/user.php

Kaelon 01-26-2004 07:57 PM

This appears to be a malformed query:


Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET birthday='1971-05-23',options='15',usergroupid='10',username='Melega unt Tanthul',email='Bevin_van_liempt@hotmail.com',styl eid='0',parentemail='',coppauser=0,homepage='http://s3.invisionfree.com/The_Grand_Realms/',icq='309268104',aim='Whiterose1234321',yahoo='', signature='White pants, white shirt , white gloves, white boots, white hair, and white eyes (glowing). His beloved warlord sword, \"Demonslayer\" is elven steel, white, glittering, and bears the likeness of a whiterose. It\'s sheath is white elven steel. Its hilt is sweat absorbant.',adminemail=1,showemail=1,invisible=0,u sertitle='The Noble Elf of Trelore',customtitle=2,joindate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('20 03-12-24 03:18:11'),cookieuser=1,nosessionhash=1,daysprune= '1000',lastvisit=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2004-01-25 20:15:18'),lastactivity=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2004-01-25 20:43:15'),lastpost=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2004-01-25 15:22:19'),posts='97',timezoneoffset='-8',emailnotification=0,receivepm='1',emailonpm='1' ,ipaddress='',pmpopup=IF(pmpopup=2 AND =1,pmpopup,'') WHERE userid=12221
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '=1,pmpopup,'') WHERE userid=12221' at line 1
Any thoughts?

Meirion 02-02-2004 11:04 AM

Hi, firstly thanks for these wicked ammendments Mike, that makes a near perfect warnings hack!

However I'm having a few problems after having it installed for a few weeks.

Someone was warned on our forum and recieved 12 points (automatic ban) for a post. However a week later it shows their points has dropped down to 0 and the warning expiry date has set itself to 31/12/1969!?
Their warning list is here... http://www.gurn.net/forums/warn.php?...er&userid=7885
Another mod has since re-added the points to this user.
It is only on people who've received a 12 point automatic-ban that it's happened to. another one - http://www.gurn.net/forums/warn.php?...r&userid=10880

Any ideas?

One thing is that our instant ban (12 points) warning we set an expiry date of 99999 days - because "-1" was confusing people. I noticed this had changed to 32767, presumablably because of the column size in mySQL, so I changed them to 9999 days.

Additional features...
would it be possible to make the 'View Warnings' list in the admin section be sortable by the column headings? In-particular by date.

automatically CC another email address every time a warnings email is sent to a board member?

Barto 02-02-2004 11:12 AM

I have the same problem whit the version 2.3.4.
Please help me.


I get a database error when i try to edit someones usergroup that as been banned by the system, also can it be made so when a warning runs out that puts them back under the banning total there auto unbanned?

the error i get is below btw:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET birthday='1983-03-24',options='15',usergroupid='2',username='~*~Vick y_Bob~*~',email='psychadelicwi ldchild@hotmail.com',styleid='1',parentemail='',coppauser=0,homepage= 'http://',icq='',aim='',yahoo='',signature='[movel]:angel: See my halo,bright \'n\' shiney,mess wiv me, \'n\' I\'ll kick you\'re hiney :bum:[/movel]
:bum:\"We are the Cheeky Girls-Touch My Bum\":bum:

Bah! As if you\'d wanna touch their asses!
:wave: To Lil Miss No Pea\'s :augh:[sig=954]

[movel] Nev \'n\' Norma,Fab \'n\' groovy,The only narna\'s that can boogie![/movel]',adminemail=1,showemail=0,invisible=0,usertitle=' <img src=\"images/smilies/pinkie.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"> Northern Nutter! <img src=\"images/smilies/pinkie.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">',customtitle=1,joindate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' 2003-05-15 05:32:23'),cookieuser=1,nosessionhash=1,daysprune= '-1',lastvisit=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 21:44:05'),lastactivity=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 22:22:48'),lastpost=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 20:41:05'),posts='4170',timezoneoffset='0',emailno tification=0,receivepm='1',ema ilonpm='0',ipaddress='',pmpopup=IF(pm popup=2 AND =1,pmpopup,'') WHERE userid=1997
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '=1,pmpopup,'') WHERE userid=1997' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Tuesday 11th of November 2003 10:35:36 PM
Script: http://forums.lisascottlee.com/admin/user.php

Meirion 02-02-2004 11:24 AM

I forgot to mention, I am using VB version 2.3.2

Barto 02-05-2004 04:27 PM

Someone to help us?????

Barto 02-14-2004 03:06 PM


Please it's important

Meirion 02-15-2004 11:59 AM


The Author agreed to give support for this hack!
C'mon Mike!

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