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-   -   OakGallery 2.0 Released ! [Great image gallery] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=51255)

Oak 04-07-2003 08:07 PM


Today at 09:53 PM Yaxio said this in Post #80
will the prog work with GD instead of ImageMagick?
Sorry, not in this version. It might be done in a future version, but i think you should try getting ImageMagick installed on the server...

winky6 04-08-2003 12:06 AM

ricoche & Kurayami,

You need to add the full server path in all the files in the include folder for the included files.

include('sql-' . $cfgDataBaseType . '.php');

should be

include('/your/server/path/forums/gallery/include/sql-' . $cfgDataBaseType . '.php');

I did this to all the files in the include folder that had the include statement & it fixed all my errors.

ricoche 04-08-2003 12:41 AM

Excellent Winky6! That fixed the problem perfectly. Thank you.

So far in addition to the instructions I had to do the following to get the gallery to work.

1. As Winky6 mentioned above, you have to go into the php files in your include folder and manually modify the include paths. ( Details in post above ).

2. My server paths for ImageMagick's convert and composite are as follows. You might want to try dropping the "X11" if having troubles.

$cfgConvert = '/usr/bin/convert';
$cfgComposite = '/usr/bin/composite';

3. I CHMOD'd my image and thumbnail folders to 777.

4. Used an iframe to integrate this with vbportal. If anyone has any other idea that works please let me know if possible. Thanks.

I'm still testing this, but everything seems to now work. Again thanks to winky6 for the kickstart and I hope my settings above will provide other users with some additional ideas for tweaking if needed.

Thanks again. Nice script so far.

Ricoche :bunny:

Kurayami 04-08-2003 01:40 AM

Ah, thank you very, very much winky6!
You've saved me a great deal of trouble... the gallery's working great now. :)
Just one question, though: Is there anyway to stop the vB database error from appearing...? I really don't want to have to go through the trouble of downgrading to 2.2.9, but I'm loving the script.

kuska 04-08-2003 05:31 AM

This is a great hack. Is there a possibility for the next upgrade to have a search included, and Nicknames in comments would be links to the comentee picture???? Or can you write a addon? :) With a large database of pictures people are getting ++++ed looking for their pictures, and looking for pictures on the people who posted a comment on them. :)

grace819 04-08-2003 05:32 AM

Wow! Finally an alternative to Photopost! Gotta give it a try! :)

kuska 04-08-2003 05:32 AM

Mabye a PM notification on a new comment? Or am i asking 4 too much :)

Bergman 04-08-2003 06:40 AM

Great that you get it working guys ! But you should not need the full path?s in the include?s. Have you checked that you have this line in php.ini on your server ?

include_path = "."

Kurayami, a solution for 2.3.0 should be fixed. :)

Kuska, there is a hack for PM on Comment for ver 1.0. Maybe that work ? Now we have the "Comments on your pictures"-function instead. Any tips of improvements is apreciated ! :)

Bergman 04-08-2003 06:50 AM

Have everyone got it working ? Otherwise please post your problem again ... include the following:

- Path to the gallery
- Path to the forum
- Path to phpinfo.php
- Path?s in the galleryconfig.php

Then it will be much easier to help you out. :)

Oak 04-08-2003 07:56 AM


Today at 02:06 AM winky6 said this in Post #82
ricoche & Kurayami,

You need to add the full server path in all the files in the include folder for the included files.

include('sql-' . $cfgDataBaseType . '.php');

should be

include('/your/server/path/forums/gallery/include/sql-' . $cfgDataBaseType . '.php');

I did this to all the files in the include folder that had the include statement & it fixed all my errors.

As Bergman said, this is not the way to go. Fix the include_path in your php.ini instead!

include_path = "."

Oak 04-08-2003 07:57 AM


Today at 07:31 AM kuska said this in Post #85
This is a great hack. Is there a possibility for the next upgrade to have a search included, and Nicknames in comments would be links to the comentee picture???? Or can you write a addon? :) With a large database of pictures people are getting ++++ed looking for their pictures, and looking for pictures on the people who posted a comment on them. :)
This function is planned for a future release! :) :)

cinq 04-08-2003 12:49 PM

Another feature that might be considered would be for each member to have his own album that can be linked to his postbit perhaps ?

Moyses 04-08-2003 03:25 PM


Today at 02:06 AM winky6 said this in Post #82
ricoche & Kurayami,

You need to add the full server path in all the files in the include folder for the included files.

include('sql-' . $cfgDataBaseType . '.php');

should be

include('/your/server/path/forums/gallery/include/sql-' . $cfgDataBaseType . '.php');

I did this to all the files in the include folder that had the include statement & it fixed all my errors.


Doomo Arigatoo Gozaimasu!!!! :p

winky6 04-08-2003 09:22 PM

Your welcome guys.


Great that you get it working guys ! But you should not need the full path?s in the include?s. Have you checked that you have this line in php.ini on your server ?
This is not an option for some of us. Being at the mercy of our ISP's, they are the ones to make the changes.

As for why the error in 2.3.0, I am scanning the diffs in the files between 229 and 230.
When I'm sure what the problem is, and find a fix, I'll let you all know.
If someone doesn't beat me to it

Zelda-King 04-09-2003 08:22 AM

I now have ImageMagick on the server. I still have the thumbnail problem though. Here's my configuration;


$cfgGalleryDirWeb = '/bb/gallery/';        // absolute web path to gallery files
        $cfgImageDirWeb = '/bb/gallery/images/';        // absolute web path to image dir
        $cfgImageDirLocal = '/home/virtual/site62/fst/var/www/html/bb/gallery/images/'; //The local path to the image dir
        $cfgThumbDirWeb = '/bb/gallery/thumbnails/';        // absolute web path to thumbnails dir
        $cfgThumbDirLocal = '/home/virtual/site62/fst/var/www/html/bb/gallery/thumbnails/'; // The local path to the thumbnails dir
        // Put the forums usernumbers for the OakGallery Admins here (comma separated).
        // Like this: '1,2,3,4' - NOT like this: '1, 2, 3' !!!
        $cfgAdminList = '1,2,3';
        $cfgForumDir = '/home/virtual/site62/fst/var/www/html/bb/'; // The local path to the forum dir
        $cfgGalleryDir = '/home/virtual/site62/fst/var/www/html/bb/gallery/'; // The local path to the vGallery dir
        $cfgConvert = '/usr/X11R6/bin/convert'; // Local path to ImageMagick's convert
        $cfgComposite = '/usr/X11R6/bin/composite'; // Local path to ImageMagick's composite

I don't need composite and convert CHMODed to 777 as well, do I? :/

auz1111 04-09-2003 12:38 PM

Is there another way to configure this hack to use something besides ImageMagick? my host does not have this component and will not install. :(

Bergman 04-09-2003 03:12 PM

auz1111, not for the moment ... GD will maybe work in the next version.

winky, ok. Yes, please let us know if you solve the 2.3.0 problem. :)

Zelda-King, what is the path to phpinfo.php ? Does the webserver have write access in Thumbnails directory now ?

Zelda-King 04-09-2003 03:54 PM

- I can't find phpinfo.php but I know I have PHP. Where 'should' it be?
- Yes, my CHMOD settings for thumbnails and images were 'finally' changed to 777. Seeing as the setting for thumbnails is the same to that of images and the images thing works OK, that isn't the problem now.

Two things in the requirements I'm unsure of;


The variable include_path = "." in php.ini
I don't know where that is in order to check. If php has that by default then that should be OK as I KNOW I have PHP.

OakGallery currently requires a web server that allows you to run shell commands from php-scripts (for ImageMagick).
I know nothing about that.

For the record I'm using vBulletin 2.3.0.

Current gallery status: Check here;


Maybe you can eliminate a few problems?

Bergman 04-09-2003 06:52 PM

Zelda, your gallery seems to work except for the thumbnails. Either there is some problem (wrong path?) with "convert" or there is som security problem with thumbnails directory. Your Php.ini is probably ok because you have no errors on your gallery.

Hopefully Åke has some good ideas about your problem.

Zelda-King 04-09-2003 07:45 PM

Well, the folder directory thing is correct. Then again so was /home/var/www/html/bb for the forum directory but that didn't work. I had to use /home/virtual/site62/fst/var/www/html/bb even though there is no visible /virtual/site62/fst/ path there. It goes from 'home' to 'var'.. Adding the /virtual/site62/fst/ doesn't work in this usr folder though (for composite/convert).

Bergman 04-10-2003 06:15 AM

Zelda, have you verified the local path to convert with you server admin ?

alkatraz 04-10-2003 07:06 AM


but help! I've got a strange DB error with vbb 2.28:


There seems to have been a slight problem with the Northwest Nissans database.Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.8:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE session SET lastactivity=1049960744,location='/gallery/index.php' WHERE sessionhash='07d1e56dccb81aaa0b59751bb7f4bd82'
mysql error:

mysql error number:

Date: Thursday 10th of April 2003 03:45:44 AM
Script: http://northwestnissans.com/board/gallery/index.php
Referer: http://www.northwestnissans.com/gall...categories.php

My db settings are correct (triple checked) and here are my path settings:


$cfgGalleryDirWeb = '/gallery/'; // absolute web path to gallery files
$cfgImageDirWeb = '/gallery/images/'; // absolute web path to image dir
$cfgImageDirLocal = '/home/alkatraz/www/gallery/images/'; //The local path to the image dir
$cfgThumbDirWeb = '/gallery/thumbnails/'; // absolute web path to thumbnails dir
$cfgThumbDirLocal = '/home/alkatraz/www/gallery/thumbnails/'; // The local path to the thumbnails dir
// Put the forums usernumbers for the OakGallery Admins here (comma separated).
// Like this: '1,2,3,4' - NOT like this: '1, 2, 3' !!!
$cfgAdminList = '3,176,349';
$cfgForumDir = '/home/alkatraz/www/board/'; // The local path to the forum dir
$cfgGalleryDir = '/home/alkatraz/www/gallery/'; // The local path to the vGallery dir
$cfgConvert = '/usr/bin/convert'; // Local path to ImageMagick's convert
$cfgComposite = '/usr/bin/composite'; // Local path to ImageMagick's composite
Verified with phpinfo.php SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"] /home/alkatraz/www/gallery/phpinfo1.php

The only thing I'm not sure I've done correctly is step 7 and the imagemagic path.

BUT everything looks like it's working.. i can upload pics and it will thumbnail them.

I read through the posts talking about a db error in 2.30, but I run with vbb 2.28:

Here is my gallery URL:

Zelda-King 04-10-2003 07:48 AM


Today at 08:09 AM Bergman said this in Post #101
Zelda, have you verified the local path to convert with you server admin ?
I checked the paths in the server email from when we joined that host. As far as I can tell it's correct but I've just emailed them about it anyway.

flup 04-10-2003 05:08 PM

w0000000t great!!!!!

Rose 04-10-2003 05:30 PM

Where might one find "php.ini" to make the necessary change to kill a few errors? I'm having the same troubles as a few others and I'd like to fix it correctly instead of editing the full path into the includes files as recommended by Oak and Bergman.

I've searched high and low and I'm not finding the file. Any suggestions?

Also - Oak - I'd like to chat with you privately about some modifications if I might. I'm on msn at thecharmedgirl@hotmail.com or I can pm you. My site is strictly private so I'm unable to post the url in here.

winky6 04-10-2003 08:28 PM


Where might one find "php.ini" to make the necessary change to kill a few errors? I'm having the same troubles as a few others and I'd like to fix it correctly instead of editing the full path into the includes files as recommended by Oak and Bergman.
Rose, unless you are on a dedicated server, the php.ini file is an ISP issue, and it would be up to them to change it.

One thing I have noticed with my host...
I do not have path problems untill I go 3 deep into subdirectories.
It must be a virtual server quirk of some sort. :bunny:

Rose 04-10-2003 09:09 PM


Today at 04:22 PM winky6 said this in Post #106
Rose, unless you are on a dedicated server, the php.ini file is an ISP issue, and it would be up to them to change it.

One thing I have noticed with my host...
I do not have path problems untill I go 3 deep into subdirectories.
It must be a virtual server quirk of some sort. :bunny:

Gotcha. Thanks!

garoboldy 04-11-2003 12:06 AM

ok, just tried installing this and it didnt work for some reason...here is what my index.php displays..

Warning: main(sql-mysql.php) [function.main]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /home/evoluti/public_html/gallery/include/sql.php on line 5

Warning: main() [function.main]: Failed opening 'sql-mysql.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/evoluti/public_html/gallery/include/sql.php on line 5

Warning: main(getuser-vbulletin.php) [function.main]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /home/evoluti/public_html/gallery/include/getuser.php on line 6

Warning: main() [function.main]: Failed opening 'getuser-vbulletin.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/evoluti/public_html/gallery/include/getuser.php on line 6

Warning: main(thumb.php) [function.main]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /home/evoluti/public_html/gallery/include/showthumbs.php on line 5

Warning: main() [function.main]: Failed opening 'thumb.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/evoluti/public_html/gallery/include/showthumbs.php on line 5

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: sqlconnect() in /home/evoluti/public_html/gallery/index.php on line 10

Rose 04-11-2003 01:13 AM

garoboldy - you're having the same problems as I am. If it's not run locally, the only way (I can think of) to fix most of the errors is to hardcode all files that contain "include('" in them to the full path. But I'm still getting a sql error that I can't get quite fixed.

alkatraz 04-11-2003 01:18 AM

Am I the only one getting the "Invalid SQL UPDATE session" error??

Splitfyre 04-11-2003 01:19 AM

I don't know if this has been discussed but I would like to ask the following:

1. With this hack, won't storage be a major consideration with
users posting pictures in the galleries?

2. What about bandwidth, has anyone noticed any spikes using
photo galleries like this where you're running out of bandwidth?

I'm trying to consider implementing a photo gallery for my forum, but bandwidth, storage, among other things was talked about as being a problem. :(

PiotrasG 04-11-2003 08:00 AM

Hi all this is my gallery http://www.polskieforum.com/forum2/g...1&sort=dateand i have the thumnail problem how exacly do i fix it. I dont get it. What do i have to change, something in galleryconfig or another file
Great hack cant wait to use it

Braindg 04-11-2003 08:35 PM

yes, erm.. hmmm.. ermm.. yah.. "nice belly".. was there any need ? :laugh:

garoboldy 04-11-2003 09:03 PM

You mean we cant run the gallery on out site if we dont physically have the server in front of us??? I am hosted with hostrocket and everything went fine except all the crazy errors...

any ideas???

alkatraz 04-13-2003 05:17 PM


04-10-03 at 07:12 PM alkatraz said this in Post #110
Am I the only one getting the "Invalid SQL UPDATE session" error??

TTT :dead:

kuska 04-14-2003 02:45 AM

This php script will automaticly pick a random image from OakGallery 2.0 thumbnails section and display it on your forum homepage or any other non VB site. I use it, easy to install, just edit path to your OakGallery 2.0 Thumbnails folder and upload. It attracts more people to chceck out the gallery - worked wonders for me. Try this out, looks real nice on the home page.

Install time 1 MIN :)


1) Edit the path to the thumbnails folder in randomimage.php

2) Save and upload randomimage.php and chomod it to 775

3) Open forumhome template in your Admin CP and place the call out code anywhere desired by your likes.

PHP Code:

<img src="url/randomimage.php"height="125"width="125"

*** End Install ***

Few things you might not like.
Since the thumbnails folder contains also the Medium sized pictures this might be a bandwidth issue for some people. That is not a problem for me because i have enough bandwidth (for now)
but i did not see any sygnificant raising in bandwidth usage since the script ONLY shows a new picture on reload or opening the forum in new browser window. Constant returning to forum home in the browser does NOT refresh the picture which seems to take care the bandwidth problem. This is not the best solution for a random image script, but it works for me and i didint want to wait for the next OakGallery2.0 Update. This is a great hack and just trying to help. Make sure you have your height and width in the call out script or your going to have some problems with tables.

Hope someone will use this... Here is the randomimage.php and ill add a screenshot below.

kuska 04-14-2003 03:11 AM

Sample pic of random image is circled in RED

kuska 04-14-2003 03:31 AM

This hack has HOTM potential if a search engine will be added, PM on new comment, and nick as links to the comentee picture :)

Koutaru 04-14-2003 04:34 AM

yes :) a search engine. Also maybe allow users to have a "light box"? so they can keep track of their favorite images? Also image description?

Heh heh, I'm thinking about 4images xD

alkatraz 04-14-2003 05:28 AM

argghhh I wish I could get this to work!! I'm so happy to find an affordable alternative to photopost. As soon as I get this working 100% I'll be donating through the paypal link.

Kuska: awesome addon, thank you!

also those suggestions would be awesome... also, posting restrictions so people can't spam the gallery.

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