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Zach 04-03-2003 03:33 AM

One way around adding cookies is to hard code variables in at least for yourself personally dictating what sections are open and which ones are closed

Zach 04-03-2003 03:37 AM

My question is what is it going through that takes twenty seconds to load for me

I mean I got 3.0 megabits down and a dedicated server, so its going through something like crazy in the database. I have a few thousand pms, but no reason it should be going through all of them?

Zach 04-03-2003 04:44 AM

ok still have not even delved into tracking down what is hitting the db so bad, but I really liked this idea so I am running with it


Is what I got so far

I have all sections closed to start

Fixed the arrows so they are pointing the right direction (they point down when its open, should be up - if you are going to follow the existing model this is taken from, that being windows)

Made it so it can have only one open section at a time.

Before I saw this I was working on a taskbar thingy and this just fit in perfect, so I will post that in a bit, its not in the task bar, like the others mentioned (to do that like they described you just create a side task bar, then create a new task bar in that and use the url to your script, ie http://sportsforum.ws/assistant.php and then set on auto hide, on top, etc however you want it)

Also took out the javascript links, got to go back and read the reason on why that was done again before I fix it or just leave it.

Nice job and nice idea.

Talisman 04-03-2003 10:14 PM

Hey guys.... I love the "right-click" activation for this, but we use that too much for copying and pasting stuff in the forums.

How could I change the command sequence to something else that isn't being used already? Maybe... shift key-right mouse click? Or Ctrl-A for "assistant" .... or some other combination??

Otherwise, could we add the vB Assistant to the Windows submenu that appears when one right-clicks the mouse? Instead of that working to launch the little window in it's place.

Thanks a bunch! :banana:

Sebastian 04-04-2003 09:38 PM


Yesterday at 12:37 AM Zach said this in Post #82
My question is what is it going through that takes twenty seconds to load for me

I mean I got 3.0 megabits down and a dedicated server, so its going through something like crazy in the database. I have a few thousand pms, but no reason it should be going through all of them?

it shouldn't take that long to load. Mines load as fast as a regular page.

it does about the same amount of queries that forum home does when fetching PM count, unread, etc.... shouldn't be no more than 7 - 8 queries, i didn't count them all though so i am guessing.

Koopa 04-06-2003 11:06 AM

Very nice :)

AnaFreak 04-06-2003 10:53 PM

can't understand the directions.......of course I am not that great at this stuff, my problem is on step3.

"Notes: Make sure you edit the "forums" name to the name of your directory!

Some where at the top of your template head insert above $headnewpm"

Where is this???

Classy 04-07-2003 12:06 AM


03-30-03 at 06:11 PM Yo. said this in Post #28
I have modified this hack to work as a docked frame instead of a popup, you can see it in action by clicking here (click Enable TK Assistant at the top left once you're there). If people like this for some reason, I can post the modifications here at vB.org.
I would like this very much. Have looked at your's and its just
what i'm lookin for. Thank you very much.

Shimmy 04-09-2003 03:24 PM

I would also like to see this as a dockable frame, as well as having the choice for popup.

Classy 04-12-2003 12:31 AM

--- bump

Pollo 04-12-2003 04:21 PM


04-07-03 at 12:47 AM AnaFreak said this in Post #87
can't understand the directions.......of course I am not that great at this stuff, my problem is on step3.

"Notes: Make sure you edit the "forums" name to the name of your directory!

Some where at the top of your template head insert above $headnewpm"

Where is this???

It is a typo, it should read:

In the template headinclude add the following ABOVE $headnewpm

<snip code: (see install directions)>

Notes: Make sure you edit the "forums" name to the name of your directory!

indiamike 04-14-2003 09:10 PM

I had looked at this hack when it was first released and I didn't think it was something I could use.....boy was I wrong. After some members suggested an easier way to browse my site I installed this. After only a few days it has become a huge hit on my site and I find myself using it all the time to.

Installation was so simple and this hack is such a great addition to any forum so I just want to say thanks Sebastian for releasing this.

This is a most excellent hack. Great Work :D


Kurayami 04-14-2003 10:16 PM

I have a bit of an issue--I run my forum directly off of a domain, and not under a subdirectory. So how do I go about using this, as entering the forum directory as "/" doesn't work.

Thanks! :)

Pollo 04-15-2003 12:33 AM


03-31-03 at 11:54 PM Pollo said this in Post #59
Sebastian, well my question was that my forum isn't in a directory (per se, of course it is in a directory, just the web site's home one). In other words, my forum is the site, the site the forum ie: http://domain.com

I solved it by removing:
$forumdir = "???"; // name of your forum directory

-and removing any mention of $forumdir anywhere.

Everything works now, and I'm sure members will really groove on it, DANKE! :D

I had same question (page 4 of this thread), and solved it via the method I posted above. Works fine now.

alwaysweb 04-15-2003 05:25 AM


04-01-03 at 05:23 AM Rolodex said this in Post #65
My quota is set to 100 ... my mods are 50, and members are 40.

Edit: My BAD ... I had this set to Zero (Unlimited) ... after placing the members amount into the box, the error went away.

Thanks for the heads up guys! :)

Setting Maximum saved messages in Vbulletin admin area to zero *IS* a valid option (0 means unlimited, it says in the configuration option's description!)

Yes, the code needs a few small bugfixes (marked by the // ADDED comments below) so as not not div by zero if in fact limit is zero :) If max pm limit is 0 (unlimited), just hide the PM quota stuff.

Around line 46, add a simple IF statement. Change this:

PHP Code:

           $amount round(($allpm[messages]/$pmquota) * 100,2);

if ( 
$amount <= 15 
$meter "<br/><br/><small>($amount% full) <img src=\"$images/level1.gif\">¬¬¬¬</small>";
elseif ( 
$amount <= 30 
$meter "<br/><br/><small>($amount% full) <img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level2.gif\">¬¬¬</small>";
elseif ( 
$amount <= 45 )
$meter "<br/><br/><small>($amount% full) <img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level2.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level3.gif\">¬¬</small>";
elseif ( 
$amount <= 60 )
$meter "<br/><br/><small>($amount% full) <img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level2.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level3.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level4.gif\">¬</small>";
elseif ( 
$amount <= 90 )
$meter "<br/><br/><small>($amount% full)</small> <img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level2.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level3.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level4.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level5.gif\">";  

$meter "<br/><br/><font color='red'><b>FULL</b></font>";

to be like:

PHP Code:

       if ($pmquota != 0) { // ADDED

$amount round(($allpm[messages]/$pmquota) * 100,2);

if ( 
$amount <= 15 
$meter "<br/><br/><small>($amount% full) <img src=\"$images/level1.gif\">¬¬¬¬</small>";
elseif ( 
$amount <= 30 
$meter "<br/><br/><small>($amount% full) <img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level2.gif\">¬¬¬</small>";
elseif ( 
$amount <= 45 )
$meter "<br/><br/><small>($amount% full) <img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level2.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level3.gif\">¬¬</small>";
elseif ( 
$amount <= 60 )
$meter "<br/><br/><small>($amount% full) <img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level2.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level3.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level4.gif\">¬</small>";
elseif ( 
$amount <= 90 )
$meter "<br/><br/><small>($amount% full)</small> <img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level1.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level2.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level3.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level4.gif\"><img src=\"$images/level5.gif\">";  

$meter "<br/><br/><font color='red'><b>FULL</b></font>";


Around line 383 where it prints this messages section:

PHP Code:

if ( $bbuserinfo[userid] != ) {
"<center>You have $unreadpm[messages] new messages. <br/> $allpm[messages] are old messages. $meter $lastpm</center>";
                } else {

change it to be:

PHP Code:

if ($pmquota == 0$meter ""// ADDED
if ( $bbuserinfo[userid] != ) {
"<center>You have $unreadpm[messages] new messages. <br/> $allpm[messages] are old messages. $meter $lastpm</center>";
                } else {

wolfgang2 04-21-2003 03:13 PM

Hello Sebastian( or anyone else) !

great hack idea unfortunately it is not working on my forum.
i use 2.3.0

Could u take a look at the source code of the header area please
and tell me what is wrong there?

Lethal 04-21-2003 08:54 PM


Today at 11:13 AM wolfgang2 said this in Post #96
Hello Sebastian( or anyone else) !

great hack idea unfortunately it is not working on my forum.
i use 2.3.0

Could u take a look at the source code of the header area please
and tell me what is wrong there?

the assiatant oopens but only blank...


seems like it is working to me. Opens up fine for me.

Pollo 04-22-2003 04:34 AM

Yep, no problems here, it works fine wolfgang2 (unless you eventually got it working, and thus duh, heh).

Kars10 04-22-2003 09:16 AM

First of all, very nice Hack.
What about a Option in the users Profile, wher Users can select to Popup the Assistant Window automaticly when visit the forums?


/me licks install!

wolfe 04-27-2003 08:08 PM

d00d can't you make it template based please it would be easier to edit the tables how people want them.

Lethal 04-27-2003 08:21 PM

next version is going to be template based I think.

solent 04-28-2003 11:05 PM

great hack really helpfull and easy to install

thanks man.

works great on vb2.3.0

wolfe 05-07-2003 09:13 PM

somthing wierd happening on my site it does not seem to support java no more i added the links etc and nothing loads

Mike11212 05-27-2003 11:58 PM

is there anyway to get the last 10 post to appear in it?

Dribbles 06-02-2003 10:30 AM

I'm using v1.1 ... but my private messages section doesn't seem to have the features listed (ie- who sent the pm, read first 75 character, etc). Here is a screanie of my PM section. Did I do something wrong?

dano 06-02-2003 03:49 PM


03-30-03 at 11:11 PM Yo. said this in Post #28
I have modified this hack to work as a docked frame instead of a popup, you can see it in action by clicking here (click Enable TK Assistant at the top left once you're there). If people like this for some reason, I can post the modifications here at vB.org.
I would really like to know how you did this. Let me know when you can, I know others are very intrested as well.

proxyMX 07-10-2003 10:32 AM

theres something wrong with the javascript, my window simply pops up but is blank

proxyMX 07-10-2003 10:34 AM

hold on, fixed, sorry :P

Frozen Dreams 07-23-2003 06:14 PM

Would there be a way to make this work with different styles? So that it grabs the proper colors set for the current scheme?
Without this I cant use it since I can already see users bugging me about the colors :(

Blizzb 07-23-2003 06:23 PM

Um... the ZIP file is corrupted.

ahbao 09-21-2003 03:59 PM

is the templete style out yet?

Dark Shogun 10-13-2003 06:14 AM

Sorry to bring back a pretty dead thread but does ANYONE know how I can make the vB Assistant to automatically popup when someone goes to the homepage instead of having to click on it? Also is there a way to make it refresh automatically?

Dark Shogun

Kaelon 01-23-2004 04:25 PM

So, my vB Assistant seems to take around 20-30 seconds to load up, as well. I have a very active forum, around a million posts and some 12,000 users; we're on a top of the line dedicated system with 2 gigs of RAM. I hardly think that this is a hardware issue. I've reviewed the code though, and aside from heavy querying, I don't see why it should take so long to load. Any ideas on why it's taking long?

Kaelon 01-26-2004 03:54 AM

Bug (confirmed), in that vB Assistant cannot handle usernames with apostrophes or special characters, and uses malformed queries:


Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads FROM thread WHERE postuserid = '12392' AND visible = '1' AND lastpost > '1074904556' AND lastposter != 'Euclides Ti'ran' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,1
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ran' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,1' at line 1

ricker 01-26-2004 09:29 PM

this works great, except for that fact that the message preview doens't show up. it just says:

You have 1 new messages.
12 are old messages.

And there is no link to go to your PMs.

I also can't get any of the sections to collapse, could this be due to the fact that I'm on a mac?

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