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Boofo 03-16-2003 05:50 PM

Shouldn't that be?

PHP Code:

$DB_site->query("alter table user add miserable smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;"); 

Zzed 03-16-2003 05:54 PM

I thought numeric fields are not required to be quoted but you can still quote them if you want.

Boofo 03-16-2003 06:09 PM

I don't think they are required but there are a lot of users who get db errors without them sometimes. So, it is usually better to just use them and avoid all of the "Why did I get this db error?" messages. ;)

And where is my "fix" you promised me? I'm shaking here, Zzed! ;)

Zachery 03-17-2003 02:45 AM

so i take it the changes to the mysql db are to make the user group? cuz i am abit confused about how this works

-btw still havent had time to install

Zzed 03-17-2003 05:36 AM


Today at 08:45 PM Faranth said this in Post #86
so i take it the changes to the mysql db are to make the user group? cuz i am abit confused about how this works

-btw still havent had time to install

No. The hack adds a new field to the user table to indicate whether a user is miserable or not. The default value for miserable is 0. When a user is made miserable a value of 1 is assigned to the miserable field. ;)

Hippycrack 03-17-2003 05:48 AM

I'm still very new at hacking and I'm have a problem with this

################################################## ##########

From the MySQL prompt execute the following statement:

alter table user add miserable smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;

################################################## ##########

I Create a new ,php file in your forums directory and copy the following lines in there. Save the file, execute it one time





$DB_site->query("alter table user add miserable smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;");


***and I got this error message.

Warning: main(./global.php) [function.main]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /www/n/nOpenworldz/htdocs/miserable.php on line 16

What do I do from here?

Zzed 03-17-2003 06:13 AM

What is the URL to your forums?

That file should be placed in the same directory that the URL points to.

midnightz 03-17-2003 11:36 AM


Is there a fix for this hack to work with the arcade hack. It seems that the $postbits .=getpostbit($post); is where the problem is in the showthread.php. The arcde hack starts there, I tried some get arounds but had no luck, it makes your posts error with and not show up. i asked one person I know and they said they couldn't see a fix.

Helpers :)


lordofgun 03-17-2003 09:04 PM


Today at 08:36 AM midnightz said this in Post #88

Is there a fix for this hack to work with the arcade hack. It seems that the $postbits .=getpostbit($post); is where the problem is in the showthread.php. The arcde hack starts there, I tried some get arounds but had no luck, it makes your posts error with and not show up. i asked one person I know and they said they couldn't see a fix.

Helpers :)


I had the same prob. I just took that part out since i didn't care about having the arcade icons in the showthread. The arcade still works fine.

Zachery 03-18-2003 01:08 AM

do you have to manually change the data in the mysql db to make them a miserable user?

Zzed 03-18-2003 03:50 AM


Today at 07:08 PM Faranth said this in Post #90
do you have to manually change the data in the mysql db to make them a miserable user?
No. admin/user.php gives you an interface via the Admin CP to make a user miserable while you edit a user. ;)

Morgalis 03-18-2003 07:23 AM


we are not worthy... we are not worthy

just wanted to mention.. i found this out the hard way

i made a new user and defaulted them miserable.. fun stuff

wheni went to edit a user.. i got a dbase error


makeyesnocode("Miserable user","miserable",$user[miserable]);
can go in both the Add and Edit User.. my haste in trying it out, left the Edit User part out

just in case someone comes across an error ;)

Zzed 03-18-2003 08:54 AM

Morgalis, Thank you for your kind words. I am not worthy. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/

So is it working for you, or you are still getting that error?

NuclioN 03-18-2003 09:49 AM

A 'non miserable user' was reporting problems with the forum in a way that i would aspect if this member was a M-user. I've looked for other possibillities but after removing the hack the member had no problems. I wonder now how many other members of our forum had this problem but did'nt mention it.....

Zzed 03-18-2003 10:13 AM

You probably had a typo while installing the hack. I have personally installed this on 3 different sites and have had to port the hack from 2.2.4 all the way to 2.2.9 and I never had any problems.

You can send me an Email or a PM if you need help with this. :)


TheEDIGuy 03-18-2003 07:41 PM


03-15-03 at 09:03 AM TheEDIGuy said this in Post #76
I installed, and changed just some of the chances of things happening, but I'm getting this:

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/forums/global.php:366) in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/forums/showthread.php on line 151

Not every time, just once in a while.
I should clarify, I made myself a Miserable User, and after the delay, this is what I see most of the time. Is this SUPPOSED to appear?

Just curious if I'm the only person running into this? I really want to start using this on a couple of our bad users, but I really don't want to be showing them filenames in the errors, just from a security standpoint.

Zzed 03-18-2003 08:38 PM


Today at 01:41 PM TheEDIGuy said this in Post #96

Just curious if I'm the only person running into this? I really want to start using this on a couple of our bad users, but I really don't want to be showing them filenames in the errors, just from a security standpoint.

That warning is because of the echo " "; statement in global.php. You can choose to remove that statement from global.php. The only reason why I did it is because I did not want for my web browser to time out when I force a long sleep. The echo statement prevents the timeout. ;)

TheEDIGuy 03-18-2003 10:18 PM

Thanks, Zzed. I'll remove it and give it a try. My mods are begging me to apply this, they're putting together a list as I speak. :)

Kathy 03-18-2003 11:11 PM

This cracks me up. I laughed and laughed while reading this hack's description. Sounds like fun! (in a weird sort of way...when you consider how some members can make us miserable...) ;)

I'm still laughing....poor miserable people. :D

Zelda-King 03-19-2003 09:08 PM

The query would not work for me without ''s around the 0, ie '0'.

cirisme 03-19-2003 09:46 PM

I love this hack. :D

Pikok 03-20-2003 06:50 PM

I love this hack, but I also use the ban by warning hack. Currently when a user reaches a preset number of warning points, they're moved to the banned by warnings group. What I need is to be able set a usergroup as miserable or not, rather than an individual user.

Users aren't allowed to see the warnings list, so they don't know how many points equals a ban. How would I set it up so that if a user is in the banned group they are miserable, but if not they aren't. I may sometimes unban a user (by moving them out of the banned usergroup) at which time I'd need for them to not be miserable any longer (only while in the banned usergroup).

Anyone know how to put an option in the usergroup section of the admin cp where I could set a certain group as miserable or not, as oposed to an individual user? I'd like to have the option listed when a usergroup is created/edited, much like the group permissions are.

Thanks for any help..

Zzed 03-20-2003 06:58 PM

Add this before the if($bbuserinfo[miserable] == 1) code in global.php

PHP Code:

if($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == $banned_usergroupid) {
$bbuserinfo[miserable] = 1;

Where $banned_usergroupid is the usergroup number for your banned users.

It will make all the users who belong to that usergroup miserable as soon as they log into your site. ;)

Pikok 03-20-2003 07:07 PM

Thanks for the quick response! This is what my global.php looks like now:
PHP Code:

if($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 8) {
$bbuserinfo[miserable] = 1;
$bbuserinfo[miserable] == 1) {
$glitch rand(60,120);
$x 0;$x $glitch;$x++) {
" ";
$floodchecktime *=10;

$glitch rand(0,100);
glitch 90) {
$enablesearches  0;

$glitch rand(0,100);
$glitch 75) {
  else {
$glitch rand(0,100);
    if (
$glitch 80) {
      if (
$glitch 50) {
"<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" CONTENT=\"5; URL=index.php\"> ";

$showforumusers  0;
$displayloggedin 0;

Just one more question though. If I later move a user out of the banned usergroup, will they automatically be not miserable or do need to add some sort of elseif statement to the usergroup part I just added that would setit to 0 rather than 1?

Zzed 03-20-2003 07:10 PM

Very cool. ;)

You won't have to do anything since the misery flag gets set if the user belongs to the banned group. moving them back to the registered user group will not set that flag anymore.

Pikok 03-20-2003 07:14 PM

Okay, thanks.. :D

This hack is pure evil!!! I love it!

Keep up the great work!

Zzed 03-20-2003 07:17 PM

Thank you for your kind words. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/

Big Daddy Chemo 03-20-2003 07:43 PM

This hack will prove to be timeless... ;)

One request though -> can you offer some code that will give MODS the ability to toggle the misery setting as well?

Pikok 03-20-2003 07:53 PM


Today at 09:43 PM Big Daddy Chemo said this in Post #108
This hack will prove to be timeless... ;)

One request though -> can you offer some code that will give MODS the ability to toggle the misery setting as well?

That would be a good option. Would need to be a way of also setting it so that mods couldn't set other mods and/or admins to miserable though.. Only admins or those with admin cpanel access would be able to make mods/admins miserable.

Zzed 03-20-2003 08:07 PM

Oh boy, I knew this was going to get me in trouble. :D

I have this hack in place on my site. But it combines 6 other hacks which gives the moderators the power to impose misery, starvation, and a couple other hacks on users for time periods of 1, 3, or 7 days. And after the "served time" the users go back to normal.

I need to think about how to do a partial release of what I have in place... :(

Boofo 03-20-2003 08:09 PM

Zzed, is now a good time? ;)

Zzed 03-20-2003 08:11 PM

Sure, give me a call. :D

Overgrow 03-21-2003 05:05 AM

Possibly my favorite hack of all time even though I never see the direct results of it.. I dunno where that hack of the month competition is, but this should be it.

I've made it a more permanent form of removal on my site.. When you get "miserable'd", all of your posts are replaced by

[account removed]

except for when the miserable person actually gets to view it. So it effectively deletes all of their posts at the same time.

Zzed 03-21-2003 05:42 AM


Today at 11:05 PM Overgrow said this in Post #113
Possibly my favorite hack of all time even though I never see the direct results of it.. I dunno where that hack of the month competition is, but this should be it.

I've made it a more permanent form of removal on my site.. When you get "miserable'd", all of your posts are replaced by

[account removed]

except for when the miserable person actually gets to view it. So it effectively deletes all of their posts at the same time.

OMG... I am not worthy. Thank you for your kind words. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/

BTW, your hack is quite diabolic. :D

Zachery 03-25-2003 12:07 AM

im only able to change it in the admin cp :\ .... i was in the mod cp and i couldnt find it

i checked the database after i made a user miserable, and it seems that he is, eventho i did it via the admin cp

Zzed 03-25-2003 12:27 AM

This hack be used only through the Admin CP and not the Mod CP.

Courage 04-01-2003 08:12 AM

I love this hack.

This + Secretly Banned Users ROCKS !

voclain 04-04-2003 03:07 PM


I have to tell you...I am a newby to all of this HACK stuff.

And I remember about a year ago when I upgraded to VB wondering why in the world would I ever want to BAN someone...so....I made it a policy of my board that NO ONE would ever be banned!!!

WELL...I've just come throught the WEEK from HELL!!! This one guy has cause so many problems...all with the INTENT of being banned...testing the POLICY!!!

YOUR Hack is a GOD SENT!!! I can now put this IDIOT on the MISERABLE LIST and now I'm happy,,my users are happy,,,HE's BANNED, and he doesn't even know it.....and the thought of him sitting there.....MISERABLE in front of his computer waiting,,,and waiting,,,and waiting....

WOW...it just makes my heart jump for joy!!!


Kirk Voclain

Zzed 04-04-2003 04:39 PM

Wow. :) Thank you for your kind words. :)

JFry 04-05-2003 06:52 PM

Oh, boy do I have a couple miserable users :lol Thanks, man.

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