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Mijae 12-08-2002 06:41 PM

Female classes

Mijae 12-08-2002 06:49 PM

Male classes

Mijae 12-08-2002 06:50 PM


Mijae 12-08-2002 06:51 PM


Mijae 12-08-2002 06:52 PM

Last but not least, the profile.

Notice in the pic above it says Alignment: unknown, yet in this pic it stays selected at Human.

Goldknight 12-08-2002 06:59 PM

jjdog2, thats what I think. Many thanks =)

Mijae 12-08-2002 06:59 PM

So far I did this to get it working:

In races screen, in the ID 0 I had to create 2 races, and if I select the 2nd one I get the alignment to show up correctly, but if I chose the 1st one it says Unknown.

If I select Human, it goes to Unknown, if I set it to Nymph it says Neutral, while they are both in the neutral Alignment.

Davey 12-08-2002 07:30 PM

I didn't understand the postbit instructions whatsoever.
I installed it on a fresh install 2.2.9.
Could you make the instructions a little clearer please, Bitsys?


Bitsys 12-08-2002 07:49 PM

Ahh, v0id I see what you mean now. I fixed it. Thanks for pointing that out and providing the screenshots, that helped a lot to figure out what the problem was.

A corrected rpgadmin.php file will be included in v55.

Mijae 12-08-2002 07:55 PM

Sorry for my bad english there :P

Anyways, everything else seems to be working 100%.

Bitsys 12-08-2002 08:00 PM


Originally posted by Davey
I didn't understand the postbit instructions whatsoever.
I installed it on a fresh install 2.2.9.
Could you make the instructions a little clearer please, Bitsys?


Go to the admin CP. Go to modify templates at the bottom. Click on the link that says "show all" next to the global or default template set. Scroll down until you find a template called "postbit". Click on the "edit" link next to it. It should bring up the html that is used in the postbit tamplate. Copy the code from the file "sample postbit.txt" that came included in the .zip file and paste it after "Posts: $post[posts]" in the edit template field. Click "Save changes" at the bottom to save what you just entered. This will give you the default variables in your posts.

There are additional variables located in Install.txt at the bottom. You add these the same way by copying and pasting whatever comes after the ":" in Install.txt. Example:

In Install.txt:

~Display the user's battle status: $inbattle

And paste it into the postbit template as you did before. The "$" in front of the word means that it is a variable. When a post is displayed, "$inbattle" is changed to whatever the value the variable contains. In most instances, "$inbattle" will appear as "Not in Battle" when you view the post on your forums.

Does that help?

Mijae 12-08-2002 08:22 PM

I found another little bug, the Element Icon variable tries to display and image that starts with an upper case (Dark), but the images included are lower case (dark). This makes the images come up with an ugly red X.

This is easy to fix, but I just wanted to point it out.

Bitsys 12-08-2002 08:29 PM


Originally posted by v0id
I found another little bug, the Element Icon variable tries to display and image that starts with an upper case (Dark), but the images included are lower case (dark). This makes the images come up with an ugly red X.

This is easy to fix, but I just wanted to point it out.

Yup, DarkDraco07 pointed that out a little earlier and v55 will fix that bug. A permanent fix is to manually rename the image files.

Bitsys 12-09-2002 02:25 AM

Version 0.55 is completed. There is an upgrade file included to go from version 0.54 to version 0.55.

Bug Fixes:
  • Personal Itemshop infinite loop bug in getpostbit function fixed.
  • Personal Itemshop not showing up fixed.
  • Personal Itemshop images not displaying fixed.
  • Personal Itemshop unable to delete fixed.
  • Personal Itemshop unable to edit fixed.
  • Personal inventory showing up for non logged-in users now doesn't show up.
  • Battle wager is now taken from your bank account or pocket when you register for a new battle.
  • Incorrect item images showing in battlefight.php now fixed.
  • Alignment names displaying improperly in the postbit now fixed.
  • Element icon names corrected.
  • You no longer have to make changes to battle.php before uploading.
  • More minor bugs were fixed.

New features:
  • "Generic" Itemshop Items can now be expanded all at once, instead of clicking the expand link individually. The expand link is still there.
  • For those who don't want a user's level based on their posts, you may now give them experience for participating in battle.
  • You can now adjust how much experience user's get for posts.
  • New variables available for the postbit template.
  • When doing a new install, if you run all 3 install files, then you only have to do a few steps in order to jump straight into battle. The steps are: (1)Make a post. (2)Choose a value other than "Unknown" in the user cp and click submit. (3)Update your stats in the user cp. (4)Have another user do the same thing (steps 1-3). (5)Challenge the other user. (6)Join the battle. After doing this, you will want to try buying some items from the itemshop and testing those as well. Make sure you assign the appropriate values in the "Edit category" screen in the admin cp so that the items can be used in battle.
  • Some other minor aesthetic things.
The original post has been updated to include v55.

I will not be very available for the next 24 hours and I may not respond to your questions very fast. I will respond and help you as soon as I get back. Thanks for understanding.

Once again, thanks for testing!

mewgood 12-09-2002 04:17 AM

I hope the full verson will come out soon;)

corsacrazy 12-09-2002 07:34 AM

all it ever says is :

You are ineligible for battle at this time. Please try updating your stats in the User Control Panel. :cry:

and i have updated a thousand times :(

Mijae 12-09-2002 08:01 AM

Why do I get a download of v53?

corsacrazy 12-09-2002 08:27 AM

^ clear temp internet files and try again ! thats wot i did and it worked 4 me

VeoMorphine 12-09-2002 11:17 AM

i see a hack of the month coming up :)

Dark Shogun 12-09-2002 01:08 PM

I didn't read the whole post yet but I was just wondering if you thought about adding the hotel hack into this.

Dark Shogun

The_Wanderer 12-09-2002 01:58 PM

very impressive... i'll install this when the full version is released.. good job

Graphics 12-09-2002 03:41 PM

kewl i'll reinstall my teszt forum and install 0.55 :D

good hack btw:)

assassingod 12-09-2002 03:50 PM

Installed on 2.2.9, testing battle out now. Receive this error when trying to delete recently added 'type'

Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET rpgtype='0',rpgclass='0' WHERE type='4'
mysql error: Unknown column 'type' in 'where clause'

mysql error number: 1054[/sql]

Bitsys 12-09-2002 05:23 PM

Did you read https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...672#post328672 yet?


Originally posted by assassingod
Installed on 2.2.9, testing battle out now. Receive this error when trying to delete recently added 'type'

Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET rpgtype='0',rpgclass='0' WHERE type='4'
mysql error: Unknown column 'type' in 'where clause'

mysql error number: 1054[/sql]

Fixed. There are two ways of correcting it. You can download the corrected "rpgadmin.php" file attached to this post and re-upload it to your admin directory, or you can do the following:

In rpgadmin.php, find:
PHP Code:

// ###################### deletetype ####################### 

Below that (6 lines), find:
PHP Code:

$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET rpgtype='0',rpgclass='0' WHERE type='$typeid'"); 

And replace it with:
PHP Code:

$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET rpgtype='0',rpgclass='0' WHERE rpgtype='$typeid'"); 

Thanks for finding that one ;). I am surprised someone didn't find it sooner.

Here is the updated file:

geniuscrew 12-09-2002 05:56 PM

I' m getting this error

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 3 seconds exceeded in /*****/*******/*****/battlefight.php on line 374

Mind you, I have my test vB on a free server [and it's not public]

corsacrazy 12-09-2002 07:43 PM


Originally posted by Bitsys
Did you read https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...672#post328672 yet?

cheers mate i must of missed this somehow :ermm:

geniuscrew 12-10-2002 12:07 AM

Can anyone please tell me how levels and and MA etc, increase, because I start off dead [no HP] so I can't battle

geniuscrew 12-10-2002 01:02 AM

Do mages have to use staffs? I know it sounds stupid but either way, nothing decreases and the only we get is "Use your fists"

Herman 12-10-2002 02:06 AM

My problem is that when in a battle, and my options are listed below, I can ONLY use my fists, request a draw, and retreat.

The other radio buttons for Attacking and such are unusable. Even though I have purchased items in the itemshop! :bunny:

Herman 12-10-2002 02:08 AM

Also, can you please tell me how I get my HP/MP to rise? I have my EXP set, so my level will rise with my post count, but how do I get my HP up and such?

Bitsys 12-10-2002 04:17 AM

That error was probably due to a busy server. I have not gotten that error before. If you want to know the exact equations for MP, HP, PP, etc, then see https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...854#post328854 . Mages do not have to use staffs. If you are only getting "Use your fists" while in battle, then do the following:
  • Go to the admin CP
  • Click on "Edit Items"
  • Next to the weapons category name, click on the "edit" link.
  • Change the Battle type of the category to One-handed weapons or whatever you see fit. There are several options.
  • Go back to the battle, after purchasing an item from that category (or if you already had an item from that category, then don't worry about it) and see if it is now usable.

Read the above ^^.

Also, make sure you are updating your stats in the USER Control Panel under the Modify Profile screen. You should be doing this after your Alignment, Class, Race etc. has already been set. You must also have at least one post.

I will be able to provide a more detailed explanation of the stats a little later. It is futile to do it now because they keep getting slightly modified.

Let me know if you are still having trouble.

geniuscrew 12-10-2002 10:25 AM

thanks a lot for your help!

I'm guessing "+ Att" is for items only?

Also how can you use an element in battle [i've never had this option so I wouldn't know ;)] and can you specify different levels for the spells and go onto the next level when you reach level X?


Graphics 12-10-2002 11:14 AM

hey any idea when there is another update ???

Bitsys 12-10-2002 01:56 PM

"+ to Att" means that you want the item to ALWAYS increase the user's attack when they have that item. For example, on the boards I admin, we made all rings give + to att if you had one. Also, we made all necklaces give + to def if you had one. Finally, we made all runes give + to Att AND + to def. Then, we scaled the prices of these items considerably higher than the other items since they were much more valuable based on how they affected your battle statistics.

You cannot use elements in battle. That seems too much like using elemental spells. Instead, elements give you a static boost to your HP, MA, PP, and AP. You can make the boost as large or small as you want in the admin cp.

About the different level for spells: I was toying with an idea last night. I was thinking that I could make each item have a level requirement before you could buy it. This would prevent pooling of money into one low level person just so that they could get the best weapon and kill someone that is a much higher level than them, but poorer. This wouldn't be too hard to implement, and I might be able to get it done today, based on how many bugs people can find. Less bugs = faster implementation.

I will release another update when there are bugs to fix or features to add. Currently, no one has reported another bug since the last update (v0.55b) and I have only added one small feature that isn't worth making people upgrade for quite yet. If I add level requirements today then I will release an update as soon as that is done and tested. Sound good?

perrera 12-10-2002 02:06 PM

Indredible hack.... but..
I haved installed succesfully (I hope), but no option to figh was visible.. I turned on in Batlle Option, the option in the Admin, but nothing happens..

Any idea?

Bitsys 12-10-2002 03:07 PM


Originally posted by perrera
Indredible hack.... but..
I haved installed succesfully (I hope), but no option to figh was visible.. I turned on in Batlle Option, the option in the Admin, but nothing happens..

Any idea?

Could you explain exactly what steps you took and what exactly you are trying to do?

Graphics 12-10-2002 03:54 PM

i think (this might sound stupid :p)
are you expecting a link to show up in the main forum ???

go to battle.php in your root :)

there you ca battle :D

perrera 12-10-2002 04:19 PM


Originally posted by Graphics
i think (this might sound stupid :p)
are you expecting a link to show up in the main forum ???

go to battle.php in your root :)

there you ca battle :D

Ok... this messages appear:
"You are ineligible for battle at this time. Please try updating your stats in the User Control Panel."

So... how can battle? :bored:

corsacrazy 12-10-2002 04:21 PM

^perrera read here ^


perrera 12-10-2002 04:25 PM

Do'h.... :lick:
Thanks... :tired:

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