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-   -   Signature Image System Hack - Version 3.0+... (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=45310)

Chris M 11-23-2002 01:48 PM



Chris M 11-23-2002 01:49 PM

*Updated .zip File:)*


!!! 11-23-2002 02:04 PM

Also, Satan, you might want to add this to the modifications.txt file:


It's not currently in there, but it should be.

As a suggestion, to make the tables in the UserCP like the other tables (so that the outline is the right specified color), use this code instead of the one N9ne made:


                <table cellpadding="{tableouterborderwidth}" width="100%" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellspacing="{tableinnerborderwidth}" cellpadding="4" border="0" width="100%">
<tr id="cat">
                <td bgcolor="{categorybackcolor}" colspan="0">
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
        <tr id="cat">
                <td><a href="private.php?s=$session[sessionhash]"><normalfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"><b>Your Signature Image</b></normalfont></a></td>
                <td align="right"><a href="member.php?s=&action=editsignature"><b><smallfont color="{categoryfontcolor}">Change your signature image</smallfont></b></a></td>
<tr align="left" valign="bottom">
        <td bgcolor="{secondaltcolor}" colspan="2"><normalfont><img src="$bbuserinfo[signatureurl]" border="0" alt=""></td>


Chris M 11-23-2002 02:52 PM

!!! - I realised the error, thats why 3.0+ was released - It already has the usercp.php change:)

And the N9ne code error was due to vBulletin parsing the { imagesfolder } variable - I have now put all changes in .php format so they are not parsed:)


N9ne 11-23-2002 11:01 PM

So it wasn't my fault eh:D

!!! 11-23-2002 11:16 PM


Originally posted by N9ne
So it wasn't my fault eh:D
Your ugly table was :)

N9ne 11-23-2002 11:53 PM

My table looked fine for me though...;)

Chris M 11-24-2002 08:20 AM

As it did for me:)

@!!! - Have you made other graphical modifications to your Usercp template? If so, this could be why it didnt look right;)


!!! 11-24-2002 11:44 AM


Originally posted by hellsatan
As it did for me:)

@!!! - Have you made other graphical modifications to your Usercp template? If so, this could be why it didnt look right;)


Hm, not really...but that's not why it didn't work right. He didn't use the right color for the main outside-table...and aside from that, I fixed a few things in the table to make it setup nicer (like the other tables in the CP).

Chris M 11-24-2002 12:01 PM

I see...Well the colour would have been due to vB.org parsing the code...

Hence why all files are in .php format;)


!!! 11-24-2002 12:59 PM


Originally posted by hellsatan
I see...Well the colour would have been due to vB.org parsing the code...

Hence why all files are in .php format;)


Hmm...well, you have in your *.txt file the html code to place the table in the usercp. For me, the cellspacing color was incorrect because, I'm assuming n9ne either has the cellspacing color the same as a background color (or, just eliminated cellspacing all together), the main table that the "smaller" table is fitting in had the incorrect color (I'm using this word too much! :nervous:) for the background color.

So, what I did was use the other tables in the usercp and set the signature one up like them.
Some people, like me (sadly), do use black cellspacing! :)

But, whatever. I suppose if it bothers people (as it bothered me), they can spend the time to edit it theirself.

Chris M 11-24-2002 05:08 PM


Hopefully everyone will find it good - Btw: You dont have to install it;) - That is just an optional addon...


!!! 11-24-2002 05:11 PM


Originally posted by hellsatan

Hopefully everyone will find it good - Btw: You dont have to install it;) - That is just an optional addon...


Yeah...just giving you a suggestion. You don't have to pursue it, just an optional addon... ;)

Chris M 11-24-2002 06:15 PM


Im not a HTML guru, so if you wanna provide the HTML to an alternative usercp template mod, please do:)


!!! 11-24-2002 06:20 PM


Originally posted by hellsatan

Im not a HTML guru, so if you wanna provide the HTML to an alternative usercp template mod, please do:)


Um I already did. Which is why I'm so annoyed now.

Check page six.

Chris M 11-24-2002 06:38 PM

Ah ok:)


LangTuDaTinh 11-25-2002 12:39 AM

i just found an error, in /admin/user.php you must replace with this code
if ($modifyavatar) {
$action = "avatar";
else if ($modifysignature) {
$action = "signature";
else {
$action = "modify";

Chris M 11-28-2002 06:30 PM

Actually LangTuDaTinh - You can replace it with:

PHP Code:

  if ($modifyavatar) {
$action "avatar";
  } else {
$action "modify";
  if (
$modifysignature) {
$action "signature";
  } else {
$action "modify";

That does work...


LangTuDaTinh 11-28-2002 08:01 PM

i tried that but when i go to admin cp and tried to modify user avatar, it doesn't work. (error seems like $action="avatar" doesn't run) but when i change to the code that i put above, i can modify avatar and signature both .

Chris M 11-28-2002 08:26 PM


It works for everyone else I do believe...:(


PHP Code:

if ($modifyavatar) {
$action "avatar";
  } else {
$action "modify";
  if (
$modifysignature) {
$action "signature";
  } else {
$action "modify";


LangTuDaTinh 11-28-2002 09:37 PM

something is wrong /w height checking...my users was able to update an image /w any height ...the width checking is correct...and yes, i did set max height and width in admin cp options.

LangTuDaTinh 11-28-2002 09:41 PM

tried that i but it doesn't work cause it's missing a close bracket ( } ),

somehow my height checking code doesn't work because my users can upload an image larger than my max height.

which code should i check ?

thanks hellsatan

LangTuDaTinh 11-28-2002 10:04 PM

ok, i tried with setting wide = 400 , height = 60

result : ok /w images' size: 400x50, 400x 70, 400x100, 300x200, 400x399
fail with images' size: 500x70, 401x40, 400x401,

so the result is they use only 1 width setting. for both width and height.

how can i fix this ...

setting width 60 , height 100

fail : 60x200, 61x200, 50x200, 61x101, 100x101
pass: 100x99, 100x20

now if the height setting from admin cp is larger than width

it only check for height and skip width....

what is the problem????

LangTuDaTinh 11-28-2002 10:05 PM

and can u explain more to me about this setting...like what will it do if i put 5 and 5 in the box

Display Height
How many rows of signature images do you wish to display to the user when selecting a signature?

Display Width
How many columns of signature images do you wish to display to the user when selecting a signature?

NTLDR 11-28-2002 10:14 PM

There is an edit button you know ;)

Chris M 11-29-2002 09:04 PM

I dont know why your height variable does not work...

I works for other people:(

And the first code I posted does work...

Perhaps you should try a total re-install?


Jitway 11-30-2002 02:51 PM

Great hack keep up the good work. :cool:

Chris M 11-30-2002 07:26 PM



papoo 12-03-2002 07:59 PM

thanks i test it now

ptenthus 12-03-2002 10:41 PM

Just installed today. Has anyone figured out how to make the image appear if there is no text signature defined?

Also, I think you mentioned before v3 came out that you were going to add the ability to make the image a link. Any progress on that feature?

AWS 12-04-2002 05:43 PM

Oooops. Wrong thread.

Palyntir 12-06-2002 03:50 PM

heres a question maybe someone can help me with

got the hack installed on ym board (2.2.9) and works fine. ive got alot of peeps on the board using flash sigs and what have you. what id like to do is grandafather them in somehow

i can remove the manual signature fields in the edit profiles stuff, so new peeps would have to go through the signature system hack to put in new signatures.

the problem is, when old users want to replace their sigs using the signature hack functions, it doesnt delete the old one, it just displays both signatures. any ideas?

also, has this hack been made to support flash sigs yet?

Chris M 12-06-2002 05:37 PM

@Palyntir - Unfortunately, I dont know how to add a Flash function to the allowed files - I dont know if it is wise either...

You will have to edit the member.php, register.php, and admin/user.php files, and remove the update queries on a Signature field - It isnt advisable - Just delete the signature field from the template, and then run a Query to set all user signatures to blank...

[sql]UPDATE user SET signature='0'[/sql]

That will set all the signatures to blank (not the signature images though)

If you want to do it on a user by user basis, do the following query for the specific user (Remember to replace "X" with the userid)
[sql]UPDATE user SET signature='0' WHERE userid=X[/sql]



ptenthus 12-06-2002 05:52 PM

How about allowing blank text sigs and sig images (now if the text sig is blank the sig image doesn't show).

I thought I was close, but ended up with it working in all but the initial post of the thread.



I appear to have the size check problem as well. What other hacks are you running?

Palyntir 12-06-2002 05:52 PM

thansk, hell...your query worked, but it left a big "0" where ever sig used to be...is there a way to just remove that?

nm, i got it

/me slaps forehead

great hack, thanks.

Palyntir 12-06-2002 06:10 PM

nevermind, i havent fixed it

i can set the sig field to " " or blank in the query, but then it wont show a sig when i put in a new one. if i set it to "0", it will show the sig, but it will also show the "0" above it...


ptenthus 12-06-2002 06:14 PM

That's the problem I've been posting about. If the text sig is blank, the sig image doesn't show.

There's got to be some conditional where it checks for the sig being blank that we can add a check for sig image (I thought I found it in the functions.php, but it doesn't seem to work 100%)

Chris M 12-06-2002 06:29 PM

You can just do the following:

Edit the "postbit_signature" template:

Edit the "postbit" template:

where you want it to show



Crazy Pete 12-06-2002 06:51 PM


Originally posted by ptenthus
That's the problem I've been posting about. If the text sig is blank, the sig image doesn't show.

There's got to be some conditional where it checks for the sig being blank that we can add a check for sig image (I thought I found it in the functions.php, but it doesn't seem to work 100%)

Same problem here, I hadn't even thought of checking that until I read through this thread. Sure enough, even though the sig image shows up in my CP, if my regular sig text is empty, the image doesn't show in the posts. Only a blank spot where it's supposed to be. I don't seem to have the size/height problem, but haven't tried that yet either.

Palyntir 12-06-2002 06:54 PM

the alterations work, hellsatan, but i gues its a less than elegant solution. it'll work until something better comes along. thanks alot!

one more thing, what about people who just want text sigs? i mean quotes or words instead of images?

the biggest problem with this hack seems to be that its just a flat out war to get it reconciled with the existing sig functions in vbb...

if i wipe every existing sig and remove the existing sig functions, i get that blasted ")" in my sig fields on the boards...

if i move that to code to postbit, i have to manually insert the white barrier above the sig code into the html...

if i then go back and try to put in an old sig via the admin panel, the old functions insert a new white barrier above that sig, while the one i had to manually insert into the postbit template appears below...

plus, putting sigs in manually using the admin cp, they dont show up in the sig panel in the usercp, just the dead link. its just gonna confuse the hell out of people.

and, now, with the postbit hack, sigs put in the admin cp only appear in some posts....i gotta guy with four posts on one thread, the sig shows in some posts, like first, third and fourth, but not second...no idea whats causing that...

this is a great hack and it would really be usedful if it was possible to work it into the existing site functionality, or have them interact somehow.

or, this would fix everything, if you could have one or the other work by default or by user, that way, you could use the admin panel to handle text sigs and flash or anything, and have the usercp hack for new members...or whatever...a function to disable basic sig functionality on the board without disabling the hack and vice versa...

is this possible?

as it is, its just a monster headache getting it to work properly. still havent been able to do it.

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