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-   -   Will you upgrade to VB3.0 when it's released? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=45042)

sabret00the 01-26-2003 07:09 PM

not bad freddie, not bad, actually really wanna get a chance to skin it now ^_^

Ayatollah 04-11-2003 09:21 PM

Wow 40 Steps to Upgrade From vB 2 to vB3!

Brian Briscoe 04-11-2003 09:25 PM

Ill upgrade as soon as I see the announcement. :)

Sebastian 04-11-2003 10:17 PM


Today at 06:19 PM Brian Briscoe said this in Post #83
Ill upgrade as soon as I see the announcement. :)

we all would be dead my then :p

i had my hopes up for too long, what a year and a half already? personally to this point i no longer care if vb3 ever comes out. i will stay with 2.3.0,.

The devs aren't stuipid, the longer they wait the more people will keep renewing ... but i am not gonna be fooled another renewal :mad:

Erwin 04-11-2003 10:20 PM


Today at 10:11 AM Sebastian said this in Post #84

The devs aren't stuipid, the longer they wait the more people will keep renewing ...

Actually, I have to respectfully disagree. The devs know that the longer they wait, the more customers get disgruntled, and leave. They are waiting because they are sorting out bugs and do not want to release buggy software (unlike Microsoft, who will release anything to please people ;) ).

Sebastian 04-11-2003 10:22 PM


Today at 07:14 PM Erwin said this in Post #85
(unlike Microsoft, who will release anything to please people ;) ). [/B]
.. but at least MS could make an OS which runs on millions of computers in a faster time then it takes to put code into a file :p

MS have made two operating systems, in that time and vb3 still not out :confused:

majin gotenks 04-12-2003 02:19 AM

Yes i will for sure.

Gary King 04-12-2003 01:02 PM

For me, it's too early to tell. Most likely, I'll upgrade 3 months or so after the initial release; one reason is to give time for the hacks to be made compatible with vB 3.0 (by their respective authors)

Stu 04-12-2003 03:19 PM

Cant answer until it's been on my test site for a while.

Stupid question here, but I like stupid questions

are we talking weeks, months or years for the elusive vB3 ??

another question!
did the developers make announcements about vB3 release, or have they been quiet and it's just us lot jumping the gun and hoping to get it released as quick as possible ? :cool:

nuno 04-12-2003 09:54 PM


Today at 12:13 PM Stu said this in Post #89
Cant answer until it's been on my test site for a while.

Stupid question here, but I like stupid questions

are we talking weeks, months or years for the elusive vB3 ??

another question!
did the developers make announcements about vB3 release, or have they been quiet and it's just us lot jumping the gun and hoping to get it released as quick as possible ? :cool:

hmm :rolleyes:

Just a shot in the dark here, but I'm not expecting vB3.0 before late June 2003 or probably even later, something around mid July 2003. And that's only the Beta Release.
Maybe by the end of the year of 2003 we'll see vB3.x hitting stable/final status.
Just wait and see what happens.....

majin gotenks 04-13-2003 01:19 AM

i hope its out earlier than that (public beta) but it probably wont :(
im waiting for vb3 to design my board so i dont have to redesign it a few months later.

Xelation 04-13-2003 05:50 AM

nope, Im going to keep version2 because it has so many hacks that I use... I will ofcourse upgrade when I see the hacks I need come into production for vb3... I will just run a test board most likley to get used to the template system and see how things work

Mickie D 04-15-2003 01:25 PM


04-13-03 at 07:44 AM Xelation said this in Post #92
nope, Im going to keep version2 because it has so many hacks that I use... I will ofcourse upgrade when I see the hacks I need come into production for vb3... I will just run a test board most likley to get used to the template system and see how things work
i agree i will stick with 2.2.9 untill most of the hacks that are for 2.2.X find there way to 2.3.X :)

just my opinion and i do think there are some gr8 features to 2.3.0 but it dont hurt to wait and my site is running fine with vb2 :)

drumsy 04-15-2003 09:45 PM

Don't think so! :)

Broekie 04-16-2003 07:00 AM


Yesterday at 04:25 PM Mickie D said this in Post #93
i agree i will stick with 2.2.9 untill most of the hacks that are for 2.2.X find there way to 2.3.X :)

just my opinion and i do think there are some gr8 features to 2.3.0 but it dont hurt to wait and my site is running fine with vb2 :)

We're not talking about 2.2.* vs 2.3.*, we're talking about 2.* vs 3.*

cnczone 06-08-2003 02:15 AM

So when if ever will VB3.0 be released???

rake 06-08-2003 05:38 AM

I'll probably take a few days to accommodate to it once it's released and then start converting my current board to it. I've got a ton of home-made hacks i will need to adapt to vb3, but i think it will be a fun proccess. And then again, i will probably have one of the most hacked vbulletin3s!

msimplay 06-08-2003 08:34 AM

hmm i want to upgrade but i wont be able to until a few hacks for vb3 are done
for my site the top ten threads, arcade hack and journal are vital

S.Shady 06-08-2003 11:02 AM

I will on my local host test board to see how it is. But i wont upgrade my online board untill me and the and the other admin agree on it and untill i get used to the way its changed from 2.x

gmarik 06-08-2003 01:39 PM


10-27-02 at 06:16 AM filburt1 said this in Post #2
After all with conditional templates and vB3's massive feature list most hacks for vB2 will be pointless in vB3.
You really think so? What else do you know about V3?

Tony G 06-09-2003 10:37 AM


Yesterday at 07:34 PM msimplay said this in Post #98
hmm i want to upgrade but i wont be able to until a few hacks for vb3 are done
for my site the top ten threads, arcade hack and journal are vital

I'm sure the hacks will flow in quickly after vB3's release. :)

gmarik 06-09-2003 12:28 PM

Lord, you really think they'le have a journal?
They doen't even have an embeded chat ...

Jethro 06-10-2003 02:30 AM

Not sure at this stage :dunno:

Will definitely download and have a play with it :) We have a number of hacks on our board, and l want be the person converting them so probably not my decision anyway.

Anyone know if the quick reply box at vBulletin.com for vers 3 is in the actual final release candidate (or whatever they call it). Not too sure about that one, and prefer the hack some one made for quick replies.

Looks nice and feature rich though, a speed increase is gotta be an advantage :)

A site with a whole category dedicated to Hedgehogs :lol: Gotta love that, and nope not being cynical about it. Just goes to show every subject is covered by some one. Have passed the url onto some folks in k1w1 land that are into them :)

Shuriken-UK 06-11-2003 12:43 AM

Yep and i want to do the first GFX modification on it lol

SatMan2028 08-30-2003 04:28 PM

I downloaded the beta 5 and think it's great. I don't use hacks but I do use one add on and that's the login on a non-vb page. The people here and at vbulletin.com have always been great with helping out. I commend you on your service...

Now what I don't understand is the position you are taking on not releasing hacks and add on's for vb3. Hacking a beta version is truely a bad idea. That I'll go with. On the other hand, add on's such as a non-vb page login, really has nothing to do with code modifications. Vbulletin.com even confirmed that no additional changes will be made to the login code of vb3. The whole point of releasing a beta version is to test it out and report bugs and such or was is just to stop us from asking about it? VB3 is great and I'll be the first to admit it. I'd even like to move it from my test board to my public board and actually see how it does. But without some sort of global permissions for my non vb pages I just can't do it. If I took down all of my non vb pages and had just the vb3 forums the members would find somewhere else to go.

In short, if they are gonna release a beta, then lets test it. If they are gonna release a demo, which is all I really have now, then lets call it that and be done with it.

SmEdD 08-30-2003 04:36 PM

Hacking late beta useally arn't to bad. Beta 5 and 6 are bug fixing and the new WYSWYG Editor.

NTLDR 08-30-2003 05:12 PM

I agree, as long as people who have hacked there vB don't start reporting "bugs" due to them hacking it. I've hacked my Beta 5 loads ;)

SatMan2028 08-30-2003 07:00 PM


Today at 07:12 PM NTLDR said this in Post #107
I agree, as long as people who have hacked there vB don't start reporting "bugs" due to them hacking it. I've hacked my Beta 5 loads ;)
Exactly! Releasing a few minor hacks that would allow people to actually use VB3 wouldn't hurt anything. Nobody runs just a bulletin board anymore. If they would include a front end in vbulletin we wouldn't even be having this discussion. To have that god awful forums homepage as your websites home page is almost embarrassing.

Azhrialilu 08-30-2003 07:34 PM

Well.. I'm playing with the latest beta version on my pc at the moment lol but I don't think I'll upgrade to it straight away when it does finally come out.. will probably give it a month or so first ... in the hopes of seeing some V3 hacks from you guys ;)

MaDCaT75 08-30-2003 10:24 PM

No, because I dont feel like re-insalling the store, waiting for the arcade to come out, etc etc. Unless there will be a 10 minute way to install the store for vb3 and all those other complex hacks I spent hours and hours on, I will not be upgrading.

MaDCaT75 08-30-2003 10:26 PM


06-08-03 at 04:15 AM cnczone said this in Post #96
So when if ever will VB3.0 be released???


insanctus 08-30-2003 10:45 PM

I love 3, Although I miss the hacks, I have ported some over, and also did some add ons.

Vb3 just has so much more options and better coding. The store I have done (just not implimented yet due to nature of my board)

Arcade would be very simple since it is mainly just an add on not a hack.

SmEdD 08-30-2003 11:15 PM


Today at 07:24 PM MaDCaT75 said this in Post #110
No, because I dont feel like re-insalling the store, waiting for the arcade to come out, etc etc. Unless there will be a 10 minute way to install the store for vb3 and all those other complex hacks I spent hours and hours on, I will not be upgrading.
Meh, your loss.

vB3 over vB2 = PIV 3300MHZ With Hyper Threading Over PIII 1000MHZ.

N9ne 08-30-2003 11:42 PM

wow, major thread bumpage here people. Well, as soon as beta3 came out I upgraded, then to beta4 and now 5...hehe

Xenon 08-31-2003 11:58 AM

well for vb3 i hope the hack coding standart will be better.
i've started to port over hacks for vb.org already and must say, if you work on yourself a bit, most of the hacks become more easy to install, so to answer madcats post, 10 minutes for store hack is maybe to less, but if it would be ported over in a nice way i think it won't take that long as it took for vb2

N9ne 08-31-2003 12:31 PM


Today at 01:58 PM Xenon said this in Post #115
well for vb3 i hope the hack coding standart will be better.
i've started to port over hacks for vb.org already and must say, if you work on yourself a bit, most of the hacks become more easy to install, so to answer madcats post, 10 minutes for store hack is maybe to less, but if it would be ported over in a nice way i think it won't take that long as it took for vb2

Yeah I have to agree that vB3 is *much* easier to hack, I really like usergroup.php, user.php, forum.php in the ACP.

SmEdD 08-31-2003 04:16 PM

I like the admin layout, how all the tables are done by functions :)

NTLDR 08-31-2003 04:21 PM


how all the tables are done by functions :) [/B]
Just like vB2 you mean ;) :p

SmEdD 08-31-2003 06:46 PM

o_O Did not know that, Wasn't really into vB2 admin at all.

higabyte 08-31-2003 07:09 PM

im gonna, already running it as my main software...

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