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-   -   Irc post Notifier -With eggdrop (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=39974)

Hazzo 03-22-2004 10:42 PM

Cant wait till the final version for vb gold is released..

dong 03-31-2004 05:32 PM

new version 2.9, attachment updated

CarolinaKid 03-31-2004 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by dong
Irc thread Notifier -With eggdrop [VB 2.2.x > 2.3.x]
################################################## ###################
for installation on VB 3.x.x
the only things that are different are the placement of the code-adds
to /newthread.php and admin/index.php. the code-add of /newthread.php
itself stays the same. admin/ircaddon.php, /irc.php and the required
sql query also stays the same.
since i dont have vb3 i cant check. if anyone tell me where the
code should be in vb3, i will add it to this install text

this is an modification of dymo's Irc post Notifier without eggdrop,
dymo should get all credit, cos i didn't do that much modifications
to his hack. Also IRiDiuM deserves some credit for his tcl, thx dude :)
removed reply announcement from irc.php and ircadmin.php ,irc.php has
simplyfied code, added chan choice to the admin
code adjustment to newthread.php rewritten. added multiple channel support
removed the ircaddon_install.php, everything is in this txt

################################################## ###################
What it does:
When a new thread is posted by a user on your board a message will
be send to your eggdrop irc bot, and the bot echo's it to your
irc channel

u can get eggdrop here: http://www.egghelp.org/
or windrop here: http://windrop.sourceforge.net/

other ircbots that can run tcl scripts could also be usefull

################################################## ###################
then you only have to overwrite/copy irc.php, ircadmin.php and
vbulletin.tcl to the right places. NO updates to newthread.php
newreply.php and admin/index.php are required

then you have to overwrite/copy irc.php, ircadmin.php and
vbulletin.tcl to the right places. the old adjustment in
newthread.php must be replaced with the new one

################################################## ###################
place the files from the zip in:
ircadmin.php -> vb admin dir
irc.php -> vb root dir
vbulletin.tcl -> eggdrop script dir

################################################## ###################
config your eggdrop:
edit in vbulletin.tcl
if you want to use another portnumber then 1337, than edit that number

edit your eggdrop config file (eggdrop.conf):
add at the end:
source scripts/vbulletin.tcl

################################################## ###################
run required sql queries:
add a new table with phpmyadmin > run the queries in install.sql

################################################## ###################
php adjustments:
open /newthread.php
and find:

// redirect
if ($postpoll) {
$goto="poll.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid&polloptions=".intval($pollopti ons);
} elseif ($visible) {
} else {

under that add:

// irc addon
$ircdata = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM ircaddon");
if($ircdata[ircthread] == "1") {
$Action = "new";
$fid = $ircdata[ircchan1forum];
$ircforum = preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/", " ", $fid);
$ircforum = " ".$ircforum." ";
$forumtoirc = "/ ".$forumid." /";
if (preg_match($forumtoirc ,$ircforum)) {
$fid = $ircdata[ircchan2forum];
$ircforum = preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/", " ", $fid);
$ircforum = " ".$ircforum." ";
$forumtoirc = "/ ".$forumid." /";
if (preg_match($forumtoirc ,$ircforum)) {
$fid = $ircdata[ircchan3forum];
$ircforum = preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/", " ", $fid);
$ircforum = " ".$ircforum." ";
$forumtoirc = "/ ".$forumid." /";
if (preg_match($forumtoirc ,$ircforum)) {

open admin/index.php
and find:

makenavselect("User Groups","<hr>");

under that add:

makenavoption("Modify/Enable/Disable IRC","ircadmin.php?action=settings");

hacks done

################################################## ###################
configure the ircaddon:
go to the admin control panel and find "Modify/Enable/Disable IRC"
on the left.
configure all options
- IRC Forum ID`s
put all your forum id's that you want to have notified in irc here,
use only 1 space to seperate forumid numbers

- IRC Server Address
here you put the ip/hostname of your eggdrop bot

- IRC Server Port
here you put the port number which is set in the vbulletin.tcl script.
This is the port# the bot listens to for notifier messages. in this
case its 1337

################################################## ###################
now your done

################################################## ###################
the following problems could occure:

Connection Refused
this error occures on 2 known occasions:

1# u have to make sure ur provider allows u to open a port
(in this case 1337, u could try another port, but don't forget to also
change it in the vbulletin.tcl)

2# make sure ur eggdrop has opened a port (1337) to listen for messages.

Connection Timeout
this error occures when your bot is offline, or the host of your vb board
cant reach the bots ip
slow displaying of the thread announcement is caused by the bot
requesting ident information from the vb boards host. currently i haven't
found any solution for this problem. adjusting the ident timeout setting
on the bot doesnt help, but ive noticed that an eggdrop is faster then a windrop.
if someone has more insight to this plz tell us
make sure a firewall is not blocking any communication
lasttime i helped someone install, it didnt work cos the idiot didnt
turned the firewall off on the bot box. after telling him for the 5th
time 'turn the fecking firewall off' it worked
so make sure nothing is blocking its communication, at the isp where your
vb is running or at the box where the bot is running

Hmmm no attachment given

dong 03-31-2004 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by CarolinaKid
Hmmm no attachment given

should be there now, for some reason i couldnt upload a file with the same size :\

nitro 04-02-2004 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by dong
Irc thread Notifier -With eggdrop [VB 2.2.x > 2.3.x]
################################################## ###################
for installation on VB 3.x.x
the only things that are different are the placement of the code-adds
to /newthread.php and admin/index.php. the code-add of /newthread.php
itself stays the same. admin/ircaddon.php, /irc.php and the required
sql query also stays the same.
since i dont have vb3 i cant check. if anyone tell me where the
code should be in vb3, i will add it to this install text

Looks to me like the whole thing needs a re-write for vb3 gold +
admin coding is completely different to start

At a guess id say in new thread.php your looking for is:
PHP Code:

        // ### NOT PREVIEW - ACTUAL POST ###
if ($newpost['postpoll'])
$url "poll.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$newpost[threadid]&polloptions=$newpost[polloptions]";
        else if (
$url "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$newpost[postid]#post$newpost[postid]";
$_REQUEST['forceredirect'] = 1;
$url "forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$foruminfo[forumid]";

and in admincp/index.php find:
PHP Code:

    if (can_administer('canadminstyles')) 

and above it add:
PHP Code:

    construct_nav_option("Modify/Enable/Disable IRC"'ircadmin.php?do=settings''<br />');
construct_nav_group("IRC"'<hr />'); 

However this will not get it working as admin functions are called in a completely different manner now so ircadmin.php is useless without a full re-write and iv yet to digest wether irc.php and the code to add in newthread.php also needs re-write

Im really not that advance in coding tho iv np adding hacks
Id be interested to see what dutchman has got so far and maybe I could help out with the tcl

CarolinaKid 04-02-2004 05:19 PM

I have this working on my forums.
in /newthread.php find:
if ($newpost['postpoll'])
$url = "poll.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$newpost[threadid]&polloptions=$newpost[polloptions]";
else if ($newpost['visible'])
$url = "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$newpost[postid]#post$newpost[postid]";
$_REQUEST['forceredirect'] = 1;
$url = "forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$foruminfo[forumid]";

BELOW it add
PHP Code:

// irc addon
$ircdata $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM ircaddon");
$ircdata[ircthread] == "1") {
$Action "new";
$fid $ircdata[ircchan1forum];
$ircforum preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/"" "$fid);
$ircforum " ".$ircforum." ";
$forumtoirc "/ ".$forumid." /";
                        if (
preg_match($forumtoirc ,$ircforum)) {
$fid $ircdata[ircchan2forum];
$ircforum preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/"" "$fid);
$ircforum " ".$ircforum." ";
$forumtoirc "/ ".$forumid." /";
                        if (
preg_match($forumtoirc ,$ircforum)) {
$fid $ircdata[ircchan3forum];
$ircforum preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/"" "$fid);
$ircforum " ".$ircforum." ";
$forumtoirc "/ ".$forumid." /";
                        if (
preg_match($forumtoirc ,$ircforum)) {

Run the install.sql as normal.
In the irc.php find:
and replace it with
PHP Code:


then find:
and replace it with
PHP Code:


and last find:
and replace it with
PHP Code:


as for the admin pannel the ircadmin.php is going to have to be rewote.
But don't let this stop you...just change the vaules in database tot he ip,channel,port and forum id's and run it. then when the ircadmin.php is rewrote its just a admincp/index.php edit and a file upload and your done.

nitro 04-02-2004 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by CarolinaKid
I have this working on my forums.
in /newthread.php find:
if ($newpost['postpoll'])
$url = "poll.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$newpost[threadid]&polloptions=$newpost[polloptions]";
else if ($newpost['visible'])
$url = "showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$newpost[postid]#post$newpost[postid]";
$_REQUEST['forceredirect'] = 1;
$url = "forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$foruminfo[forumid]";

BELOW it add
PHP Code:

// irc addon
$ircdata $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM ircaddon");
$ircdata[ircthread] == "1") {
$Action "new";
$fid $ircdata[ircchan1forum];
$ircforum preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/"" "$fid);
$ircforum " ".$ircforum." ";
$forumtoirc "/ ".$forumid." /";
                        if (
preg_match($forumtoirc ,$ircforum)) {
$fid $ircdata[ircchan2forum];
$ircforum preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/"" "$fid);
$ircforum " ".$ircforum." ";
$forumtoirc "/ ".$forumid." /";
                        if (
preg_match($forumtoirc ,$ircforum)) {
$fid $ircdata[ircchan3forum];
$ircforum preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/"" "$fid);
$ircforum " ".$ircforum." ";
$forumtoirc "/ ".$forumid." /";
                        if (
preg_match($forumtoirc ,$ircforum)) {

Run the install.sql as normal.
In the irc.php find:
and replace it with
PHP Code:


then find:
and replace it with
PHP Code:


and last find:
and replace it with
PHP Code:


as for the admin pannel the ircadmin.php is going to have to be rewote.
But don't let this stop you...just change the vaules in database tot he ip,channel,port and forum id's and run it. then when the ircadmin.php is rewrote its just a admincp/index.php edit and a file upload and your done.

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '[', expecting ',' or ';' in irc.php line 10

this is line 10 after changing 2 of each of the instances you suggested :(

global $threadid, $bbuserinfo['username'], $_POST['subject'], $forumid;

CarolinaKid 04-02-2004 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by nitro
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '[', expecting ',' or ';' in irc.php line 10

this is line 10 after changing 2 of each of the instances you suggested :(

global $threadid, $bbuserinfo['username'], $_POST['subject'], $forumid;

Sorry should have made directions clear
the irc.php should look like this
PHP Code:

function postonirc ($posttext) {
    global $goto, $DB_site, $Action, $homeurl, $ircdata, $ircchan;

    $fp = fsockopen ($ircdata[ircserver], $ircdata[ircport], $errno, $errstr, 30);

    if (!$fp) { echo "$errstr ($errno)<br>\n"; }
        global $threadid, $postusername, $subject, $forumid;

        if($ircdata[ircchannel1] != FALSE){

        $info .= fgets ($fp,1280);
        fclose ($fp);

$forumname = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT title FROM forum WHERE forumid=".$forumid);

    $putstring  = "?".$ircchan;
    $putstring .= "?\002\00309[\00304,01Board\00309,01]\002\00304 New thread in: \002\00309".$forumname[title]."\002\00304 Poster: \002\00309".$bbuserinfo['username']." \002\00304 Subject: \002\00309".$_POST['subject']."\002";
    $putstring .= "?\002\00309[\00304,01Board\00309,01]\002\00304 Link: \00309 http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/".$url."\002";
    $putstring .= "\n";

lasto 04-02-2004 07:15 PM

can someone put together a file that contains everything to get this running on gold

would be appreciated :)

CarolinaKid 04-02-2004 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by lasto
can someone put together a file that contains everything to get this running on gold

would be appreciated :)

lasto would love to but one its not my hack and for 2 only way i have it working on gold does not have a admin option ..due to fact the whole admin section has to be rewrote. so you have to change its via mysql rather than in admincp. and alot of peeps not like changing vaules direct there. but if you follow the last few post i have posted it will get ya up and running

lasto 04-02-2004 07:57 PM

i dont mind changing stuff though mysql if someone tells me what i have to run :)

CarolinaKid 04-02-2004 08:22 PM

Here is the edits for dong's notify for vb 3 gold that i have found to work this is not a offical release dong will release it when he gets his done this is just for those of you that are trying to install dong's great hack on vb3. Altho i am not php coder so i could not rewrite the ircadmin.php as it needs to be rewrote i have supplied the file changes for everything else hopefully dong can get the ircadmin.php rewrote for vb3 soon.
Dong if i am outta bounds here i am sorry and please have thread removed.

lasto 04-02-2004 08:30 PM

nice one much appreciated - i follow what u saying but with no admin cp how do u select which forums it will do posts from or does it just show all from the board ?

CarolinaKid 04-02-2004 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by lasto
nice one much appreciated - i follow what u saying but with no admin cp how do u select which forums it will do posts from or does it just show all from the board ?

you have to mannually edit the database via phpmyadmin
open phpmyadmin go to the forum database go to ircaddon
go to browse then edit you will see like #chan1 bot-ip and such just replace the info and save

nitro 04-02-2004 09:51 PM

hmmm summat wierd im getting no output, I can see it connect ok but getting no output

iv tried forcing in the tcl
set chan #mychan

in mysql ircaddon iv

ircenable 1
ircthread 1
ircreply 0
ircchan1forum 0 (for simplicity till i see it do what v1 used to do when i used it ages ago)
ircchannel1 #mychan and blank when i try to force chan in tcl not that that shud make difference
ircserver theipofbot
ircport thebotport

all other fields iv left blank, really cant see what is wrong :(
I would be questioning the global line i had trouble with earlier but if its working ok for others then it cant be that, strange.

what I really want to do with this is to get it working so I can digest the code and maybe port an addon probly with the need for plenty help from others in this thread if interested to announce new champs from the v3Arcade addon.

CarolinaKid 04-03-2004 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by nitro
hmmm summat wierd im getting no output, I can see it connect ok but getting no output

iv tried forcing in the tcl
set chan #mychan

in mysql ircaddon iv

ircenable 1
ircthread 1
ircreply 0
ircchan1forum 0 (for simplicity till i see it do what v1 used to do when i used it ages ago)
ircchannel1 #mychan and blank when i try to force chan in tcl not that that shud make difference
ircserver theipofbot
ircport thebotport

all other fields iv left blank, really cant see what is wrong :(
I would be questioning the global line i had trouble with earlier but if its working ok for others then it cant be that, strange.

what I really want to do with this is to get it working so I can digest the code and maybe port an addon probly with the need for plenty help from others in this thread if interested to announce new champs from the v3Arcade addon.

well its actually pretty simple 0 is not an option in this one for forum id you must put the forum id's in I also could not get it to work using 0 but does if you type them all in.

nitro 04-03-2004 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by CarolinaKid
well its actually pretty simple 0 is not an option in this one for forum id you must put the forum id's in I also could not get it to work using 0 but does if you type them all in.

well I started with 1 specific forum id and it was connecting to the bot I coud see it in console but no announce so i tried the 0 which also connected to the bot and no announce
[high]* nitro shrugs[/high]

lasto 04-03-2004 09:49 AM

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare postonirc() (previously declared in

anyone get that ? or have i overlooked something ?

all i did was upload the files and then edit new thread

i aint edited irc.php etc

also i edited the sql queries from phpymyadmin etc so it posts which it does but i get that error on the board as well

CarolinaKid 04-03-2004 09:54 AM

nitro sounds like either you did not add the tcl script to bot config or you did not change #chan1 to #urchannelname

and lasto i dunno what your prob is buddy. not seen that error before

lasto 04-03-2004 10:03 AM

ok got it to post in mirc but here is the output

why is the poster missing and the thread name ?

(12:00:14) (%Bot) {New thread in Test Section.| Poster: . Subject: . Link: http://localhost/test/}

Also in phpmyadmin can we only select 3 channels from which this is to take posts to mirc as if i do it liek this 35.36.37 etc it dont work

CarolinaKid 04-03-2004 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by lasto
ok got it to post in mirc but here is the output

why is the poster missing and the thread name ?

(12:00:14) (%Bot) {New thread in Test Section.| Poster: . Subject: . Link: http://localhost/test/}

Also in phpmyadmin can we only select 3 channels from which this is to take posts to mirc as if i do it liek this 35.36.37 etc it dont work

did u use the irc.php i put in the zip file
it had to be edited some from the one dong posted
and also i not follow ur phpadmin ? cause channels have 3 slots and the are #chan1 #chan2 #chan3 and you shoud just put in #urchannel name can have up to 3 channels but one per box and the 35.36.37 sounds like forum id's and if thats the casue they are 35 36 37 note only one space between

lasto 04-03-2004 10:11 AM

ok it works cheers CarolinaKid

now for one more question (also it is easy to do this hack even in phpmyadmin :))

i see 3 boxes where i enter the forumids - is this all we allowed as i have more forums i want to be included

CarolinaKid 04-03-2004 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by lasto
ok it works cheers CarolinaKid

now for one more question (also it is easy to do this hack even in phpmyadmin :))

i see 3 boxes where i enter the forumids - is this all we allowed as i have more forums i want to be included

i have 100 forum id's listed in the box just make sure to do forum id space forum id..
Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

lasto 04-03-2004 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by CarolinaKid
i have 100 forum id's listed in the box just make sure to do forum id space forum id..
Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

nice one works perfect - just gotta change them colors for irc then ill be happy :)

infact im happy now cause it works on vb3 :)

appreciate all your help on this one :)

CarolinaKid 04-03-2004 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by lasto
nice one works perfect - just gotta change them colors for irc then ill be happy :)

infact im happy now cause it works on vb3 :)

appreciate all your help on this one :)

lol yeah i added colors on black backgroud looks good bit prob not on white....just look for the /003xx and replace xx with the mirc color code u want to have

nitro 04-05-2004 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by CarolinaKid
nitro sounds like either you did not add the tcl script to bot config or you did not change #chan1 to #urchannelname

and lasto i dunno what your prob is buddy. not seen that error before

definatly got the chaninfo right and the tcl is loaded

bot console:
?6:23PM? [10:23] Loaded chanlimit.tcl v1.5 by slennox (active on all channels)
?6:23PM? [10:23] vbulletin.tcl loaded

yes i just simply added a putlog "vbulletin.tcl loaded" so it shows up in rehash and logs. Note dont put this in a proc, it would usually go at the end of the .tcl

heres what i get in bot console on new thread posting in the 1 forum specified in ircchanforum1:
?6:25PM? [10:24] Telnet connection: xxxx.xxxxxhost.net/47738
?6:25PM? [10:24] Timeout/EOF ident connection

the above is from live testing as opposed to the other tests i made on my own box. Still not getting any announce tho :(

so its connecting ok

i have 1 possible idea what are these new mysql fields for in ver 2 of this addon ?

ircbnick ircbpass irc_user irc_host irc_serv irc_realname

is anything needed in any of these fields for identing, i dont remember these fields in ircadmin of the old ver i used some time ago probably pre v1.

PS thanx for your guidance so far I just hope as others got it going I can too

CarolinaKid 04-07-2004 03:20 AM

hmm i know this is a dumb question but have ya got bot in channel and as you said it looks to connecting.. almost seems like a problem with the bot itself. All i can say at this point is double check everything and maybe even try adding a 2nd channel to see if it will work in 2nd channel. let me know what you figure out.

Hazzo 04-08-2004 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by nitro
heres what i get in bot console on new thread posting in the 1 forum specified in ircchanforum1:
?6:25PM? [10:24] Telnet connection: xxxx.xxxxxhost.net/47738
?6:25PM? [10:24] Timeout/EOF ident connection

the above is from live testing as opposed to the other tests i made on my own box. Still not getting any announce tho :(

so its connecting ok

Do you have the bot setup to allow the xxx.xxxhost.net to telnet into it?

nitro 04-10-2004 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Hazzo
Do you have the bot setup to allow the xxx.xxxhost.net to telnet into it?

dont remember having to do that before but it was a long time ago. what would i do there like add the host to my user name.

well iv just tried thaT and its the same .+host nitro *!*@xxx.xxxhost.net

Ravenheart 04-17-2004 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by nitro
definatly got the chaninfo right and the tcl is loaded

bot console:
?6:23PM? [10:23] Loaded chanlimit.tcl v1.5 by slennox (active on all channels)
?6:23PM? [10:23] vbulletin.tcl loaded

yes i just simply added a putlog "vbulletin.tcl loaded" so it shows up in rehash and logs. Note dont put this in a proc, it would usually go at the end of the .tcl

heres what i get in bot console on new thread posting in the 1 forum specified in ircchanforum1:
?6:25PM? [10:24] Telnet connection: xxxx.xxxxxhost.net/47738
?6:25PM? [10:24] Timeout/EOF ident connection

the above is from live testing as opposed to the other tests i made on my own box. Still not getting any announce tho :(

so its connecting ok

i have 1 possible idea what are these new mysql fields for in ver 2 of this addon ?

ircbnick ircbpass irc_user irc_host irc_serv irc_realname

is anything needed in any of these fields for identing, i dont remember these fields in ircadmin of the old ver i used some time ago probably pre v1.

PS thanx for your guidance so far I just hope as others got it going I can too

I get the same prob :|

Shaved 04-22-2004 10:08 AM

Fully Working for vb3
eggdrop and windrop

Hazzo 04-22-2004 10:26 AM

Yes, yes, the Shaved version you mention is fully working!! Great work again and thanx for figuring out the error/issue with the windrop!!!

Kairo 08-31-2004 10:57 AM

He i'm trying to annouce on 2 or 3 lines but it still doesn't work i also tried the code what is used here

but it's still annouces on one Line in IRC, and in the beginning and the end it has an { and } how do i delete those ?

TheShell 11-28-2004 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Shaved
Fully Working for vb3
eggdrop and windrop

Hi all,

does anybody have this Hack for me? The Hack was deleted on vbhacks.us and i need this Hack ;o)

Thanks a lot


Rock 12-05-2004 03:12 PM

i get any error

[17:05] Tcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf':
[17:05] invalid command name "source/vbulletin.tcl"
while executing
(file "eggdrop.conf" line 1344)

Shaved 01-17-2005 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Rock
i get any error

[17:05] Tcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf':
[17:05] invalid command name "source/vbulletin.tcl"
while executing
(file "eggdrop.conf" line 1344)

You need to put the file <b>vbulletin.tcl</b> in scripts dir of your eggdrop
the config line should read

source scripts/vbulletin.tcl not source/vbulletin.tcl

Vizionz 02-05-2005 09:39 AM

ircserver = Bot Host
ircport = Port the Irc channel ?

are them two correct after that what are all these others for


Vizionz 02-08-2005 09:47 PM

anyone ?

bandare 11-08-2007 01:24 AM

would be great to see this for the latest vb.... any thoughts?

Scared56 06-18-2008 11:37 PM

I'm trying to follow the install guide but since it's not fully updated for 3.x.x, can someone help me with it? How do I find the new admin/index.php and such?

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Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
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  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • postbit
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
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  • fetch_threadinfo
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  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
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  • pagenav_page
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  • bbcode_fetch_tags
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  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete