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It is checked, but is not working for me...
Thanks Bira, I'm gonna add the admin bit to the hack, great work, I'll let ya know if someone goes wrong, if not, then I'll be very silently and very happy :)
Thanks a lot for a great hack! ^_^ |
an exelent hack, bira wonderfull work :)
[QUOTE]mADmAX & Nemesis77: Go to the Admin Control Panel -> Options -> Forum Home Page Options, and select 'yes' for 'Display logged in users on home page'
Maybe someone else will be able to tell you what should be checked. I don't use this option at all in postbit on my BB, so I don't know how to help you, sorry :o
Hiya - great hack! It's only my second one, but it worked like a charm :)
Could someone please help me with a very stupid question - how do I add members' away status to what's displayed under the avatar? :) |
"Excellent..."... Mongomery Burns
Bira: how can I get a complet list of the members who has marked as away??? like the staff list or in the memberlist with an extra link in the navbar.
Can you explane me how can i do that! THX for this great hack. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by TheComputerGuy
I get this Database error in vBulletin 2.2.0: Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET birthday='0',signature='',customtitle='0',usertitl e='Administrator',email='chrisdildy@hotmail.com',p arentemail='',coppauser='0',homepage='',icq='',aim ='',yahoo='',usergroupid='6' WHERE userid='1', ,away='1',awaydate='1008201008',returndate='01-12-13',awayreason='Testing this old thing out :)' WHERE userid='1' mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' ,away='1',awaydate='1008201008',returndate='01-12-13',awayreason='Testing this ' at line 1 mysql error number: 1064 Date: Wednesday 12th of December 2001 06:50:08 PM Script: http://www.webmafiaforums.com/***/***/member.php Referer: http://www.webmafiaforums.com/****/m...on=editprofile when I mark myself away in the admin cp it works great..but the usercp.com or it is the memeber.php that I get this error when I hit submit... |
No lesane. It won't work.
He placed the Away SQL part AFTER the 'WHERE'. It will never work. The instructions were to find a line like (cut for shortness): $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET birthday='".addslashes($birthday)."', ........... ,usergroupid='$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' And change it to (cut for shortness): $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET birthday='".addslashes($birthday)."', ........... ,usergroupid='$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]' [high]$awaysql[/high] WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' TheComputerGuy didn't copy and paste the entire line, he simply placed $awaysql in the WRONG location (after the WHERE). That's why he has errors, and removing the coma (which shouldn't exist there anyway) won't help. It would help, if he made sure he installed things as required :D |
hehe aight :D
TheComputerGuy, were you drunk or something? :D |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tarion
Bira: how can I get a complet list of the members who has marked as away??? like the staff list or in the memberlist with an extra link in the navbar. Can you explane me how can i do that! THX for this great hack. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bira
1) If you want an extra link in the memberlist's navbar, then open memberlist.php and find: Code:
if ($what=="datejoined") { Code:
if ($what=="away") { |
Lesane, that's not the only possible condition though. So the dot is necessary. It wasn't a mistake.
Strange because with the dot i receive this error:
Database error in vBulletin: Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS users FROM user,userfield WHERE 1=1away='1' AND user.userid = userfield.userid AND usergroupid NOT IN (1,3,4) mysql error: Unknown column '1away' in 'where clause' mysql error number: 1054 Date: Friday 14th of December 2001 04:04:42 PM Script: /board/memberlist.php?what=away Without the dot it works perfect :confused: |
A-ha! That's cos it is missing the space AND space :D
if ($what=="away") { |
haha :D
but it works good without the dot :p |
well yes, because without the dot it diminishes the rest of the conditions, which means there's no need for an AND and spaces.
A dot is a connector. PHP Code:
haha, cool :cool:
Thanks, learned something day ;) |
Bira, your hack, albeit really nice, is killer to making a backup of a database. For me, at least.
I installed your hack, then later on I added the Admin Panel bit so that I could check everyone's status in the AP and change it, and then I took the test. I made a backup dump through the Admin Panel, all settings to Yes (as the default is), saved it as vbulletin.sql - then I made a new directory (this is all on my personal computer, not online or anything), threw the files of vBulletin in there, installed it again (on a new database, completely empty, fresh install), added the files of all my hacks, installed the Away user hack again (ran the install_awayusers.php script) but didn't yet add the Admin Panel bit, then I went into phpMyAdmin and clicked on the new database with a fresh install of vB (but overwrote the files with the hacked php files from the already customized board where everything's working), and below the textfield "Run Queries on database ....:" I entered the location of the vbulletin.sql (the one where you're supposed to enter .sql files) and hit GO. At first, it started inserting the dump file nicely into the database, but then the user table came and it quit at the second entry. Why not the first? The first is my own entry, which was on Away status for 10 or so days when I made the dump. The second entry wasn't. The input process errored out saying: "MySQL says: column 'awaydate' cannot be NULL!" Now, how can I fix this? If I look at the working database and working version where I installed this hack and many others, all the users that haven't put themselves on Away status (i.e. everyone except for myself, because this is an offline board only for hacking and preparing) all their values in the AWAYDATE column in the user table are NULL - but when I want to update the database with a backup dump, MySQL says that the value CANNOT be null!! Please help! |
OK, Kura
I looked into this and this is actually a bug in the database backup. The away date is NULL by design but when you download the SQL file, it turns it into NOT NULL. You will need to open your .sql file for the user table, and find: Code:
away tinyint(1) NOT NULL, Code:
away tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, I will report this bug on vBulletin.com Cheers, Bira |
The hack is nice but my files are just to hacked up to install anymore without the hack installations that include line numbers. The installer doesn't show line numbers. No more installer hacks. Maybe someone could add line numbering to the installer proggie.
The hack is very nice though Bira. ;) |
Great, thanks, I will try this soon (watching a movie, when it's a break I will do this) and let you know what the outcome is. :)
Thank you :) |
Hooper line numbers will not help you.
If code x was on line 100, then after you hacked your script it will be on line 108, then how would it help if I gave you line #100 in the installer? Line numbers work ONLY on a very clean and non-hacked script. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bira
Hooper line numbers will not help you. If code x was on line 100, then after you hacked your script it will be on line 108, then how would it help if I gave you line #100 in the installer? Line numbers work ONLY on a very clean and non-hacked script. |
Hooper, you're awfully demanding and picky, ya know that?
Line numbers are not at all useful with hacks. Hacks that say "find **example line** and ADD ABOVE that **hacked code line**" and the like are much better in this aspect, for no matter what line this will be at, you can simply find it and add to it the necessary changes. Also, when a new version of vbulletin is released which adds about 60-80 lines above this line, the line numbers would be WAY off, but if you just search for the strings it doesn't matter. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Hooper
I just will not install no more hacks that don't display line numbers. |
W3rd bira :)
Btw, it worked this time, I removed the three NOT NULL's and the dump installed sweetly over my empty install. Only strange thing, however, was the fact (nothing to do with this hack btw) that... well, this: I had two vbulletins running on my comp, the Couch and the Couch v.2. I only use the first one for installing hacks in preparation of my new sites and everything. The second one is only installed to simulate when I switch hosts and will have to insert a dumpfile into an empty (fresh) install. Now, the dump-inserting worked, everything worked smoothly and all. But then I made a thread on the Couch v.2, and went to a site (also on my HD) that runs a query that lists all the threads from one specific forum. It listed the new thread. At first I was "Yay it works!" but then I realised, it was a Whole Different Database! But it STILL took the new thread! So I checked the other Couch, the original one, and the new thread had appeared there as well. So when i made a thread on ONE forum, it magically copied itself to the database of the OTHER forum. That database has a different name, a different mySQL user and a different mySQL password. Any idea why on earth this happened?? |
are you sure you didn't overwrite config.php?
If you are running two databases, you gotta make sure you have two different config.php. That's the gateway to the db :) |
You're very correct.
I *initially* had a different config.php of course, with the new username and db-name and everything. But then I realised that I took the files from the vB221 zip, and thus was missing out on several files (install_awayusers.php being one of them) and I copied all the files from the first board, to the directory of the second board. And I forgot to exclude the config.php file for the DB-settings. Heh.. Thanks for pointing that out to me. :) |
np, as long as you got it working :)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bira
Who do you think you're punishing here? For all I care, don't install a single hack. It's your bulletin board, not mine. I'm not even a user of your BB. I don't care what you do there. I write hacks for my own Bulletin Board and I release them here for the sake of those who may have equal interest in them. I do my best to provide a very clear and accurate installer. Including line numbers will be supremely inaccurate and hazzardeous -- most people follow instructions to a T so if I tell them "find code X on line 100", they'll just jump to line 100 and if they don't find it there, they'll either come here complaining or simply overwrite whatever is in line 100. If you are too inadequate to do a search on specific code as provided in the instructions, not even a line number will help you. In any event, as I said, it's a free world. Do whatever you want, but don't think you're sanctioning me or any other hacker by making such ultimatums. |
I have no problem with the way bira gives instructions for her hacks ... imho line numbers just make it more confusing if you already have several hacks installed in the same file (hence making them irrelevant) ... I usually ignore instructions that say "look at around lines 157 to 169" because more often than not the code to be changed is not there .... it "may" help you find tha range, but isn't it much faster to just do a Ctrl-F instead of dragging your scroll bar and "hunting" for it?
Line numbers won't be a problem if you're installing on a vanilla vbulletin board ... Quote:
"The hack is nice but my files are just to hacked up to install anymore without the hack installations that include line numbers. The installer doesn't show line numbers. No more installer hacks. Maybe someone could add line numbering to the installer proggie. The hack is very nice though Bira. " That is what I said. Where did I once say anything about Bira's instructions not being fine? I didn't . Not once did I demand anything in this statement and if you want to read something more into what I wrote then fine. I merely wrote that my files are quite hacked up and that I wouldn't install no more hacks that didn't have line numbering. This statement is in regards to hacked up files and in no way should have been taken like it has. For crying out loud I said the hack was very nice. This must mean I like it. nO? And if I like it I must have it installed no????. Why didn't you read that into it? Now if you can get something demanding out of this you most definitely are not reading what I wrote. Case closed. |
Hooper, maybe you should have started a thread about it in the General Discussions forum?
I'll just say once again that your request is contradictory by nature. If your files are thoroughly hacked, then the line number will 100% be wrong. You are also ignoring the fact that MY files are thoroughly hacked, in which case the line number I would give out would be wrong to start with. Anyhow, I think that as a GENERAL suggestion to all hackers - if this isn't aimed at me personally - you should take this topic to the General Discussions forum, rather than debate it within a thread dedicated to a different topic, namely A specific hack. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by KuraFire
Hooper, you're awfully demanding and picky, ya know that? Line numbers are not at all useful with hacks. Hacks that say "find **example line** and ADD ABOVE that **hacked code line**" and the like are much better in this aspect, for no matter what line this will be at, you can simply find it and add to it the necessary changes. Also, when a new version of vbulletin is released which adds about 60-80 lines above this line, the line numbers would be WAY off, but if you just search for the strings it doesn't matter. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JJR512
The "find and replace" method isn't perfect, either, because sometimes there is more than one occurance of the same line in one file. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bira
Hooper, maybe you should have started a thread about it in the General Discussions forum? I'll just say once again that your request is contradictory by nature. If your files are thoroughly hacked, then the line number will 100% be wrong. You are also ignoring the fact that MY files are thoroughly hacked, in which case the line number I would give out would be wrong to start with. Anyhow, I think that as a GENERAL suggestion to all hackers - if this isn't aimed at me personally - you should take this topic to the General Discussions forum, rather than debate it within a thread dedicated to a different topic, namely A specific hack. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JJR512
But line numbers are good to include in case the code you're looking for has already been changed by another hack. So you will never find the code by searching for it. But if you have a line number, you can at least go to that line and look for something similar to the code you're supposed to find, and adapt the new hack as necessary. I don't think this argument is one that can be clearly won one way or the other. It seems the best solution is to include both the line numbers and the search-for code. |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Hooper
I have found that at times code isn't there at all when you go to do a search for it. It had been modified by another hack. |
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