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fly 09-25-2013 11:34 AM

How do I set the background colors?

edit: Figured it out.

fly 09-26-2013 05:49 PM

Is there any way to disable the regular register.php to prevent the bots from still trying to hit it (even if I've renamed it with your other mod).

smirkley 09-26-2013 05:50 PM

Yes, turn off registrations in vBulletin options.
You know, the stock one. It then becomes a lil honeypot for spambots.
RFR works independantly from the registration.php or whateveryounameit.

fly 09-26-2013 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2448176)
Yes, turn off registrations in vBulletin options.
You know, the stock one. It then becomes a lil honeypot for spambots.
RFR works independantly from the registration.php or whateveryounameit.

Oh that's sexy. Thanks!

fly 09-26-2013 06:08 PM

Just as another layer for spam protection, an idea for the next version could use some sort of Q&A on the popup to verify that your email address is correct.

BirdOPrey5 09-26-2013 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by fly (Post 2448179)
Just as another layer for spam protection, an idea for the next version could use some sort of Q&A on the popup to verify that your email address is correct.

That would be the plan, where any Q&A/Captcha would be if needed.

Would likely have to rewrite the javascript to use jquery for more options than the standard JS confirm box.

Krusty1231 09-30-2013 10:40 PM

This does not work with your other mod does it?


Just want to make sure it's not me.


BirdOPrey5 09-30-2013 10:48 PM

No, not with that mod, sorry. The way this works you are not logged in after registration so no real way to work that in.

BirdOPrey5 10-01-2013 12:02 AM

Just a few hours to go in the Mod of The Month vote and ths mod is tied with DragonByte's Navtab manager!

And DragonByte just sent an email out to their bajillion subscribers asking people to vote, not once but twice, in the same email.:erm:

So I will ask you too.


Please vote for your favorite mod, even if it isn't mine.

smirkley 10-01-2013 01:41 AM

Alas, I have already voted, and for yours BOP.

If I could I would again.

DemOnstar 10-01-2013 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2449155)
Alas, I have already voted, and for yours BOP.

If I could I would again.

I don't use the mod, but understand why others do...
Voted for this some time ago...

Krusty1231 10-01-2013 07:52 AM

Thanks for the reply. I voted for this, thanks for the reminder. Hope you win!

BirdOPrey5 10-01-2013 08:54 AM

Oh well, good effort guys, but maybe next time... They came up with like 4+ votes in the last 5 hours, no doubt that email blast to all their customers worked.

Feel free to re-nominate the mod again to try for next month's vote!

crazyboy1661 10-03-2013 04:36 AM

Yeah! nominated BirdoPery5. once again thanks for your efforts. And I am sorry.. by mistake i rated 4.

slinky 10-03-2013 02:03 PM


ThiagoO 10-04-2013 06:19 AM

but i have a problem..
help-me please. :D

BirdOPrey5 10-05-2013 12:16 PM

Looks like your CSS isn't loaded.

In Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> Language & Style Settings, do you have CSS stored as files? If so change it back to the database, at least to see if the mod works.

If it does the system can't write changes to your CSS directory anymore.

slinky 10-05-2013 01:05 PM

The issue I'm getting with this great mod is no redirection to the forum page. It's just a pretty bare success page without a link (which is easily added in case of no redirection.)

The other issue concerns spam. Lately there has been TONS of it. I'd prefer to include the spam/captcha of vBulletin as an option so that it doesn't run rampant. It's currently off the charts. Without SFS plugin, there is no operating a forum any more.

BirdOPrey5 10-05-2013 01:17 PM

It can't redirect to the forum page because I was the user to have time to read the information displayed after quick registration.

You can edit the error message phrase bop5rfr_reg_complete and add a link to the forums if you feel you need it, but I would hope most can figure there way back. Besides, they should be cecking their email for their password anyway. Not much point going to the forum until they log in.

If spam is rampart then your captcha isn't doing its job anyway, why bother using it if it doesn't work?

slinky 10-05-2013 01:31 PM

This is all assuming that you have email confirmation enabled. ;) In some cases you don't want to take the user back to their mailbox to confirm and then get back to the forum. It defeats a great part of the express registration, IMHO.

The back link to the forum is definitely needed on my site. Having the user go up to the menu to click befuddles some of the older generation. :) The redirect gets them there and they don't need to view the user name and password which will be emailed to them.

Spam is a problem on numerous big boards. I've got friends who are experiencing a solid number of spammers defeating the captcha. I find that if I change the questions, it minimizes the spam since these spammers must have an smart remember entry to their forum spam. So the captcha can work, it just has to be there and implemented along with SFS. :)

I still think this is a phenomenal mod and deserving of MOM, which I noted this month. ;)

smirkley 10-05-2013 03:50 PM

I have been running this exclusively as my registration port for my site for a number of weeks.

Having been around awhile I have battled spammers continuously.

So far, only one spammer, and two failed registrations due to the email not being recieved and bounced. All three were human, and the one that got thru cruised around my site as a logged in member until he found a place where he had permission to post links.


I can live with those kind of numbers.

slinky 10-05-2013 04:10 PM

My site is a target for foreign spammers because it's fairly well known in the niche. The number of hacking and spam attempts each day would probably shock you.

smirkley 10-05-2013 04:27 PM

I dont think it would shock me. I know what you mean.

I should add that I have a fairly extensive blocked IP list in my htaccess which encumpasses a few certain countries where almost all of my spam attempts come from. That alone has significantly reduced all attempts on my site to near a few dozen a day. I dont miss that traffic nor the countries natural traffic as my site does not target nor support those countries.

slinky 10-09-2013 01:28 PM

Would be ultra beneficial if the registration also was on every page, not just the forum home. Ideally, shown to guests on every page when not logged in so that they will be induced to register. I guess you might be able to copy the form onto the showthread templates and use a conditional if statement.

smirkley 10-09-2013 01:36 PM

Yes, I have relocated just below the navbar, and it now shows up on every page with a header.

Better global than just one page imo.

fly 10-09-2013 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2451258)
Yes, I have relocated just below the navbar, and it now shows up on every page with a header.

Better global than just one page imo.

That's a good idea. Can you explain how you did that?

slinky 10-09-2013 04:06 PM

smirkley - great idea. What did you do to accomplish this? Did you move the hook for the plugin?

fly 10-09-2013 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by slinky (Post 2451330)
smirkley - great idea. What did you do to accomplish this? Did you move the hook for the plugin?

I knew I remembered seeing somewhere on how to do this. It tells you how in the AdminCP Options for RFR. Enable RFR Anywhere, then add the listed code at the bottom of the navbar template.

slinky 10-09-2013 04:46 PM

Totally forgot about that. Many thanks.

I'm probably going to hack in the captcha or the human interface captcha which I think might be just a matter of plugging in the code from the registration page.

BOP, having all the stylevars lined up puts the entire vBulletin team that created vb4 to shape. They were easy to find and modify, unlike the hours of wasted time tracking down VB4 stylevars.

BirdOPrey5 10-10-2013 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by slinky (Post 2451256)
Would be ultra beneficial if the registration also was on every page, not just the forum home. Ideally, shown to guests on every page when not logged in so that they will be induced to register. I guess you might be able to copy the form onto the showthread templates and use a conditional if statement.

This has been possible for a while, it is in the instructions, you just need to do a manual template edit to the template(s) you want it in.


Originally Posted by slinky (Post 2450151)
This is all assuming that you have email confirmation enabled. ;) In some cases you don't want to take the user back to their mailbox to confirm and then get back to the forum. It defeats a great part of the express registration, IMHO.

The back link to the forum is definitely needed on my site. Having the user go up to the menu to click befuddles some of the older generation. :) The redirect gets them there and they don't need to view the user name and password which will be emailed to them.

Spam is a problem on numerous big boards. I've got friends who are experiencing a solid number of spammers defeating the captcha. I find that if I change the questions, it minimizes the spam since these spammers must have an smart remember entry to their forum spam. So the captcha can work, it just has to be there and implemented along with SFS. :)

I still think this is a phenomenal mod and deserving of MOM, which I noted this month. ;)

Not sure we're talking about the same thing. This mod (RFR) ignored whether Email Confirmation is turned on or not. In RFR after a user submits the form they have to read the info that comes up. In most cases it tells them they need to check their email for their password then come back and log in.

If you are someone who tells them their password immediately then they still need time to copy it down and log in.

In either case they need time to read the message. A link back to forum home is fine, but an automatic redirection would not leave most people enough time to realize what is going on since most people won't be used to this mod.

slinky 10-12-2013 01:20 PM

BOP - Thanks. I realized what the optional edit meant only later and then forgot where to look. I just assumed it would be enabled below the navbar by default.

Regarding the second issue - I realize that I have another mod on my forum. I'll explain the one part about this great mod - which will improve things for most - but I feel makes it less useful for me.

I want users registering and posting asap. I do not want to force them to validate email or wait to check it and then find their password. Both creates a time lag and potential complications, especially when these emails go to the spam folder.

The captcha is what helps to separate the humans from the bots. While it makes the fast registration less fast, it's still much faster than forcing new users to confirm their email address and then login. So what is the ideal? To have users logged in after hitting "join" and having their password sent to them in email. If they don't get it, they will be able to recover their password if they don't know it or will already be logged in already from the initial autologin. This keeps users on the forum at all times. Makes sense?

hurricane_sh 10-24-2013 12:47 AM

I have to say l like the current version the most.

Email verification is very important, with a popup reminder to fill in correct email, that's more than enough for legit members who want to participate. Members without valid emails usually don't post follow-up to their threads, which bothers our core members.

Regarding the human verification, I haven't seen any bot registrations. If we use a custom file name, with only a few hundred forums using this mod, I don't think spammers will target this mod. Human verification is not just one more field, it makes the registration several times more complicated.

pantani 10-24-2013 10:51 AM

will try it out, thanks for it.

dizzynation 10-24-2013 05:10 PM


Can we use this in replace of a banner ad below navbar? Therefor it would be on every page instead of ForumHome?
^ Nevermind, I read everypage but the last :)

dizzynation 10-24-2013 10:52 PM

Would be great to add a Q/A on it. Since installing it a few hours ago I have had 22 spam accounts, granted they cannot complete registration but thats bad news for my newsletters I send out, lots of fake members...

smirkley 10-25-2013 01:09 AM

That is odd to me. I have my website up 9+ years and have been literally hammered by spammers and trying to block them every day.

Up until which I installed this mod.

My setup:
Really Fast Registration by BOP installed
Change registration filename by BOP installed
Allow registrations - vb OEM - turned OFF

What this configuration allows is that :
any bot will not find if looking for register.php...
If the bot is programmed to find the registration page then it will just get the error page with registrations turned off...

It ends up like a honeypot, at least for me.

That said the occasional human can figure out how if they want to spam. With that I have denied access of most IP's owned in China,Vietnam, Russian Federation and India using entries in my htaccess file. (I do not cater to these countries anyway so I am not missing out on desired traffic.

Result of several months of RFR,... only one human spammer, quickly snubbed manually.

It has been so much easier for me now to manage spam.

edit to add- I do have q&a still setup for things like the Contact Form.

pityocamptes 10-30-2013 04:07 AM

How would I add this to all my templates? For forum and CMS and blog? Not sure which templates to edit...

dizzynation 10-30-2013 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by pityocamptes (Post 2457189)
How would I add this to all my templates? For forum and CMS and blog? Not sure which templates to edit...

Just take this -->

{vb:raw template_hook.bop5_rfr_form}
and paste it in your advertisements - under navbar, thats what I did anyway.

pityocamptes 10-31-2013 01:40 AM

Its not working, which template did you go into? Thanks!

smirkley 10-31-2013 02:54 AM

This mod provides high flexibility to put anywhere you want. I really like that.

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