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-   -   Major Additions - [DBTech] vBDonate Donations - PayPal Donate Manager v1 (vB4) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=287053)

nacaruncr 10-01-2012 03:06 PM

Excuse me the delay.. but I usually don't be here in the weekends XD
Thanks it's working preatty fine :)
Regards :)

DragonByte Tech 10-01-2012 08:25 PM

Ok good deal, thanks for reporting the issue.


TheSupportForum 10-01-2012 08:47 PM

an excellent mod

DragonByte Tech 10-02-2012 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by simonhind (Post 2370057)
an excellent mod

Thank you sir. :)


DragonByte Tech 10-12-2012 08:44 PM

It's that time again, another update to vBDonate.
This update brings some added features to the Pro and Lite versions. Lite version is now available here on vB.org or at, https://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbec...&productid=185 The Pro version is available in your customer area if you have purchased a license.

I would like to thank all of you who are involved with vBDonate and made the requests, helping to make this product even better than it was.

If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month, and also please rate it to help cancel out the users who 1 star our mods.

Everyone should upgrade to the latest version to ensure they are running with all the security fixes that were added.

As always, please make sure you revert any templates you may have changed in order to take full advantage of the update.

For those of you using the vBAdvanced module, you will need to delete your old module, and upload the new one in order to have the changes take affect. (Pro)

Well without further ado here is the list of stuff.

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: A issue with contribution amounts not showing as intended, ie: showing 10 instead of 10.00
Fixed: A issue with the Back To Top button not showing on the donation lists pages, if you have 20 or more results per page set.
Fixed: A issue with dates displaying as m-d-y or d-m-y if you are using a different Locale under Date / Time Formatting in the Language Manager.

Changes To Existing Features:
Changed: Some of the code in the vBAdvanced module, to be more custom style friendly. (Pro)
Changed: The position of the contribute image if it is shown on the vBAdvanced Module. (Pro)
Changed: The template used by vBAdvanced for the contributions module, I made it show from another template, so if changes are made in the template by me for a release, you won't have to re install the module again (after this time).(Pro)

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Added: Popup boxes on the manually entering of contributions fields so if you don't use numbers you will be alerted text is not allowed.
Added: A option in the settings group Donator List Options to be able to turn off the Back To Top button on the donation lists pages.
Added: A option in the settings group Donation Bar Settings to be able to show everything in the goal block one background color.
Added: A option in the settings group Donation Bar Settings to be able to show the total contributions to the site above the goal meter (should be expanded with dates later).
Added: A option in the settings group Donation Bar Settings to be able to show a countdown timer to goal above the goal meter.
Added: A option in the settings group Donation Bar Settings to set the date for the countdown timer.
Added: A option in the settings group SideBlock Settings to be able to show a countdown timer to goal below the goal meter on the forum sideblocks.
Added: A option in the settings group PostBit Settings to set the path to your contributor group rank.
Added: A option in the settings group PostBit Settings to be able to toggle on / off the updating of user ranks after a contributors contributions is confirmed (only works if you add or change the contributors usergroups).

Added: A option in the settings group SideBlock Settings to be able to show a countdown timer to goal below the goal meter on the vBAdvanced Module.
Added: A option in the settings group PostBit Settings to be able to show a users contribution stats.
Added: A option in the settings group PostBit Settings to be able to select where in the postbit to display the users contribution stats.
Added: A link in the ACP side menu to be able to download the donations as a CSV file from your database, by date range. Type of CSV downloads available, Confirmed Contributions, Unconfirmed Contributions, Anonymous Contributions, Undisclosed Contributions and Test Contributions.
Added: A option in the settings group Donator List Options to be able to show contributions as net amount (the amount you got after PayPal fees) or gross amount (the amount the user actually sent through PayPal), this will show everywhere the contribution amounts are shown now.


DragonByte Tech 10-13-2012 12:59 AM

Fixed a issue with a red box showing up on the forums and getting a error when you try to open your pm's. If you have downloaded the product already and installed, re download it and only need to import the product xml. If you have download but not installed, re download the files and follow normal upgrade procedures.


Nelson58 10-13-2012 12:39 PM


Installed the update. I set it to NOT show statistics in the dashboard, but it is showing Totals (see below):

I set it to "Don't Show Statistics = Show Nothing"

But it still shows:

Contribution Goal Contribute Now

My Contributions
Admin Options....General OptionsPayPal Payment SettingsDonator List SettingsChange Usergroup SettingsSend PM SettingsDonation Bar SettingsRotating Banner SettingsCustom ContentSideBlock SettingsPostBit Settings

Total contributions the site has collected so far $ 225.00
Goal amount for this month: 100 USD, Received: 0 USD (0%)
Time left to reach goal: 18 Days 14 Hours 24 Minutes 19 Seconds

Welcome Back, Nelson Today's Date: October 13th, 2012 Current Time: 9:35:37 AM
Please support our site by contributing! God Bless You!

ALSO- My goal bar is NOT updating, even when I confirm contributions! It used to!
Here is the link: http://www.hobby-machinist.com/forum.php?tabid=11

How can I fix this please!

Thank you!


DragonByte Tech 10-13-2012 01:06 PM

For the line showing Total contributions the site has collected so far $ 225.00 go to Acp / DBTech - vBDonate / vBDonate DashBoard / Donation Bar Settings and turn off the option,Total Contributions Above Goal Meter?

The goal bar will update if the contribution is within the specified goal period, if it was made the month prior, and you are now just confirming it it will not show.


Nelson58 10-13-2012 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2372712)
For the line showing Total contributions the site has collected so far $ 225.00 go to Acp / DBTech - vBDonate / vBDonate DashBoard / Donation Bar Settings and turn off the option,Total Contributions Above Goal Meter?

The goal bar will update if the contribution is within the specified goal period, if it was made the month prior, and you are now just confirming it it will not show.


I changed the goal period to Sept. and it still did not update.
The green bar does not advance across and it says $0

DragonByte Tech 10-13-2012 03:38 PM

If you pm me with a admin account I can look into the issue and see what may be causing it.


wildheart 10-16-2012 05:14 AM

Sorry but I am going to ask again to be sure. According to the read me file Upgrading:
Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your forums directory.

2. Import the product-dbtech_vbdonate.xml file from the "XML" folder at AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product

Wont that replace all the donations already done?

sonic83 10-16-2012 09:44 AM

Greetings. vbDonate works with "vBExperience" or not recognized for delivering awards and achievements?


DragonByte Tech 10-16-2012 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by wildheart (Post 2373321)
Sorry but I am going to ask again to be sure. According to the read me file Upgrading:
Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your forums directory.

2. Import the product-dbtech_vbdonate.xml file from the "XML" folder at AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product

Wont that replace all the donations already done?

No that will not replace the contributions already in place, you are simply overwriting the templates and settings that are already there, not removing anything from the database.


DragonByte Tech 10-16-2012 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by VBLUIS (Post 2373373)
Greetings. vbDonate works with "vBExperience" or not recognized for delivering awards and achievements?


No it is not integrated with vBExperience.


wildheart 10-18-2012 05:02 AM

I received an e-mail from Paypal that says:

Hello .....

Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:


If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be disabled for your account.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.

Is this a concern and how can I fix it?

DragonByte Tech 10-18-2012 10:09 AM

Can you check the following three items?
  1. Check your Paypal IPN History page (in your Paypal account) and make sure that IPNs are not currently disabled. Note that disabled is different than turned off (more on that later). To see if IPNs are disabled, check your IPN history (My Account => History => IPN History), do a search for recent IPNs, and see if your recent IPN messages have a delivery status of "disabled" (Look for Delivery status Disabled). If they are disabled, then contact Paypal to get them re-enabled. Until you do this no IPNs will work.
  2. Check your Paypal IPN settings and make sure IPNs are turned off (not disabled) for your account. To check this, visit your IPN History page (My Account => History => IPN History); it should say: "The IPN feature is turned off. You must turn on IPN in order to create history data." If instead of that message, it shows a field with your Notification URL, then you need to turn the feature off. This needs to be off because (a) it is not necessary, since vBDonate sends Paypal the correct URL to send the IPN to along with the payment request.* (This is the notify_url parameter in the vbdonate_gateway.php file). (b) If you have your vBulletin URL there, then Paypal will send IPN messages for all of your Paypal transactions, not only the ones that originate from your vBDonate installation. This will eventually cause Paypal to disable (see point #1) IPN for your account due to the failed IPNs.
  3. Make sure your Forum URL is correct in your vBulletin settings. (vBulletin Options => Site Name / URL / Contact Details => Forum URL) It should be the URL to your forums, with no trailing slash (/). The notify_url parameter is generated using this setting.
* Paypal will send the IPN message even when the IPN feature is turned off in your Paypal account [reference]


The IPN message will always be sent to your notification URL unless receiving IPNs have been disabled. Even though you have not enabled receiving IPN messages in your Profile or you have reset your preference by turning off IPN messages, PayPal still sends IPN messages to the notification URL you specify for a specific payment.
The difference between "turned off" and "disabled" is confusing. I'll try to clarify:

Turned off -- This is if you choose to turn off the IPN feature in the Paypal interface.
Disabled -- This is an automatic Paypal sanction that is applied to accounts that have too many failed IPN messages. (has nothing to do with you turning the IPN feature on or off)


wildheart 10-18-2012 12:13 PM

On my Paypal account under the History tab I only have: Basic Search and Download History.
When I click on History it brings up all the transactions. On that page I have 2 more drop down tabs, Select that brings up dates and More Filters and there is nothing about IPN.

Checked my forum Url and it does not have a \ : http://reptile-parrots.com/forums

I followed your link to paypal and read through their instructions and my Paypal looks completely different from what they have. I do not have a Selling Preferences column and therefore do not have Instant Payment Notification Preferences. The bar that they show on that page is also completely different from the one on my Paypal.

Nelson58 10-18-2012 02:29 PM

The Donation mod has a bug in it. It is supposed to move any regular or contributing member to the participating member group (more access). It is supposed to EXCLUDE moderators, supermoderators and administrators. The setting to do just that is below. It put my moderators and supermoderators in the participating class after they donated, so it is NOT working right.

Select which usergroups are excluded from the
change group option.
Selected groups will not have their usergroup changed upon auto confirming
or manual confirming of contributions. Administrators
Banned Users
Contributing Users
Inactive Banned Users
Participating Users
Registered Users
Super Moderators
Unregistered / Not Logged In
Users Awaiting Email Confirmation
Users Awaiting Moderation

The moderators, super moderators and admins are checked in this setting.
Can you give me some idea how to fix this?

Thank you!

DragonByte Tech 10-18-2012 09:01 PM

Yeah that is pretty much there for the auto confirming of donations in the pro version, if you are manually confirming donations choose the option, Mark confirmed but don't change usergroup for users you don't want to change groups.

I will see about adding the check though to the next version.


DragonByte Tech 10-18-2012 09:21 PM

wildheart I think I know what I need to do just waiting for verification so stand by.


DragonByte Tech 10-19-2012 12:18 AM

Ok wildheart I think I got it sorted, you can download the product and follow normal upgrade procedures and the emails should stop.


wildheart 10-19-2012 04:54 AM

Thank you I will do that and let you know if there is anymore problems. ;)

Nelson58 10-19-2012 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2374091)
Yeah that is pretty much there for the auto confirming of donations in the pro version, if you are manually confirming donations choose the option, Mark confirmed but don't change usergroup for users you don't want to change groups.

I will see about adding the check though to the next version.


But that means I have to confirm users one by one if a moderator or super-moderator contributes along with everyone else. Any way we can fix this?


ozzy47 10-19-2012 07:18 PM


DragonByte Tech 10-19-2012 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Nelson58 (Post 2374255)
But that means I have to confirm users one by one if a moderator or super-moderator contributes along with everyone else. Any way we can fix this?


Ok I think I solved it and did not break anything else :p re download and install and it should be good to go.


Khent334 10-28-2012 08:20 PM

Is there a way to integrate this with vBCredits? For example, reward a $10 donation with 100 credits.

DragonByte Tech 10-28-2012 09:12 PM

Not at this time, sorry.


Nelson58 10-29-2012 05:50 PM

Thanks Chris, I am giving it a try!


DragonByte Tech 11-01-2012 11:17 AM



ejbreeze 11-03-2012 02:59 PM

When trying to change the language installed on 4.2.0 patch 3 I get database errors. Thanks.

DragonByte Tech 11-03-2012 05:48 PM

What errors are you getting, with out those there in not much I can do. :confused:


ejbreeze 11-03-2012 06:56 PM

Thanks I worked it out. Another mod was interfering with the installation.

DragonByte Tech 11-03-2012 09:29 PM

Glad to hear it's sorted.


VJ9A 11-05-2012 09:45 PM

Very Helpful site!
Awesome Mod!

DragonByte Tech 11-05-2012 10:54 PM

Thanks for the feedback.


TheSupportForum 11-05-2012 11:59 PM

the following template is not being cached

Please update this in next release

DragonByte Tech 11-06-2012 12:06 AM

Ahh that is not even supposed to be in the lite version, I will fix it up in the next release, thanks for reporting.


DragonByte Tech 11-06-2012 12:22 AM

Actually I fixed it already, redownload the files and upload, dbtech/vbdonate/hooks/process_templates_complete.php


TheSupportForum 11-06-2012 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2378717)
Ahh that is not even supposed to be in the lite version, I will fix it up in the next release, thanks for reporting.


i just installed this mod today after having to redo my whole forum i had debug mode on :)

DragonByte Tech 11-06-2012 12:36 AM

Yeah I totally forgot to remove some code from the file, that's why it was saying the template was there and uncached, even though it was not, again thanks for reporting.


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