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John Lester 10-13-2012 01:49 AM

Ok knownhost is suggesting that I should enable suPHP which means no XCache and to install memcache instead of XCache. Anyone have this set up on their server? How does it compare to running DSO and XCache?

eva2000 10-13-2012 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by John Lester (Post 2372634)
Ok knownhost is suggesting that I should enable suPHP which means no XCache and to install memcache instead of XCache. Anyone have this set up on their server? How does it compare to running DSO and XCache?

memcached based vboptimise works fine http://vbtechsupport.com/1526/ / http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/blogs...ache-hits-261/ :)

although you will loose more performance switching to suPHP than you'd gain from using vB optimise + memcached

but having vb optimise + memcached + suPHP is better than nothing.

John Lester 10-13-2012 04:07 PM

I don't see the point of using suPHP anyways, so I will probably just stick with vb optimise and xcache :D

John Lester 10-15-2012 04:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Chadi (Post 2358095)
Due to no shared caching feature in Eaccelator 9.6.1, I have decided to try Xcache instead and now get this error:

Warning: xcache_get() [function.xcache-get]: XCache var cache was not initialized properly. Check php log for actual reason in [path]/dbtech/vboptimise/includes/operators/xcache.php on line 21

Chadi you ever find out what caused this? I'm getting the same error after saving settings.

I completely uninstalled 2.0.1 and deleted the files, then installed 2.5 btw. Forgot to add that I run vB 4.1.12 pl 2

betterthanyours 10-15-2012 06:09 PM

From the looks of it, the host needs to set the var cache size. The xcache.var_count should be the number of cores directly and readily available to serve your website. If you need further assistance let me know. You can contact me via PM. Are you using VPS or shared?

Make sure you flush the vboptimise cache.

Why are you using 2.1 or 2.5? I'm using 1.3...

John Lester 10-15-2012 09:31 PM

Yep they did not enable the var cache, and I'm using 2.5 because I'm thinking of upgrading to vB 4.2.

betterthanyours 10-16-2012 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by John Lester (Post 2373253)
Yep they did not enable the var cache, and I'm using 2.5 because I'm thinking of upgrading to vB 4.2.

Apologies, I thought you were meant 2.5 xCache version as opposed to vBOptimise.

John Lester 10-16-2012 08:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok so I haven't noticed any change and when I click on the "Resource Statistics" link the page shows no savings. I have attached screen shots of my settings, I didn't install xcache ... my host did so perhaps there is something else they need to tweak?

John Lester 10-16-2012 09:37 PM

Question ... do I have to uncomment the relevant lines in config.php?

betterthanyours 10-17-2012 08:19 AM

Go to /includes/ and open config.php you need to uncomment:

// $config['Datastore']['class'] = 'vB_Datastore_Filecache';
and set it to

$config['Datastore']['class'] = 'vB_Datastore_XCache';
Then, you need to go to /includes/datastore/ and open the datastore.php file and set all the vars (between each '') to


If you need further assistance feel free to contact me.

John Lester 10-17-2012 02:21 PM

I had no idea I needed to edit datastore.cache.php :D I'll check the stats tomorrow and see if I'm "done" :) Thanks

John Lester 10-18-2012 03:19 PM

Ok so in about 25 hours ....

MySQL Queries vB Optimise has saved this forum 47,729
...which is pretty darn impressive :) My only remaining question is in regards to the "Resource Statistics" page ... it doesn't show anything, why?

DragonByte Tech 10-18-2012 04:25 PM

Right click the center area, does it say "Movie not loaded..." greyed out?

If so, please ensure you uploaded the .swf file to the correct directory.


John Lester 10-18-2012 06:15 PM


I never should have said it's "blank" the swf loads ... it's just not showing any data.

betterthanyours 10-19-2012 07:33 AM

Make sure you enable resource statistics collection and display of it...click around all the options. Can't remember exactly where it is within the vBOptimise section

Makaveli007 10-20-2012 05:59 PM

If we cannot use any opcache modules due to hosting limitations, filecache is the only option correct?

Also, is it possible that using filecache could actually slow the site down because of added disk I/O? The reason I ask is because I had tried this mod on my site, and while at times it was much faster, at other times it was slower. Furher, certain areas of the site such as admincp were considerably slower with the mod installed.

I was using filecache and the folder 0777. System test and optimal settings all passed.


betterthanyours 10-21-2012 11:59 AM

Yes, using filecache could slow down the site because of disk I/O

DragonByte Tech 10-22-2012 01:30 PM

That very much depends on the speed of your HDDs, 15k RPM SAS disks will still be pretty fast.

It wouldn't slow down your site unless the disks were overloaded as a result of shared hosting overselling, but it wouldn't be as fast as memory based cachers :)


dog-tag 11-01-2012 03:17 PM

I encountered awful trouble when I set this up.

I have xCache on my VPS already set up (and confirmed by my host)
I moved everything into the file-system i.e Avatars and the rest.

When I ran the test I got this -


And then I noticed I could not do anything in my admincp, I was very limited in my actions.
If I tried to uninstall I was left with either a blank screen or this 500 error


I wasn't able to turn off the hook system, and my host had to edit the config file (I think) to disable all plugins so we could un-install VB optimise.

Have you any idea why it would act like this? Is there perhaps a step if missed/done wrong, cause major problems like this?

Thanks for providing any answers and also for giving us all a plugin like this.

DragonByte Tech 11-01-2012 03:24 PM

You will have to check Apache's error_log file to find out the real cause.


dog-tag 11-01-2012 04:03 PM

I did that along with my host and we couldn't see anything.

He took a guess at saying that VB Optimise was conflicting with another plugin.
Has anything similar happened before?

I would like to use this, but its a bit risky trying it again.

DragonByte Tech 11-06-2012 01:34 PM

As far as I can remember this is the first time we've ever encountered an ISE 500 when using vB Optimise.

That being said, I have (quite recently) ran across a server configuration where any error message from PHP would throw a 500 instead of actually printing the error.

If the error_log was of no help then sadly I can't be of any help either :(


dog-tag 11-07-2012 04:54 PM

Hey Fillip,

Thanks for the reply :)

I done another re-install and its failed again on me. I see on your website that you offer a paid installation service. I think its about $30, I'd be happy to pay that if you'd like to take on the job of installing this mod.

Perhaps you'll spot an obvious mistake, and we can highlight it for other users. I'm currently with a host who specialises in vBulletin, so my server should be well able to run this mod, it must be something small.

Let me know your feelings whether here or in PM.


DragonByte Tech 11-07-2012 05:20 PM

Pro Install only covers actual installation of the mod into vBulletin, not the setup of the mod itself, although for vBO I tend to do a quick scan of the PHP Info and find out what they have installed and configure it to use that, or at least Filecache.

Are you sure XCache is configured correctly? Caching enabled, var_size > 0 and anything else Google has to say about XCache not working?

What happens if you create 2 separate php files on your server:
PHP Code:

<?php xcache_set('test''Working!');

PHP Code:

<?php echo xcache_get('test');

then run them in the order I showed here?


dog-tag 11-07-2012 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2379193)

What happens if you create 2 separate php files on your server:
PHP Code:

<?php xcache_set('test''Working!');

PHP Code:

<?php echo xcache_get('test');

then run them in the order I showed here?

I got this message

I took a screenshot of my xCache info in my admincp (perhaps its useful to you)


DragonByte Tech 11-13-2012 02:36 PM

Are you sure you used 2 separate PHP files and didn't put the code in 1 file?

If so, then I have no idea, sorry :(

Those functions are exactly what vBO uses.


dizzykmk 12-22-2012 01:54 AM

how to remove by hand this plugin ?

Lpspider 12-24-2012 08:59 AM


I've properly installed memcache, confirmed memcache in the config file. In test, I get this:


unning Test: Fetch Cache
Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration.
What might cause this? Reading previous threads shows others have had this issue too, I've been unable to find a solution, however.

Behrooz_Ice 12-25-2012 05:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am running vB 3.8.4 and installed memcached on our Server and set memcache on vB Optimise - Main Settings but when i see "MySQL Queries vB Optimise has saved this forum:"
on footer forum, it show me null and blank query!
also i see Resource Statistics is null!
for more information please see the attachments.
please tel me whats the issue and what do I need to change?

DragonByte Tech 12-25-2012 12:26 PM

If you're running vB 3.8.4, why are you posting in the vB4 thread?


Behrooz_Ice 12-26-2012 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2392685)
If you're running vB 3.8.4, why are you posting in the vB4 thread?


i sent this post on vb3 thread before but anybody don't reply to my post:
please reply to my post and help me to solve this issue DragonByte Tech.

Lpspider 12-26-2012 10:45 PM

My daily resource saving is listed at about 140 a day. Why would it show this if I'm not able to fetch catch sucessfully? Does this mean it's working?

Edit: I figured it out with the help of my post. I was using the wrong ip. I was using the site ip instead of the server ip.

DragonByte Tech 12-30-2012 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by dizzykmk (Post 2392161)
how to remove by hand this plugin ?

Remove the files uploaded from the server :)


bsun 02-21-2013 05:08 PM

We absolutely loved this module for our old vb3 forum, so when it came time to set up a vb4 one, we were happy to see it still around.

That said, in trying to install the free version of this without uploading anything beyond the XML, we received a message about how "vboptimise/includes/class_install.php appears to be missing!"

Fair enough -- the authors provide a nice "upload" folder. A couple questions, however (since I'm a bit foggy today and a seemingly-good upload fix didn't result in any new cPanel menus):

-- Can we assume that each portion of that "upload" folder reflects something additive for the equivalent space on the server? (So, for example, can I make the seemingly obvious assumption that C:\mylocalfolder\upload\includes\xml\cpnav_vboptim ise.xml can go into the existing /serverhome/includes/xml/ folder? It's always worth asking.)

-- Is there any way to find a list of the files/tables that I should manually check for removal after an uninstall of version 1.3.x before installing the new version?

Thanks for any thoughts. This is a great product!

bsun 02-26-2013 03:45 PM

In addition to my questions on the previous post (right in proximity to this one), I have two more:

-- Assuming installation is successful, can we also assume we'll be seeing a nice, new "vB Optimise" menu on the primary left navigation rail of the control panel, as in previous versions?

-- Are there any existing vB Optimise 3.x files that we should avoid deleting before installation?

Thanks very much!

iraqiboy90 02-27-2013 12:59 PM

my provider "leasweb" does not have any cache operator installed..... They tried APC but they had problems with it so they disabled it.....

DragonByte Tech 02-27-2013 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by bsun (Post 2405635)
-- Can we assume that each portion of that "upload" folder reflects something additive for the equivalent space on the server? (So, for example, can I make the seemingly obvious assumption that C:\mylocalfolder\upload\includes\xml\cpnav_vboptim ise.xml can go into the existing /serverhome/includes/xml/ folder? It's always worth asking.)

Yeah, but you should drag and drop the contents of the upload folder to your forum folder to ensure the files are put in their correct locations.


Originally Posted by bsun (Post 2405635)
-- Is there any way to find a list of the files/tables that I should manually check for removal after an uninstall of version 1.3.x before installing the new version?

You will need to check the .zip file for v1.3.x, I wasn't responsible for that so I couldn't tell you, sorry :(


Originally Posted by bsun (Post 2406498)
-- Assuming installation is successful, can we also assume we'll be seeing a nice, new "vB Optimise" menu on the primary left navigation rail of the control panel, as in previous versions?

Correct :)


Originally Posted by bsun (Post 2406498)
-- Are there any existing vB Optimise 3.x files that we should avoid deleting before installation?

Nope, it's safe to remove all older files before installing a new version.


Originally Posted by iraqiboy90 (Post 2406707)
my provider "leasweb" does not have any cache operator installed..... They tried APC but they had problems with it so they disabled it.....

You can still use the Filecache method :)


bsun 02-27-2013 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2406720)
Yeah, but you should drag and drop the contents of the upload folder to your forum folder to ensure the files are put in their correct locations.

Thanks for all of the detailed answers - it always makes my heart glow to see people answering point-by-point, as you did.

Just for the sake of being super-cautious (and maybe a bit for future users): I asume you mean that we should drag the folder itself into our forum folder, rather than the contents alone. (If we were to copy the contents alone and agree to upload prompts, we would quickly find important vBulletin base folders like "includes" completely overwritten!)

Please let me know if my interpretation of the quote above is correct. Many thanks again for a great product!

DragonByte Tech 02-27-2013 04:22 PM

No, it should be the contents alone. The includes folder that comes with this mod only contains new XML files that are unique to this mod, so any overwrite prompts will be purely for any existing files belonging to this mod :)


bsun 02-27-2013 09:07 PM

Thanks! That of course worked. We added the files and ran the install from the xml provided for vB4, but no such menu has appeared. Here's the output of the installation in our browser:

Updating Version Number To: 1.5.1

Created Table: vb3_vboptimise
Populated Table: vb3_vboptimise

Updating Version Number To: 2.4.0

Updating Version Number To: 2.4.0

Created Table: vb3_vboptimise_cdn

... followed by the usual rebuilding of the styles.

Do you happen to see anything odd about this output?

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