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-   -   Add-On Releases - vBSSO - vBulletin Single Sign-On (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=270517)

xeagle 11-25-2011 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by nacaruncr (Post 2271648)
I have this problem:

We have detected account duplicates ---------@hotmail.com, xxxxxxxxx@hotmail.com. Duplicated accounts should be removed or merged before installing or upgrading this product!

How I can fix it?

We have already answered it at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....9&postcount=73.

xeagle 11-25-2011 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Akangage (Post 2271680)
Great :) its solved, anyway how to setup the platform address? it says setting page on connected platform but i can't find it. Is there any detail information regarding it?


Akangage, you should install WordPress vBSSO plugin in order to connect WordPress platform to vBulletin Single Sign On. I guess the screenshots available at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/vbsso/screenshots/ would help you connect it.

Thank you,

leoglobant 12-05-2011 05:29 PM


Is there a tweak I could do, or maybe it is already implemented to use this plugin as a SSO but in the other way around? I mean, Signing-in in other application signs-in on vBulletin.

I need to connect to a third-party RPC authentication system so every user already signed up can log in to vBulletin without registration. Any clues?

Thanks a lot in advance.

xeagle 12-06-2011 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by leoglobant (Post 2274936)

Is there a tweak I could do, or maybe it is already implemented to use this plugin as a SSO but in the other way around? I mean, Signing-in in other application signs-in on vBulletin.

I need to connect to a third-party RPC authentication system so every user already signed up can log in to vBulletin without registration. Any clues?

Thanks a lot in advance.

leoglobant, there is no tweak out of the box unfortunately and the need you are looking for should be additionally implemented to extend vBSSO plugin and provide connection for your RPC system. If you have more questions regarding this, you are welcome to send me a private message.

Thank you,

kleinschwanz 12-07-2011 01:00 PM

My problem is... that when I disable or uninstall the addon my forums will act strange.

for instance when people login they will not get the message, "thank you for logging in, xeagle" but "thank you for logging in bbusername" =(

How can I get rid of this?

Arkham 12-07-2011 05:11 PM

Great mod, with unlimited potential. Congrats.

My Top 3 requests for additional platforms:

- PHP Link Directory
- ExpressionEngine
- Joomla

Can you reveal which--if any--additional platforms you're currently considering or testing?

xeagle 12-07-2011 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by kleinschwanz (Post 2275533)
My problem is... that when I disable or uninstall the addon my forums will act strange.

for instance when people login they will not get the message, "thank you for logging in, xeagle" but "thank you for logging in bbusername" =(

How can I get rid of this?

kleinschwanz, vBSSO doesn't modify any of the standard templates and couldn't be a reason. I guess anything else might be a cause of the issue. You should try to analyze what was done around the vbulletin forum in your case or get a programmer to help you figure this out.

Thank you,

xeagle 12-07-2011 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Arkham (Post 2275599)
Great mod, with unlimited potential. Congrats.

My Top 3 requests for additional platforms:

- PHP Link Directory
- ExpressionEngine
- Joomla

Can you reveal which--if any--additional platforms you're currently considering or testing?

Arkham, we can say that we have Joomla platform in our tasks list. We have noted your suggestion regarding these two additional platforms also and would be able to consider them for later integration If we decide that it's worthy to be done.

Thank you,

Arkham 12-07-2011 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2275640)
Arkham, we can say that we have Joomla platform in our tasks list. We have noted your suggestion regarding these two additional platforms also and would be able to consider them for later integration If we decide that it's worthy to be done.

Thanks, that's great to hear. PHPLD is one--if not the--most popular link directory scripts out there, and there have been a few requests on vB.org for such an integration over the years.

Brandon Sheley 12-07-2011 08:37 PM

nice idea!
can't wait to test this

xeagle 12-08-2011 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Arkham (Post 2275642)
Thanks, that's great to hear. PHPLD is one--if not the--most popular link directory scripts out there, and there have been a few requests on vB.org for such an integration over the years.

We will try to get it in our focus.

OldSchoolDSL 12-09-2011 04:39 PM

Warning: fopen(/forums/vbsso/logs/vbsso_2011-12-09.log) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /forums/vbsso/vendor/log4php/appenders/LoggerAppenderFile.php on line 78

Changing the directory /forums/vbsso/logs to 777 corrected this error.

Don't recall reading the need to do that, but it fixed the issue. Now the fun part.... Installing Word Press and seeing if the two will work together.

Davey-UK 12-11-2011 10:28 AM

Keep getting "Unable to verify platform" when trying to configure VB side. Key and address are identical on each.
This is from the log file

[9356] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Platform returned error http status code: 0
Sun Dec 11 10:53:58 2011,506 [12580] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Platform returned error http status code: 0

Any ideas.

xeagle 12-13-2011 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Davey-UK (Post 2276713)
Keep getting "Unable to verify platform" when trying to configure VB side. Key and address are identical on each.
This is from the log file

[9356] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Platform returned error http status code: 0
Sun Dec 11 10:53:58 2011,506 [12580] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Platform returned error http status code: 0

Any ideas.

Could you please enable vBSSO -> Logging & Notifications -> Logging Level to DEBUG and send me all this via private message to investigate the issue?

Davey-UK 12-14-2011 05:45 AM

Sent it mate.
It looks like it is making weird addresses with things like http:\/www\/
Thanks for looking.

OldSchoolDSL 12-14-2011 05:55 AM

WordPress 3.3 was released

Anyone test this on it?

xeagle 12-14-2011 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Davey-UK (Post 2277613)
Sent it mate.
It looks like it is making weird addresses with things like http:\/www\/
Thanks for looking.

The addresses are completely correct. I left a reply to your message.

xeagle 12-14-2011 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2277615)
WordPress 3.3 was released

Anyone test this on it?

We have tested vBSSO on WordPress 3.3 and verified that it's working.

Davey-UK 12-14-2011 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2277629)
The addresses are completely correct. I left a reply to your message.

It wont let me log in to my WP admin now, it is just looping on the login script!

xeagle 12-14-2011 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Davey-UK (Post 2277722)
It wont let me log in to my WP admin now, it is just looping on the login script!

We have activated your vBSSO WordPress instance manually according to your logging information. We have left a message for you and would like to help you verify your installation.

OldSchoolDSL 12-17-2011 08:38 AM

I finally got around to connecting vBulletin and Word Press, but had to disconnect them.

While connected, anyone who tried to log-in via the forums were shown the "now logging you in page" over and over and over.... An endless loop.

Inferno Dragon 12-18-2011 05:51 PM

I have tested it with wordpress 3.3 and vb 4.1.9, it's working fine however I am facing some minor issues like:

- When we click on the logout option (both on vb and wordpress) it just redirects to a blank page and don't logout the user.

- If I manually do the logout using the vbulletin URL: login.php?do=logout then it just make the user logout from the vbulletin forum, user remains logged-in in the wordpress, I can't seem to find a solution for logging-out the user from WP.

Lastly, I thought that this plugin use the vbulletin to control the user access, but it don't work like this..all this addon do is just sync the vbulletin users with the wordpress, so for example if the ABCD user change his info in the vbulletin then he/she have to change his/her information the wordpress too (like email etc) :S am I right?

OldSchoolDSL 12-18-2011 07:12 PM

Uninstalled, but tagged for possible future use.

Even though I removed the connection and no one other than me ever used it .... vBSSO would every so often send me a small warning e-mail.


PHP WARNING: [2] fopen(/var/attachments/2/71.thumb): failed to open stream: No such file or directory on line 252 in file /var/www/forums/attachment.php. PHP 5.3.8-1~dotdeb.2 (Linux)
And sometimes


PHP WARNING: [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 210 in file /var/www/forums/includes/functions_threadedmode.php. PHP 5.3.8-1~dotdeb.2 (Linux)
I thought it was odd that vBBSO was sending me these e-mails (which there is an option for it to do) when I clearly wasn't even using it.

xeagle 12-19-2011 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2278551)
I finally got around to connecting vBulletin and Word Press, but had to disconnect them.

While connected, anyone who tried to log-in via the forums were shown the "now logging you in page" over and over and over.... An endless loop.

The loop might mean that vBSSO is unable to verify account for the connected WordPress platform. One vBulletin account might match several WordPress accounts. We will add this to our tasks list and handle this case in our next versions.

xeagle 12-19-2011 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2278930)
Uninstalled, but tagged for possible future use.

Even though I removed the connection and no one other than me ever used it .... vBSSO would every so often send me a small warning e-mail.


PHP WARNING: [2] fopen(/var/attachments/2/71.thumb): failed to open stream: No such file or directory on line 252 in file /var/www/forums/attachment.php. PHP 5.3.8-1~dotdeb.2 (Linux)
And sometimes


PHP WARNING: [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 210 in file /var/www/forums/includes/functions_threadedmode.php. PHP 5.3.8-1~dotdeb.2 (Linux)
I thought it was odd that vBBSO was sending me these e-mails (which there is an option for it to do) when I clearly wasn't even using it.

It looks like that these are vBulletin error reporting messages. Did you specify "Email Notifications Addresses" and enable "Email Notifications" at admincp -> vBSSO -> Logging & Notifications?

OldSchoolDSL 12-19-2011 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2279139)
The loop might mean that vBSSO is unable to verify account for the connected WordPress platform. One vBulletin account might match several WordPress accounts. We will add this to our tasks list and handle this case in our next versions.

There were no other Word Press accounts. I made a dummy account on my vBulletin, logged into it, and was placed in an endless loop.

OldSchoolDSL 12-19-2011 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2279154)
It looks like that these are vBulletin error reporting messages. Did you specify "Email Notifications Addresses" and enable "Email Notifications" at admincp -> vBSSO -> Logging & Notifications?

YES :o

But after removing the connection, shouldn't it stop reporting? It wasn't so much an issue, but had my a little confused. One of those errors is someone was looking for an attachment that I had deleted, but the other had me confused because I had disconnected the link between vBulletin and WordPress, so I couldn't understand why it was telling me there was a log-in error between the two.

xeagle 12-19-2011 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2279191)
There were no other Word Press accounts. I made a dummy account on my vBulletin, logged into it, and was placed in an endless loop.

That's weird, so we have put it into the investigation in-progress status.

OldSchoolDSL 12-19-2011 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2279202)
That's weird, so we have put it into the investigation in-progress status.

Thank you Xeagle for taking the time to investigate and address my concern. I very much appreciate you're willingness to look into this and understand your time is valuable, so I am thankful you for your reply. :)

As a matter of interest and maybe if it will help, I was using vBulletin 4.1.9 and WordPress 3.3

xeagle 12-19-2011 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2279192)
YES :o

But after removing the connection, shouldn't it stop reporting? It wasn't so much an issue, but had my a little confused. One of those errors is someone was looking for an attachment that I had deleted, but the other had me confused because I had disconnected the link between vBulletin and WordPress, so I couldn't understand why it was telling me there was a log-in error between the two.

Actually, it looks like vBulletin didn't remove a reference to the previously deleted file. In your case vBSSO was configured to capture all WARN messages and that's why you saw that error lines.

Those errors are actually belong to vBulletin, but we have noted such case and will think how to handle this in future.

del Drago 12-19-2011 10:14 PM

This mod looks very, very promising.

Could this be used to integrate vBulletin with Buddypress?

xeagle 12-20-2011 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by del Drago (Post 2279220)
This mod looks very, very promising.

Could this be used to integrate vBulletin with Buddypress?

Unfortunately we have no near plans to connect BuddyPress platform to vBulletin, however we have added this platform to the list and consider the connection in 2012.

ndahiya 12-20-2011 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2264894)
Agreed. So far the plugin is quite good to start a network up quickly from scratch based on vBulletin and WordPress platforms.

From other hand we are in internal brainstorm period of thinking to connect already existing accounts and letting users to change their username and email address in platforms.

If somebody opens to share the vision how they would like to see this, that's greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

For mediawiki, this mod used to work very well, but is no longer active. would be great of the bridge could be based similar to this:



thompson 12-21-2011 08:49 AM

what about drupal ?

xeagle 12-21-2011 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by ndahiya (Post 2279442)
For mediawiki, this mod used to work very well, but is no longer active. would be great of the bridge could be based similar to this:



ndahiya, we don't honestly think that our commitment is going to be a growth of the platform related features at the moment. Our initial and major goal is to provide a smart single sign-on mechanism to connect platforms together and connect already existing accounts properly. We have noted your advice and definitely get back to the consideration in 2012.

xeagle 12-21-2011 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by thompson (Post 2279654)
what about drupal ?

We have a Drupal platform as a highest priority for the beginning of next year. It is going to be published as soon as we could provide enhanced version of the current plugins with the better existing accounts management.

ndahiya 12-21-2011 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2279787)
ndahiya, we don't honestly think that our commitment is going to be a growth of the platform related features at the moment. Our initial and major goal is to provide a smart single sign-on mechanism to connect platforms together and connect already existing accounts properly. We have noted your advice and definitely get back to the consideration in 2012.

i believe there are 3 components to integration:
1. user authentication and sign on integration
2. look and feel
3. other addons (like, showing wikiedits in the profile page etc).

for me, the 1st is the key (the 2nd would be useful, but not critical per se). it would be great if mediawiki was included in the list of supported platforms. the other things will be taken care of by other sers, once the signon functionality is standardized and stable.

Network-HQ 12-29-2011 10:10 PM

Hey guys, I uploaded and activate the fils for vbulletin and uploaded the folder for Wordpress. When I wanne actiavte the wordpress plugin I get the follwing fatal error message:


Warning: require_once(x:\xxx\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\vbsso/../includes/config.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in x:\xxx\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\vbsso\vbootstrap.php on line 13
Any solutions? :confused:

xeagle 12-30-2011 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by Network-HQ (Post 2282027)
Hey guys, I uploaded and activate the fils for vbulletin and uploaded the folder for Wordpress. When I wanne actiavte the wordpress plugin I get the follwing fatal error message:


Warning: require_once(x:\xxx\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\vbsso/../includes/config.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in x:\xxx\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\vbsso\vbootstrap.php on line 13
Any solutions? :confused:

Hi, vbootstrap.php is a part of the vBulletin vBSSO package, maybe you just installed vBulletin vBSSO plugin for WordPress instead of WordPress vBSSO plugin?

Network-HQ 12-30-2011 02:01 PM

Hey, I uploaded all folders from the "upload" in the vbulletin root directory.
In the "/wp-conten/plugins" directory I only uploaded the vbsso folder. Then I uploaded the vbsso.xml on vbulletin. And now I want to activate the plugin on wordpress but I get the fatal error message. :(

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