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-   -   Anti-Spam Options - One Touch Ban & Clean-up (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=269904)

ForceHSS 10-09-2012 09:49 PM

Now been updated with blogs added to it pm me if anyone wants the new version

Snowhog 10-27-2012 09:01 PM


This is me, and I'm one of our forums Administrators. I have our protected usergroups ID's identified, as well as specified individual IDs that are protected from having this MOD used against them. I'd like to have the link to the MOD not shown on these members.

As the developer isn't supporting this MOD, can you tell me how to prevent the option from being shown on protected members?

Thank you.

ForceHSS 10-27-2012 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Snowhog (Post 2376401)

This is me, and I'm one of our forums Administrators. I have our protected usergroups ID's identified, as well as specified individual IDs that are protected from having this MOD used against them. I'd like to have the link to the MOD not shown on these members.

As the developer isn't supporting this MOD, can you tell me how to prevent the option from being shown on protected members?

Thank you.

You don't have the updated version that I have made that has the blogs included with the new update. As to the picture above the Protect Users & Groups covers that even if it does show it can't be used against you. You can also make it so only you can use it and only you will see it. Go to admincp/settings/option One Touch Ban & Cleaner Options the you will see 5,6,7 in Admin & Moderator Groups clear this so nothing in there then in Additional Users put your userid

Snowhog 11-05-2012 06:05 PM

vBulletin 4.2.2

I've got a problem with this MOD, and am looking for help in fixing it.

Spammer has posted. When in the forum where the post is, and clicking on the username and clicking on One touch Ban & cleaner I see:


One Touch Ban & Cleaner
You are about to perform the following actions concerning the user Alexander.M (id: 24257)

0 threads started by this user will be deleted.
1 posts made by this user will be deleted.
0 private messages sent by this user will be deleted.
0 calendar events created by this user will be deleted.
IP address will be added to banned IP address list
Deletion reason:
This user will also be deleted.
Ban reason:
Please confirm your intentions - This action cannot be undone
When I click on the Confirm button I get:


Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving http://www.kubuntuforums.net/misc.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.
What is causing the error, and how do I fix it?

Thank you.

TheSupportForum 11-05-2012 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Snowhog (Post 2378637)
vBulletin 4.2.2

I've got a problem with this MOD, and am looking for help in fixing it.

Spammer has posted. When in the forum where the post is, and clicking on the username and clicking on One touch Ban & cleaner I see:

When I click on the Confirm button I get:

What is causing the error, and how do I fix it?

Thank you.

where did you get vb 4.2.2 ?

only 4.2.0 PL2 is released atm

Snowhog 11-05-2012 06:26 PM

Sorry, that's what I meant; version 4.2.0 PL2.

ForceHSS 11-05-2012 06:39 PM

4.2.0 PL3 is the latest

ForceHSS 11-05-2012 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Snowhog (Post 2378637)
vBulletin 4.2.2

I've got a problem with this MOD, and am looking for help in fixing it.

Spammer has posted. When in the forum where the post is, and clicking on the username and clicking on One touch Ban & cleaner I see:

When I click on the Confirm button I get:

What is causing the error, and how do I fix it?

Thank you.

configured incorrectly I would look at the settings you have put for this mod a screenshot of them would help

Snowhog 11-05-2012 07:07 PM


Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving http://www.kubuntuforums.net/misc.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
In the AdminCP > Settings > Options > One Touch Ban & Cleaner Options there is no place to specify a URL as indicated in the error above. That, and the identified URL takes you to the smilies page of the forum. What would that have to do with this MOD?

Simon Lloyd 11-05-2012 08:39 PM

You get taken to the smilie page anytime a mod that uses misc.php doesn't have the variables properly declared or passed to it, so if one of the settings is wrong there just may not be a handler to handle the error and you get sent to the smilie page :)

Snowhog 11-05-2012 08:44 PM

Okay, but how do I check? The MOD doesn't require any tweaking of variables. Once installed, all settings are in the AdminCP > Settings > Options > One Touch Ban & Cleaner Options.

If there is a variable setting that requires changing, what/were is it, and what does it need to be changed to?

This is what is in postbit_onetouchban

<li class="left">
<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/profile.png" alt="" />
<a href="misc.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=spamcleanconfirm&amp;u={vb:r aw userid}">
{vb:rawphrase spammer_ban_member}

ForceHSS 11-06-2012 01:07 AM

you would be best to disable all other mods use this one see if error comes up if not enable one mod at a time then check this mod until you find the problem as it looks like another mod is messing with this one I run this mod one 3 forums and have never had a error with it

ForceHSS 11-06-2012 01:09 AM

You would be best to disable all other mods then use this one (close forums make test accounts and make as many as you need until you have fully tested the mod) see if the error comes up if not enable one mod at a time then check this mod until you find the problem as it looks like another mod is messing with this one. I run this mod on 3 forums and have never had a error with it

galactictoad 11-19-2012 05:22 PM

this doesn't work for me. i installed it but i never see the option for the one button cleanup. vb4.2.0 any ideas as to how to make it work?

fxdigi-cash 11-21-2012 08:35 PM

Hi, I tried this plugin on my v4.2 and works fine without any troubles.

@galactictoad, I think it is very simple. All you need is to upload the plugin using the control panel and then you will see the this feature in the option menu at the bottom. Then activate it and look at a user post and click his options to see this feature there.

I did it and it is working fine.

any question, please don't hesitate.


ForceHSS 11-21-2012 08:46 PM

1. Log in to your Admin CP and scroll down to Plugins & Products >> Manage Products

2. Under Import Product, Browse to where you unpacked the zip/xml file and then click on product-onetouch_ban_clean_1.xml

3. Then click on Import

Done: installed.

Go to any post click on a users name you will see the option in the drop down
If you want the updated version with blogs added pm me

rob01 11-21-2012 10:01 PM

it seems weird but the one touch stuff does't seems to be aligned with the icon

rob01 12-05-2012 12:34 AM

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare clean_options_list() (previously declared in /home//misc.php(89) : eval()'d code:109) in /home/includes/functions_ghsom.php on line 354

any idea?

ForceHSS 12-05-2012 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by rob01 (Post 2388534)
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare clean_options_list() (previously declared in /home//misc.php(89) : eval()'d code:109) in /home/includes/functions_ghsom.php on line 354

any idea?

functions_ghsom.php is from this plugin
I would check settings for both mods

elfenny 12-27-2012 01:30 AM

I have a problem, I get this error ...

Fatal error: Can not redeclare clean_options_list () (previously declared in / home / *** / public_html / misc.php (89): eval () 'd code: 2645) in / home / ***/ public_html / includes / functions_ghsom.php online 354

ForceHSS 12-27-2012 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by elfenny (Post 2392922)
I have a problem, I get this error ...

Fatal error: Can not redeclare clean_options_list () (previously declared in / home / elforode / public_html / misc.php (89): eval () 'd code: 2645) in / home / elforode / public_html / includes / functions_ghsom.php online 354

make sure you dont have a blank setting when it should be filled also make sure if it needs a , between some number you put them so please go over all options again and check them

RideMonkey! 01-08-2013 08:56 PM

This would be perfect if it would remove Visitor Messages as well.

Anyone have a hack to do that?

ForceHSS 01-08-2013 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by RideMonkey! (Post 2395636)
This would be perfect if it would remove Visitor Messages as well.

Anyone have a hack to do that?

not hard to add that I have already added blogs to this one

RideMonkey! 01-09-2013 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2395641)
not hard to add that I have already added blogs to this one

Yes, I was being lazy and hoping someone had already written it. I'll dig out the SQL purge code for visitor messages this weekend and take a look at putting it in.

Amaury 02-27-2013 03:34 PM

The icon isn't placed right. It should be on the left with the text directly to the right like the other menu items.

How can this be fixed?


HOSSAMYEHIA 02-28-2013 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Amaury25 (Post 2406742)
The icon isn't placed right. It should be on the left with the text directly to the right like the other menu items.

How can this be fixed?


same problem here it's little css but i can't do it in vbulletin :D

bing11 03-25-2013 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Amaury25 (Post 2406742)
The icon isn't placed right. It should be on the left with the text directly to the right like the other menu items.

How can this be fixed?


edit template


all replace


<li class="left">
                        <a href="misc.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=spamcleanconfirm&amp;u={vb:raw userid}" class="siteicon_profile">
                                {vb:rawphrase spammer_ban_member}

ForceHSS 03-25-2013 12:22 PM

thanks for the fix bing11 if any one wants the version I have pm me it has blogs also added to it and with bing11 fix above

JesWhite 04-06-2014 05:19 AM

works fine but

this is my default theme...and working fine

this is site's theme...
but not show good...


how can i fix this...
css option?

Phaedrus 04-07-2014 11:37 PM

Does this work with 4.2.2 PL1?

Barcham 04-08-2014 04:46 AM

Yes, it works fine with 4.2.2 PL1 on my board.

Marcin1 04-08-2014 01:02 PM

Good mod!

But I have some missing issues to fix:

1) Delete all posts added by user in ChatBoX
2) Add banned user to IP adresses Miserable users addon
3) User's title is "banned". Possible to change to usergroup was finally set? Usually needs re-counter users titles to be displayed corretly.

The title (issue no. 3) was solved by change the appropriate phrase.

dimora 04-27-2014 12:39 PM

Just installed on my 4.2.2 forum. It works great!

420 05-20-2014 05:59 PM

How does this differ from the default features already provided by VB 4.22 PL1?

ForceHSS 05-20-2014 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by 420 (Post 2498661)
How does this differ from the default features already provided by VB 4.22 PL1?

You can't do what this program does by default vb settings no matter what version you have

420 05-20-2014 06:29 PM

Can you please elaborate on that and give me some specifics?

I would be truly grateful.

Thank you.

ForceHSS 05-20-2014 07:00 PM

vb does not delete members posts and ban like this plugin does with one click of a button

Max Taxable 07-30-2014 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2412159)
thanks for the fix bing11 if any one wants the version I have pm me it has blogs also added to it and with bing11 fix above

On installations that don't have the blog, your version kicks db error related to the queries for the blogs.

JesWhite 07-30-2014 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by JesWhite (Post 2491766)
works fine but

this is my default theme...and working fine

this is site's theme...
but not show good...


how can i fix this...
css option?

i didnt fix yet..
please help me for add css option...

ForceHSS 07-30-2014 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2508964)
On installations that don't have the blog, your version kicks db error related to the queries for the blogs.

I know never got round to fixing that yet. If you have the my version feel free to fix it and send me the fix. It's why I only send it to the ones who have blogs.

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