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RollaJedi 12-07-2010 03:49 PM

i am trying to copy and paste my html code (which is really, really long) into the box. I can paste it there, but once it does, the whole browser freezes and never comes back. Is this something you might know about?

Logician 12-07-2010 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by RollaJedi (Post 2130485)
i am trying to copy and paste my html code (which is really, really long) into the box. I can paste it there, but once it does, the whole browser freezes and never comes back. Is this something you might know about?

If it is too long, browser or server might not be handling it. Try to paste the same into a vb forum post and see if it reacts same way. If it also freeze in a vb post, it is not about the hack.

RollaJedi 12-07-2010 06:29 PM

Thanks for the tip! yes, it was not the webtemplates mod. It is something else i guess. I have over 19,000 lines of html code. :P

Antidepresiv 12-15-2010 10:45 PM

Hello Logician, and thank you for this great hack! However i have a problem, here is my forum link . It's messing my header and footer pretty bad, can you help me with this, it would be realy appreciated. thank you again.

Best Regards,

Logician 12-16-2010 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Antidepresiv (Post 2134511)
Hello Logician, and thank you for this great hack! However i have a problem, here is my forum link . It's messing my header and footer pretty bad, can you help me with this, it would be realy appreciated. thank you again.

By default vbulletin has header related CSS/styling code only in header template and footer related code only in footer template. By this way other applications like webtemplates which wants to use vb header and footer can do so by inheriting these templates. However some designers might put some their styling codes in other vb templates too and in this scenario it is not possible for other applications but vb to render them correctly. As a matter of fact this kind of designing is a bad practise as structurally header/footer styling should only be done in header/footer templates as they are intended to. Therefore unfortunately the designer who did your custom design needs to fix this problem, it is not possible for me to fix it in WT end.

Antidepresiv 12-16-2010 03:27 PM

Thank you again dude, i will figure smtin out with the designer.. ;)

Antidepresiv 12-18-2010 04:35 PM

Hello again Logician, and sry for bothering you again with this.. I talked to my designer, and he said folowing to me..

"vBulletin stores all CSS in external CSS files, not inside the header template. It then references these files in the headinclude and headinclude_bottom templates. We store our CSS in external files, just like vBulletin. It sounds like your plugin isn't including the headinclude_bottom template, which is where we reference our CSS files. This can be fixed by either moving the reference to our files from headinclude_bottom to headinclude, or by fixing the plug-in so it includes the headinclude_bottom. This is a mistake in the plug-in, not a mistake in our skin or bad practise. "

Could you help me out with this, i would rly like to make you'r product work, thnak you again..


patsalko 01-03-2011 04:45 PM

I had an old version of this hack on Vb 3.8x and it worked fine.
I upgraded to vb 4.0.8 and uninstalled the hack, then re-installed the new version of the hack and now it does not work.
I created a very simple HTML template but when I click on it, it does not display anything, except the header and footer.

Any ideas?

Logician 01-03-2011 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Antidepresiv (Post 2135958)
This can be fixed by either moving the reference to our files from headinclude_bottom to headinclude, or by fixing the plug-in so it includes the headinclude_bottom.

So it seems that if you move the style code in header_bottom to your headinclude template it should work. Have you tried that?

Logician 01-03-2011 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by patsalko (Post 2143423)
I had an old version of this hack on Vb 3.8x and it worked fine.
I upgraded to vb 4.0.8 and uninstalled the hack, then re-installed the new version of the hack and now it does not work.
I created a very simple HTML template but when I click on it, it does not display anything, except the header and footer.

Any ideas?

Does test webtemplate work fine? If no, please pm me access to your site and let me check (I'd need FTP access, phpmyadmin access and vb admin cp access). If test webtemplate works fine but not your custom webtemplate, then it should be related to your code in your custom WT.

Antidepresiv 01-04-2011 10:52 AM

Hello Logician, and thanks for the reply, im not sure what part of code should i move ? Can you help me with this one ? I would rly want to get this product working.. Thanks again..

Logician 01-04-2011 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Antidepresiv (Post 2143806)
Hello Logician, and thanks for the reply, im not sure what part of code should i move ? Can you help me with this one ? I would rly want to get this product working.. Thanks again..

Edit template named "headinclude_bottom" and copy everything in it except this part:


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{vb:raw vbcsspath}additional.css" />
<!--[if lt IE 8]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{vb:raw vbcsspath}replacement-vbulletin-ie.css" />
{vb:raw template_hook.headinclude_bottom_css}
Then paste copied content into headinclude template.

Antidepresiv 01-04-2011 04:42 PM

Thanks Logician, but, my headinclude_bottom had only 2 lines of code in it, so i copy-pasted them into my headinclude template, and now it works like a charm!!! xD Thank you Logician.. :)

Best Regards,

mmacrypt 01-12-2011 03:49 AM

Thank you for this mod, I just now installed it, went smooth and I didn't skip step 3.

I run an MMA site, my over all goal is to be able to bridge fighters Wiki pages into my site. I don't know if Iframes is the way I want to do it or not. I'm just now jumping in to be honest. I had messed with a Wiki mod but it seems like a dead mod to be honest so I dropped it and I'm moving to this. The biggest issue I see is that I want my side to be updated when people update the Wiki side. I don't know HTML all that well so I don't know if what I'm trying is really easy or impossible but that's why I'm here. I read through this thread and that's where I picked up Iframes. If you think there is a better way to do it than Iframes, please let me know cause that's the direction I'll be heading. Again, thanks for this mod as I'm just getting started.

Brian with MMACrypt.com

Andey91 01-19-2011 02:27 PM

Hi Logician, and thank you for making this hack!

I think i have the same problem as "Antidepresiv" had. The header and footer are messed up and im wondering if I have to talk to the designer or do you have any solutions?

Link: http://www.mw2.no/view.php?pg=test&langid=1

Thanks again.

Logician 01-19-2011 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Andey91 (Post 2151475)
Hi Logician, and thank you for making this hack!

I think i have the same problem as "Antidepresiv" had. The header and footer are messed up and im wondering if I have to talk to the designer or do you have any solutions?

Link: http://www.mw2.no/view.php?pg=test&langid=1

Thanks again.

Please first try to apply the solution in post 92 and if it does not work then try talking to designer.

Andey91 01-19-2011 04:11 PM

It worked! Thank you so much!:)

KeystoneAirsoft 02-20-2011 11:57 PM


Came across this mod the other day and have installed it on my site, but I am having a couple of issues I can't seem to remedy and am seeking some help with the issues plus I am seeking some help on a question I have.

Issues first:

1) When I go into admincp/settings/options I select the edit usergroup as 6 which is admin and then I go into Logician's Webtemplates/Webtemplates and edit say for instance info_aboutus and check the Administrator box and even enter my username in the editor permissions settings and then save it. Well when I click the "visit" link I see nothing at the bottom of the template to edit that actual page. This is for pretty much every page I have set the settings on. The only page I can edit is the "priv_privatemessages" page. I am viewing these pages as Administrator.

2) At the bottom of the view pages there is a link linked to "Logging" if I click that link I am brought to a message stating "you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:" and lists the reasons which is a standard message from vBulletin. Should this be doing this since I am Administrator?


I like the 2 Column layout and want to really use it for the site but have 2 boxes on the left one for the site policies, about us, etc and another box for Site Membership Information. My question is how can I add another block below the default one "Site Help Pages"? I hae looked at the code but I am kinda lost on this.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks much in advance.

Logician 02-21-2011 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by KeystoneAirsoft (Post 2164772)
Came across this mod the other day and have installed it on my site, but I am having a couple of issues I can't seem to remedy and am seeking some help with the issues plus I am seeking some help on a question I have.

Can't you see edit this page link in default webtemplates like "test"? It is next to "Page Created at ...." line at the bottom right above" WebTemplate Quick Info Panel for Admins".

If you can't please edit the webtemplate theme that webtemplates is using (or webtemplate itself if it is not using a theme) and make sure it has this line somewhere:
{vb:raw WT_Editor_link}

Both your complaint 1 and 2 can be because your primary usergroup is not administrator. Please make sure your primary usergroup is administrator, not your secondary usergroup.

Regarding item 3:
Edit webtemplate THEME site information pages and add this code:
HTML Code:

<div class="block" id="foldercontrols">
    <div class="blockhead">
        <h2>Site Help Pages</h2>
    <div class="blockbody settings_form_border">
        <ul class="blockrow">
      {vb:raw WQ_siteinformationitems}

before {vb:raw nowbrowsing}

KeystoneAirsoft 02-22-2011 02:14 AM

Hi Logician,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

There are only 5 pages I can see the "Edit" link. test, test_pagination, priv_privatemessages, test2 and wtlist. From what I am gathering from looking at the ones I see it in and the ones I don't it is basically only the info_*.* pages I am not seeing it in which uses the "webtemplate THEME site information pages" After searching that THEME the "{vb:raw WT_Editor_link}" was not in there so I added it right above the line.
HTML Code:

<div class="blockfoot floatcontainer">
  <a href='sendmessage.php'>Still Have A Question?</a>

Now it works great. ;)

I didn't think I changed my primary usergroup but I guess I did, lol. Sorry thats corrected and that works great.

Code you supplied worked great too, thank you very much for sharing.

Thank you very much for your help and this great mod.

Phaedrus 03-26-2011 05:31 PM

Does this work with 4.1.2?

Yes, this works in 4.1.2. It works just fine. :D

hugh_ 04-08-2011 03:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)

I just upgraded from vbulletin 3.8.5 to 4.1.3 and the latest release of your mod but when I try to access the templates all I get is an empty template page with just a title (see attached). What have I done wrong?



Logician 04-08-2011 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by hugh_ (Post 2182203)
I just upgraded from vbulletin 3.8.5 to 4.1.3 and the latest release of your mod but when I try to access the templates all I get is an empty template page with just a title (see attached). What have I done wrong?

Have you followed these steps correctly:


Just follow "FIRST TIME INSTALLATION README.TXT" to install WebTemplates 4.x.

In STEP 3, make sure "Overwrite?" checkbox is MARKED while importing default webtemplates and webqueries. This will make sure you keep your custom webtemplates and webqueries but defaults are overwritten.

Please remember that your old webtemplates and webqueries might require tweaking before working in 4.x version. This is not about hack itself, it happens because vb styling system has been completely changed in 4.x version so your 3.x tags might not work in vbulletin 4.x. So if you get some "unexpected look" in some of your old webtemplates, please edit them and make sure they use vbulletin 4.x's styling tags.

STEP 3- Close your browser, reopen it, relogin to your admin cp and you should to see "Logician's WebTemplates" in the left menu, expand it and click "Export/Import", then "Upload Webtemplate .XML File", point the file named "webtemplate_export.xml".
(There are 2 XML files, please make sure you import the file named "webtemplate_export.xml"!)
(This step is to upload default webtemplates and webqueries to your webtemplate system)

(Many people are missing step 3 above while installing the hack so please make sure you didn't!) :)
At this point I can suggest, removing all default webtemplates (and themese) from your installation and then apply step 3 again.

hugh_ 04-08-2011 01:06 PM

I hadn't uploaded the second xml file but the problem was with the default themes I'd created...

Logician 04-08-2011 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by hugh_ (Post 2182298)
I hadn't uploaded the second xml file but the problem was with the default themes I'd created...

If you didn't uploaded second xml, this means your installation does not have vb4 webtemplates themese so you are viewing your webtemplates with your old 3.x themes and templates, hence having the problem.

Please remove your old webtemplate themes, upload new themes as described in step 3 and retry.

BF777 04-13-2011 03:20 PM

I just installed this hack. Good stuff.

For my site, I just need this to create simple pages with information. I don't care much for the user stats. Therefore, how do I create a simple page that inherits my header/footer template without all that user stat info? I'd like to create pages similar to this page.


BF777 04-13-2011 05:19 PM

Also, for my Custom Pages, why won't the title save with the first letter as a capital letter?

Logician 04-14-2011 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by BF777 (Post 2184283)
Also, for my Custom Pages, why won't the title save with the first letter as a capital letter?

Your "User Friendly Name" can include a capital letter and it is what user's will see (in other words actual title of the page).

"WebTemplate Name" is a technical key which is used in url so requires all lowercase letters so as not to confuse URLs and browsers

BF777 04-14-2011 03:13 PM

Ok, I was actually able to figure a few things out. I had to modify some code.

preemz10314 04-30-2011 12:12 AM

very very enticing, and I am a CMS owner. This has a very clean look to it. Something I was interested in. Tagged. will install. thank you.

preemz10314 04-30-2011 12:20 PM

So I installed this smoothly but when I get to "Using a Theme?" I do not have any other option other then "No parent template, This is an independent webemplate" I do not have an option to choose my default theme...So it just shows up "as is" not inherting my forum theme...


I just do not have anything under "using a theme?" other then "No parent template"....

Please help, thanks alot.

Logician 04-30-2011 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by preemz10314 (Post 2190322)
So I installed this smoothly but when I get to "Using a Theme?" I do not have any other option other then "No parent template, This is an independent webemplate" I do not have an option to choose my default theme...So it just shows up "as is" not inherting my forum theme...


I just do not have anything under "using a theme?" other then "No parent template"....

Please help, thanks alot.

You missed STEP 3.

preemz10314 04-30-2011 01:27 PM

Thanks logician. You were correct. I am pretty sure alot of us are missing step 3 because, we are assuming it just says to upload the .xml and missing the rest... I think it is because our screen settings are cutting off the end of step 3 when viewing in notepad.. and we are just not scrolling all the way over to read. Regardless I did what you said and got it working.

However just one last question and then I wont bother you anymore...I will also donate.

http://www.digitalbrass.com/view.php?pg=aboutdigital is the test page I created. It is throwing off the navbar making it off center.. and moving the header image to the left when it should be center.

as shown here http://digitalbrass.com can you help me correct this? I am willing to PM you login details if you have some time and patience. Regardless

Thanks again.

Logician 05-01-2011 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by preemz10314 (Post 2190332)
Thanks logician. You were correct. I am pretty sure alot of us are missing step 3 because, we are assuming it just says to upload the .xml and missing the rest... I think it is because our screen settings are cutting off the end of step 3 when viewing in notepad.. and we are just not scrolling all the way over to read. Regardless I did what you said and got it working.

However just one last question and then I wont bother you anymore...I will also donate.

http://www.digitalbrass.com/view.php?pg=aboutdigital is the test page I created. It is throwing off the navbar making it off center.. and moving the header image to the left when it should be center.

as shown here http://digitalbrass.com can you help me correct this? I am willing to PM you login details if you have some time and patience. Regardless

Thanks again.

Please pm me admin cp access (admin account you gave to me should have full permissions in admin cp) and let me check.

bilgin61 05-03-2011 07:48 PM

Teşekkür ederim

SirShaw 05-04-2011 11:55 PM

First off, great hack! Like many others, this is exactly what I was looking for.

I do however have a small problem.

my stats script for bf2 relies on variables attached to the url. each player has a different url to pull up stats.

for example:
player 44455101 would have a url such as:


while player 44572383 would have a url as:



onto my question here.

In order to get this to function properly, I need to set WebTemplates to PHP mode. The script then works as intended but is missing the vbulletin header and footer. I looked at a post a few pages back here which Logician, you suggested using an iframe. I did this and the script simply just loaded whenever a user inputed his player number/name on the main page. The script didnt grab his data.

I think I can get this to work with the vbulletin header and footer if in WebTemplates we were allowed to use both HTML and PHP at the same time within WebTemplates. I was trying to put the contents of the Default Basic Theme into the Template I was creating with the script code in it but all it outputs is a blank white screen.

If thats not possible, I was then wondering how to export the Default Basic Theme to include it in my script and have it load it that way.


Logician 05-05-2011 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by SirShaw (Post 2191943)
my stats script for bf2 relies on variables attached to the url. each player has a different url to pull up stats.

You can give it a shot for these 2 methods:
1- Edit view.php, find
PHP Code:

$pg strtolower(trim($vbulletin->GPC['pg'])); 

after that add:
PHP Code:

    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array(
'input1' =>TYPE_INT

$input1 strtolower(trim($vbulletin->GPC['input1'])); 

This should then allow you to use input1 variable in WT.

2- In php webtemplates, variables for header, footer, headinclude etc. are already compiles so I'd think just echo'ing them should work. Eg.

echo $header;
echo $headinclude;
echo $footer;

(I didn't test myself atm)

SirShaw 05-05-2011 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Logician (Post 2192106)

2- In php webtemplates, variables for header, footer, headinclude etc. are already compiles so I'd think just echo'ing them should work. Eg.

echo $header;
echo $headinclude;
echo $footer;

(I didn't test myself atm)

perfect! my script now works as intended :D

thanks again!

StudentCreche 06-16-2011 06:11 AM

Great hack! How do I make the pages more SEO friendly though? Google's not picking them up as well as the other pages... Furthermore, how do I sort my header out? On the other pages the header logo is centralised. However, on the webtemplate pages the header logo is on the left. So for instance...
Normal page: http://www.studentcreche.co.uk/forum.php
Webtemplate page: http://www.studentcreche.co.uk/view....=periodictable

Logician 06-16-2011 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by StudentCreche (Post 2208375)
Great hack! How do I make the pages more SEO friendly though? Google's not picking them up as well as the other pages... Furthermore, how do I sort my header out? On the other pages the header logo is centralised. However, on the webtemplate pages the header logo is on the left. So for instance...
Normal page: http://www.studentcreche.co.uk/forum.php
Webtemplate page: http://www.studentcreche.co.uk/view....=periodictable

Please see SEO part of user manual. Yet I'd think that google should pick them well. I don't use SEO urls in my own board, and webtemplate pages ranks very high.

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