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Aknowles 08-29-2001 12:03 PM


5. Open the template "modifyavatar"

>>> Search for:
erm..excuse me for being stupid - but where is this template? Me using 2.0.3. I ran sqltodos.php and this has made changes to the avatar control page - but I can't add new avatar categories at the moment. Is this because I need to complete the rest of the installation?


bad_madman 08-29-2001 10:24 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Aknowles
erm..excuse me for being stupid - but where is this template? Me using 2.0.3. I ran sqltodos.php and this has made changes to the avatar control page - but I can't add new avatar categories at the moment. Is this because I need to complete the rest of the installation?

Aknowles 08-30-2001 01:34 PM

Thanks for that pointer - now carried out all the changes in the .txt apart from the ones marked 'CSS/Jump menu only'.

I still have the situation as yesterday though, that clicking 'modify' in the Avatars/Categories section takes me to what appears the right page .. then I click through to the uncategorised Avatars, and that's fine too .. but there's a text 'link' near the bottom that says 'New Avatar Category'. This isn't in fact a link and clicking it does nothing. I need to reate new categories in order to put my avatars in them, so any idea how I can fix this or why that link isn't working?


SirSteve 09-03-2001 05:28 AM

When I run the sqltodos.php, it returns a blank gray page. No tables where created in the database.


(using v2.0.3)

bad_madman 09-03-2001 08:35 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by SirSteve
When I run the sqltodos.php, it returns a blank gray page. No tables where created in the database.


(using v2.0.3)

bad_madman 09-03-2001 08:44 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Aknowles
Thanks for that pointer - now carried out all the changes in the .txt apart from the ones marked 'CSS/Jump menu only'.

I still have the situation as yesterday though, that clicking 'modify' in the Avatars/Categories section takes me to what appears the right page .. then I click through to the uncategorised Avatars, and that's fine too .. but there's a text 'link' near the bottom that says 'New Avatar Category'. This isn't in fact a link and clicking it does nothing. I need to reate new categories in order to put my avatars in them, so any idea how I can fix this or why that link isn't working?


SirSteve 09-03-2001 12:26 PM


Originally posted by Bad_Madman
Do you get however the following message:
"Start with changes on SQL-Database (add tables, records and fields) ...... yes / no"


bad_madman 09-03-2001 10:37 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by SirSteve

SirSteve 09-04-2001 06:14 PM


Originally posted by Bad_Madman
Hmm. I experimented somewhat. However to no solution came. Did you store and did start sqltodos.php there in the admin directory?
It started and when I hit submit, it went to a grey page. Yes, sqltodos.php is in the admin directory.

bad_madman 09-04-2001 09:17 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by SirSteve

It started and when I hit submit, it went to a grey page. Yes, sqltodos.php is in the admin directory.

kfree 09-10-2001 01:40 PM

Has anyone used this hack on v2.0.0 final?

I would love to use it on my board.

LuBi 09-13-2001 11:26 AM

Used the auto install and I keep getting this erroer

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in /www/htdocs/forums/admin/avatar_hack_install.php on line 349

bad_madman 09-13-2001 11:40 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by LuBi
Used the auto install and I keep getting this erroer

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in /www/htdocs/forums/admin/avatar_hack_install.php on line 349

LuBi 09-13-2001 11:40 AM

Yes and the install all from the admin directory.

bad_madman 09-13-2001 10:04 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by LuBi
Yes and the install all from the admin directory.

Tarion 09-14-2001 04:12 AM

I got the same problem, but you must give the rigth permissions (CHMOD 777) to all files of the Hack an any other files from VBB, but i don't know it at the moment, i think it is index.php an any other file.


Das selbe Problem hatte ich auch, nachdem ich allen Dateien in meinem Admin Verzeichnis CHMOD 777 gab war alles IO, nur ich hab die Kategorien im USER CP nicht gesehen, obwohl die Option show up the categorie aktiv war, es war eigetlich alles aktiv was die anzeigenoptionen anging, es wolte aber nicht so recht.

Ich hoffe du kannst mir weiterhelfen.

~Mr NeMo~ 09-14-2001 07:20 PM

can you help me???

i dont get all the catagorie's i only can see the custom and al the other members can see al the catagories.

and i am the builder of the board and also tester for that board from my friend.

see picture below:

:confused: :confused: :confused:

bad_madman 09-14-2001 10:24 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tarion
I got the same problem, but you must give the rigth permissions (CHMOD 777) to all files of the Hack an any other files from VBB, but i don't know it at the moment, i think it is index.php an any other file.

bad_madman 09-14-2001 10:29 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tarion ...

Das selbe Problem hatte ich auch, nachdem ich allen Dateien in meinem Admin Verzeichnis CHMOD 777 gab war alles IO, nur ich hab die Kategorien im USER CP nicht gesehen, obwohl die Option show up the categorie aktiv war, es war eigetlich alles aktiv was die anzeigenoptionen anging, es wolte aber nicht so recht.

Ich hoffe du kannst mir weiterhelfen.

bad_madman 09-14-2001 10:35 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by ~Mr NeMo~

i dont get all the catagorie's i only can see the custom and al the other members can see al the catagories.

Lordmusic 09-14-2001 11:17 PM

I got an interesting error. I can change the categories and everything via admin and all looks good, it's just I had Keir's custom avatars as files hack installed and somehow with this I get this error.

I have since upgraded to 2.0.3 and install this hack having Keir's previously installed. I don't have any of the old files with Keir?s code in there, but I think his install made me do stuff to the SQL. Incidentally I can no longer allow my users (or myself) to change avatars. As they hit the button Change Avatar, they get a blank page. I can still change their avatars via the control panel by manually finding their name, but that is it. There has to be a relation somewhere. Please help.

www.magi-forums.com is the forum?s url.

LuBi 09-15-2001 08:30 PM

I've installed the hack, today and I do not see the catagorie when I go to change my avatar. I have modified and changed everything on the admin side of this hack but my users cannot change their avatars from their user cps. How can I fix this?

Tarion 09-17-2001 03:52 AM

@Bad_Madman: Also Adminseitig ist alles iO, ich kann Kategorien anlegen und speichern. NUr bei der Ausgabe, sehe ich gar keine Kategroien, obwohl unter Optionen im Admin CP alles aktiviert wurde, ich hab schon alles mögliche und Unmögliche getestet, komme aber nicht hinter das geheimnis.

SirSteve 09-17-2001 05:12 PM


Originally posted by Bad_Madman
I am somewhat helpless.
Try please the following: Use the attached file, copy it (sqltodos.php in zip-archiv) also into the admin directory and execute it. Proceed exactly the same, like otherwise also. Tell me please afterwards, what you see as the latter. For example 'SirSteve: test output xx'. Thanks for your preparatory work ;) Do I talk complicated? Sorry... :D


It tried to go to a page that did not exist (404 File not found. The page is:


bad_madman 09-17-2001 07:36 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by SirSteve
It tried to go to a page that did not exist (404 File not found. The page is:


bad_madman 09-17-2001 07:58 PM

I did not mention unfortunately anywhere that empty categories are not displayed. Perhaps that is a reason for the problem :confused:

SirSteve 09-17-2001 08:49 PM


Originally posted by Bad_Madman
I am somewhat helpless.
Try please the following: Use the attached file, copy it (sqltodos.php in zip-archiv) also into the admin directory and execute it. Proceed exactly the same, like otherwise also. Tell me please afterwards, what you see as the latter. For example 'SirSteve: test output xx'. Thanks for your preparatory work ;) Do I talk complicated? Sorry... :D

@SirSteve: Sorry! Error fixed.


It goes to Test Ouput 2 then when I hit continue, page not found.

It also says this:
Tables, fields and records in SQL-Database exists already...

but in myphpadmin it doesn't show any new tables. ??

LuBi 09-18-2001 12:11 AM

Go here to check out my problem. The jumop buttons worked below. I don't think I like those but I do not have al ist of catagories. All avatars are in a group and I can't explain why the ones that show, show but someone help me..


LuBi 09-19-2001 04:28 AM

Need help still..

Can't get the catagorie selecting thing to show up. So my users can select. Somone help..

bad_madman 09-19-2001 08:42 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by LuBi
Need help still..

Can't get the catagorie selecting thing to show up. So my users can select. Somone help..

bad_madman 09-19-2001 08:57 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by SirSteve

It goes to Test Ouput 2 then when I hit continue, page not found.

It also says this:
Tables, fields and records in SQL-Database exists already...

but in myphpadmin it doesn't show any new tables. ??

SirSteve 09-19-2001 02:46 PM


Originally posted by Bad_Madman
Yes, that is correct. I let the table "settings" check only whether the avatar options are already entered there. That seems to be with you the case.

Ok. Delete please manually with phpMyAdmin the 3 entries in the table 'settings':
-varname='avataroptions' and
-varname='avatarpermissions' and
Start afterwards the file sqltodos.php again.

I don't have a table "settings" (plural) but I do have a "setting" table but there are no avatar fields in there. ??

bad_madman 09-19-2001 03:27 PM

Also no entry 'avataroptions' (in table 'setting' - not 'settings' - sorry)? This is checked in the script 'sqltodos.php'. If it exists then the script outputs that all tables would be already created ('Tables, fields and records in SQL-Database exists already...').

If this entry in the table 'setting' is available (and that would have it), then please also times to delete.

SirSteve 09-19-2001 03:43 PM


Originally posted by Bad_Madman
Also no entry 'avataroptions' (in table 'setting' - not 'settings' - sorry)? This is checked in the script 'sqltodos.php'. If it exists then the script outputs that all tables would be already created ('Tables, fields and records in SQL-Database exists already...').

If this entry in the table 'setting' is available (and that would have it), then please also times to delete.

Not sure what you are saying or asking but in the database "setting" there are these fields:

Database vforums - table setting

That is all.

bad_madman 09-19-2001 10:58 PM

If I incomprehensibly write then excuse please.
I mean: does in the table 'setting' an entry with the varname 'avataroptions' exist?

If this entry exists, delete then please.

Normally this entry must exist in your SQL-DB, since the Script outputs the message 'Tables, fields and records in SQL-Database exists already...'. Because the script 'sqltodos.php' seeks to check in the SQLDB only after this entry over whether the necessary modifications (for the avatar-hack) were already executed to the SQLDB.

SirSteve 09-20-2001 12:26 AM


Originally posted by Bad_Madman
[B]If I incomprehensibly write then excuse please.
I mean: does in the table 'setting' an entry with the varname 'avataroptions' exist?

If this entry exists, delete then please.
The entry does not exist.

bad_madman 09-20-2001 11:44 PM

There I am rather helpless. If you get the message 'Tables, fields and records in SQL-Database exists already...', then also the varname 'avataroptions' would have to exist.

Did you already try the fixed Script http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showt...776#post166776 (with test output)? With this also the error should be fixed ('page not found'). Otherwise I have no more advice.

SirSteve 09-21-2001 06:01 PM


Originally posted by Bad_Madman
There I am rather helpless. If you get the message 'Tables, fields and records in SQL-Database exists already...', then also the varname 'avataroptions' would have to exist.

Did you already try the fixed Script http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showt...776#post166776 (with test output)? With this also the error should be fixed ('page not found'). Otherwise I have no more advice.

Says this. Tables, fields and records in SQL-Database exists already...

So I click Remove and get this:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: DROP TABLE avatar_categories
mysql error: Unknown table 'avatar_categories'
mysql error number: 1051
Date: Friday 21st of September 2001 02:58:00 PM
Script: /forums/admin/sqltodos.php
Referer: http://www.sirstevesguide.com/forums.../sqltodos.php?

MrLister 09-21-2001 10:26 PM

why does it show nothing on my avatar screen. i followed the instructions and clicked on change avatar and nothing was there.

magistr 09-22-2001 09:26 AM

yhanx man it coll
it work 2.0.3

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