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BirdOPrey5 07-31-2010 08:42 PM

No... those tags don't go between the iframe tag... re-read the instructions, the meta tags go in the headerinclude template.

Support 08-01-2010 05:00 AM

i did but it does not work

plzzzzzzzzzzz help me
i need the full code, step by step

Xtrigit 08-01-2010 05:33 AM

The iframe method is very limited.

Follow the instructions above and it should show an image just fine.

BirdOPrey5 08-01-2010 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Support (Post 2077481)
i did but it does not work

plzzzzzzzzzzz help me
i need the full code, step by step

There are step by step instructions in the first post of this thread- no where in the first post does it even mention an <iframe> - I think you may have been looking at another facebook like thread and confused which instructions go with which. Just follow the instructions listed here and undo whatever you've already done. It can't really be made any simpler. If you have a specific question about any of the steps- then we will try and answer it.

Support 08-01-2010 01:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
i did what you said
Attachment 120304

that is why i did it from Facebook plugin

can you help me ?

BirdOPrey5 08-01-2010 02:37 PM

Honestly I can't make much sense of that... I visited your site and I see you use the regular postbit template, not postbit_legacy- did you place the code in postbit?

Support 08-01-2010 02:39 PM

i use postbit_legacy not postbit
and No i did not place the code in postbitcould i have ur E-mail ?

BirdOPrey5 08-01-2010 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Support (Post 2077651)
i use postbit_legacy not postbit
and No i did not place the code in postbitcould i have ur E-mail ?

I see what you're saying but your first posts look like a regular postbit but the rest are legacy. I guess it is some sort of mod? It may be an issue since the edit is made for an unmodified postbit. Maybe make the edit in showthread instead? I'm just tossing ideas out there... Maybe the mod author has a better idea what is going on.

No, I would prefer to keep helping (best I can) via the forum and not e-mail, sorry.

Support 08-02-2010 03:47 PM

it is okay,
so i use a modified template Yes
i'll try what you said..

Support 08-02-2010 05:10 PM

Same for the original postbit legacy
plz help !

Agathadaimon 08-02-2010 05:22 PM

Original postbit_legacy

PHP Code:

table id="post$post[postid]class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
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div class="postbit_buki"><b>Rep Puan&#305; :</b> $post[reputation]</div> 
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post $post[postidpopup menu --> 

Support 08-03-2010 01:31 PM

Agathadaimon ,
i reset the template so i have the original one already, i need the original template with modification

and btw, that is not the original template

Support 08-04-2010 03:57 PM

so no one can do it..

soundbarrierpro 08-04-2010 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2063890)
I agree this is much more difficult then it should be- something isn't playing nicely in vB... but I did end up getting this to work using all the instructions in this mod but instead if pasting the last step here into the template I used the IFRAME code provided by facebook...


<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://www.YOURDOMAIN/forums/showthread.php$session[sessionurl]?t=$threadid" &amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=350&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=dark&amp;height=30" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:350px; height:30px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
edit YOURDOMAIN to be your web domain...

Additionally I put it in an if tag:

<if condition="!in_array($GLOBALS[forumid], array(2, 3, 6, 15, 24, 45))">
 -iframe code-

Where the numbers are the forum id's of private forums that aren't viewable by guests and therefore useless to add a 'like' button too.

Finally I moved this to under where the page navigation menu would show if it was a multiple page thread on the showthread template... I moved the <td></td> tags out of the built in <if> statement so the table will be there regardless of whether the page nav menu is displayed... the code for everything now looks like:


        <td align="$stylevar[right]"><if condition="$show['pagenav']">$pagenav</if>
<if condition="!in_array($GLOBALS[forumid], array(2, 3, 6, 15, 24, 45))">
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://www.YOURDOMAIN/forums/showthread.php$session[sessionurl]?t=$threadid" &amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=350&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=dark&amp;height=30" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:350px; height:30px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

Anyway this all works fine (for me), you can see a demo at:
No login required.

What if you're using vbSEO? http://www.mysite.com/forum/showthread.php?.....doesn't post the correct link on your facebook page.

BirdOPrey5 08-04-2010 11:26 PM

I don't know, I've never had nor used vbSEO- is there an alternate variable you can use maybe?

soundbarrierpro 08-04-2010 11:33 PM

Hmmm. It still posts the "Like" thread to the members FB profile. But it just posts exactly what the url is which is defined in the mod instructions. I don't know anything about writing variables. I just have vbSEO relative .html URLS defined in the rewrite instructions. They rewrite as http://www.mysite.com/forum/topic-name.html

ShawneyJ 08-31-2010 01:17 AM

3. Click the Connect tab
Connect tab seems to be gone on facebook, was there when i added this to my other forum a week ago.

EDIT: im guessing step 3 is now 3. Click the Website tab

Xtrigit 09-01-2010 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by jaycob (Post 2091828)
EDIT: im guessing step 3 is now 3. Click the Website tab

That's correct. Thanks

MikesSite 09-14-2010 03:24 PM

Confirmed, does NOT work properly with Zoints SEO. The button is there and you can push it, but on facebook it leaves out the thread URL and does not create the actual page on facebook.

carsafety 10-14-2010 03:30 PM

Anyone have a live demo of this running on vb 3.8 right now? Thanks!

carsafety 10-20-2010 06:01 PM

I've been testing the Like button today. One suggestion so far is that anyone using the opengraph meta tags consider using the value "article" instead of "website" for the og:type tag. I noticed that when using website, every time a page was liked, it would create a Facebook fan page for that particular thread, as if it was its own website. I didn't want to end up with thousands of fan pages being created, as I read that others were banned for using the website tag outside of their homepage. I'm not sure if there are other functional differences, but that is one to consider if you have a lot of threads on your forum.

BirdOPrey5 10-20-2010 07:21 PM

I've actually had to (temporarily I hope) remove this mod from my threads because there is a bug with Internet Explorer that causes the page to be blank and reload in the browser with a different url.

It's causing some serious issues with Analytics, SEO, etc... This particular link mentions it's IE6 an the XFBML implementation but it has also been reported with the iframe and newer ie versions.

When I checked my google logs sure enough this was happening at my site too.

carsafety 10-20-2010 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2112132)
I've actually had to (temporarily I hope) remove this mod from my threads because there is a bug with Internet Explorer that causes the page to be blank and reload in the browser with a different url.

It's causing some serious issues with Analytics, SEO, etc... This particular link mentions it's IE6 an the XFBML implementation but it has also been reported with the iframe and newer ie versions.

When I checked my google logs sure enough this was happening at my site too.

I saw this in the other mod thread, along with this link-


How can I duplicate the blank page issue? The mod appears to be working for me (I am only using the Like button, not the comment box app). The link appears on Facebook and correctly directs to the correct forum page.

According to the searchmarketingman page, you can force Google/Yahoo/etc not to index the fragment pages. That seems to resolve the issue for me.

My question is, were else would someone find a link to the fragment/duplicate page? From facebook? Obviously, I don't want people finding blank pages, but it's not clear to me how they find them. Incidentally, his page says iframe works correctly at the bottom, but I don't like it as much since it doesn't give the comment box.

carsafety 10-20-2010 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2112132)
I've actually had to (temporarily I hope) remove this mod from my threads because there is a bug with Internet Explorer that causes the page to be blank and reload in the browser with a different url.

It's causing some serious issues with Analytics, SEO, etc... This particular link mentions it's IE6 an the XFBML implementation but it has also been reported with the iframe and newer ie versions.

When I checked my google logs sure enough this was happening at my site too.

Also, did you try the custom channerl URL fix mentioned in the link you provided? If so and if it worked, can you please let me know the details of where and how you implemented the code?

BirdOPrey5 10-20-2010 08:38 PM

I don't know how to replicate it but when I looked at google analytics there werre dozens, maybe hundreds of those "fragment" URLs and if I followed those URLs sure enough I got the blank page... This means some people were also getting blank pages- now none of my members complained so maybe it was random visitors... I don't know.To be safe I removed all Facebook elements from my threads but I kept the like button on my homepage.

As a backup I did implement the channel url fix. It involves making a new blank HTML file with the 1 line of code mentioned on the page that describes the fix, then adding extra code to the facebook code... i wont know if its working until a few days go by and i don't see anymore fragment urls.

in the mean time i added the share button from www.addthis.com which has facebook, twitter, and 200+ other sites to share with, but a custom javascript so shouln't be affected by this bug,

carsafety 10-20-2010 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2112162)
As a backup I did implement the channel url fix. It involves making a new blank HTML file with the 1 line of code mentioned on the page that describes the fix, then adding extra code to the facebook code... i wont know if its working until a few days go by and i don't see anymore fragment urls.

Newb question, but I'm not a coding expert. Can I simply add the following code:

channelUrl: 'http://example.com/channel.html'

to the relevant location in the fb.js file that is downloaded for this mod?

If not, where do you implement the Fb.init code otherwise?


in the mean time i added the share button from www.addthis.com which has facebook, twitter, and 200+ other sites to share with, but a custom javascript so shouln't be affected by this bug,
I tried the Wibiya bar, but I had a lot of problems with slow loading and other user complaints, among other issues. Is the addthis button any better? I noticed the Wibiya bar just seemed to integrate the Facebook app code into their bar, but I have no idea if that resolves the bug or not.

BirdOPrey5 10-20-2010 11:04 PM

I never tried the Wibiya bar so I can't compare but addthis seems fast (faster than facebook's button would load infact) and I've had no complaints. I just don't like it as much because it opens the facebook post in a new tab instead of a small pop-up window like the real facebook like button does.

As for the fix- in the .js file:

Add a comma to the end of the "xfbml" line and add the following line below it:


Change yoursite.com to your URL obviously.

And make a channel.html file in your web root wirh only this line in it:


<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"></script>

carsafety 10-20-2010 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2112189)
I never tried the Wibiya bar so I can't compare but addthis seems fast (faster than facebook's button would load infact) and I've had no complaints. I just don't like it as much because it opens the facebook post in a new tab instead of a small pop-up window like the real facebook like button does.

As for the fix- in the .js file:

Add a comma to the end of the "xfbml" line and add the following line below it:


Change yoursite.com to your URL obviously.

And make a channel.html file in your web root wirh only this line in it:


<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"></script>

Thanks! That's what I thought but I'd have certainly missed the comma.

I'm testing the addthis button now, too. It doesn't seem to format as nicely where I want it to the left of the edit/quote buttons. It also doesn't allow for comments with the "Like" button and the share utility is cumbersome and somewhat of a duplication of what I have in the vBulletin Bookmarks bar. It looks like Addthis uses the same FB application.

BirdOPrey5 10-21-2010 01:00 AM

It certainly allows comments for me... when I click on Facebook on Add This it opens a new tab with a box that says "What's on your mind" with the image I set in the meta tags added by this mod. Whatever I type in that box is the 'comment" and it puts it on my wall with the comment and link.

carsafety 10-21-2010 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2112223)
It certainly allows comments for me... when I click on Facebook on Add This it opens a new tab with a box that says "What's on your mind" with the image I set in the meta tags added by this mod. Whatever I type in that box is the 'comment" and it puts it on my wall with the comment and link.

Oh I think you must have used a different Addthis bar. I just added the default one in a different spot (showthread first post start ad location template) and it looks fine there and works like you said.

Before I used the one with the Facebook Like on the left side, followed by tweet, followed by the share utility. The Like part will only "Like" a thread when I use it, it doesn't pop up a mouse-over comment box like this mod does. You could still go to the Share section and pop up the Facebook sharer app that's the same as the others, of course.

I like the hover comment box on the "Like" button of this mod and it plays nicer with the postbit legacy template in terms of formatting than Addthis does. I hope they fix the bug soon. I'm going to test it for a couple weeks then go live if I don't see any other issues. Perhaps just the Google/Yahoo exclusions and the url channel will suffice.

By the way you can see mine live at www.car-seat.org without registration. For now, you do have to select the "Facebook Test" style from the style selector to see the mod and Addthis.

BirdOPrey5 10-21-2010 03:30 AM

I see you have the like button on every post- does it link back to the whole thread or just the single post?

carsafety 10-21-2010 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2112260)
I see you have the like button on every post- does it link back to the whole thread or just the single post?

It links to the thread but adds the post as a qualifier at the end, for example:


Also, if you Like a post, it only applies to that post and not any of the other posts in the thread. For that reason, I opted to make it more apparent rather than limit it to the first post.

Also, the comment box appeared to be somehow tied to posts before I removed it. If I was in hybrid view and clicked on a post and left a comment in the box below the thread, I could not view the comments if I clicked the threaded link to another post in the thread. Given that it could be hard to find comments so that any questions would be unlikely to be answered, I decided to remove it. Plus, we allow unregistered members to post (via moderation) questions in some forums. For another forum format, it seems like it was a very nice way to allow visitors to leave a comment.

Oh, I do like how the opengraph image setting forces the Facebook Sharer app to use the forum logo, rather than a random image from the page. That was annoying some users when they posted photos and the sharer would grab them and slap them on FB.

the_ace 10-28-2010 01:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I use this mod with a slight modification as my requirement is to show the LIKE button in front of the thread title for a selected forum instead of the individual post.

Managed this by adding the codes to display the like button in the threadbits template.

Complete the steps given up to editing the headerinclude template. After editing the headerinclude templete follow these instructions :

Template to edit : threadbits

Find :

<a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]$thread[highlight]" id="thread_title_$thread[realthreadid]"<if condition="$show['gotonewpost']"> style="font-weight:bold"</if>>$thread[threadtitle]</a>
Add below:

<!--- facebook Like button ------->
<if condition="$foruminfo[forumid]==xxx">
<span id="fb-root"></span>
<script src="/images/fb.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<fb:like href="$vboptions[bburl]/showthread.php$session[sessionurl]?t=$thread[realthreadid]" width="260"></fb:like></if>

<if condition="$foruminfo[forumid]==xxx"> <-- this is to limit the button only to a selected forum. If you want it like that, replace xxx with the actual forum id.

Thats it.
It shows the FB Like button as follows :
Attachment 123206

soundbarrierpro 11-05-2010 11:20 AM

This mod is not compatible with vbSEO. You will get an error every time. In order for the app to work, you must make coding changes which are available at vbSEO forums.

carsafety 11-23-2010 02:20 PM

I just went live with this mod. I did end up limiting it to the first post. I didn't realize that first post wasn't ONLY the very first post, but at least in hybrid view, it is the first post on the page you are viewing even if it isn't the first post in the thread, which is nice. It worked fine on all posts, but the resizing could take a while on a long thread and was a little annoying. Anyone head about the facebook bug issue? Is it resolved or is there any other fix aside from the custom channel mod?

BirdOPrey5 11-23-2010 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by carsafety (Post 2124998)
I just went live with this mod. I did end up limiting it to the first post. I didn't realize that first post wasn't ONLY the very first post, but at least in hybrid view, it is the first post on the page you are viewing even if it isn't the first post in the thread, which is nice. It worked fine on all posts, but the resizing could take a while on a long thread and was a little annoying. Anyone head about the facebook bug issue? Is it resolved or is there any other fix aside from the custom channel mod?

I've looked into this bug issue and confirmed my site was affected even though I never had the issue myself nor did any member ever complain... but I see virtually every news site and blog out there continues to use this so as bad as the problem sounds it really can't be that big of a deal in the end. At least that's my logic.

lukdesigns 12-12-2010 04:51 PM

Thank you, works great!
But how to change language of this text: "Be the first of your friends to like this" and like button ?

carsafety 03-02-2011 12:55 PM

Facebook plugins/like.php has been the top referrer (outside of search engines) for a few months now. Great mod!

yamahapaul 03-05-2011 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by soundbarrierpro (Post 2118228)
This mod is not compatible with vbSEO. You will get an error every time. In order for the app to work, you must make coding changes which are available at vbSEO forums.

I run the latest vbseo on 3.8.5 and this mod works fine for me-


SVTCobraLTD 03-08-2011 02:00 AM

Nevermind got it to work. I put the fb.js file in forum root instead of site root.

How can I change the font color of "Be the first of your friends to like this."

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