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MARCO1 02-11-2010 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kolbi (Post 1980106)
I have a little suggestion can you please add the version check (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/announcement.php?f=245&a=40) to your hack?

OK, Are you want it in the normal way (Check it manual from vb.org) Or Make PHP File to auto detect the new Mod version here without viewing vb.org (I have made this idea in MARCO1 Hide All) :)

ARP 02-11-2010 10:56 PM

Yay, You are from the best vBulletin Coders.

What I can do for you ? I have send to you PM Because I want to send to you 100-200 $ this weekend :)

Rated 5 Stars , Installed And Nominated Is there any other thing I can do for you :D

Extra PC 02-12-2010 07:44 AM

perfect marco

Kolbi 02-12-2010 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by MARCO1 (Post 1980144)
OK, Are you want it in the normal way (Check it manual from vb.org) Or Make PHP File to auto detect the new Mod version here without viewing vb.org (I have made this idea in MARCO1 Hide All) :)

You can add the versio check into your mod without any php code or so on:
HTML Code:

for example...

MARCO1 02-12-2010 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Kolbi (Post 1980816)
You can add the versio check into your mod without any php code or so on:
HTML Code:

for example...

Yes I Know that but it's the normal way, I'll make it some more fashion with external file to auto check your version and alert you when new version is released :up:

Kolbi 02-12-2010 02:52 PM

Okay :)

But it would be nice to have the other option, too. Because I?m using this hack:
And this hack need the versioncheckurl :)

MARCO1 02-12-2010 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Kolbi (Post 1980840)
Okay :)

But it would be nice to have the other option, too. Because I?m using this hack:
And this hack need the versioncheckurl :)

Aha, So with this Mod you will not need the external file it's just the normal way is enough, That's nice. I will update the thread tomorrow.

fly 02-12-2010 03:50 PM

Two things:

1. I get this error when this product is enabled

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in [path]/includes/class_postbit.php(314) : eval()'d code on line 244
2. EDIT: n/m. I'm dumb

edit: Whoa, this seems to really mess with my quick reply (I'm using your advanced quick reply). Buttons and colors are all outside of their boxes.

TimberFloorAu 02-12-2010 04:02 PM

Hey FLYPAPER what did you do to fix the error?

fly 02-12-2010 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1980875)
Hey FLYPAPER what did you do to fix the error?

I didn't fix it. I had a second issue that turned out being something I was doing wrong.

TimberFloorAu 02-12-2010 04:36 PM

care to share, as some of us have that exact same issue

lisak 02-13-2010 11:27 AM

can you tell me how to hide inside [ CODE ] bbcode

MARCO1 02-13-2010 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by lisak (Post 1981320)
can you tell me how to hide inside [ CODE ] bbcode

This Mod doesn't hide in CODE tags, However I will coding new Mod to hide links in CODE Tags.

Kolbi 02-13-2010 02:23 PM

Exactly :)

Thank you...

lisak 02-13-2010 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by MARCO1 (Post 1981350)
This Mod doesn't hide in CODE tags, However I will coding new Mod to hide links in CODE Tags.

Thanks Marco

210665 02-13-2010 08:52 PM


Warnung: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in [path]/includes/class_postbit.php(314) : eval()'d code (Zeile 346)
Bekomme diese Fehlermeldung nach dem ich dieses Produkt installiert habe und danach einen Beitrag im Forum schreibe. So wie ich es mal sehe bekommen das aber nicht alle zu sehen, denn mein CO Admin bekommt diese Meldung auch wenn er einen Beitrag schreibt und ich sehe ihn nicht.
Unter Plugins Verwalten habe ich folgende Plugins:
MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions postbit_display_complete
MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions (M) postbit_display_complete
MARCO1 Print Pages Hide BBCODE Functions printthread_post
Wenn ich MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions (M) ( Plugin ) abschalte ist auch die Fehlermeldung nicht mehr vorhanden.

Bitte um eine L?sung dieses Problems
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Installed get this error message after I have this product, and then write your review in the forum. The way I see to get the views but not everyone can see, because my CO Admin receives this message even if he writes a post and I do not see him.
Under Manage plugins I have the following plugins:
MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions postbit_display_complete
MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions (M) postbit_display_complete
MARCO1 Print Pages BBCODE Hide printthread_post Functions
If I turn off MARCO1 Hide BBCODE Functions (M) (plugin), the error is no longer available.

Please find a solution to this problem

MARCO1 02-13-2010 09:02 PM

There is nothing wrong in the code that's may a conflict with Mod you are installed in your forum because that's only 3 from more than 200 forum installed the Mod have this error.

210665 02-13-2010 09:30 PM

The problem occurs when the user groups, see the link may not like ( 5,6,7,18,19,26,32,22,) and then another comment.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx

Das Problem tritt bei den Benutzergruppen auf die den Link sehen dürfen (5,6,7,18,19,26,32,22,) und dann noch einen Kommentar abgeben.

MARCO1 02-13-2010 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by 210665 (Post 1981649)
The problem occurs when the user groups, see the link may not like ( 5,6,7,18,19,26,32,22,) and then another comment.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx

Das Problem tritt bei den Benutzergruppen auf die den Link sehen d?rfen (5,6,7,18,19,26,32,22,) und dann noch einen Kommentar abgeben.

As I understand from your reply, If you remove the usergroups ID's the problem is disappear ?

fly 02-13-2010 09:37 PM

FWIW, my users did not see the error. Only I did, as an admin.

210665 02-13-2010 09:42 PM

Here the problem is if I enter no ID, I have no problem.
I Simply enter an id 6 to write a reply, I get the error message.
The error message is only visible to ID 6.

The same error is here already questioned.


Usergroups Permissions
What's the Usergroups that's can view the hidden content without reply ?
Separate with ","
By Default I allow Moderators, Admins and Super Moderators to see hidden content without reply
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hier ist das Problem wenn ich hier keine ID eingebe habe ich kein Problem.
Gebe ich hier eine id 6 ein und schreibe eine Antwort bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung.
Die Fehlermeldung ist aber nur f?r ID 6 sichtbar.

Der gleiche Fehler wird auch hier schon einmal hinterfragt.

TimberFloorAu 02-14-2010 01:42 AM

Okey Dokey. Thanks Marco. for sorting our issues out on our board.


Can we have a QUIZ version of this MOD.

Where at a specific time, the thread starter can reveal the answer. Ok sounds a bit weird but.... at the moment we would like to use for asking and posing riddles, and conundrums.

When a replier clicks reply, they can see the answer. Perhaps link it to a prefix switch. So that the HIDE contents become visible when an admin or mod changes the threads prefix.

Would be awesome if you could integrate this feature

cavebox 02-14-2010 06:23 AM

Hi Marco,

Nice mod.

I've got one question.
Is it possible when a user replied to havee an image that the content is unhidden?

MARCO1 02-14-2010 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by cavebox (Post 1981897)
Hi Marco,

Nice mod.

I've got one question.
Is it possible when a user replied to havee an image that the content is unhidden?

In the unhidden box, You want to add image on it ?

MARCO1 02-14-2010 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1981815)
Okey Dokey. Thanks Marco. for sorting our issues out on our board.


Can we have a QUIZ version of this MOD.

Where at a specific time, the thread starter can reveal the answer. Ok sounds a bit weird but.... at the moment we would like to use for asking and posing riddles, and conundrums.

When a replier clicks reply, they can see the answer. Perhaps link it to a prefix switch. So that the HIDE contents become visible when an admin or mod changes the threads prefix.

Would be awesome if you could integrate this feature

I'm really really very very busy on my paid Mods, However I'll code this Mod for you :)

TimberFloorAu 02-14-2010 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by MARCO1 (Post 1981966)
I'm really really very very busy on my paid Mods, However I'll code this Mod for you :)

Will happily pay, but may be a week or two lol. Other commitments at the moment, its cool Mate you concentrate on your bread and butter mods :) I can wait

Scout24 02-14-2010 09:25 AM

Hello a Question when I put something in hide and someone give a repost.
Than after save this repost the hide goes not open.
He opens after refresh the site?

Is this normal?

MARCO1 02-14-2010 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Scout24 (Post 1981983)
Hello a Question when I put something in hide and someone give a repost.
Than after save this repost the hide goes not open.
He opens after refresh the site?

Is this normal?

Yes, He need to refresh the page to take the effect, In the next version it's will be auto refresh or using AJAX :)

Scout24 02-14-2010 09:33 AM

Thanks for the answer I will wheat for the new version

Pro-eSports.com 02-14-2010 12:19 PM

Is it possible to only allow administrators or other specified usergroups to use this BBcode?
Also is there a way to only allow this BBcode in specified forums?

cavebox 02-14-2010 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by MARCO1 (Post 1981963)
In the unhidden box, You want to add image on it ?

Yes that is correct

MARCO1 02-14-2010 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Pro-eSports.com (Post 1982071)
Is it possible to only allow administrators or other specified usergroups to use this BBcode?
Also is there a way to only allow this BBcode in specified forums?

That's already in the Mod, Go to MARCO1 BBCODE Settings and then Add the forum ID's that's you want to exclude it from hide BBCODE.

Pro-eSports.com 02-14-2010 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by MARCO1 (Post 1982209)
That's already in the Mod, Go to MARCO1 BBCODE Settings and then Add the forum ID's that's you want to exclude it from hide BBCODE.

Thanks for the help. :)

pablete 02-14-2010 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by cavebox (Post 1981897)
Hi Marco,

Nice mod.

I've got one question.
Is it possible when a user replied to havee an image that the content is unhidden?

I think that is the same that previous days ago i comment you.
an imagen in the box that show the content is hidden. a way of see more easy the box

MARCO1 02-14-2010 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by pablete (Post 1982406)
I think that is the same that previous days ago i comment you.
an imagen in the box that show the content is hidden. a way of see more easy the box

OK, That's already in my notes :)

iyama 02-15-2010 08:44 AM

Installed and find some errors.

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in [path]\includes\class_postbit.php(314) : eval()'d code on line 186

If i disable the hide there are no errors any more.
Using vb4.01

MARCO1 02-15-2010 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by iyama (Post 1982751)
Installed and find some errors.

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in [path]\includes\class_postbit.php(314) : eval()'d code on line 186

If i disable the hide there are no errors any more.
Using vb4.01

Go to vbulletin options > MARCO1 BBCODE Hide settings > Usergroups permissions > Delete all the ID's and add 0.

Then the problem show disappear. this fix is included to the next version.

Bob_R 02-17-2010 11:41 AM

Does a user have to literally sign up and then post to view thread


just sign up to become registered?

MARCO1 02-17-2010 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bob_R (Post 1984516)
Does a user have to literally sign up and then post to view thread


just sign up to become registered?

No, Post reply to the the hidden area you have selected it, That's will not hidden anything without your permissions :D

Pro-eSports.com 02-17-2010 07:32 PM

Where do I have to upload the "Hidden Content" picture?

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