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-   -   New Posting Features - Easy Forms v4.x - Create a form or multiple forms without php or html knowledge (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=234385)

valendono 02-01-2010 03:24 AM

on description before we can use bbcode, but after upgrade to 4.0.1beta form, there way we can use bbcode on description ? Example List Number bbcode.

EricPSF 02-01-2010 04:36 AM

Thanks! It is really a good & handy mod. Easy to use and saves me a lot of time in creating forms.

TimberFloorAu 02-01-2010 05:39 AM


Cleveregg 02-01-2010 09:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)
..Or am I missing the point of this mod - apologies if I am...

I'm trying to create a 'contact us' form.
ie If a 'non' admin wants to email, there is a contact form with a prescribed layout with mandatory fields for them to complete.

I don't want anyone (except me) to be able to create or edit forms...
Also, if someone clicks on the 'Forms' tab (shown in pics) then I just want them to be presented with the 'Contact Us' form...

I have attached a couple of pics - of the settings I have selected for Easyforms - and also the resulting look when I'm signed in as an 'admin'
(If I don't sign in as an admin - I see the 'no forms' message).

Hopefully I am doing something pretty basic wrong - or maybe I'm jumping the gun 'cos I know this is still 'beta' - If someone can let me know I'd appreciate it. :)


ps ..still think this is a great mod :)

bananalive 02-01-2010 12:31 PM

Give registered users permission to 'View Forms List'


Originally Posted by Cleveregg (Post 1971987)
..Or am I missing the point of this mod - apologies if I am...

I'm trying to create a 'contact us' form.
ie If a 'non' admin wants to email, there is a contact form with a prescribed layout with mandatory fields for them to complete.

I don't want anyone (except me) to be able to create or edit forms...
Also, if someone clicks on the 'Forms' tab (shown in pics) then I just want them to be presented with the 'Contact Us' form...

I have attached a couple of pics - of the settings I have selected for Easyforms - and also the resulting look when I'm signed in as an 'admin'
(If I don't sign in as an admin - I see the 'no forms' message).

Hopefully I am doing something pretty basic wrong - or maybe I'm jumping the gun 'cos I know this is still 'beta' - If someone can let me know I'd appreciate it. :)


ps ..still think this is a great mod :)

bananalive 02-01-2010 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by valendono (Post 1971856)
on description before we can use bbcode, but after upgrade to 4.0.1beta form, there way we can use bbcode on description ? Example List Number bbcode.

You should be able to use bbcode in Form Description as of version 4.0.1

bananalive 02-01-2010 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by howard007 (Post 1971634)
Not really. I must be slow... :)

The problem is there is so much to learn and read with 4.0 suite. It would really be helpful for a small doc file explaining each feature.

Here is part of the old help file, it may be useful for you.

Editing Form
Are all fields compulsory?
No, only the questions proceeded by a * are compulsory.
What does each field do?
  • Title: This is the title at the top of the page when viewing the form. BB code allowed.
  • Description: (optional) This is displayed at the top of the form. It can be used to explain the form's purpose, give guidance, etc... BB code allowed.
  • Display Order: This controls the order the form is displayed in the form list. The higher the number (in comparison to other forms) the lower down the form list the form will be displayed.
  • Usergroups: (optional) This controls the usergroups allowed to view the form - this does not override permissions to view forms. Blank is all usergroups allowed.
  • Form Submit Message: (optional) This is the message display once the form has been submitted succesfully. If blank default will be used. This is also the redirect message (if checked)
  • Thread/ PM/ Email Title: (optional) This allowed you to use a different title for the thread/ pm/ email being created than the form title. If left blank then the Thread/ PM title will be the same as the form title. You can use the following macroses in the title: {username}, {userid} and {q_*}.
  • Category: (optional) All forms with the eaxct same category name will be grouped together in the form list under that name.
  • Allow attachments: (optional) Only avaliable for form creating new thread. Checked/ticked = yes, blank = no. Follows user's attachment rules.
  • Post a Poll: (optional) Creates a poll with the thread.
  • Allow multiple choice: (optional) Allows users to select more than one option when voting. Checked/ticked = yes, blank = no.
  • Make votes public: (optional) Usernames will be shown next to each poll option. Checked/ticked = yes, blank = no.
  • Poll Question: (optional) The question above the poll. If left blank the thread title will be used.
  • Poll Options: These are the choices in the poll. Separate each option with a new-line (carriage return).
  • Custom Form Output: (optional) You can create your own layout to the thread/ pm/ post/ email the form created. Allowed: BB code, $q[1] (replace 1 with the correct question #), $qn[1], $threadtitle, $form[title], {username}, $thisuser[username] (replace username with any user field). Leave blank to use default layout.
  • Question BBcode: (optional) Customise how the form's questions look in the thread/ pm/ post created by the form. Opening BB code in the box on the left and closing BB code in the box on the right.
  • Answer BBcode: (optional) Customise how the form's answers look in the thread/ pm/ post created by the form. Opening BB code in the box on the left and closing BB code in the box on the right.
  • Section BBcode: (optional) Customise how the form's sections look in the post created by the form. Opening BB code in the box on the left and closing BB code in the box on the right.
  • Form BBcode: (optional) The code in the left box goes after the form title and the code in the box on the right goes at the end of the post.
  • Form Hook: (optional) This allows php code to be executed before the form is submitted. You can run your own validation on fields, for example checking the user clicks 'Yes' on a yes/no question.

What are macroses?
Macroses are variables used in easy forms for replacement with their value.
What macroses are there?
  • {username} username of the user submitting the form
  • {userid} userid of the user submitting the form
  • {formtitle} form title of the form being submitted
  • {threadtitle} thread/pm/email title of the form being submitted (if it is blank it be the same as the form title)
  • {q_*} replace the question id with the *, for example to show question 1's output you would use {q_1}
  • {qn_*} replace the question id with the *, for example to show question 1's question text you would use {qn_1}

chesterano 02-01-2010 01:47 PM

Is there a way that we can integrate with [Ajax] Check for similar thread before posting a new one

chsmith700 02-01-2010 02:10 PM


I am trying to get this to email to a form question. We have a drop down with email address, I need the form to be emailed to the selection on that drop down. Can you please help?

Sarcoth 02-01-2010 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1970439)
How can I have a question which uses a query?
The following example gets a list of threads in the forumid 10.

1. Create 'Custom' question
2. Use following php Code:
PHP Code:

$answer '<select name="'.$formbit[id].'">';
$answer .= '<option></option>';
$thisanswer $q[$formbit[id]];
$threads $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "thread
      WHERE forumid = '10'
      ORDER BY title ASC"
$row $db->fetch_array($threads)) {
$answer .= '<option value="'.$row[threadid].'"';
      if (
$row[threadid] == $thisanswer) {
$answer .= 'selected="selected"';
$answer .= '>'.$row[title].'</option>';
$answer .= '</select>'

Alright, now that is impressive! Can you tell me the code I would need to do a query on the profilefields (i.e. field8)? I'd like to pull that field and then just have it added to the form without the user having to enter it again.

bananalive 02-01-2010 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by chsmith700 (Post 1972205)

I am trying to get this to email to a form question. We have a drop down with email address, I need the form to be emailed to the selection on that drop down. Can you please help?

Add to bottom of Form Hook: Before Submit:
(changing 5 to the question hash of the email address question)

PHP Code:

    $form[email] = $qo[5]; 

bananalive 02-01-2010 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Sarcoth (Post 1972236)
Alright, now that is impressive! Can you tell me the code I would need to do a query on the profilefields (i.e. field8)? I'd like to pull that field and then just have it added to the form without the user having to enter it again.

No need for a query for that, it is already cached in vBulletin userinfo

1. Create 'Custom' question
2. Use following php Code:

PHP Code:

$answer '<input class="textbox" type="text" readonly="readonly" id="q_' $formbit[id] . '" name="' $formbit[id] . '" value="' $vbulletin->userinfo[field8] . '" />'

chsmith700 02-01-2010 03:38 PM

Thanks a bunch!!!

adamdavidconn 02-01-2010 04:24 PM

I am wondering, how can you make a user be changed to a different usergroup, or added to a secondry one after completion and submission of the form.

many thanks

bananalive 02-01-2010 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by adamdavidconn (Post 1972301)
I am wondering, how can you make a user be changed to a different usergroup, or added to a secondry one after completion and submission of the form.

many thanks

This code worked with vB v3.x it should work with vB v4.x but I haven't tested it with vb v4.x.

Form Hook: Before Submit

PHP Code:
PHP Code:

if ($complete)  

$userinfo $vbulletin->userinfo
$user['usergroupid'] = 4
if (empty(

$user['usergroupid'] = 2

$getusergroupid iif($userinfo['displaygroupid'] != $userinfo['usergroupid'], $userinfo['displaygroupid'], $user['usergroupid']); 

$user_usergroup =& $vbulletin->usergroupcache["$user[usergroupid]"]; 
$display_usergroup =& $vbulletin->usergroupcache["$getusergroupid"]; 

$userdata =& datamanager_init('User'$vbulletinERRTYPE_STANDARD); 
$user['customtitle'] ? $user['usertitle'] : ''
$user_usergroup['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canusecustomtitle']) ? true false
$user_usergroup['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['cancontrolpanel']) ? true false 

DIR '/includes/functions_ranks.php'); 
if (
$user['userid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) 

$vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] = $user['usergroupid']; 
$vbulletin->userinfo['displaygroupid'] = $user['usergroupid']; 


adamdavidconn 02-01-2010 05:29 PM

ok, thanks. So I guess the code I need to edit is
PHP Code:

if ($complete)  

$userinfo $vbulletin->userinfo
$user['usergroupid'] = 4
if (empty(

$user['usergroupid'] = 2

Could you explain how I would configure this. The numbers at the end reference the usergroup id, but what do the 2 variables corrolate to?

EDIT: I worked out that
PHP Code:

$user['usergroupid'] = 4

moves a user to a new usergroup. However, I am unsure how to add a additional usergroup, and not make them change their primary

Sarcoth 02-01-2010 05:39 PM

Wow, that is some really cool stuff Banana. Each time I think this mod can do everything, it does something else. Very cool.

I did find another minor issue, which I wouldn't even consider an issue. I wanted to add a link to one of the questions so a user could read a "Code of Conduct" for the forums. They have to answer yes after it is read. If I do the question in html, it looks fine on the editform page, but not on the actual form. If I do the question in bbcode, it looks fine on the actual form, but not on the editform page.

The previous question about the usergroupid is also a very cool feature. Does that change their primary usergroup or does it add them to this as an additional group? Also does this change their current title to that secondary group at the same time?

Here's an idea. Can I set up a question that when someone clicks on the link in the question, it gives a pop-up box with the information they have to read? That would be nice. No worries though, you have enough on your plate right now.

valendono 02-01-2010 07:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Banana,

Yea I knew, its only work with bold and size bbcode only.. I attach the screenshoot.. I cant use[list] or [img] on the description..

Cleveregg 02-01-2010 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1972136)
Give registered users permission to 'View Forms List'

..sorry - still doesn't work for me - I still get the edit|delete|copy|export...line & the create form underneath as per my 2nd pic

thanks anyway

*** Just downloaded and installed 4.02 - seems to be working ok now - just styling to suit - great job bananalive !! ***

Martyh 02-02-2010 01:26 AM

Hi BL, and thanks for continuing your work on this mod, it's a great one.

I am wondering if I can have the multi-line box that appears for the user to write in, default to a larger size automatically , please let me know if that is possible. I am figuring I need to click "increase" about three times to get to the size I would want. So I would like it to just default to that for the user.



TheSupportForum 02-02-2010 06:06 AM

BUG: when using Field using vBulletin editor

there is no title above the box so users dont know what the question is

would like to see:

Field that already holds there username
fields that holds the users IP Address - useful to stop spammers

s810car 02-02-2010 06:35 AM

Thank you SOO much for porting this, I was dreading having to port my forms over manually :D As soon as I am able to get my PayPal account set (economy has definitely hurt the funds I do get from my forum), donation heading your way!

You should seriously consider adding a lot more features to assist programming the forms for people with less php/mySQL knowledge and make it a commercial mod, it definitely has the potential. I have used this mod for all sorts of functional code for my site and it has really became a major part of the backbone to my site's system. Thanks again! Installing and nominating MOTM :D

imagirlgeek 02-02-2010 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by simonhind (Post 1972822)
BUG: when using Field using vBulletin editor

there is no title above the box so users dont know what the question is

What I did for this was added a 'Section' field right above it. And then used Bold tags on the Section text. It worked really well.

imagirlgeek 02-02-2010 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Martyh (Post 1972721)
Hi BL, and thanks for continuing your work on this mod, it's a great one.

I am wondering if I can have the multi-line box that appears for the user to write in, default to a larger size automatically , please let me know if that is possible. I am figuring I need to click "increase" about three times to get to the size I would want. So I would like it to just default to that for the user.



You can do this now. Just click edit on your Multi-line box. You'll see options to increase the 'Text area rows' and 'Text area columns'.

bananalive 02-02-2010 09:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by simonhind (Post 1972822)
BUG: when using Field using vBulletin editor

there is no title above the box so users dont know what the question is

would like to see:

Field that already holds there username
fields that holds the users IP Address - useful to stop spammers

Fixed vBulletin editor issue with attached file.

Username is already held in hidden field.

IP address could be added as hidden field (there are 3 hiddenfields added into template and a template hook) or add it to the end of the form output

Add to bottom of form hook: before submit
PHP Code:

$ip $vbulletin->input->clean($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], TYPE_STR);
$formoutput .= $form[preq] . "IP:" $form[pstq];
$formoutput .= $form['prea'] . $ip $form[psta]; 

bananalive 02-02-2010 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by valendono (Post 1972465)
Hi Banana,

Yea I knew, its only work with bold and size bbcode only.. I attach the screenshoot.. I cant use[list] or [img] on the description..

You can enable [img]:
AdminCP -> Settings-> vBulletin Options -> BB Code Settings -> Allow [IMG] Code in Non Forum Specific Areas -> Yes

Otherwise for the list you will need another modification to enable list bbcode in non-forum areas.

bananalive 02-02-2010 09:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Sarcoth (Post 1972357)
If I do the question in html, it looks fine on the editform page, but not on the actual form. If I do the question in bbcode, it looks fine on the actual form, but not on the editform page.

Corrected in attached product file. BB Code in the question parses on both pages properly now

bananalive 02-02-2010 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by adamdavidconn (Post 1972350)
ok, thanks. So I guess the code I need to edit is
PHP Code:

if ($complete)  

$userinfo $vbulletin->userinfo
$user['usergroupid'] = 4
if (empty(

$user['usergroupid'] = 2

Could you explain how I would configure this. The numbers at the end reference the usergroup id, but what do the 2 variables corrolate to?

EDIT: I worked out that
PHP Code:

$user['usergroupid'] = 4

moves a user to a new usergroup. However, I am unsure how to add a additional usergroup, and not make them change their primary

Yes that would only change the primary usergroup, use the following code to add a secondary usergroup.

You will need to change $a_userid to the desired userid of the user you want to change the usergroup of.

Also you will need to change the two occurances of 4 to the desired additional usergroup's usergroupid.

Form Hook: Before Submit
PHP Code:

if ($complete)  
/*alter this userid*/
$a_userid 2;
$userinfo fetch_userinfo($a_userid);
if (empty(
/*alter this number below*/
$user['membergroupids'] = '4';
} else {
/*alter this number below, but leave the comma*/
$user['membergroupids'] .=  ',4';
$userdata =& datamanager_init('User'$vbulletinERRTYPE_STANDARD);

Scooterpig 02-03-2010 07:32 AM

I have this installed and an excellent product and exactly what I need, but for the life of me I can't get it to do what I want it to.

I want it so that the form is available to be viewed and completed by members, but those members not having permission to edit, add, update, install .xml etc, like admins can do. I've tried all different settings in options and I either get it that I can see all options as a member or none at all including not being able to see the form.

Can anyone please help if this is possible and if so what is the right settings?

Thank you..:)

noknowledgenoho 02-03-2010 09:29 AM

Ok, so I am not at all technical.

My problem is that once I've gone through the process of creating a form I get an error message tat the top of the screen which says:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /var/websites/sunnylab/www/community/misc.php(89) : eval()'d code(830) : eval()'d code on line 1

There are styling issues with my form but it actually does work. So ca anyone tell me what this message means and what I can do about it?

Many thanks for any help received.

bananalive 02-03-2010 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Scooterpig (Post 1973732)
I have this installed and an excellent product and exactly what I need, but for the life of me I can't get it to do what I want it to.

I want it so that the form is available to be viewed and completed by members, but those members not having permission to edit, add, update, install .xml etc, like admins can do. I've tried all different settings in options and I either get it that I can see all options as a member or none at all including not being able to see the form.

Can anyone please help if this is possible and if so what is the right settings?

Thank you..:)

Can View Form List: Everyone

Can Edit Forms: Administrators

Can View Forms: Everyone

When selecting usergroups, it is the highlighted ones which you will be enabling the feature for. use ctrl to select more than one usergroup.

bananalive 02-03-2010 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by noknowledgenoho (Post 1973793)
Ok, so I am not at all technical.

My problem is that once I've gone through the process of creating a form I get an error message tat the top of the screen which says:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /var/websites/sunnylab/www/community/misc.php(89) : eval()'d code(830) : eval()'d code on line 1

There are styling issues with my form but it actually does work. So ca anyone tell me what this message means and what I can do about it?

Many thanks for any help received.

This will be occuring due to either incorrect code in form hooks or a custom question

Do you have anthing in the form hook boxes? (They are mid way down the edit form page)

Second do you have any custom questions?

All of them should contain php code, invalid php code in any of the above would code error message you have listed.

adamdavidconn 02-03-2010 07:39 PM

thanks for your support bl.

Ok, thanks for the code to add secondry usergroup, it works well. However, how do you make ti that the submitter of the form is added, rather than a numbered user. For example, you wrote
PHP Code:

/*alter this userid*/
$a_userid 2;
$userinfo fetch_userinfo($a_userid);
if (empty(

I tried adding {userid} but that didnt work. That was a bad guess, its not php :P

What would you put to fetch the id of the person who filled in the form?

valendono 02-03-2010 08:27 PM

dear banana,

thanks, [img] its worked now, but[list] not yet..

bananalive 02-03-2010 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by adamdavidconn (Post 1974142)
thanks for your support bl.

Ok, thanks for the code to add secondry usergroup, it works well. However, how do you make ti that the submitter of the form is added, rather than a numbered user. For example, you wrote
I tried adding {userid} but that didnt work. That was a bad guess, its not php :P

What would you put to fetch the id of the person who filled in the form?

Use this:

Form Hook: Before Submit
PHP Code:

if ($complete)  
$userinfo $vbulletin->userinfo;
if (empty(
/*alter this number below*/
$user['membergroupids'] = '4';
} else {
/*alter this number below, but leave the comma*/
$user['membergroupids'] .=  ',4';
$userdata =& datamanager_init('User'$vbulletinERRTYPE_STANDARD);
$vbulletin->userinfo['membergroupids'] = $user['membergroupids'];

Martyh 02-04-2010 12:32 AM

Hi, Is there any possibility that this ( the form ) will / is or can become a widget that we can put into the CMS of 4.0 suite ?

Scooterpig 02-04-2010 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1974001)
Can View Form List: Everyone

Can Edit Forms: Administrators

Can View Forms: Everyone

When selecting usergroups, it is the highlighted ones which you will be enabling the feature for. use ctrl to select more than one usergroup.

Thanks for that and as I have it but still can't see the form as a member but can as admin...:(

TheSupportForum 02-04-2010 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1973406)
Fixed vBulletin editor issue with attached file.

Username is already held in hidden field.

IP address could be added as hidden field (there are 3 hiddenfields added into template and a template hook) or add it to the end of the form output

Add to bottom of form hook: before submit
PHP Code:

$ip $vbulletin->input->clean($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], TYPE_STR);
$formoutput .= $form[preq] . "IP:" $form[pstq];
$formoutput .= $form['prea'] . $ip $form[psta]; 

thank you, but still not sure where to put this, also i think that this should be implented if possible

for now please help me with this

PeteBlume 02-04-2010 07:32 AM


first I have to say: a great mod.

Now to my question: Is the any possibiliity to export the form resulst for example as xls?

bananalive 02-04-2010 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by PeteBlume (Post 1974493)

first I have to say: a great mod.

Now to my question: Is the any possibiliity to export the form resulst for example as xls?


But you can highlight the table and then paste it into excel.

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