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BSMedia 01-27-2010 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Switch3130 (Post 1967453)
Has this increased any others traffic and worked like vBseo would? Just making sure before I put in the effort of installing...

its been out for a few hours only....

ahmedbehiry 01-27-2010 01:12 AM

is the encoding issue solved in the 1.3 version?

vijayninel 01-27-2010 01:21 AM

Has anybody tried this with 3.8.4 ?

Gene Steinberg 01-27-2010 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by BSMedia (Post 1967571)
its been out for a few hours only....

vBSEO is snake oil. Anything it does for its extraordinary price can be accomplished with free stuff.


Toupsx 01-27-2010 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by MOGmartin (Post 1967046)
Either way is fine, using it in a block would be more obtrusive in my opinion, but I can do it as well if it gets enough support?

Well there is a default block for tag clouds so I don't see it being more obtrusive as you can hide the blocks if you don't want to see them.

Zaiaku 01-27-2010 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Gene Steinberg (Post 1967586)
vBSEO is snake oil. Anything it does for its extraordinary price can be accomplished with free stuff.


This is very true and funny as hell to see people pump tons of money out for it. Especially with vb4 most of what vbseo does is already available.

kjpp 01-27-2010 05:34 AM

Hi! I hae problem with polish letters in tags, I have on my forum ISO-8859-2 set, and tgs showing without polish letters, any way to they work correct with this cooding?

MOGmartin 01-27-2010 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by VonDoom (Post 1967430)
Id perfer give your hack a back link in the footer. But it looks pretty unprofessional inside the hack itself.

Fair point - I will stick that in as an option in the backed today, thanks for the idea!!

MOGmartin 01-27-2010 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Switch3130 (Post 1967453)
Has this increased any others traffic and worked like vBseo would? Just making sure before I put in the effort of installing...

this same plugin has been available on wordpress for about 6 months now, pretty much every site its installed on has seen an increase, some only 10%, some much, much more.

It does take time to "bed in" - at least 3-4 weeks as google needs to revisit all of your pages a couple of times... so its one to set it and forget it, then check the positions in a few weeks.

Thats why I have put the stats reader in, it checks the serps on keywords and tracks them historically. That way you know for sure its working in a while.

ahmedbehiry 01-27-2010 08:10 AM

version 1.3 still have the encoding issue :(

MOGmartin 01-27-2010 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by ahmedbehiry (Post 1967774)
version 1.3 still have the encoding issue :(

revised version to handle other (non standard, eg, cyrillic, japanese, turkish etc) encodings on its way...

ahmedbehiry 01-27-2010 09:52 AM

thank you so much mogmartin :)
I'll be waiting :)

sticky 01-27-2010 09:54 AM

Could I use this before installing VBSEO? Would one want to have VBSEO first or does the order they are installed not matter?

Just not set on VBSEO yet with some of the comments about 4.0 already doing it.

MOGmartin 01-27-2010 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 1967832)
Could I use this before installing VBSEO? Would one want to have VBSEO first or does the order they are installed not matter?

Just not set on VBSEO yet with some of the comments about 4.0 already doing it.

it functions completely seperately - you can install it before or afterwards, and it will make no difference to this plugin if you install it at all.

This plugin optimizes on page keywords - vbseo is much more of a "site" tune up
(that personally I like, although a lot of people disagree).

Sador 01-27-2010 10:36 AM

This looks promosing.. tagged. I'll try it out when I get home.

Bouncer222 01-27-2010 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 1967469)
Does this conflict with vBSEO in any way or are there any settings I should put in when installing this or any editing?


So if I understood this right... after someone uses a keyword to find your site, clicks it, then my site would put that keyword at the bottom of the footer or somewhere around that like the demo site has it.

then the next time the google spider comes around, they notice that the keyword is at the bottom of the page (btw is it at the bottom of every page?) and they take into account of it as one of the keywords for the page? And that increases the rank specified on that keyword right?

IF that's how it works by displaying the keywords there, does that mean that if I get 1000 different keywords searched upon that led to my site therefore, all 1,000 keywords show up at bottom of page? because that would be sort of like spamming my site.

Thanks hopefully someone can answer these questions :)

Anyone ?

Webinsane.com 01-27-2010 11:41 AM

It is ok. It doesn't support my language letters. On other note I can't have your forum and blog link on my forum. Sorry to say, but I will uninstall your mode.

kjpp 01-27-2010 11:48 AM

It is posible to edit orr remove search phrases?

MOGmartin 01-27-2010 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 1967881)
Anyone ?

only the top "x" keywords appear, the number is configurable in your control panel.

MOGmartin 01-27-2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by kjpp (Post 1967888)
It is posible to edit orr remove search phrases?

delete keyword functionality in the next release

- in the meantime its possible by phpmyadmin, but I know thats a pain,

the ability to remove keywords will be in the stats screen on the next release though.

baghdad4ever 01-27-2010 03:02 PM

it is not support arabic lang

please can you fix that?


ericgtr 01-27-2010 03:56 PM

Nice modification, a couple of suggestions if I may. I wouldn't mind having a link to your site in the footer but to have it hard linked in every template as one of the search terms is overkill and out of place IMO. It would be nice to have the option to turn it off by template, understanding that it won't work on that template of course, for example I don't want it on my forumhome and cannot turn it off.

Again, this is a great idea and I am sure it will help to bring traffic to any site.

Thanks :)

MOGmartin 01-27-2010 06:58 PM

New version being uploaded now folks with full language support for other encodings... and a few other bug fixes!

MOGmartin 01-27-2010 07:54 PM



MOGmartin 01-27-2010 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by ericgtr (Post 1968093)
Nice modification, a couple of suggestions if I may. I wouldn't mind having a link to your site in the footer but to have it hard linked in every template as one of the search terms is overkill and out of place IMO. It would be nice to have the option to turn it off by template, understanding that it won't work on that template of course, for example I don't want it on my forumhome and cannot turn it off.

Again, this is a great idea and I am sure it will help to bring traffic to any site.

Thanks :)

understood and fair point, someone else raised the same issue with me by PM and I am going to make that selectable for the next release (probably early next week tbh).

thanks for your interest though, its really appreciated!


kjpp 01-27-2010 08:16 PM

I not sure what encoding I need to set, my site is in ISO-8859-2 but google answers in my language is in UTF-8, which one I need to choose?

GreigM 01-27-2010 10:04 PM

could you maybe explain the manual template edits a bit clearer? if I want to remove it from forumdisplay for instance, and to move the thread view area below bookmarks and permissions :)

ComoEstaEso-com 01-27-2010 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by MOGmartin (Post 1968319)


Thanks for the update!!!

In the instructions, it says:

4. Import the XML file that came with this download. Make sure you choose "allow
overwrite" = yes.

5. Upload all content from folder "upload" to you forum root direcory.
The XML file should be imported first, and then AFTER that upload the files?


Bouncer222 01-27-2010 11:52 PM

um... is it possible to make it invisible? or is it necessary to make it visible in order for this modification to work? NO OFFENSE AT ALL... but it just doesn't seem to look professional from my point of view to show random words on the bottom of the site.

So just wondering if its possible to somehow make it less visible or better yet totally invisible?

What about a REALLY tiny font such as font 2 ? makes it basically invinsible and the google bot and other search bots should still be able to read it and see it without any difference right?

argothiusz 01-27-2010 11:57 PM

I think it would be much better if you can jam those new keyword into the thread's tag and the forum tag's cloud. It will be much better for SEO.

BSMedia 01-28-2010 12:19 AM

I don't really think it'll matter much since keyword density is dead.

singh9211 01-28-2010 01:53 AM


MOGmartin 01-28-2010 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 1968484)
um... is it possible to make it invisible? or is it necessary to make it visible in order for this modification to work? NO OFFENSE AT ALL... but it just doesn't seem to look professional from my point of view to show random words on the bottom of the site.

Random words - you mean like a tag cloud ;) ?


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 1968484)

So just wondering if its possible to somehow make it less visible or better yet totally invisible?What about a REALLY tiny font such as font 2 ? makes it basically invinsible and the google bot and other search bots should still be able to read it and see it without any difference right?

That would be using hidden text - likely to get you banned from google... so I wouldnt recommend it :)

MOGmartin 01-28-2010 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by argothiusz (Post 1968488)
I think it would be much better if you can jam those new keyword into the thread's tag and the forum tag's cloud. It will be much better for SEO.

so I answered a very similar question over at vbseo.com yesterday. The reason its not in the main vb tag cloud is becuase it tracks clicks and serps, therefore needs its own database, therefore has its own location.

This plugin is in development, so any suggestions are welcome, but thats the reason its not just "auto creating" tags based on search queries, because its storing more info than tags permit.

MOGmartin 01-28-2010 05:19 AM

Juan Murientes at vbSEO has let me know that they were going to add this to vbseo about three years ago, and that they like the concept... here is the original thread from 2007 (that I was not aware of btw)


JulianWolf 01-28-2010 06:02 AM

I have a bug, I think an easy one (probably a typo), but I can´t find it. The product destroys my sidebar.

In the moment I activate the plugin and a search-key is there for a site, the whole sidebar is pulled down besides the products search-key-list. Any Idea, how to solve that?

Best wishes, Julian!

alessai 01-28-2010 06:35 AM

great work my friend

Marv 01-28-2010 07:22 AM

Very nice mod, MoGMartin. Good job. Anyway a suggestion

Moving the copyright down to the footer would be fine. ATM it looks kinda strange where it is now. Yesterday you announced to move the copyright down to the footer (therefor I removed it in the actual version). Has this already been fixed in the update ? Does the encoding for other languages now even include the german special characters Ä, ä, Ö, ö, Ü, ü, and ß ?

The stats-listing in the admincp could cause some problems (indeed, for me it will be an actual problem. Installed yesterday, today I had over 14000 results and had to clear the table manually to get the site loaded :x ). It needs some pagination or the results will come up as an endless list. Most users could run into php limits on their servers and the list would be broken.

It would be great to have an option to not only sort the results. For me it´s interesting which keywords and search terms have been used most - so I can get more information what the users are actual searching for and can set the heading of my forums that way to fit the needs of my community. So a descending/ascending order - especially for No of Searches - would be a really great addition.

MOGmartin 01-28-2010 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by JulianWolf (Post 1968678)
I have a bug, I think an easy one (probably a typo), but I can?t find it. The product destroys my sidebar.

In the moment I activate the plugin and a search-key is there for a site, the whole sidebar is pulled down besides the products search-key-list. Any Idea, how to solve that?

Best wishes, Julian!

can you let me know your sites url, and what skin you are using?

MOGmartin 01-28-2010 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Marv (Post 1968708)
Very nice mod, MoGMartin. Good job. Anyway a suggestion

Moving the copyright down to the footer would be fine. ATM it looks kinda strange where it is now. Yesterday you announced to move the copyright down to the footer (therefor I removed it in the actual version). Has this already been fixed in the update ? Does the encoding for other languages now even include the german special characters ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, and ? ?

The stats-listing in the admincp could cause some problems (indeed, for me it will be an actual problem. Installed yesterday, today I had over 14000 results and had to clear the table manually to get the site loaded :x ). It needs some pagination or the results will come up as an endless list. Most users could run into php limits on their servers and the list would be broken.

It would be great to have an option to not only sort the results. For me it?s interesting which keywords and search terms have been used most - so I can get more information what the users are actual searching for and can set the heading of my forums that way to fit the needs of my community. So a descending/ascending order - especially for No of Searches - would be a really great addition.

superb point - working on it right now, will post a revised version with this today...



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