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-   -   Forum Display Enhancements - Tabs Add System for vBulletin 4 (sstab advanced) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=233629)

Keldaria 01-23-2010 07:49 PM

Amazing Mod. We replaced 2 seperate mods we were using to get this type of system and this single mod does soo much more, and is much more user friendly

Marked Installed & Highly Recommended

chingon 01-23-2010 08:26 PM

Nice mod, getting better all the time.

Jhonnyf 01-23-2010 08:45 PM


only your premade tabs are highlighted, mine the one i created isn't
Yes, I told that only work with Default NAVBAR template, only this way can do Automatic. sorry

Ok, I see the error that mix 2 menu when their are together

Some Another Problem or bug?

RDX1 01-23-2010 09:21 PM

Awesome mod, great features.

Any chance for a sub sub-menu? :P

Then it would be perfect.

Nightridr 01-23-2010 09:28 PM

Great Mod, the best i've seen so far, simple easy to use.


RDX1 01-23-2010 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by sdavis2702 (Post 1964471)
Yea there is definitely a glitch when you have multiple dropdowns. I had one drop down added successfully and everything was fine. I added a new one and my first one disappeared. My new one inherited the links of the old one. I can't seem to have two dropdowns at once.

I hope this is fixed because I am absolutely loving this hack! Thanks!

Same here. Just installed 2.01 and have the same issue.

SweetSVT99 01-23-2010 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Jhonnyf (Post 1964739)
Yes, I told that only work with Default NAVBAR template, only this way can do Automatic. sorry

Ok, I see the error that mix 2 menu when their are together

Some Another Problem or bug?

So are you saying that this mod won't work with any non-default styles? Am I just missing something, because it works great for the default, but no others. :(

SweetSVT99 01-23-2010 11:35 PM

OK nevermind...it appears that I had some code in my navbar for my custom styles that was stopping it from working. THANK YOU for this mod!

RDX1 01-24-2010 12:28 AM

Doesn't work with default navbar either.

dieKetzer 01-24-2010 12:52 AM

i thought the sub menus were a future addition!

Trek 01-24-2010 01:38 AM

Just installed this, works very well! Thank you!

I haven't tried the multiple tabs with dropdowns yet, but the single tab I have with dropdowns so far is working great.


GeorgeB85 01-24-2010 03:00 AM

Looks good. Only real suggestion that I would make is to allow the admins to select multiple usergroups to add, instead of adding the usergroup id numbers. Other than that, good!

redraider 01-24-2010 04:29 AM

What would be the THIS_SCRIPT for the vbulletin CMS (content.php)

kisanjong 01-24-2010 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by RDX1 (Post 1964872)
Doesn't work with default navbar either.

i agree i am using the default navbar, but just changed the color, editing nothing else and its not working. :)

Rocket2009 01-24-2010 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by TrailRecon (Post 1963016)
ok, figured it out. Forgot the .php on the name.

For those of you that have a vb powered page, all you have to do is DL your php file for that page and open it it wordpad. Towards the top you will find THIS_SCIPT. Right after it will be the name you use.

As long as you define any php file I imagine it will still show selected

Thank you and marking installed! I have used a few nav tab mods and this one is the best for sure. Once the sub menus are able to be changed based on the sleeted tab this will for sure be the definitive tab mod!

Excellent! I was trying to find this and it worked for me. Note the minor typo ... above is THIS_SCRIPT is what it shows for me.

For example, I wanted to replace Home with the word "Commentary" in the menu and put it to the right (still trying to figure out how to use the CMS system for my application). Now Commentary stays lit when I head to content.php and indicate the script is vbcms.

Rocket2009 01-24-2010 07:03 AM

As reported, I was able to get a new tab to highlight when selected:

I made a new tab and went to url: ../forum/content.php
I looked into the content.php and saw that THIS_SCRIPT was specified as vbcms in the file ... I used this in your THIS_SCRIPT box and it was highlighted!

Thank you. v2.01

Rocket2009 01-24-2010 07:09 AM

vbcms is THIS_SCRIPT for content.php

Rocket2009 01-24-2010 07:24 AM

This got me 90% to where I need to be. I look forward to future upgrades. I was actually thinking about to tossing out VB4 for my application or investing considerable effort to study the contextual menu system. This hack saved me loads of time and got me close.

I hope everyone will encourage the developer on this project. He is filling a great need! I just sent some money which is several times bigger than the requested amount, but represents a fraction of the time I would have spent hacking away on this.

My main request for the future is I'd like the ability to manage the subtabs under the cardinal tabs (Forum, Home, etc.) and possibly rename those tabs as well. Of course, I could over-write them and re-create them, but this might be faster.

I also did not get a chance to check out menus on the subtabs (like under Forum).

All-in-all the developer has found a sweet spot to add value.

redraider 01-24-2010 11:03 AM

Rocket ... thanks so much .. i agree this is a great hack, I have nominated it for MOTM

redraider 01-24-2010 11:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I just upgraded to 2.0.2 and it broke my tab system ...
Attachment 110929

Jhonnyf 01-24-2010 11:22 AM

Ok, Update (again+) I fix the problem with the TABS MENU when are together

I Try this with another Style And I not have problem


Originally Posted by Rocket2009 (Post 1965015)
This got me 90% to where I need to be. I look forward to future upgrades. I was actually thinking about to tossing out VB4 for my application or investing considerable effort to study the contextual menu system. This hack saved me loads of time and got me close.

I hope everyone will encourage the developer on this project. He is filling a great need! I just sent some money which is several times bigger than the requested amount, but represents a fraction of the time I would have spent hacking away on this.

My main request for the future is I'd like the ability to manage the subtabs under the cardinal tabs (Forum, Home, etc.) and possibly rename those tabs as well. Of course, I could over-write them and re-create them, but this might be faster.

I also did not get a chance to check out menus on the subtabs (like under Forum).

All-in-all the developer has found a sweet spot to add value.

Thank You for you donation, and see the code again (ver 2.0.2), I use another king of Algoritme base on TREE Array ;)

Jhonnyf 01-24-2010 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by redraider (Post 1965129)
I just upgraded to 2.0.2 and it broke my tab system ...
Attachment 110929

Sorry, some changes in tables estructure do that :( please, remade

kisanjong 01-24-2010 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Jhonnyf (Post 1965132)
Ok, Update (again+) I fix the problem with the TABS MENU when are together

Thank you for all your hard work it all seems to be working great now :)

once again thanks for this great mod ;) - 5*

kisanjong 01-24-2010 11:56 AM

MOTM :D :up:

MrKramer 01-24-2010 12:03 PM

Uber mod this, i like it verry much.

I got only one question:

I use for example "forumdisplay.php?333" as menu tabs but then i cant get it highlighted, does someone got a idea how to highlight that cause it has no THIS_SCRIPT.

Still its a verry good hack.

Thank you!

Jhonnyf 01-24-2010 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by MrKramer (Post 1965156)
Uber mod this, i like it verry much.

I got only one question:

I use for example "forumdisplay.php?333" as menu tabs but then i cant get it highlighted, does someone got a idea how to highlight that cause it has no THIS_SCRIPT.

Still its a verry good hack.

Thank you!

That and sub-sub menu manager for version 2.1, now I see the little modification and fix some bugs that can do this mod

Datenpapst 01-24-2010 12:20 PM

same problem :(

MrKramer 01-24-2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jhonnyf (Post 1965161)
That and sub-sub menu manager for version 2.1, now I see the little modification and fix some bugs that can do this mod

Oke so that will be made?
Thats great
Thank you!

redraider 01-24-2010 12:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks, the broken menu problem is gone, but I am seeing more problems

- The sub menu I create, looks to be in a different language (not sure which, see attached picture)
Attachment 110937
- The admin options to create a new menu have two fields blank(see attached picture)
Attachment 110936

Jhonnyf 01-24-2010 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by redraider (Post 1965178)
Thanks, the broken menu problem is gone, but I am seeing more problems

- The sub menu I create, looks to be in a different language (not sure which, see attached picture)
Attachment 110937
- The admin options to create a new menu have two fields blank(see attached picture)
Attachment 110936

If You Open the XML file You can see
line 327
HTML Code:

<phrase name="evbs_sstab_advanced_tab_parent" date="1264246064" username="Jhonnyf" version="2"><![CDATA[Parent Tab]]></phrase>
I think that you should be unistall and Install again...
Please, go to my forum TEST
user: betatester/123456

and say me if happen the same

dieKetzer 01-24-2010 12:58 PM

i am experiencing a 'double-selected' issue that didnt exist prior to updating to 2.02 tonight.
both the default 'forum' tab and a custom tab linked to 'supscription.php' highlight when viewing the subscriptions page, despite this_script being correctly identified as 'subscription' in the custom tab.
it is perhaps noteworthy that the subscription tab also seems to have inherited the forum sub links as well.

i reckon this is related to changes in the sub nav code, because this bug was not present in the earlier release.
yes, subscription.php carries the this_script as 'subscription' in the nav tab options in adminCP.

attempting to add new sub links to the 'subscription' tab results in the new sublinks appearing superimposed over the 'forum-inherited' sub links.

dgkrob 01-24-2010 03:28 PM

fantastic mod! really well done.

one question that im sure someone can answer, How do i remove all the links under the tabs so all im using is the tabs, I.e new posts, private messages, faq, calendar etc?



aberg 01-24-2010 05:56 PM

Thanks, install today but there is a bug in the script.
In the URL there is a %20 in it.
So a URL is display as:
This give a error 404

Matais 01-25-2010 09:02 AM

Thanks Jhonny this addon is working perfectly for me, and thanks for integrating it with vbadvanced <3

SnitchSeeker 01-25-2010 12:32 PM

This is looking great! Thanks for all the excellent support you seem to be giving too! It's nice to see somebody working so hard to give us the features we need with this new (shitty) tab system vb has forced upon us! :)


Originally Posted by Datenpapst (Post 1962395)
Any possiblity to get a tab to be marked active if the link is to a section of the CMS?

Like: content.php?118

I second this and am glad to give a donation to help you along if that works. Let me know how I can help.

Cheers! :)

EDIT: Donation sent and will send more once this fills my need 100%. So far, all that is lacking (I think) is ability to highlight tab for specific forum sections. Currently, any forum you are in will show "Forums" tab as active. I want some of my forums to have their own tab, and for that to override the default "Forums" tab. Problem is THIS_SCRIPT for all forums is the same, so I'm not sure how one would override it. Possibly writing condition will work, as Lynne says in this thread (see also her post 2 down from that), but I don't code so I have no idea.

skor 01-25-2010 02:10 PM

If I create a tab called "Business" with url to a section (i.e. content.php/11-business) of the cms and then use vbcms as THIS_SCRIPT, both the Home and Business tabs are highlighted if I navigate to Home or Business.

Can you help me fix this? Really liking this mod but double highlight looks strange.

Thank you!

Jhonnyf 01-25-2010 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by SnitchSeeker (Post 1966090)
This is looking great! Thanks for all the excellent support you seem to be giving too! It's nice to see somebody working so hard to give us the features we need with this new (shitty) tab system vb has forced upon us! :)

I second this and am glad to give a donation to help you along if that works. Let me know how I can help.

Cheers! :)

EDIT: Donation sent and will send more once this fills my need 100%. So far, all that is lacking (I think) is ability to highlight tab for specific forum sections. Currently, any forum you are in will show "Forums" tab as active. I want some of my forums to have their own tab, and for that to override the default "Forums" tab. Problem is THIS_SCRIPT for all forums is the same, so I'm not sure how one would override it. Possibly writing condition will work, as Lynne says in this thread (see also her post 2 down from that), but I don't code so I have no idea.

Thank You,

Ok, option to write a URL (THIS Disable THIS_SCRIPT) and highlight
Something else?? new Ideas? :D

compuminus 01-25-2010 03:22 PM

If I do not add any new links to the top menu (and only use the hack to disable some of them, such as the what's new link), then I get the following PHP error:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(283) : eval()'d code on line 111

compuminus 01-25-2010 03:27 PM

Another bug: if the link title is longer than 20 characters it truncates the title at 20 characters.

tini_lam 01-25-2010 03:38 PM

thanks. good job

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