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AndrewD 01-06-2010 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by E.T. (Post 1948243)
Hi there,

Upgrade went well, and for a darker style it looks much better now.

Discover 2 things sofar...

Cannot see how the download in a section (missing an icon )
Alignment is not correct for catagories without sub catagories

Did I miss something perhaps ?

See screenshots

First problem confirmed, and related to the problem reported by Deviant K1. Will be fixed later today.

I can't reproduce the second problem - do you mind if I take a look at your site (PM me details if so).

E.T. 01-06-2010 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1948466)
First problem confirmed, and related to the problem reported by Deviant K1. Will be fixed later today.

I can't reproduce the second problem - do you mind if I take a look at your site (PM me details if so).

No I don't mind at all :)

Your login details are in your PM box.


AndrewD 01-06-2010 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by abdelghani68 (Post 1947919)
thanks. I can't import, "phrases_fr" there is an error, and with the product "product-eirma_ldm_fr" I have problems with the caracters "?, ?.." it's write for exemple "téléchargements" and the right is "t?l?chargements"

I have had great difficulties with languages, because the vbulletin infrastructure is (by default) only partly set up to deal with these. I am able to install all language versions correctly on my test vb 4.0 system, but I have had to make a small change to one of the vb files to accept this. I will provide instructions in the translations directory when I update the 3.0.1 LDM release, which should be later today.

AndrewD 01-06-2010 03:44 PM

I've reuploaded version 3.0.1 in the main post to fix the problems reported last night:

- missing page navs
- missing download icons for non-media files
- layout problems with catbit with some browsers
- bad url with rss icon

Please note that I have withdrawn the product files from the translations, and just provided phrase files, generally in both ansi and utf8 formats.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

E.T. 01-06-2010 04:10 PM

Hi AndrewD,

I've reupload the files into the forum but still no icons...

Could you please check the files ?


edit...., reuploaded again and download icon is available now

IE catbit is still the same

raaowdot 01-06-2010 09:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi, Thanks for the update as this is mine main mod on my site and I would not upgrade to 4 unless I can get it to work. Good work on a great mod.

I have a problem though....

I create a test site with a fresh install of both vb and LDM and it works fine. However I've now upgrade the site and for some reason the images still show the old versions and some are missing. i think the template/style has not updated.

I've redownload from here, reupload all fine and reran the install to no effect. Any Ideas?

JWL 01-07-2010 01:23 AM

This is absolutly great, I have yet to really set it up, but this is the item I was looking for.

Being a Pro OHV Access Activist Website, this is going to be great for my members to upload and download video of Meetings, minutes and fliers, including Video of the ECO-Terrorist groups who want everyone out of the wilderness

AndrewD 01-07-2010 01:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by raaowdot (Post 1949118)
Hi, Thanks for the update as this is mine main mod on my site and I would not upgrade to 4 unless I can get it to work. Good work on a great mod.

I have a problem though....

I create a test site with a fresh install of both vb and LDM and it works fine. However I've now upgrade the site and for some reason the images still show the old versions and some are missing. i think the template/style has not updated.

I've redownload from here, reupload all fine and reran the install to no effect. Any Ideas?

Yes, you need to change the setting "file_icons_dir" on the LDM admin/settings page. The new icons are stored in images/ldm-silk-icons/. There is an alternative set of icons available in the release zip in extras/icon-sets/ldm-ox-icons. These are somewhat larger than the silk icons but you may prefer them, depending on the rest of your style (see attachments - the first shows the ox icons, the second, the silk icons). To use them, upload into images/ldm-ox-icons and set file_icons_dir accordingly.

Sorry for any confusion here - new installations pick up the new icon directory automatically but upgraded forums have to be set manually.

fayax 01-07-2010 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Deviant K1 (Post 1944687)
I have re-opened my site if you still want to check out the LDM. --> LINK
Just click on the "Video Gallery" tab on the navbar.

I did notice one syntax error that only pop up when I first visit my LDM but it goes by so quickly that I don't get a chance to see the full error message. My guess it's one of the extras acting weird. It only happens if I clear out my cookies in my browser (Firefox), and re-visit my LDM page. I'll try to get a screenshot of it and post it.

Asides from that it works great. Just as it did on my vB 3.8.4 board :).

Excellent site.

Can you point me in the right direction to how I can get that download button. Right now I have some files up there, clicking on them opens then in a new tab but I would like to have a download button like yours. :)


AndrewD 01-07-2010 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by fayax (Post 1949242)
Excellent site.

Can you point me in the right direction to how I can get that download button. Right now I have some files up there, clicking on them opens then in a new tab but I would like to have a download button like yours. :)


Have you added the filetypes you want to download to the vbulletin attachments table?

If you don't do this, LDM assumes the entries are 'links' (to open in a new window). See the wiki.

AndrewD 01-07-2010 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by E.T. (Post 1948896)
Hi AndrewD,

IE catbit is still the same

This is weird. The IE problem is highly intermittent on your site and non-existent on mine. I can get it to go away on your site simply by clicking on page reload.

Deviant K1 01-07-2010 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1948873)
I've reuploaded version 3.0.1 in the main post to fix the problems reported last night:

- missing page navs
- missing download icons for non-media files
- layout problems with catbit with some browsers
- bad url with rss icon

Please note that I have withdrawn the product files from the translations, and just provided phrase files, generally in both ansi and utf8 formats.

Sorry for any inconvenience.


Thanks AndrewD :D :D :D Awesome work and support as always buddy!

raaowdot 01-07-2010 09:06 AM

Big thanks Andrew for the quick and detailed responce to my query regarding the old icon set showing. Worked a treat.

Keep up the good work.

... sorry if i've missed this, as I have looked, but the old version allowed the statistics to show at the bottom of the forum. Is this still available or maybe it was another mod add-on. I suppose we should have a widget now but I'd still like it in my forum page as that's my homepage.

AndrewD 01-07-2010 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by raaowdot (Post 1949413)
... sorry if i've missed this, as I have looked, but the old version allowed the statistics to show at the bottom of the forum. Is this still available or maybe it was another mod add-on. I suppose we should have a widget now but I'd still like it in my forum page as that's my homepage.

This is one of the features that I haven't got round to testing yet with vb4. Wll do so, and if there's a problem, will let you know.

Writing a set of widgets to correspond to the previous vbadvanced modules is my next task...

E.T. 01-07-2010 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1949253)
This is weird. The IE problem is highly intermittent on your site and non-existent on mine. I can get it to go away on your site simply by clicking on page reload.

Hi AndrewD,

It was an IE7 issue, with IE8 everything looks fine.

Thanks for your help :)



Deviant K1 01-08-2010 07:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi again AndrewD :),

Got another one for you, so don't toss a 3 week old sweaty sock at me :D.

In the attachment below you will notice that the title of my video clip is aligned to the left and not centered as it once was. Is there a setting or something I overlooked by chance?


AndrewD 01-08-2010 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Deviant K1 (Post 1950192)
Hi again AndrewD :),

Got another one for you, so don't toss a 3 week old sweaty sock at me :D.

In the attachment below you will notice that the title of my video clip is aligned to the left and not centered as it once was. Is there a setting or something I overlooked by chance?


No, it's a style bug/change as you choose. Will fix. (How dare you suggest that my wife would allow my socks to sit around for three weeks :D)

AndrewD 01-08-2010 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by raaowdot (Post 1949413)
... sorry if i've missed this, as I have looked, but the old version allowed the statistics to show at the bottom of the forum. Is this still available or maybe it was another mod add-on. I suppose we should have a widget now but I'd still like it in my forum page as that's my homepage.

This was done using the patch_forumhome 'extra' which is still available and still works. However, it does not look quite right in the new forumhome layout, so I will tidy it up in the next release,

Deviant K1 01-08-2010 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1950368)
This was done using the patch_forumhome 'extra' which is still available and still works. However, it does not look quite right in the new forumhome layout, so I will tidy it up in the next release,

I also would like to say that the 'extra' patch_forumhome DOES in fact work as intended. However, the patch-forumhome-newlinks and the patch-forumhome-recententries has caused SQL errors. Sorry I didn't take a screenshot of the error :( but I will once I finish the rest of my settings so AndrewD can take a look at them later.

So, on that note, if anyone DOES attempt to use either of those plugins receives a database error, just go back and remove those plugins.

These plugins have been tested on my test & live sites are working as intended... keep in mind, these are only the 'extra's I use on my site:
Tested on latest versions of I.E. 8, Firefox & Safari

(And to comment AndrewD's post about his sweaty 3 week old socks... So you say! :D)

Deviant K1 01-08-2010 07:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Not that I don't think you have a lot of work on your desk to do at the moment but I felt the need to add a little more :D.

In the below attachment while viewing a category, if filters are use and you attempt to use the drop menu box, it doesn't work in Safari. I tried refreshing and that didn't work.

IE8, Firefox and Chrome works fine :D.

ShawnV 01-08-2010 07:58 PM

Andrew, swfuploader may need a look at after the 3.0.1 update.

I have extra socks if needed :D

Deviant K1 01-08-2010 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by ShawnV (Post 1950655)
Andrew, swfuploader may need a look at after the 3.0.1 update.

I have extra socks if needed :D

:D :D :D ... Socks....

Anyway, what issues are you having with the swfuploader?

Reason why I ask is because I haven't found an issue with it using IE8, Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

ShawnV 01-08-2010 08:47 PM

After updating to the newest 3.0.1 and re-installing the swfuploader I had database errors, these went away if I disabled that plug-in.

Deviant K1 01-08-2010 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by ShawnV (Post 1950690)
After updating to the newest 3.0.1 and re-installing the swfuploader I had database errors, these went away if I disabled that plug-in.

Hmmm, that's a bit odd. I'm assuming you tried on it IE8, Firefox, Safari and Chrome?

Actually, wouldn't matter to me.. if I got DB errors regardless of which browser, I'd disable it too! :)

You may want to try installing adobe shockwave plugin for your browser(s) and be sure you have the latest adobe flash player plugin.

AndrewD 01-09-2010 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by ShawnV (Post 1950655)
Andrew, swfuploader may need a look at after the 3.0.1 update.

I have extra socks if needed :D

Warm, thick socks suit me best. Gives more possibilities for absorbing fluids...

Could you post, or send me a PM, with the database error you are getting. swfuploader itself doesn't do anything special with the database - it's mainly an interface to some fancy Javascript. Thanks.

AndrewD 01-09-2010 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Deviant K1 (Post 1950643)

Not that I don't think you have a lot of work on your desk to do at the moment but I felt the need to add a little more :D.

In the below attachment while viewing a category, if filters are use and you attempt to use the drop menu box, it doesn't work in Safari. I tried refreshing and that didn't work.

IE8, Firefox and Chrome works fine :D.

Ths works fine for me with Safari. Could you try clearing the Safari cache and trying again?

AndrewD 01-09-2010 01:33 AM

Just to let everyone know - we are moving house and country this week (returning to the UK after eighteen years moving around the rest of Europe), so normal service here may be disrupted from time to time until we are fully resettled.

ShawnV 01-09-2010 01:48 AM

Will do, good luck with your move Andrew, safe travels.

Varsh 01-09-2010 12:50 PM

I guess I'll just have to say welcome back to the white UK! More snow on the way! :D

Installing this now after comparing it to the others and this mod is so added to my MOTM list. :)

obmob 01-09-2010 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1950834)
Just to let everyone know - we are moving house and country this week (returning to the UK after eighteen years moving around the rest of Europe), so normal service here may be disrupted from time to time until we are fully resettled.

WOW, big move! A safe one for you and your family ^.^

AndrewD 01-13-2010 03:24 AM

A quick test of vb4.0.1 revealed a change in the behaviour of one of its core functions, which has the effect of breaking the display of cached thumbnails in LDM in some circumstances.

If you are hit by this problem, there is a temporary fix:

a) go to ldm/admin/settings
b) set thumbs_dir to blank
c) in the left column, find the line 'thumbnail images' and click on the link.

Permanent fix will be provided in ldm 3.0.2

dieKetzer 01-13-2010 08:49 AM

been a fan for years.
thanks for this great hack.

xman_79 01-13-2010 08:06 PM

Hi AndrewD ,

It's a great work .

If my actual version is 2.2.9 , can I upgrade directly to the last version ?

Thank you .

angeljs 01-15-2010 03:58 PM

I love this mod and always have and am going to use it on the new vb. However, the forumhome thumbs extra plugin is throwing out the following error on the forum home page:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function ldm_load_bitcache() in /home/******/public_html/forums/includes/local_links_include.php on line 349
Just hope this can be fixed :D

AndrewD 01-15-2010 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by xman_79 (Post 1954815)
Hi AndrewD ,

It's a great work .

If my actual version is 2.2.9 , can I upgrade directly to the last version ?

Thank you .

Yes, the upgrader works smoothly for all (reasonable) upgrades.

AndrewD 01-15-2010 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by angeljs (Post 1956622)
I love this mod and always have and am going to use it on the new vb. However, the forumhome thumbs extra plugin is throwing out the following error on the forum home page:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function ldm_load_bitcache() in /home/******/public_html/forums/includes/local_links_include.php on line 349
Just hope this can be fixed :D

Yes, I've been working on this extra (and others) for release 3.0.2.

angeljs 01-15-2010 07:54 PM

Excellent, can't wait. :)

Just one thing...when viewing the download details, instead of a link to the discussion thread, I can see:

[thread= 256 ]Discussion Thread[ /thread ]
where the link should be. You can see what I mean here.

(P.S. I left the spaces in the code intentionally as it was showing up all weird otherwise!)

AndrewD 01-16-2010 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by angeljs (Post 1956823)
Excellent, can't wait. :)

Just one thing...when viewing the download details, instead of a link to the discussion thread, I can see:

[thread= 256 ]Discussion Thread[ /thread ]
where the link should be. You can see what I mean here.

(P.S. I left the spaces in the code intentionally as it was showing up all weird otherwise!)

Have you disabled processing of bbcodes on ldm/admin/settings/
Category and Entry Creation?

Tripolis 01-16-2010 07:01 AM

Hi !!

Is there any way to Use only as Link Manager without the other Features?

The German language is not Perfect and my English is not the Best with some Words.
So, i dont can understand all...................


angeljs 01-16-2010 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1957171)
Have you disabled processing of bbcodes on ldm/admin/settings/
Category and Entry Creation?

Yes I had...thank you. :o

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