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kawe 11-13-2009 04:47 PM

but the error still same

Eric Anderson 11-13-2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by kawe (Post 1913666)
but the error still same

Are sure you are logged in correctly?

Hex_legend 11-13-2009 05:28 PM

Regarding vampyrescene.com on page 2 of this thread.
I am still getting the error:

This is on a blackberry curve 8900 with the latest (0.85) software installed that you fixed yesterday.

Quantnet 11-13-2009 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by footose (Post 1913621)
Any forum Administrator that Beta Test's this software on their site (basically everyone in this thread that has offered feedback and posted their URL either in PM or on here) will receive the released version of the app for FREE for their personal use.

It's a nice gesture on your part. I know it's early and things will change but do we get free updates as well. in order for our members to pay, this must have some very compelling features that other free alternatives don't offer.

For the record, I tested this on a Blackberry Curve 8320 and using T-mobile.
Before we try to sell this to our members, having the screenshot of how it looks on each mobile device will help. How did you take the image on BB or iPhone?

War.Frog 11-13-2009 06:29 PM

Currently testing this here: http://www.wekillus.com/wkuforums/

BlackBerry: Curve 8330

BlackBerry OS:

Provider: Virgin Mobile Canada

messengermatt 11-13-2009 06:33 PM

I am very keen to use this shortly to test but i am not sure i'd be prepared to pay for the application as there are others out there aswell as this one.

It looks good, i am looking forward to the redevelopments as you go too!

What i would suggest is maybe allowing admins to have the software for free and users to pay like £2 or something i know it'd be awkward to determine without proof but im sure it could be done :-)

Maybe offer 1 free copy to the forum Admin, im sure you can verify their license status somehow ?

I'm looking to test on

Blackberry Pearl
OS 4.5
Orange Network UK

kawe 11-13-2009 06:44 PM

is possible share your BerryBlab.cod ?
coz i want upload on my own server :)
for OTA

Quantnet 11-13-2009 07:23 PM

When I select Subscribed Thread, (but I have no subscribed thread), it will pop up several error messages
java.io.IOException: Timed out
org.xml.sax.SASParseException:Expecting an element.

This leads to severe lockup on other apps
Uncaught exception:Application net_rim_bb_qm_peer(145) is not responding process terminated.

AzzidReign 11-14-2009 04:16 AM

Nice addon! I'll add this tomorrow after my seminar :)

footose 11-14-2009 03:06 PM


It's a nice gesture on your part. I know it's early and things will change but do we get free updates as well. in order for our members to pay, this must have some very compelling features that other free alternatives don't offer.
Updates will be free for the life cycle of the software.

I am unaware of any Native BlackBerry Alternatives at this time, which is why I'm developing this in the first place.


For the record, I tested this on a Blackberry Curve 8320 and using T-mobile.
Before we try to sell this to our members, having the screenshot of how it looks on each mobile device will help. How did you take the image on BB or iPhone?
I'll gladly supply all of the materials you need when the time comes. As I said, this is BETA ATM, so any selling or whatever is only to happen in the future.


What i would suggest is maybe allowing admins to have the software for free and users to pay like ?2 or something i know it'd be awkward to determine without proof but im sure it could be done :-)

Maybe offer 1 free copy to the forum Admin, im sure you can verify their license status somehow ?
It's free for you if you help me Beta test!

I want to clarify some things, since a lot of you seem to be concerned about "paying" for this app.

If you help me beta test this app on your forum, I will offer you (as the admin) a "free" version of the final software, with accompanying upgrades for the life cycle of the product.

When I say "free" - it really isn't free. I'm asking for your time to test it, play with it, put suggestions on the forum, debug the software. If you aren't willing to do that and just want a free ride, don't expect me to help you out when I release this publicly.

Free also means that if you install this on your forum, and don't decide to support / sell the software, it's not a big deal, you get it for free anyway. Use it for your personal use. Delete it. Do what you will.

The only reason I mention that I am going to be selling this product is that I want to be up front with everyone about my future intentions. Let's not worry about the logistics of selling this software as it's way to earlier to even consider.

What I need to worry about is bringing this software to it's full potential with your help as a forum admin. In doing so, you will get the software for free and ideally generate another form of income on your website by using my future affiliate / commission program.

I run www.vHoist.com - and a lot of people were concerned that I was going to run "ad's" on their site since the data is hosted off-site. I have over 5000 members on vHoist.com now, and I can only use that as my track record for sticking to my word and be upfront and forward about my intentions from the get-go.

Other Things

I have been busy this weekend so I haven't touched the software since Friday night. I have received all of your PM's and messages regarding any errors that have crept up and will be on top of them tomorrow.

DSanchez 11-15-2009 12:46 AM

Bug report:

1. http://www.blokessportbike.com/
2. Curve 8330
4. Sprint

I get this error when trying to view any forum: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Undefined entity reference 'nbsp'.


DSanchez 11-15-2009 01:27 AM

Ah ha! I found the problem. TABLE_PREFIX was missing from get_threads.php. I modified it like so:


$dataQuery = "SELECT t.*, p.pagetext FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread t LEFT JOIN "
        . TABLE_PREFIX . "post p ON ( p.postid = t.lastpostid ) WHERE t.forumid = "
        . $fid . " AND t.open = 1 AND t.visible = 1 ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT "
        . $offset . "," . $rows;

And also in get_posts.php:


dataQuery = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE ThreadID = " . $threadid . " AND visible = 1 ORDER BY Dateline DESC LIMIT " . $offset . "," . $rows;

Quantnet 11-15-2009 01:52 AM

only if your forum table use a prefix. Most standard vb installations don't but it's good that the author should take this into account.

Eric Anderson 11-15-2009 02:05 AM

Ok so if I use Prefix in my forum then I need to adjust something...????

Eric Anderson 11-15-2009 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by DSanchez (Post 1914394)
Ah ha! I found the problem. TABLE_PREFIX was missing from get_threads.php. I modified it like so:


$dataQuery = "SELECT t.*, p.pagetext FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread t LEFT JOIN "
        . TABLE_PREFIX . "post p ON ( p.postid = t.lastpostid ) WHERE t.forumid = "
        . $fid . " AND t.open = 1 AND t.visible = 1 ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT "
        . $offset . "," . $rows;

And also in get_posts.php:


dataQuery = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE ThreadID = " . $threadid . " AND visible = 1 ORDER BY Dateline DESC LIMIT " . $offset . "," . $rows;

SWEET ALL PROBLEMS SOLVED!!! I had an issue with it showing OCt 2005 only posts and figured I had to get rid of the norm all fixed now thanks!!

xug 11-15-2009 10:36 AM

Ok, I changed this above code in my files and got a step closer.

Now i will see the threads, but when I click on a thread title I get the following.

Thread title
With a 'More' link directly below it
plus error code

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Expecting end of file

gbechtel 11-16-2009 01:21 AM

I can get all the forums, the new posts, and I logged on with Username and p/w. But when I click on a new thread it says: org.xml.sax.SAXParseEXCEPTION: Undefined entity reference 'nbsp'.

I am also getting Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:


Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM post WHERE ThreadID = 83188 AND visible = 1 ORDER BY Dateline DESC LIMIT 40,10;
MySQL Error  : Table 'masscops_vbforum.post' doesn't exist
Error Number  : 1146
Request Date  : Sunday, November 15th 2009 @ 08:52:45 PM
Error Date    : Sunday, November 15th 2009 @ 08:52:45 PM
Script        : http://www.masscops.com/forums/mobif...3188&r=10&o=40
Referrer      :

Another database error:


Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT t.*, p.pagetext FROM thread t LEFT JOIN post p ON ( p.postid = t.lastpostid ) WHERE t.forumid = 50 AND t.open = 1 AND t.visible = 1 ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0,10;
MySQL Error  : Table 'masscops_vbforum.thread' doesn't exist
Error Number  : 1146
Request Date  : Sunday, November 15th 2009 @ 08:50:00 PM
Error Date    : Sunday, November 15th 2009 @ 08:50:00 PM
Script        : http://www.masscops.com/forums/mobif...&f=50&r=10&o=0

Installed on http://www.masscops.com/forums/

Eric Anderson 11-16-2009 01:45 AM

Had the same error because I am using a table prefix for my forums. If you are using table prefix then the fix above Click Here should help you it fixed my exact problem.

Just a thought

gbechtel 11-16-2009 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Eric Anderson (Post 1914994)
Had the same error because I am using a table prefix for my forums. If you are using table prefix then the fix above Click Here should help you it fixed my exact problem.

Just a thought

Thanks Eric, that seem to get rid of the db errors

vbreal 11-16-2009 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by DSanchez (Post 1914394)
Ah ha! I found the problem. TABLE_PREFIX was missing from get_threads.php. I modified it like so:


$dataQuery = "SELECT t.*, p.pagetext FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread t LEFT JOIN "
        . TABLE_PREFIX . "post p ON ( p.postid = t.lastpostid ) WHERE t.forumid = "
        . $fid . " AND t.open = 1 AND t.visible = 1 ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT "
        . $offset . "," . $rows;

And also in get_posts.php:


dataQuery = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE ThreadID = " . $threadid . " AND visible = 1 ORDER BY Dateline DESC LIMIT " . $offset . "," . $rows;

thanks for the fix!!!

Itchy Nips 11-16-2009 01:36 PM

ok, so I've been testing it this weekend along with a few of my forum members. Some posts are not appearing on the forum when made from the berryblab app. any idea of how to troubleshoot that? We all have Bold 9000's but I'm not sure if thats really the cause. I'm trying to get someone to test it with a Curve or some other model, to see if thats causing a problem.

Eric Anderson 11-16-2009 03:56 PM

I have a curve I can look at your forums with any certain post that is not showing up? PM me with a username and pass I can use and the posts that are not showing up and where they are and I will check.

footose 11-16-2009 04:58 PM

Hey guys!

I'm back now from the weekend! (and what a weekend!).

will get on top of these new errors tonight and release a new version shortly!

vbreal 11-16-2009 06:32 PM

a user of my site said the following


after I type in the forum address and hit add forum I get a message that says net.rim.device.cldc.io.dnsexcept. ion :error trying to resolve
they are using bb 8900

footose 11-17-2009 12:46 AM

^^ That sounds like an APN error, see the second post in this thread.

footose 11-17-2009 12:47 AM

Itchy Nips: I coded this on the bold, so that shouldn't be the problem. I suspect that they haven't typed in their user name / password properly.

footose 11-17-2009 12:47 AM

I've also added the table prefix - fix to the next release..

vbreal 11-17-2009 01:30 AM

so this APN thing is a bit much for the average user.

is this going to be an issue in later releases?

footose 11-17-2009 02:21 AM

^^ Did it solve your problem?

To answer your question: there's no fix for any BlackBerry for this issue. You must have your APN settings regardless of what blackberry / service provider you have for any app like this to work. (Ubertwitter, Facebook, etc.. all require this)

This holds true for iPhone, Android and the rest, unfortunately RIM / BlackBerry doesn't always automatically set all these settings (particularly on older phones). It's a common problem. usually you just call your provider and ask for your APN settings.

vbreal 11-17-2009 05:00 AM

well this person didn't know where to go or feel like dealing with it.

they access the web just fine so i would of thought their settings were set correctly already.

footose 11-17-2009 05:25 AM

Ah, well that is unfortunate. There is no work around for ANY blackberry software that uses Direct TCP connections as per the RIM API Documentation at this time. But we aren't even sure this is an APN setting issue.

I'll be honest with you, If a person is not going to help me determine the problems with the software, then they shouldn't be using it right now as it is in Beta. "Not feeling like" doing a potential fix does not help me determine the problem, so I am unable to help your user.


so this APN thing is a bit much for the average user.
It's pretty simple actually.

Get the APN from this site:

Then on your BB :

Setup -> Options -> Advanced Options -> TCP/IP

Check APN Settings Enabled
APN: Internet.com

Again, you have to do this with all BlackBerrys that don't have APN settings set from the factory. I'm not sure if this is your users problem or not, but it's a good place to start.

Eric Anderson 11-17-2009 06:31 AM

Did I miss something??? didnt this mod say beta??? as in the creator of this mod is trying to test within the admins of the forums to eliminate the BS of the screaming masses complaining before a release. That is what a beta is it might have started out as a alpha but it is def a beta now. I have a forum running 3.8.4 and it is running fine I asked a friend with a blackberry that was not on the list of supported to test knowing that it might have problems and so did he.


xug 11-17-2009 09:58 AM

Footose, what about my new error?

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Expecting end of file


footose 11-17-2009 11:51 AM

xug: sorry I missed yours. Try the new release today and I'll check your site personally

BerryBlab 0.03 / 0.86 - Nov 17, 2009
- added error checking for adding forum - Don't have to put HTTP:// or trailing "/" anymore to add
- added user login info check
- added "b" and "t" (bottom and top) shortcuts for browsing posts / threads
- added table prefix - fix to vb plugin
- fixed master settings for connection not saving

Itchy Nips 11-17-2009 12:50 PM

thanks for working on these issues so quickly. its good to see a developer on top of his game!
I'll install everything again and test it.

I just went to download berryblab and its at version .85 but I see that .86 is out. Have you updated that JAD file yet with version .86?

footose 11-17-2009 01:42 PM

^^ Try clearly your browser cache before downloading the update.

I forgot to update my own website :)

Itchy Nips 11-17-2009 03:59 PM

oh, i see the app itself says .86.
thanks! testing it today.

footose 11-17-2009 04:24 PM

Dont' forget to upload the new vBulletin files too!

If you already have, then there is another issue at hand since I can't surf your site right now either. Let me know, we'll get you up and running.

Itchy Nips 11-17-2009 04:27 PM

you have to setup my site with "/forums" at the end. The regular domain only doesnt work.

btw, still having the same issue. some posts wont appear when replying via berryblab. I posted 5 times and only 1 appeared. I verified that I CAN view my PM's so I know that I'm logged in correctly.

any ideas?

vbreal 11-17-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by footose (Post 1915726)
Ah, well that is unfortunate. There is no work around for ANY blackberry software that uses Direct TCP connections as per the RIM API Documentation at this time. But we aren't even sure this is an APN setting issue.

I'll be honest with you, If a person is not going to help me determine the problems with the software, then they shouldn't be using it right now as it is in Beta. "Not feeling like" doing a potential fix does not help me determine the problem, so I am unable to help your user.

trust me i was a bit annoyed by it myself. she was the only one reporting the issue. so i was stuck with depending on her. haha

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