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CarlitoBrigante 11-25-2009 01:52 AM

Great, thanks. There is just one thing: the added block has the same id of the one above it, which makes the page not valid XHTML.

It should use a different ID associated with specific CSS info.

Of course, having this http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/proje...?issueid=32262 built into would help in these cases.

Paul M 11-25-2009 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by CarlitoBrigante (Post 1920509)
Great, thanks. There is just one thing: the added block has the same id of the one above it, which makes the page not valid XHTML.

Yes, this is because vb4 in its infinite wisdom, assigns the CSS to the tag ID rather than using a class, so the only two choices are duplicate the tag id, or find some way to output (yet more) CSS. There is no easy way to do that [automatically] - its a very poor design IMO - so until IB sort this out, duplicating the ID is the method used.

cellarius 11-25-2009 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1920614)
Yes, this is because vb4 in its infinite wisdom, assigns the CSS to the tag ID rather than using a class, so the only two choices are duplicate the tag id, or find some way to output (yet more) CSS. There is no easy way to do that [automatically] - its a very poor design IMO - so until IB sort this out, duplicating the ID is the method used.

Very much agreed. I have the same problem with one of my mods, and do the same as Paul does.

CFodder 12-01-2009 06:41 AM

W00t, great to see this mod ported over - installed and working just fine :), thanks Paul.

Charlie98902 12-05-2009 12:49 AM

Broken now with the latest update.

kall 12-05-2009 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Charlie98902 (Post 1925520)
Broken now with the latest update.

It's not exactly broken.. it just looks ugly. :P

kall 12-05-2009 03:39 AM

Also, it would appear that you can now give the id a unique name. :)

lbpforum.net 12-05-2009 09:53 AM

Can you update it for the beta 5?

bart6767 12-05-2009 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by lbpforum.net (Post 1925660)
Can you update it for the beta 5?

Read post 86 and that will fix it for you .

Charlie98902 12-05-2009 12:32 PM

I am not a coder and can just wait till Paul updates it. I am not running live so it is doing no harm.

kall 12-05-2009 04:33 PM

The fix involves replacing one class with another. Not exactly 'coding'.

Personally, I wouldn't bother if I was Paul. 'Fix' it for Beta5 = Break it for everyone running Beta 4.

Paul M 12-05-2009 07:06 PM

Since today is my daughters 18th birthday I havent even noticed that another vb4 version has been released. When I get round to installing it I will take a look and release any update as necessary. Im afraid you have to expect things to break in betas. :)

Charlie98902 12-05-2009 07:47 PM

I am aware of this and have a great day partying. :D

halkum 12-05-2009 09:17 PM

Thanks for the Beta 5 update

alnassrah 12-06-2009 04:51 AM

Thank you for the update

willy888 12-06-2009 06:39 AM

thanks for this mod
Happy birthday for your daugghter

Booth 12-06-2009 01:09 PM

Thanks for the update Paul :)

lbpforum.net 12-06-2009 02:11 PM

Thank you for the update. Is it also possible to add the feature to show users visited in the last 24 hour? There was such mod for 3.8.


Paul M 12-06-2009 04:26 PM

Thats still part of it.

bart6767 12-06-2009 08:00 PM

I have installed Version: 4.0.0 Beta 5 and the names dont show up on forum home ?

I had a look in ACP and all the settings are on .

CrazyProgrammer 12-06-2009 08:57 PM

i changed the width to 1000px is it possible to fix after 1000 pix has passed it goes to next line?

TalkTemplate 12-06-2009 09:30 PM

I get this error when installing


Database error in vBulletin 4.0.0 Beta 5:

Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM phrase WHERE product = 'paulm_wvt_40' AND languageid = -1;

MySQL Error  : Table 'phrase' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error Number  : 1194
Request Date  : Sunday, December 6th 2009 @ 06:28:01 PM
Error Date    : Sunday, December 6th 2009 @ 06:28:07 PM
Script        : http://www.url.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer      : http://www.url.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address    :
Username      : admin
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.81-community

WhatChaMissin 12-07-2009 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by bart6767 (Post 1926467)
I have installed Version: 4.0.0 Beta 5 and the names dont show up on forum home ?

I had a look in ACP and all the settings are on .

I'm experiencing the same issue. Even tried using different settings, but does not show up, no error messages present.

upgraded from v3.8.x (not a new install).

Paul M 12-07-2009 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by bart6767 (Post 1926467)
I have installed Version: 4.0.0 Beta 5 and the names dont show up on forum home ?

I had a look in ACP and all the settings are on .

Are your sure your usergroup is allowed to view it ?


Originally Posted by CrazyProgrammer (Post 1926496)
i changed the width to 1000px is it possible to fix after 1000 pix has passed it goes to next line?

I have no idea what you are asking about.


Originally Posted by impulse8 (Post 1926515)
I get this error when installing

As the error says, you have a crashed table in MySQL, which you need to fix.


Table 'phrase' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

bart6767 12-07-2009 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1926722)
Are your sure your usergroup is allowed to view it ?

Yea usergroup is set to veiw .

I installed the old one again and did the fix and it works fine but cant get the names to show on the beta 5 one .

PinkLiquorice 12-07-2009 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1872970)
JFYI, you may want to note the bug in the Forumhome template that affects the display of this atm.


It wont let me look at that thread even though I am logged into the vb site. Has it been moved? Thank you

cellarius 12-07-2009 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by sw1 (Post 1926755)
It wont let me look at that thread even though I am logged into the vb site. Has it been moved? Thank you

That bug is in the private alpha bugtracker, so you don't have the necessary permissions. When Paul converted this mod first, there were only Alpha testers around. Anyway, look at the date of the post you are quoting: It's from August. The bug that link goes to was reported back then and has been fixed a long time ago. Nothing that should bother you further :)

Paul M 12-07-2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by bart6767 (Post 1926744)
I installed the old one again and did the fix and it works fine but cant get the names to show on the beta 5 one .

Are you sure you havent simply collapsed the display ?

FYI, the fix given is not actually correct, since it breaks (removes) the collapse feature.

PinkLiquorice 12-08-2009 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by cellarius (Post 1926800)
That bug is in the private alpha bugtracker, so you don't have the necessary permissions. When Paul converted this mod first, there were only Alpha testers around. Anyway, look at the date of the post you are quoting: It's from August. The bug that link goes to was reported back then and has been fixed a long time ago. Nothing that should bother you further :)

Sorry didnt realise it was from August, Im still having this problem though:

Paul M 12-08-2009 05:55 PM

Well in theory, all your members could be invisible, and you are viewing the display without permission to see invisible users. Other than that I have no idea. There is nothing I can tell you without [admin] access to your forum.

rizelim 12-12-2009 07:33 PM

i.e 8 bug

Charlie98902 12-12-2009 07:41 PM

Yes that is an IE8 bug.

ericgtr 12-12-2009 10:58 PM

Thanks Paul, nice touch with the reminder to mark as installed too. A lot of my mods have people downloading and thanking me for them but never clicking install, I might just rob this idea.

Paul M 12-13-2009 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Charlie98902 (Post 1929509)
Yes that is an IE8 bug.

Indeed, I am however unable to reproduce it in any browser any more.


Originally Posted by ericgtr (Post 1929616)
I might just rob this idea.

LOL, feel free. :)

sani79 12-13-2009 10:19 AM


I have a Visual Big on it!! i use Firefox and VB Cerion 4.0 Beta 4!!

Attachment 107466


Paul M 12-13-2009 02:46 PM

Perhaps you should read the notes in the main post ;)


Pre Beta 5
Please note that this will not display correctly in vBulletin 4 versions prior to Beta 5.

rizelim 12-13-2009 05:29 PM

vBulletin Version 4.0.0 Release Candidate 2 İE8 bug.

tech4c 12-14-2009 03:26 AM

Thanks Paul
Happy birthday to your daughters :)


Originally Posted by rizelim (Post 1930046)
vBulletin Version 4.0.0 Release Candidate 2 İE8 bug.

I change the template and we have to waiting Paul to accept this

Try if you want :)

it's working fine with IE8 and Firfox good


Admincp >>> vB4 Default Style >>> template >>> Display_Visitors


<!-- Who Visited 4.0 -->
<vb:if condition="$show['member']">
                        <div id="wgo_wvt_users" class="wgo_subblock collapse">
                                <h3><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/forum_stats.png" alt="{vb:phrase wvt_alt_title}"/>{vb:raw wvt.whotitle}</h3>
                                <a class="collapse" id="collapse_wvt_list" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse.png" alt="" title="{vb:rawphrase wvt_col}" /></a>
                                <div id="wvt_list">
                                        <p>{vb:raw wvt.visitors}</p>
                                        <vb:if condition="$vboptions['wvtnames']">
                                                <vb:if condition="$wvt['totaltoday'] == 0">
                                                        {vb:phrase wvt_no_visitors}
                                                <vb:else />
                                                        <ol class="commalist" id="wgo_wvt_list"></ol>
                                                        <vb:each from="wvt['info']" value="today">{vb:stylevar dirmark} <a class="username" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw today}}" title="{vb:raw today.wrdate}">{vb:raw today.musername}</a> {vb:raw today.markinv}</vb:each>
                                        <vb:else />
                                                {vb:phrase wvt_no_visitors_display}
<!-- End Who Visited 4.0 -->

And you can change the show from this CODE

<vb:if condition="$show['member']">


rizelim 12-14-2009 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by tech4c (Post 1930284)
Thanks Paul
Happy birthday to your daughters :)

I change the template and we have to waiting Paul to accept this

Try if you want :)

it's working fine with IE8 and Firfox good


Admincp >>> vB4 Default Style >>> template >>> Display_Visitors


<!-- Who Visited 4.0 -->
<vb:if condition="$show['member']">
                        <div id="wgo_wvt_users" class="wgo_subblock collapse">
                                <h3><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/forum_stats.png" alt="{vb:phrase wvt_alt_title}"/>{vb:raw wvt.whotitle}</h3>
                                <a class="collapse" id="collapse_wvt_list" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse.png" alt="" title="{vb:rawphrase wvt_col}" /></a>
                                <div id="wvt_list">
                                        <p>{vb:raw wvt.visitors}</p>
                                        <vb:if condition="$vboptions['wvtnames']">
                                                <vb:if condition="$wvt['totaltoday'] == 0">
                                                        {vb:phrase wvt_no_visitors}
                                                <vb:else />
                                                        <ol class="commalist" id="wgo_wvt_list"></ol>
                                                        <vb:each from="wvt['info']" value="today">{vb:stylevar dirmark} <a class="username" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw today}}" title="{vb:raw today.wrdate}">{vb:raw today.musername}</a> {vb:raw today.markinv}</vb:each>
                                        <vb:else />
                                                {vb:phrase wvt_no_visitors_display}
<!-- End Who Visited 4.0 -->

And you can change the show from this CODE

<vb:if condition="$show['member']">


Yes, the problem seems to Forum Blocks Manager was built with.My friends forums http://uydudoktoru.com You can look at this.

Adem GEN? 12-14-2009 10:43 AM

Thanks, Installed

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