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kwblue 06-28-2009 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Outbackmark (Post 1834761)
LOL KW, I have PMed the author asking his permission to repost the altered instructions, but no reply as yet.
If he has not replied in another day I will just post them.

Maybe it's time to post them :) I really want to use this hack! I just can't figure the darn thing out. Does it take an engineer to figure this out? I hope not.... because I am one and can't get it working :D

deadlySniper 06-28-2009 03:26 PM

This is awesome! Thanks!

Outbackmark 07-06-2009 09:59 AM

Hi KW I will [post them in the next few days, the author has agreed, I just need to run through them prior to posting.

kwblue 07-06-2009 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Outbackmark (Post 1843675)
Hi KW I will [post them in the next few days, the author has agreed, I just need to run through them prior to posting.

Awesome!!! Maybe I'll finally get this thing working ;)

Johnny Kruger 07-10-2009 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Outbackmark (Post 1843675)
Hi KW I will [post them in the next few days, the author has agreed, I just need to run through them prior to posting.

I would love to have these, running in to many problems in installing this. Your dumbed down installation guide would be fantastic. If you cannot post it yet here, mind PMing it to me?

Forgott3n 07-11-2009 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by zethon (Post 1821700)
I see the problem but I'm not too sure how to fix it. I'll look into it some more and get back to you. Hopefully before I take this out of Beta.

I did some looking into with this. It appears it may be a bug with vBulletin, as this is the second product I've found with the same error type.

It correctly establishes a connection with our external mysql server, but still attempts to connect to a non-existent local one. The includes/config.php file only defines one master external MySQL server.

So a warning is spitted out due to the local connection issue, but successfully connects to the external one. But since this warning is tossed out into the script, the script ceases to work.

So. How does one report such a bug to vBulletin?

Merjawy 07-11-2009 06:03 AM

Is this the rebirth of FidoNet? :) I can see alot can be done with this mod...

maybe there should be a compiled list of nets/nodes and an application to join etc. yeah, just bring back FidoNet.. I love them days

great work mate, Thanks

RedeemedWarrior 07-11-2009 03:38 PM

any news on redone instructions?

MarsNIIT 07-11-2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bill from Cleve (Post 1838677)
I'm getting the same error. My guest views are turned on and a reinstall / fresh upload didn't help. Any Ideas what we are doing wrong? I'm using Mysql 5.1.30

Change networkforum.php:


$forumsnodes = $db->query("
                                                SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "network_sub
                                                LEFT JOIN network_node
                                                                ON (network_sub.node_code = network_node.node_code)
                                                                AND (network_sub.networkid = network_node.networkid)
                                                WHERE (network_sub.networkid = ".$network['networkid'].") AND (subid = ".$forum['subid'].")
                                                ORDER BY network_sub.node_code

change to:


$forumsnodes = $db->query("
                                                SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "network_sub
                                                LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "network_node
                                                                ON (" . TABLE_PREFIX . "network_sub.node_code = " . TABLE_PREFIX . "network_node.node_code)
                                                                AND (" . TABLE_PREFIX . "network_sub.networkid = " . TABLE_PREFIX . "network_node.networkid)
                                                WHERE (" . TABLE_PREFIX . "network_sub.networkid = ".$network['networkid'].") AND (subid = ".$forum['subid'].")
                                                ORDER BY " . TABLE_PREFIX . "network_sub.node_code

ahmer 07-12-2009 11:59 PM

thanks nice mod

RedeemedWarrior 07-13-2009 11:44 AM

got this working on test site :D

though it seems to not work well with databases with prefix

josh2007 07-14-2009 04:53 AM

Looking for a friendly Christian board to link each other by this mod. if interested email josh2007@findingjesustoday.com

ComputerModding 07-18-2009 09:49 AM

In version 0.9.5 it says the ability to sync network users via email was added, can anybody tell me how to run this feature as it is not in the Network Management section in the admin control panel.

Forgott3n 07-25-2009 01:12 AM

Finally got the MySQL issue sorted out.

Now we have a standard issue with the scheduled task. This is the output:


<b>Network:</b> bandaids<br/><b>Destination Node:</b> evant<br/><b>Node service URL:</b> http://evan.bandaiders.com/forums/network/service.php<br/><b>Package file:</b> (./network/packets/outgoing/bandaids.evant.xml)<br/><b>Package size:</b> 3183 bytes<br/><b>Response:</b><br/><textarea cols=80 rows=15><response>
        <result type="error">invalid $networkinfo for nework (bandaids)</result>

Below is a screencast going over all of our settings and layout (so you can see we've set everything up correctly!). Note we did set the forums to the "bandaids" network in their options and their ids both to 999.


lostgirl815 07-29-2009 09:54 AM

Posting to follow the progress - I really want to use this, but I'm going to need the dumbed-down version of the instructions.

(And, I guess I'll need to figure out what the hell CHmod is.)

ComputerModding 07-29-2009 10:20 AM

After some playing about we got all the settings right and have tested this mod and so far so good.

If you run snooker, pool or billiards related site and want to join our network then please let me know, drop me a email via the contact us form on TheSnookerForum.com

Good mod hope to see this mod supported via other forum software soon.

staticrebelle 07-31-2009 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Forgott3n (Post 1854950)
Finally got the MySQL issue sorted out.

Now we have a standard issue with the scheduled task. This is the output:


<b>Network:</b> bandaids<br/><b>Destination Node:</b> evant<br/><b>Node service URL:</b> http://evan.bandaiders.com/forums/network/service.php<br/><b>Package file:</b> (./network/packets/outgoing/bandaids.evant.xml)<br/><b>Package size:</b> 3183 bytes<br/><b>Response:</b><br/><textarea cols=80 rows=15><response>
        <result type="error">invalid $networkinfo for nework (bandaids)</result>

Below is a screencast going over all of our settings and layout (so you can see we've set everything up correctly!). Note we did set the forums to the "bandaids" network in their options and their ids both to 999.


As a follow-up to what my partner wrote, we don't have a huge budget but we would be willing to pay someone for their time if they can help us get this set up and working for us!

Is anyone willing/able?



staticrebelle 08-08-2009 04:46 AM

Is anyone at all interested in setting this up for me? I am willing to pay if you can get it to work.


RedeemedWarrior 08-08-2009 05:22 AM

have you setup the cronjob? the updates you was clicking in early part of video wasn't to send posts :)

look under scheduled tasks VBNetwork delivery

Notorious Jay 08-09-2009 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by ComputerModding (Post 1851053)
In version 0.9.5 it says the ability to sync network users via email was added, can anybody tell me how to run this feature as it is not in the Network Management section in the admin control panel.

vBulletin Options -> vbNetwork Options

ComputerModding 08-09-2009 08:44 AM

First network is working fine second network is not, we are getting this error when running the cron job;

<result type="error">invalid $networkinfo for nework (bandsnet)</result>
I have checked all of the settings on both forums and can not see what it is doing this, any suggestions?

leeman 08-20-2009 09:56 AM

Zethon, this mod looks marvelous.

So I can network with you if I want to ...?
Is there perhaps anyone else interested in networking?
I have a kinda small site with no general "agenda", so lots of small talk and sports ....

Mostly American members.

Delita 08-23-2009 11:06 PM


|Jordan| 09-14-2009 12:47 PM

How does this modification fair with word censoring and images? Do posts that are displayed from another site on your network become censored? What happens if a user on another site abuses by posting disgusting images. Can you ban that 1 person's posts from being visible?

djlotus 09-26-2009 12:39 PM

After creating a new network via adminCP, the message "could not find phrase vbn_created_network_successfully" appears, but it seems to create the network. Any ideas?

cobaku 09-26-2009 05:27 PM

i have edited my external.php to show all of a new post
and a link to my forum at the end

basically this may be just like vbnetwork

example is here

i just had to edit one line to add my link to the description.

Amenadiel 10-07-2009 07:52 PM

I can't get it to work. My main board does generate the xml, but when I try to send it to the affiliate one I get:


<result type="error">3</result>

ComputerModding 10-07-2009 08:24 PM

If you are getting error three then you need to look at the actual board settings for instance, if your make a post on your main forum and have 10 images in the post (including smilies) but the node board is only setup to have 3 images in a post (including smilies) then you will get this error.

That is only one example there can be many configuration factors that can cause error 3

Amenadiel 10-07-2009 10:08 PM

Considering that the post made by vbnetwork is a guest post, do you think it's necessary to give permisions to unregistered users to post?

Edit to the former: it changes nothing. By the way, I succeded in posting from a satellite board to the main one, but I still need for the main one to distribute its post to the satellite(s) which still displays error 3.

Edit Again:

Checking at the server's log, I see this message:


[08/Oct/2009:13:20:40 -0400] "POST /network/service.php HTTP/1.0" 200 89 "-" "-"
See? The post message is there, but it's empty.

|Jordan| 11-06-2009 04:50 PM

I have ZointsSEO installed on both my forums. Will this prevent this mod from working properly?

My main forum creates the xml properly, but my other forum doesnt receive it (even though i have it configured to), what am i doing wrong?

Dunhamzzz 12-10-2009 02:00 PM

I'm now about to open my 5th vbulletin board, all on very similiar topics, how scalable is this mod? my largest forum is about 34k members and has about 50 different forums, of about 15 I'd like to share with at least 2 other sites.

Mum 12-10-2009 04:27 PM

Any update on getting it to work with phpbb?

yaku 12-11-2009 11:55 AM

Does this go into the root directory?


2. Create the following directories with the following permissions

./network/packets/incoming - chmod 777
./network/packets/outgoing - chmod 777
I'm having problems with it. Every time I try to import the product (Step 3), the import locks up and my diskspace gets filled up, knocking my site off. At least I think this is what's causing the problems.

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM quote ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : Got error 122 from storage engine
Error Number : 1030
Anyone else having this same difficulty?

bposner 12-31-2009 07:23 PM

Hi all
I want to set this up as our own network with similar interests. Those of you that have set up their own network, any gotchas? Also, what about this required libcurl package, what exactly is that doing?

thedvs 02-28-2010 09:05 PM

anyone give me a real heads up on how to make this work?

ComputerModding 02-28-2010 09:14 PM

What are you having problems with exactly?

Outbackmark 03-08-2010 06:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My apologies for having been absent for so long, I did hear from the author and have revamped the instructions to what I hope will be a little easier to follow, I will post and attach them -


vbNetwork Version 0.9.5
This plugin is being developed on 3.8.X of vBulletin and has been tested on 3.6.X and 3.7.X
PHP's libcurl package needs to be installed on your server.
The usergroup "Unregistered / Not Logged" must be given permission to view network forums and in Usergroup Manager to post and reply, you can disable guest posting in the forum permissions but must be enabled in the usergroup settings.
It is recommended that your User Registration Options allow usernames up to 25 characters in length.
1. Upload all files in the UPLOAD directory, preserving the directory structure.
2. Create the following directories with the following permissions

./network/packets/incoming - chmod 777
./network/packets/outgoing - chmod 777
3. Go to your AdminCP and install the product's XML file (product-network.xml or product-network-3.5.X.xml if you're using vBulletin 3.5)
Instructions for Those Running a Network or acting as the central site
Steps for Creating a Network
1. Go into your Control Panel and under Network Management select "Add New Network"
2. Fill out the information accordingly. Make sure that the "Network Admin" and "SelfID" match.
3. Under "Network Manager" select the newly created network (click on network name).
4. Under "Add a New Messageboard" enter in the information for your messageboard/site (The primary Board/site).
The "Node Code" should match what you entered under "Add New Network" under Self ID
Click Save.
Steps for Creating a Network Forum (Share Forum)
1. Under "Network Forum Manger" select "Add Network Forum".
2. Enter in a unique numeric Network Forum ID (This can be anything I just use three digits say 199).
3. Your board will automatically be subscribed to forums set as network forums with this number, see next step.
4. Use the Forum Manager to assign this network forum to a forum on your board, open the forum (edit) and scroll to the bottom, you will see a dropdown with 2 choices – Local or Networked. Select networked then enter the Network Forum ID below such as 199 as is the case above.
You can do this for more than one forum and the satellite boards will use the same setting in the forum they wish to share.
Steps for Adding a Mesasgeboard/Site to Your Network
1. Go into your Control Panel and under Network Manager select the desired network, as per set up in step 1, click on the name to open/edit.
2. Under "Add a New Messageboard" enter the information (as per below) for the new messageboard and click "Save Board".
Node Code – for this I usually use an abbreviation of the board/site that is going to be joining, normally 3 letters.(eg abc)
Board URL is the URL of the other board/site.
Service URL is the location of service.php EG http://www.anothermessageboard.com/network/service.php or http://www.anothermessageboard.com/f...rk/service.php
depending on the site setup.
3. Use the "Network Forum Manager" to add the new board to the desired network forums.
Open Network Forum Manager, click “Add Board to Forum” under the corresponding Forum ID (eg The 199 we assigned earlier)
Enter the node code you assigned earlier for the new site/board (eg abc)
4. Once again select the desired network in the Network Manager.
5. Under "XML Update" copy the XML from "Network Nodes" and "Network Forums" and send it to the admin of the new site/messageboard. The admin will use this XML to update the network info on their board.
6. Using the Network Manager again, under "Network Updates" select the boards on your network to send an update. Every board on your network will need an update with the new messageboard's info, so you should probably select every board.
7. Click "Send Updates".
Instructions for Those Joining a Network
Steps for Joining a Network
1. Go into your Control Panel and under Network Management select "Add New Network"
2. The network admin should have supplied you with the information on this screen.
Network Name – set by central site
Network Admin – set by central site
Self ID – set by central site that would be the abc example above.
Network password – set by central site
Click Save
3. Get back to "Network Manager" under "Network Management" and open/edit the network you just added.
4. The network admin should have supplied you with XML for "Network Nodes" and "Network Forums". Paste the XML into the appropiate field and click "Save".
Your board is now configured to receive packets from the network, but you will have to assign a forum to receive and send posts see next step.
Steps for Adding/assigning a Network Forum
1. Notify your network admin that you wish to subscribe to a certain network forum, he will give you the Network Forum ID (The 199 example above) and add you to the share forum as well.
2. Once your network admin has confirmed that you have been subscribed to the network forum, use the "Forum Manager" to assign a local forum to the network forum (this can be any forum on your site, some people set up a specific forum for this purpose). These options are near the bottom of the forum configuration under "Network Options".
Select Networked Forum from the drop down and enter the Network Forum ID (eg 199) below, then save it.
Posts from both sites will now appear in that forum.
Final Notes
When adding boards, removing board, adding network forums, removing network forums, adding messageboards to and removing messageboards from network forums, all the boards on your network will need to be updated with this new information.
Open the Network Manager, open/edit the affected network.
Check the boxes in the list of subscribed sites to select those that will receive updates.
Click “Send Updates”
Go to 'Scheduled Task Manager' and set your network delivery to run (you may have to enable it) as often as you need it to. (find the network and open/edit, if everything is set to * it will send/receive every minute)
To run a test, make a post in the shared forum, then go to 'Scheduled Task Manager' and click “Run Now” under the edit button.

Cron Configuration
Your board will periodically send out updates (mostly new posts/threads). This is done through a cron, either a vBulletin "Scheduled Task" or a standard Unix cron.
In 'Scheduled Task Manager' the installer will create a task that is by default disabled.
You must enable to the scheduled task and set it to run as often as you like.
Alternatively, you can run a system cron. The cron must be run from the directory of the deliver.php script and passed the 'console' parameter. An example is below:

cd /directory/of/your/forum/network; php -f deliver.php console
1. ChairmanTroll at www.theranter.com
2. Hambil at www.theranter.com
Thank you!
Currently support for this plugin is minimal. I can be contacted at zethon@gmail.com.
I hope to one day add network voting support and pm support.
This plugin was originally developed in Summer 2006 and has undergone a lot of revision and bug fixing since. Please send me any bugs you find in the network software and I will do my best. Feel free to contribute code as well.
If you are interested in joining your board to our existing network, send me an email and we'll be happy to have you. But please realize that the content of our network is based on trolling and may not be suitable for some message boards.
If you need some help starting up your own network, let me know and I'll do my best to help out.

championcycle 04-05-2010 06:40 PM

anything on working with 4.0?

James T Brock 04-30-2010 10:22 PM

Is this mod dead? Had so much potential.

ZomgStuff 05-05-2010 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by James T Brock (Post 2029791)
Is this mod dead? Had so much potential.


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