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rknight111 04-27-2009 09:54 PM

I found a big error, the user in the middle has unlimited funds for some reason or he is being paid way too much, see the picture.


DobieGillis? 04-28-2009 12:12 AM

best original mod, bar none. My forum is Conquest obsessed. Truly a classic!

Jaxel 04-28-2009 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 1800135)
No matter what i do in the admin panel it wont change it will not let me select "can play" or "moderate" if i select then save, when i go back in it is not selected again..?

What did i do wrong in the update.?
Do i need to revert anything.?

The textdoc in the update doesn't give any info on this update it is outdated info. :(

delete your bitfield file, rebuild your bitfields, re-upload your bitfield file, then rebuild them again... that sometimes happens.

Jaxel 04-28-2009 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by rknight111 (Post 1800209)
I found a big error, the user in the middle has unlimited funds for some reason or he is being paid way too much, see the picture.


BUG FIX: Fixed a MASSIVE exploit that let people buy negative items and recieve money.

rknight111 04-28-2009 12:53 AM

I removed the mod completely and re-downloaded and started from scratch and I now have it all. Mabie uprading all the time caused an error somewhere?

ArchangelX 04-28-2009 01:24 AM

Hi, is there any way to make this mode use a specific style? Pretty interesting thus far...haven't gotten a chance to try it out really as I just installed it.

rknight111 04-28-2009 01:41 AM

I got everything working but am having a few issues now with the comment forum

1. Admin and Mods can post in the comments section, but members get an error


MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'S SPICED', '1240885905', 'visible', ''Captain Morgan\'s Spiced has joined the eli' at line 2
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Monday, April 27th 2009 @ 10:31:45 PM
Error Date : Monday, April 27th 2009 @ 10:31:45 PM
Script : http://www.snowandmud.com/forum/conq...hp?do=comments
Referrer : http://www.snowandmud.com/forum/conq...hp?do=comments
IP Address : **.52.**.1**
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
2. When adding text the box has a few things above it, bold, italics, underline, sizes, colors, link, and insert image. None of that works, can we turn that part of the comment section off?

3. The box that displays the text messages is trying to produce an avitar beside the members name, this is throwing the text off and just is an X'ed Box, and no avitar. Can this be turned off.

Just the comments box is nice by it self, mabie with the basic smiles like below on this forum

Your game is coming alog great and will be a top mod in no time. I hope you don't think im criticizing this in any way, we are just helping with any bugs and beta testing. I believe this is almost there. Great work!!

Mabie it did not like the ' in the name? But the other stuff?



ArchangelX 04-28-2009 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1800270)
BUG FIX: Fixed a MASSIVE exploit that let people buy negative items and recieve money.

Have you uploaded this fix yet? I don't see any updates?

rknight111 04-28-2009 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by ArchangelX (Post 1800312)
Have you uploaded this fix yet? I don't see any updates?

That was in the last update, for some reason mine did not update properly.

ArchangelX 04-28-2009 03:35 AM

Ahh...little confused, but okay.

Gamelobby 04-28-2009 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1800259)
delete your bitfield file, rebuild your bitfields, re-upload your bitfield file, then rebuild them again... that sometimes happens.

Any chance you can repeat that in lamens terms.?

1. Delete the bitfield file (on server in includes > xml)
2. Rebuild my bitfields..?
3. Re-upload same bitfield file (on server in includes > xml)
4. Rebuild again..?

I guess i get most of it, but what/where do i rebuild bitfields.?

Also on install, what does this mean.?
CHMOD /conquest/nations to 777.


ArchangelX 04-28-2009 07:38 AM

1. Go to your includes folder on your server and delete the bitfield_conquest.xml file...
2. Just refresh the AdminCP when you go into the Usergroup permissions area. Heck, I think it should do it own it's own.
3. Re-upload that deleted bitfield to the same location you deleted it.
4. Just do the same step as #2.

Should be good to go!

ArchangelX 04-28-2009 09:27 AM

Nominated it for Mod of the Month! Great work, keep it up! My users are already getting into it!

Sugoi na 04-28-2009 01:23 PM

Any chance you can create a list for the revisions? I would love to see what has been fixed as of late.

Gamelobby 04-28-2009 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 1798930)
So far its pretty damn good.!!
I have a few things to mention, but i think this is going to become a great mod to add on.!!
It can only get better.. right.?

Two things..

1. There should be a more obvious way to join. I have to tell every single person to go to the Barracks or to the Armory. (because i keep forgetting which one)
There needs to be a join button on the overview page.!!

2. When you fail an attack it is in RED, but when you succeed it should be in BLUE correct.?

This is still in red.Your spy mission has succeeded and 1 spies have been lost completing their mission

Just FYI. :)

1. Is there any way to run multiple games at once or to save settings so you can switch themes from round to round.?
Without having to re input all the info for all the weapons, armor, images, etc..

2. Also what do bonus defense & offenses do.?

3. And when does a round end..!?
There should be a limit to set so that people know how long they have to win, or to bother joining this round or wait for next round, etc.. You should be able to set the round time limit to a certain number of days. 5 days 10 days 30 days etc. Until the round ends then you start a fresh new round.

There is a lot to figure out by guessing.

Still some features/functions that need to be addressed. :)


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 1798959)
Also a way to PM ALL players or all in each Nation, & a place to post a link to the forum in which this could be talked about.

Would be a GREAT Feature.!


Originally Posted by ArchangelX (Post 1800384)
1. Go to your includes folder on your server and delete the bitfield_conquest.xml file...
2. Just refresh the AdminCP when you go into the Usergroup permissions area. Heck, I think it should do it own it's own.
3. Re-upload that deleted bitfield to the same location you deleted it.
4. Just do the same step as #2.

Should be good to go!

Got it, Thanks. :up:

How many Nations can you have in a round/game..?
There is a lot of potential here.!! :D

Gamelobby 04-28-2009 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by anuanu (Post 1799716)
TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.1.0: (make sure you revert these templates!)

* conquest_comments
* conquest_comments_bit
* conquest_comments_delete
* conquest_SHELL

Thats how you get the comments section.

Can you explain this better for me.?
I'm not sure i understand..

These templates are in ACP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Edit Templates > *then i get lost..
Then how do i revert them.?
The Revert option is not available on these templates.!?

Gamelobby 04-28-2009 07:22 PM

There also needs to be a max amount of turns.
A person can join the game but do nothing until a week later then recruit till the cows come home, & then have millions of dollars in only a few turns of generating income.

There NEEDS to be a limit on the amount of turns a person can build up.. this also keeps people active by not wanting to waste turns. ;)

alessai 04-28-2009 07:24 PM

i got ignored!!

ArchangelX 04-28-2009 08:33 PM

I agree with Gamelobby on that one...good idea! Great stuff, so far, keep up the good work! It's really appreciated!

tipoboy 04-28-2009 09:53 PM

is there a way to change the attack cap handicap setting from 60% to say 40%??

DobieGillis? 04-28-2009 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by tipoboy (Post 1800850)
is there a way to change the attack cap handicap setting from 60% to say 40%??

You're going down, mate! Muahahaha!

tipoboy 04-28-2009 10:03 PM

i was mearly asking a question to the OP, i dont like that i cant attack people who attack me lol

Gamelobby 04-28-2009 10:37 PM

Thats another feature that can be added.. "Revenge" you can attack anyone as long as they attacked you first. no matter what their value.

All of this is already in other games, the one i keep comparing it too is www.The+++++Boss.com
Which would be great if it had all of the features they have. :)

But yes, the Limit on Turns is one of the biggest problems i foresee.

Gamelobby 04-28-2009 10:38 PM

Why cant i post the word M A F I A .?

anuanu 04-29-2009 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 1800713)
Can you explain this better for me.?
I'm not sure i understand..

These templates are in ACP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Edit Templates > *then i get lost..
Then how do i revert them.?
The Revert option is not available on these templates.!?

Open the template and save it, It will show that you modifed it...then click revert...do that to all 4 of them

mystikmedia 04-29-2009 01:58 AM

Is it possible to edit the How to Play text? In the second sentence, "Its" should be "It's".

Gamelobby 04-29-2009 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by mystikmedia (Post 1800957)
Is it possible to edit the How to Play text? In the second sentence, "Its" should be "It's".

There are a lot more things than that, that need to be edited.
I would love to undestand what some of those directions & definitions mean. lol

Gamelobby 04-29-2009 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by rknight111 (Post 1799985)
Ok, I cannot get that part to work at all. I must of done somthing incorrectly, how can I fix now? Must of not of reverted those properly. Should I delete then reinstall?

Ok i reverted those templates, but there is still nothing.?

Do i have to reinstall again, or is there an option to enable or something.?

I got it.. just had to re-upload Conquest.php

wishdragon 04-29-2009 04:23 AM

Maybe I am being stupid...I just rencently have brought my vbulletin back up to date and reusing it after almost 2 years...

The conquest link auto,atically placed itself in the header bar which is fine excpt that the skin I am using the background color is different the then one the td that conquest is useing has.

So I thought I would just jump in the header(where I thought it would be) and just change it but its not there.

Where do I find it to correct?

I did a search in all templates to try and narrow it down using conquest.php as the parameter and it finds nothing.

Hornstar 04-29-2009 05:50 AM

For your next update could you please include an update list in the thread so I can see what progress you have made after each update. Thanks.

Hornstar 04-29-2009 06:08 AM

For your next update could you please include an update list in the thread so I can see what progress you have made after each update. Thanks.

Hornstar 04-29-2009 06:33 AM

I just started and clicked on random enemy and it said: Your scouts have returned after finding 6 possible villages for you to attack:

Well that cant be true since I am the only one.

Jaxel 04-29-2009 02:40 PM

================================================== =========
Version 1.3.0
================================================== =========
  • Added MAXIMUM TURNS option, so people cant store too many turns.
  • Added MINIMUM TROOPS option, so players wont get utterly destroyed.
  • Added REVENGE option so players can attack regardless of size.
  • Added multiple color options for success and failure notices.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed BBcode processing on nation commenting pages.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed pagination problems on Defense History pages.
  • FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.0: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
    • upload/conquest.php
    • upload/conquest/function_conquest_admin.php
    • upload/conquest/function_conquest_armory.php
    • upload/conquest/function_conquest_barracks.php
    • upload/conquest/function_conquest_comments.php
    • upload/conquest/function_conquest_homebase.php
    • upload/conquest/function_conquest_village.php
    • upload/includes/xml/bitfield_conquest.php
  • TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.2.0: (make sure you revert these templates!)
    • conquest_admin_actions
    • conquest_admin_settings
    • conquest_help
    • conquest_homebase
    • conquest_random_bit
    • conquest_SHELL
    • conquest_village

DobieGillis? 04-29-2009 03:48 PM

updated, working perfectly. Nice job, again!

valendono 04-29-2009 03:59 PM

nice .. thanks

Gemma 04-29-2009 04:08 PM

Thanks for the update :)

rknight111 04-29-2009 04:14 PM

Thanks for the updates. Nice to see a mod with alot of attention and to get the bugs out fast is great, and to listen to our ideas and add them to the game.

I have a question about this update before I do so. So I don't screw the whole game up again. I upload the files to the server, then update the product in admin cp, then as you say revert the other files, how would I do so as the first time I must of done incorrectly.:D

Nominated for MOTM :up:

slyreptile 04-29-2009 06:24 PM

How bout an option to change your allegiance to a different nation? And setting up alliances between nations would be great!

DobieGillis? 04-29-2009 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by slyreptile (Post 1801304)
How bout an option to change your allegiance to a different nation? And setting up alliances between nations would be great!

good ideas. My users are asking if they can give gold to other alliance members. This game has take my board by storm. No pun intended.

ArchangelX 04-29-2009 07:49 PM

Fantastic work!

A couple suggestions...not to put more work on you, but just to improve the game!

Usergroups & Forums: Have each nation be added to a set Usergroup rather than the limited "forum" that's implemented right now. As it is, it's not very good for planning strategy. If users could somehow be added to a usergroup when joining a specific Nation, then they could get access to their nation's forum only. Having usergroup implementation would also allow for different icons in their postbits, as well as other cool features (different headers for example or styles for the forum).

Styles: Can you add an option so that the game is able to use a specific style when you go to it? I have my current RPG setup that way, and it would look really good as I've tied this game in with it as far as the story background is concerned. It would be great if I could use a fancy style to make it look better!

Alliances: Great Idea!

Now this is something I think that would really set itself apart from the other games of it's ilk:


Each hero could purchase their own equipment (such as shields, rings, etc.), and could affect the battles by applying upgraded stats and bonuses to attack and defense. It could be a more personal version, ie, an avatar, for player's armies. The things you could do with this are endless. You could have it to where you can use your spies to stage an assasination on another player's hero that would kill them or put them out of commission for several turns. Heroes could change the tide of battle in that without them, lesser armys WITH them could prevail over larger armies? Or you could have different types of heros, such as Merchant heros that increase capital, spy heros that incrase intelligence ability, offensive heroes, defensive heroes....etc.

Just an idea to really give the game a unique twist. The battles are fun, but it needs a bit more depth, as right now, the game is pretty slow-paced. But it's definetly fun, and the potential is huge!

I find this game is really, really a great idea. I'm a decent art guy so f you need help with any of the art stuff, please let me know!

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