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Stubbed 02-03-2009 09:00 PM

FullyTested - My members have taken a shine to the mod, all is working as expected. I have defaulted the threshold values quite low to get people interested (10, 20, -10, -20), but I will make them higher at a later date.

I was never much of a fan of the reputation system built into vBulletin, so this mod with the thread five star ranking system seems to be working well.

Keep up the good work :)

PamelaE 02-03-2009 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1732821)
The only reason the stats are there is so one can search for posts of a certain rank by a specific user.
The post ranking is not supposed to provide an 'experience' for the clicker, nor is it meant to be a good behaviour point gathering counter (such as ranked badges).
It is what it is, a post ranking system. Nothing more.

But what is the incentive for users to click on it? Users don't do anything without a return on it. Some people have lowered the thresh hold and thus people see stats but in the long term that will become a little tedious.

Don't get me wrong I think this is something that could work and its potential is fantastic.
But I think this could be utilised in a much better way to give it more value.

PamelaE 02-03-2009 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1732821)
The only reason the stats are there is so one can search for posts of a certain rank by a specific user.
The post ranking is not supposed to provide an 'experience' for the clicker, nor is it meant to be a good behaviour point gathering counter (such as ranked badges).
It is what it is, a post ranking system. Nothing more.


Originally Posted by superthang (Post 1733277)
This is kind of confusion with all the highest and highly.

Is there a way to make it more simple like slickdeals?

just thumb up and thumb down?

That is a much better idea, its simple.

FullyTested 02-03-2009 09:34 PM


I understand what you are saying and a new mod that incorporates your suggestions and those of others might be a better addon to forum threads.
I understand this mod is limited in scope and is not for everyone. It does what I intended it to do and with the help of VB members such as yourself and others who have tried it and helped iron out its kinks, we can all learn from it and get inspired to create better, more exciting, and hopefully more useful mods.

PamelaE 02-03-2009 09:48 PM

Thanks FT. I think it rocks as an idea and the best system I have seen on here in terms of functionality. As I said its potential is what I find exciting.

Actually the mention of a thumbs up and thumbs down is something that will get people clicking and I'm thinking of simply changeing the icons and lowering the thresh hold.

I think icons like thumbs are more easily understood without the need for explanation.

Thanks for your work on this.

EvilSeph 02-03-2009 10:40 PM

Hi there,

Thanks for the mod! Currently testing it on a test forum (hence why I haven't marked it as installed) and I noticed that it is missing a logging feature (correct me if I'm wrong :)). Would you mind adding one? It would be very helpful in dealing with abuse of the system.

Thanks again :)

FullyTested 02-04-2009 01:20 AM

Hi EvilSeph,

Not sure what kind of log record you are seeking.
Each time a person votes it is kept track of.

FullyTested 02-04-2009 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by Stubbed (Post 1733450)
I was never much of a fan of the reputation system built into vBulletin, so this mod with the thread five star ranking system seems to be working well.

Hi Stubbed,

I originally was going to have threads rated according to the ranked posts within it but never got that far.

luan7749 02-04-2009 01:44 AM

How about "Neutral". I couldn't see Highest Rank, Lowest rank ect.
What's Error ?

AzzidReign 02-04-2009 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1733686)
Hi Stubbed,

I originally was going to have threads rated according to the ranked posts within it but never got that far.

Not sure if that would be good. Because you can have a good thread (e.g. tutorial) and then a bunch of idiots come in and say stupid stuff therefore lowering the rating.

FullyTested 02-04-2009 01:49 AM


I couldn't see Highest Rank, Lowest rank ect.
The rank only changes once enough votes have accumulated to meet the threshold values set in the admin cp product settings. All posts start as 'neutral' and then go up/down a rank as people vote.

FullyTested 02-04-2009 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by AzzidReign (Post 1733700)
Not sure if that would be good. Because you can have a good thread (e.g. tutorial) and then a bunch of idiots come in and say stupid stuff therefore lowering the rating.

I see your point.
I just thought a more integrated ranking system between posts and threads would be nice. But you are right.

EvilSeph 02-04-2009 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1733681)
Hi EvilSeph,

Not sure what kind of log record you are seeking.
Each time a person votes it is kept track of.

Thanks for the reply. :)

I'm aware the votes are kept track of, but, if I'm not mistaken, there is no interface to view this vote log? My main concern is having the facilities to deal with abuse of this system. Things like vote logging (and viewing of the logs), per-user banning from the system, etc. are really helpful to achieve this :)

FullyTested 02-04-2009 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by EvilSeph (Post 1733759)
Things like vote logging (and viewing of the logs), per-user banning from the system, etc.

OK, I see where you are going with this now.
While it is always nice to have extra features, I think the time and effort that would go into incorporating this properly would not be worth it as each user can only vote once per post and if the rank threshold is set high enough (as it should), the effect of a anti social user who constantly votes negatively on every post is marginal at best.

sensimilla 02-04-2009 09:09 AM

I couldnt find where to translate the Neutral word from postbit.. changed it in phrases but its still in english..

g0dfather1984 02-04-2009 02:22 PM

My page turns white when I go to look at a thread after installing this.


Please help.

zglows 02-05-2009 06:41 PM

I love this mod.

FullyTested 02-05-2009 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by g0dfather1984 (Post 1734276)
My page turns white when I go to look at a thread after installing this.

Re-FTP all files and re-import the product.
Please ensure that the files and product are from the same zip folder you downloaded.

Howie6666 02-05-2009 09:21 PM

Can this be enforced to promotions..

ie: If someone goes -10 for example, can I set promotions to auto ban.. or does it have to be done manually?



imedic 02-06-2009 04:27 AM

Worked like a charm. Great stuff !
I have attached my buttons in case are useful for someone. Mine are bigger because I want to encourage users to vote on them. You can see here how it looks live but only gray buttons, red and green see below.

Note: "Enter the text color for the phrase 'Low Ranked' in control panel settings " should be 'Lowly Ranked' . If you search for Low Ranked you won't be finding the phrase. ;)

@ sensimilla For Neutral search with exact match, and Case-Sensitive set to yes and it should work. Pay attention where you input the translation tho :D I am also using local language and it works.

FullyTested 02-06-2009 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Howie6666 (Post 1735555)
ie: If someone goes -10 for example, can I set promotions to auto ban.. or does it have to be done manually?

Not sure this mod is really about banning people. It could be done of course.


Originally Posted by imedic (Post 1735783)
Note: "Enter the text color for the phrase 'Low Ranked' in control panel settings " should be 'Lowly Ranked'

imedic, thanks for letting me know and for sharing the buttons.

AyeCapn 02-06-2009 07:37 PM

would it be possible to add a field for forums to INCLUDE rather than EXCLUDE? I have one forum I'd like to use this in as a replacement for a failed attempt at integrating a Pligg installation.

FullyTested 02-07-2009 03:57 AM

AyeCapn, it is pretty much a question of either one includes or excludes forums.
Since I believe most would like to exclude rather than include forums I will not be changing it.
You could however turn the exclude list into an include one yourself quite easily.

cykelmyggen 02-07-2009 08:17 AM

Where do I translate the alt-text on the ranking buttons?
...and thanks for a very nice mod:up:

cykelmyggen 02-07-2009 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by cykelmyggen (Post 1736852)
Where do I translate the alt-text on the ranking buttons?
...and thanks for a very nice mod:up:

Nevermind - just a cache teasing me ;)

imedic 02-07-2009 03:32 PM

Just a wish for the ones using translated version, on next version please use one phrase in Post Rank Statistics for each line not 2 phrases, because uppon translation if language has different topic sounds wrong
Highest Ranked Posts in my language needs to be: Posts Highest Ranked because is composed of 2 phrases: Posts and Highest Ranked
so better to use a new phrase with all words.

This is if you find free time before releasing an update for this mode and you don't know what to do with it :D
Great mod : I have translated and launched on my site. I wait for reactions.
PS nominated too :)

AyeCapn 02-08-2009 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by FullyTested (Post 1736759)
AyeCapn, it is pretty much a question of either one includes or excludes forums.
Since I believe most would like to exclude rather than include forums I will not be changing it.
You could however turn the exclude list into an include one yourself quite easily.

care to share how one would do this? :D

FullyTested 02-10-2009 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by imedic (Post 1737103)
please use one phrase in Post Rank Statistics for each line not 2 phrases

I'll fix that for the profile page stats but for the postbit that would mean the rank names would not stand out as they do now.


Originally Posted by AyeCapn (Post 1737519)
care to share how one would do this? :D

The simplest way would be to open functions_postrank.php, find the function called 'postrank_exclude_forum' and then replace where it says 'return true' (line 137) to 'return false', and 'return false' (line 139) to 'return true'.

zglows 02-16-2009 12:56 AM

Hello, FT. I think this is one of the best mods around here.
Is there a way we can have the option to show post values?
For example, 10 users vote positive and 5 users vote negative. The displayed number would be +5.
Please make this possible as an optional activated feature. I'll send you a big gift i you do.

Edit: I'd like to report a little bug. If you end up with this post order:
1st post: Lowest Ranked
2nd post: Lowest Ranked
3rd post: Highest Ranked

Then they all look highlighted.

FRANKTHETANK 2 02-16-2009 01:41 AM

holy crap this is perfect. I am building a modeling site and this will work great for ranking the models. I hope at least. :)

Capper5016 02-16-2009 06:18 AM

Would it be possible to remove "Neutral"?

Maybe an additional mod with a simple thumbs up/thumbs down for posts. I am building a debate site, and want to encourage members to vote for the best posts in each thread......ideally a way to highlight the best post in each thread, and maybe the worst posts in each thread..

FullyTested 02-16-2009 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by zglows (Post 1745468)
Hello, FT. I think this is one of the best mods around here.
Is there a way we can have the option to show post values?
For example, 10 users vote positive and 5 users vote negative. The displayed number would be +5.
Please make this possible as an optional activated feature. I'll send you a big gift i you do.

Edit: I'd like to report a little bug. If you end up with this post order:
1st post: Lowest Ranked
2nd post: Lowest Ranked
3rd post: Highest Ranked

Then they all look highlighted.

Hi zglows,

Thanks for your feedback.
I'm afraid I'm unable to duplicate your highlighting problem. Do you have a custom postbit template by any chance? Unfortunately the highlight feature relies on exact html code from original template.

As for displaying the score, since the users do not know what values you are using for the rank thresholds, the value +5 will mean nothing to them. I decided not to display any score values as I thought that would bias someone when they vote. This mod is more about keeping tabs on quality post content rather than 'post thanking'.


I'll send you a big gift i you do
A gift I cannot refuse?! :eek:
If the 'gift' does not have two knuckles, I could always customize the code.


FullyTested 02-16-2009 06:22 AM


The 'Helpful Answers' mod might be more like what you are looking for:

Capper5016 02-16-2009 06:26 AM

I installed that one, and didnt like it....yours is much better

FullyTested 02-16-2009 06:40 AM

A few posts back, members have posted some thumbs up/down images you could use, but there is no way to just highlight/hide only one post per thread as the 'score' is by rank and not points.

SymbioteK 02-17-2009 09:15 AM

ok, i guess i'm just too dumb

all installed fine, followed instructions, its all there in admin.

just not there client side.....

FullyTested 02-17-2009 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by SymbioteK (Post 1746694)
just not there client side.....

If you use custom/modified postbit templates then please ensure that they include the following (from original postbit template):
- $post[posts]
- $template_hook[postbit_messagearea_start]
- $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts]

FullyTested 02-17-2009 10:37 AM

version 1.5
Added a score display feature (+10/-5) as well as the ability to not display rank name
The following files have changed:
1). The product itself (please re-import with 'Allow Overwrite' selected)
2). includes/functions_postrank.php (please re-FTP the file to your server)
3). clientscript/vbulletin_ajax_postrank.js (please re-FTP the file to your server)

Rckcrwlr 02-17-2009 01:52 PM

No data in the files...???

FullyTested 02-17-2009 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rckcrwlr (Post 1746878)
No data in the files...???

What do you mean?

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